Names of Hell in Islam

The Names of Hell in Islam – Islam teaches us to believe in heaven and hell as the final destination of life in the afterlife. Muslims certainly know the reward for deeds that have been done in the world. Hell in Islam is interpreted as a place of reward for those who have bad deeds … Read more

Names of Angels and Their Duties

Names of Angels and Their Duties – The task of an angel is something that is commanded by Allah SWT. Allah SWT created angels with various features. But besides that, angels have tasks given by God. The task of the angel is addressed to all living things in the world. This article will discuss the … Read more

Musyarakah: Definition, Pillars, Types, and Differences with Murabaha Contracts


Musyarakah is an important contract in Islamic economics, which is increasingly recognized by residents in Indonesia. As adherents of Islam continue to understand the importance of muamalah, especially in the economic aspect, they are turning to contracts that are permissible in Islamic law. Among the various contracts used in Indonesia, musyarakah, mudharabah, and murabahah are … Read more

Most Popular Types of Jobs in Indonesia Complete

Most Popular Type of Work – For some people, profession is something that is very important in life. That is why people try their best to get the kind of job they want. This work activity aims to have income in order to survive in society. Someone even tends to live to work, not work … Read more

Most Popular Dinosaur Names in the World

The Most Popular Dinosaur Names in the World – Dinosaurus is an ancient animal that has caught a lot of world attention. The names of dinosaurs often appear in several famous films such as Jurassic Park . One of the main attractions of dinosaurs is their enormous size, which makes them look like giant animals. … Read more

Mosquito Life Cycle: Complete with Pictures and Explanations

Sinaumed’s, during the rainy season you may often find pools of water which are everywhere and can trigger the birth of mosquito larvae. In general, children have a fairly large curiosity. Mosquitoes have various kinds, but currently one type of mosquito that is most feared by many people, namely Aedes Aegypti . Mosquitoes also have … Read more

Morning Day Night Diet Menu

Day and Night Diet Menu – Everyone wants a healthy body with ideal body posture. This of course can be realized in various ways, one of which is by going on a diet. Through this diet program, it is believed that we can lose weight by adjusting our diet to be healthier. The success of … Read more

Monopolistic Market: Definition, Characteristics, and Examples

Monopolistic Market – Monopolistic competition market is a type of imperfect competition market. This monopolistic market system was developed due to the lack of satisfaction in the analysis of the perfect market competition model or monopoly market. However, if we look at it from a monopolistic market structure, the system is closer to a perfectly competitive market. However, producers … Read more

Monetary Policy: Definition, Types, Objectives and Instruments

Definition of Monetary Policy – Monetary policy is a policy in an effort to control the country’s economy on a macro basis to achieve a better economy by regulating the amount of money in circulation. A good economy itself can be seen from price stability through a controlled inflation rate, Sinaumed’s. Check out the details … Read more

Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Definition, Examples, Formulas, & Problems

When studying English, the term modal verb is certainly familiar. Modal verbs, or what is sometimes called modals, are auxiliary verbs in English. Modal verbs or Modal Verb is a type of verb that is used to show a modality. These modalities are possibility, capability, request, capacity, suggestion, command, and obligation. This modal verb is … Read more

Mobile Inventor and Mobile Development History

Mobile Inventor – It is common for everyone that technological advances make it easier for us to carry out various kinds of activities. In addition, technological advances can connect someone who is far away. For example, those of us who live in city A, can contact or establish communication with someone in city B, so that communication … Read more

Minimalist Koi Pond Design

Minimalist Koi Pond Design – The presence of a minimalist koi pond in the yard of the house can not only add to the impression of being beautiful and beautiful. But it can also add to the coolness and peace of mind of the occupants of the house. Hearing the gurgling sound of running water … Read more

Minimalist Japanese House Design Ideas and Concepts

Minimalist Japanese Home Design Ideas – The Japanese House Concept has an interior design style concept that uses a completely minimalist appearance. The architectural form of this house will look distinctive and have character. The thing that will become a form of distinctiveness in this part of the home design concept is the use of … Read more

Minimalist Fish Pond Design For Narrow Land

Minimalist Fish Pond Design for Narrow Land – For Sinaumed’s who like to raise ornamental fish but only have empty land that is not too wide or narrow. Relax, now there are many choices of minimalist pool designs for narrow land. In maintaining ornamental fish, a pond is a must that needs to be provided. … Read more

Minimalist Fence Design Inspiration

Minimalist Wall Fence Design – The concept and style of an interior design that has existed to date is very diverse, ranging from industrial, modern, classic, contemporary, eco-green styles, even styles that are tailored to the character and feelings of the designer himself. Some of us may already know or have even used one of … Read more

Migration Is: Definition, Causes, and Various Kinds

Migration is – The occurrence of people from one region to another can be considered a very natural event. This is known as migration. Within migration itself there is transmigration as well as urbanization. So, to find out more about migration, you can watch this review until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s. Definition of Migration Basic human … Read more

Microsoft founder and Bill Gates Career Story

Inventor of Microsoft – Who doesn’t know the world famous figure, Bill Gates? Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft as well as the person who founded a large company which is also named the Microsoft Corporation. The company has contributed a lot to the development and advancement of technology, especially in the field of computers. Microsoft … Read more

Microsoft Access: Definition, Functions, Benefits, and Features

Microsoft Access – Almost all computer users, especially Windows, must be familiar with using applications from Microsoft. In today’s digital era, Microsoft is almost always needed by many people because of its benefits in helping to get work done every day. Applications are widely used to complete work in the fields of education, accounting, and … Read more

Mental Verbs: Definition, Characteristics, and Examples

Definition of Mental Verbs – Verbs or verbs are units of words that function to describe an action performed by the subject or actor in a sentence. Generally, the verb in a sentence plays the role of a predicate. In Indonesian grammar, verbs are divided into several groups, one of which is mental verbs. Mental … Read more

Mendel’s Laws: Definition, Difference, Experiment, and Apparent Deviations of Mendel’s Laws

Mendel’s Law – Sinaumed’s must have known that the genes in living things greatly affect how the “form” of their offspring will be, be it in humans, animals, even plants. Yep, the existence of genes in living things is the main subject and object in Genetics, namely a science that studies how traits are inherited from parents to offspring. Genes are … Read more

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus, The Oldest Early Human History in Indonesia

Meganthropus Paleojavanicus – Indonesia has an important history and culture, including in the world of archeology or archeology. For example, the discovery of ancient human fossils. Of several ancient human fossils in Indonesia, Meganthropus Paleojavanicus is the oldest ancient human fossil. Fossils of Meganthropus Paleojavanicus were found in the Sangiran area, Central Java. Now Sangiran … Read more

Meet the Founder of Youtube, the World’s Largest Video Sharing Platform

Youtube Founder – Who doesn’t know YouTube? A platform that broadcasts videos of various genres is very popular and rivals television. Some people don’t even mind if they don’t have a television at home, but they must have YouTube. Are you a regular YouTube user? Let’s get to know this platform deeper and get to know the founders. YouTube trip 1. The … Read more

Meet Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple

Founder of Apple – It took many years for Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, to gather his enthusiasm and determination to build the Apple company, which until now has become a very well-known brand in the world. Even today, many people use Apple products with pride. In fact, the price offered by Apple is … Read more

Media: Definition, Functions, and Types You Need to Know

Definition of Media – Nowadays, maybe everyone uses the media in carrying out activities, especially activities related to communication between one individual and another individual. With the media, it will be easier for everyone to carry out their daily activities. Therefore, the definition of media can be said to be very broad, for you a … Read more

Meaning of Sakinah Mawadah Warahmah (Samawa)

Sakinah mawadah warahmah is a prayer expected by Muslims who have just married and started a family. All married Muslims certainly want a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah. That is the purpose of marriage, which is a blessing from Allah SWT. Give to those who can build a family. This book contains the best … Read more

Yogyakarta: 15 Exciting Spots for Adventurers

jomblang cave

Adventurers Go to Yogyakarta to Experience Everything from Whitewater Rafting to Climbing Volcanoes Yogyakarta is a fantastic all-inclusive vacation spot! It has everything: stunning landscapes, fascinating cultures, and a long and storied past. But you know what? There are several extreme adventure sites in Yogyakarta as well. A healthy dosage of bravery is required to … Read more

Meaning of Junub: Causes, and Procedures for Purifying It

Definition of Junub – Cleanliness is part of faith. All provisions have been regulated by Allah SWT in the Al-Qur’an and hadith. It is stated that Allah SWT really loves His holy servant and always purifies himself. This is in line with His words in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 222 which reads as follows: ….اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِيْنَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِيْنَ … Read more