Names of Days, Months, Years in English Complete with their Meanings

Names of Days, Months, Years in English Complete with Meanings – When learning English,
the first step you need to take is to know and memorize vocabulary or common vocabulary.
example is learning English vocabulary from the names of objects that are often used.

No less important, to be proficient in English knowing common vocabulary such as names of days, months and
years is also very important.
Because the use of vocabulary names for days, months and years
will often be used in everyday conversation.
So that Sinaumed’s can find out more, check out the
names of the days, months and years in English through this article!

Day Names in English

As in Indonesian, there are only 7 days in English, from Monday to Tuesday. Here are the names
of the days in English, along with examples and how to read them.

Indonesian English How to read
Monday monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/ (mandey)
Tuesday Tuesday /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ (chusdey)
Wednesday Wednesday /ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ (wensdey)
Thursday Thursday /ˈthərzdē/ (thesday)
Friday Friday /ˈfrʌɪdeɪ/ (fraydey)
Saturday Saturdays /ˈsatədeɪ/ (saderdey)
Sunday Sundays /ˈsʌndeɪ/ (sandey)

Generally, in English, days are always named starting from Sunday. As in the calendar, the
order of mention starts from Sunday.
Apart from knowing the names of the days in English,
Sinaumed’s also needs to know how to use the vocabulary of the days in a sentence.
The following
is an example of using the vocabulary for the day’s name, when used in a sentence.

Example sentences with the names of
the days in English

  1. The market is closed every Sunday
  2. My brother and his friends always go to club every Monday ( My brother and his friends always go to club
    every Monday.)
  3. They will discuss this later, at Tuesday’s meeting
  4. On Wednesday, a mountain erupted in Japan and made people run scared .
  5. You must submit your homework on Thursday without exception
  6. I’m going to the city park on Friday with my family
  7. My family and I will visit the zoo on Saturday to enjoy the weekend together

Month Names in English

Month in English means month, from January to December. The names of the months in English are
not much different from the names of the months in Indonesian, so it will be easier to memorize.
Here are the names of the months in English.

Indonesian English Month Names in Abbreviations How to read
January january Jan /ˈdʒanjʊ(ə)ri/
February February Feb /ˈfɛbrʊəri/
March march Mar /mɑːtʃ/
April April Apr /ˈeɪpr(ɪ)l/
May may may /meɪ/
June june Jun /dʒuːn/
July July Jul /dʒʊˈlʌɪ/
August August Aug /ɔːˈɡʌst/
September September Sept /sɛpˈtɛmbə/
October October Oct /ɒkˈtəʊbə/
November November Nov /nə(ʊ)ˈvɛmbə/
December December dec /dɪˈsɛmbə/

To make it clearer, here is an example of using the names of the months in English in sentences.
Here’s an example.

Example Sentences with Month Names
in English

  1. I will go to America in January to continue my studies
  2. In February there will be a lantern festival
  3. I always visit a temple at the foot of the mountain every March
  4. In April, I will visit my grandmother in Bandung .
  5. My brother and my dad celebrate their birthday in May
  6. Every June we always celebrate my mother’s birthday .
  7. I always like July because of the festival that is held near my house
  8. In August Indonesia celebrates its independence day
  9. My friend will get married in September and have a lavish wedding
  10. I always love celebrating Halloween in October
  11. In November, my friend will soon give birth to her second child.
  12. Finally I will go to Korea in December with my family

There are a number of things to consider when writing month names in sentences in English.
Here’s an explanation.

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1. Pay attention to prepositions of time. In English, the prepositions of time used must be
appropriate, the prepositions of time for hours, months, days and even years in English are used

There are three prepositions of time that need to be considered when writing English sentences with information
about the hour, day, month or year.

  • Preposition (at), is used to mention the exact or certain time. For example like at dawn,
    at night, at 9.20 am and so on.
  • Preposition (on), is used in sentences that use information about the time of day and the date.
    Examples include on Wednesday, on the 17th of August and so on.
  • Preposition (in), finally this preposition is used in sentences that use time information in the form
    of months, years, centuries and even for long periods and seasons.
    Examples are in
    November, in October, in the future, in summer, in December and so on.

2. Pay attention to the use of abbreviations for mentioning month names in English.

As previously explained, in mentioning the names of the months in English, Sinaumed’s is also allowed to use
However, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the sentence is a formal or
non-formal sentence that is spoken every day to friends.

Then, if you have chosen one of the writing styles of the month, for example formal and complete (January),
Sinaumed’s needs to consistently apply the same writing style in one sentence or discourse until the end.

Those are some things that Sinaumed’s needs to pay attention to when making a sentence using the time of month in

Year Names in English

Like the names of the months, in English the names of the years are the same. For example,
Sinaumed’s simply wrote 2020 to refer to that year.
However, the way to read the name of the year
in English is different.
That is according to the order of the numbers.

For example, 2020, it can be read two thousand and twenty. Like Indonesian, Sinaumed’s reads the
year 2020 with two thousand and twenty, the difference is that Sinaumed’s here has to mention these numbers in

The following is a more complete explanation, regarding the mention or how to read the name of the year in

1998, read one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight.

How to read 1998 as above, is a way of reading to mention a row of numbers as usual and not to say the name
of the year in English.
So, if you want to say it as the name of the year in English, here’s
how to read it.

  • 1998, read nineteen ninety eight.
  • 1999, read nineteen ninety nine.
  • 2000, read two thousand.
  • 2001, read two thousand and one.
  • 2006, read two thousand and six.
  • 1704, read seventeen and four.
  • 1990, read nineteen ninety.
  • 2016, read two thousand and sixteen.
  • 2021, reads two thousand and twenty one.
  • That’s how to read the name of the year in English, while to say the year period in a period of 10 years or
    decades you can say it like the 80s by reading it, namely eighties, 90s how to read it nineties.

To be able to read year names in English proficiently, Sinaumed’s must have mastered the vocabulary of numbers
in English.
If this number vocabulary has not been mastered, then it will certainly be
difficult for Sinaumed’s to say the name of the year in English.
Therefore, Sinaumed’s needs to learn
the names of numbers in English as follows.

Number Names and How to Read Them

In English, there are two types of numbers, namely cardinal numbers such as 1, 2, 3, and so on.
As well as the ordinal number, namely the first, second, third and so on. To be able
to read the name of the year in English, Sinaumed’s only needs to know the cardinal number.
an explanation.

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Number Indonesian English
1 One One
2 Two Two
3 Three three
4 Four Four
5 Five Five
6 Six Six
7 Seven Seven
8 Eight Eight
9 Nine nine
10 Ten Ten
11 Eleven Eleven
12 Twelve Twelve
13 Thirteen thirteen
14 Fourteen Fourteen
15 Fifteen Fifteen
16 Sixteen Sixteen
17 Seventeen Seventeen
18 Eighteen Eighteen
19 Nineteen Nineteen
20 Twenty Twenty
30 Thirty Thrirty
40 Forty fourty
50 Fifty Fifity
60 Sixty Sixty
70 Seventy Seventy
80 Eighty Eighty
90 Ninety Ninety
100 One hundred One hundred
1000 One thousand One thousand
2000 Two thousand Two thousand
3000 Three thousand three thousand

To say the names of numbers in tens, such as 22 is enough twenty two and so on, while for numbers 101 to
thousands you can say 100 and one.
Just add ‘and’ and the number name behind it.

The cardinal number is used to state the name of the year, while to mention the name of the date, Sinaumed’s needs
to mention it using an ordinal number.

To make it clearer, here are examples of sentences using the names of numbers in English.

Example Sentences Using
Year Names in English

The following is an example sentence, complete with context and conversation to say the name of the year in

1. A = Hannah invited us to her wedding party (Hannah invited us to her wedding party.)

B = When will Hannah get married? (When will Hannah get married?)

A = Its next Saturday at 8.00 am in the morning, that will be December 22th 2021 mark your calendar that
(Next Saturday at 8am, December 22, 2021. Mark your calendars for that day.)

B = Sure, can you pick me up at 7.00 am on that day? (Sure, can you pick me up at 7am that

A = Yeah, see you on next Saturday. (Yeah, see you next Saturday.)

2. A = This is a great picture, when did you take this picture? (This is a great photo, when
did you take this photo?)

B = Ah it’s on your birthday I think, October 12, 2012.

A = I looked pretty when I was young. (I looked pretty when I was young.)

3. A = Tomorrow we will attend the celebration of Indonesia’s independence day (Tomorrow we will attend the
celebration of Indonesia’s independence day.)

B = Really? When is Indonesia’s Independence Day? I don’t know because I’m not
from here.
(Really? When is Indonesia’s independence day? I don’t know because I’m not from

A = Indonesia became independent on August 17th , 1945, and tomorrow you can see the celebrations.
(Indonesia became independent on August 17th 1945, and tomorrow you can see the

B = That’s great, can you pick me up tomorrow? (That’s great, can you pick me up

A = Of course, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 8:00 pm. See you later. (Of course, I
will pick you up tomorrow at 8:00 pm. See you soon.)

That’s how to write the name of the year in a sentence, according to the needs in the context of the

Sinaumed’s can learn more about English vocabulary, or how to read the names of days, months and years in English by
reading the reference books available at sinaumedia.

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