What are the Properties of Solids? This Example and Full Explanation

Properties of solid objects – In everyday life, Sinaumed’s certainly often encounters various kinds of objects with various forms. In everyday life, there are three forms of matter that can easily be found, namely liquid, gas and solid. Each form of matter, has the characteristics and symptoms of each.

Because it has its own symptoms, Sinaumed’s needs to understand each of these forms. In this article, we will explain the properties of solids. Solids are the easiest form of matter to be found. For example plates, glasses, cutlery are solid objects.

One of the most obvious properties of solids is that they have a fixed shape and size. Although in the end solid objects are able to turn into liquid or even with the act of change. In order to understand it more clearly, here is an explanation of the properties of solid objects.

Definition of Solids

Before discussing the properties of solid objects, it is better if Sinaumed’s understands the meaning of solid objects first.

Solids in general are forms of matter that have a solid form with mass and occupy a certain space or volume.

The most obvious property of a solid object is that it has a fixed shape and size, before finally being given an action to make a change. Solid objects also have a very strong attraction between molecules, so that the shape of a solid object can have a fixed volume with a large molecular density.

If a solid object is placed in a container or a place, the shape of the object will remain as before and will not follow the shape of the container. Unless the solid object is given energy so that certain changes occur, either to liquid or gas.

This, of course, is very different from the properties of liquids and gases whose form will change according to the shape of the container when placed in a particular container.

It should be noted that solids and solids have different meanings.

A solid is a material that has a shape and volume or the space occupied by a solid, liquid or gaseous substance. There are two main ways that solid particles can be arranged, namely by neatly arranged rows in an erratic arrangement.

Where solids with particles arranged in neat regular rows are usually called crystals. Examples of crystals are ice, metals, diamonds and salt crystals.

Examples of amorphous solids are wax, glass, rubber and plastics. Because the particles of amorphous solids are arranged very closely and stick together, the solid cannot be compressed easily and cannot be reduced by pressing on the object.

Inside the solid, the individual particles will not move quickly to overcome the attractive forces between them and make the particles vibrate, but remain tightly bound inside.

Properties of Solids

From the explanation of the definition of solids above, of course, Sinaumed’s can already know some of the properties of solids which are the characteristics or characteristics of solid bodies. Here are some properties of solids that Sinaumed’s needs to know.

1. Having a fixed shape 

The nature of the first solid object can be seen from its shape. Solid objects will have a fixed shape, always the same under certain conditions, even though these solid objects are placed in certain containers with closed containers or placed in open spaces.

The shape of the fixed solid object is affected by the density of the molecules present in it. So that solid objects can survive under certain conditions to be able to maintain a fixed shape.

Its solid form will also require certain methods or processes to be able to change its shape. So that means, solid objects are difficult to experience changes in form naturally for certain solid materials. Examples include wood, iron, plastic, metal, iron and so on. To change the shape of the solid object, heat and heat energy is needed. However, there are also solid objects that change easily, such as ice cubes.

2. The volume is fixed

Apart from having a fixed shape, solids also have a fixed volume. This is influenced by its fixed shape, so that the mass of solid objects tends to remain the same. Because the volume is always fixed, solid objects will not change easily under certain conditions.

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The volume of a solid object will remain the same, even if the object is moved from one container to another. To change the volume of a solid object, a process or method is needed to be able to change the shape and form of the object, so that it can reduce or increase its volume. The result of these changes will also determine the volume of the fixed solid.

3. Can be changed by using certain methods and processes

Just like the nature of other objects, solid objects can change shape or form, from solid to gas or liquid.

Even though the shape and volume of solid objects tend to be the same, solid objects can change shape or even form in certain ways and through certain processes.

Examples include melting or sublimation which can change the shape or form of solid objects by going through several symptoms such as changes in color and changes in smell.

Changing solid objects can undergo different processes or methods, so that it will require time and special tools. For example, turning wood into paper, chairs, cupboards or even tables takes time and a certain way.

However, there are changes in solid objects that can change their shape easily. For example, like melting ice cubes or by placing camphor in an open room, the two objects will change shape over time.

4. Has mass

Every shape or form of an object, of course, has mass, including solid objects that have mass properties. This mass will then affect various kinds of solid objects in one’s daily life.

For example, when there is a change in the shape or shape of a solid object, the mass of the solid object will also change. Sinaumed’s can prove that solid objects have mass when holding or carrying solid objects, some objects feel light but some feel heavy.

If Sinaumed’s feels this, it means that the solid object has mass properties. Mass in solids, usually can be measured in grams, kilograms and so on. Examples include metal, wood, iron, sand, soil and other solid objects.

5. Incompressible 

There are some solids that are incompressible. So that means, the solid object is quite difficult to suppress because it has a density or molecular density.

Some solid objects do not have cavities, thus making them difficult to compress, for example wood, iron, stone, or plastic.

Even though there are some solid objects with softer properties, there will still be solid objects that are hard and difficult to compress or compress. So, naturally, if solid objects have a fixed shape or volume because the properties of solid objects are also difficult to compress.

6. Can not flow

Solids don’t flow like liquids. That is, even solid objects will not easily propagate easily. Solids cannot flow because they have a fixed shape and volume.

This can affect the process of flow, because flowing is a process that can change the shape or volume of an object, namely liquid objects will tend to follow the shape of their container, such as water and other liquids.

Characteristics of Solids

In order to better understand the properties of solids, Sinaumed’s also needs to know the characteristics or characteristics of solids and changes in solids. Here’s a more detailed explanation.

Based on the properties of solids that have been described previously, Sinaumed’s can certainly draw the conclusion that solids have characteristics that are easy to recognize. The following is a summary of the characteristics of a solid state that Sinaumed’s needs to know:

  1. The shape of solid objects cannot change even though solid objects have been moved from one container to another.
  2. The size of a solid object will not change even if the object is moved from one container to another.
  3. The volume of a solid remains constant and does not change under certain conditions.
  4. The density or density of solid objects tends to be relatively higher.

Solid Change

Just like the shape of other objects, the shape of solid objects can change, even though the shape and volume of solid objects are always the same. Changes in solid objects, can be in the form of changes in form or shape which can be followed by changes in color and smell of these solid objects. Therefore, any change in shape or form will definitely be followed by a change in the color and smell of the object.

Changes in the form of solid objects will also occur naturally or physical and chemical changes. Changes in solid objects can then be identified from the process of change, for example, such as sublimation, freezing, searching which requires energy and heat in the process of changing its form.

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The following is an explanation of changes in solid objects accompanied by examples of changes in shape that are often encountered in everyday life:

1. Changes in form

Deformation is a change in solid objects into other solid objects and has a different shape. Changing the shape of a solid object into another solid object, still requires a special way to change it and will still change the structure of the molecules of the solid object.

So, changes in shape in solid objects can occur through physical changes, as well as chemical changes that can replace the chemical elements present in these solid objects.

Changes in the shape of solid objects chemically cannot restore the original shape of the solid before certain changes occur. Some examples of solid objects that change shape are as follows:

a. Plastic

This one solid object is a solid object with a relatively high density or molecular density with the properties of a flexible, slightly strong and slippery object.

When plastic undergoes a heating process, these objects can turn into various forms of objects such as basins, buckets, chairs, plates, glasses and even cupboards.

Plastic material is considered a material that is easy to find and has a fairly affordable price. Because of this, Sinaumed’s will easily find solid objects with a plastic base.

b. Paper 

Paper is a solid object resulting from changes in solid objects, namely from wood and then cooked to become pulp or pulp. The paper material will then undergo various kinds of filtering processes, until it is finally formed into paper that is usually used for writing and other needs.

2. Changes in form

Changes in form are changes that occur in solid objects where not only the shape changes, but the shape of the object also changes.

The change in form, in the form of changing objects that originally had a solid form changed to another form, namely the form of gas or even liquid.

Generally, changes in the state of a liquid can undergo a process of physical change that can be returned to its original form. Meanwhile, the chemical changes that occur change the chemical elements, so that the shape of solid objects cannot be returned to their original form.

Here are some examples of changes in the shape of objects that Sinaumed’s needs to know about:


Ice cubes are solid objects and have properties that quickly change even though they are solid objects. Ice has a fixed density and size under certain conditions.

However, when exposed to energy or heat, it becomes very easy for ice cubes to change form to liquid by the process of changing.

The ice cubes will change into water with different properties from the previous object, which is solid. The change in the state of ice cubes from solid to liquid is a physical change and does not experience a chemical change, because only its shape changes.

Margarine and butter

Margarine and butter are solid objects, although margarine and butter are soft. If these two objects undergo a heating process, their form will change from solid to liquid.

When experiencing a change in form, margarine and butter do not experience changes in their chemical elements, so they enter into physical changes. The elements from which the solid is formed are still the same, when it has changed its form to a liquid.


Camphor is a solid object that can change its form when placed in an open space. Mothballs that are left in an open room will turn into a gas due to the process of subliming into the air.

This can happen due to changes in pressure, air temperature which can make the form of camphor change.

The properties of camphor will also turn into a gaseous object which will follow the shape of the container or the influence of air from a certain room. The changes that occur in camphor are chemical changes due to changes in the chemical elements of camphor which mix with air to become gas.

That is the explanation of the nature of solids. Sinaumed’s can learn more about this by reading related books that discuss the shape of objects. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful as well as add to your insight.

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Author: Khansa