Monologue: Definition, Aspects, Characteristics, Types, and Recommended Books

Monologue – Talking about performing arts, there are indeed many kinds, especially since every performing art always displays beauty every time it appears. Usually this performing arts is performed on an indoor stage or an outdoor stage. Apart from that, some performing arts are free to be exhibited by the public and some are paid.

Performing arts that are held in this room are usually carried out in an arts theater building. However, there are also those that are carried out in a hotel room which has quite a large room. Meanwhile, performing arts held outdoors are usually carried out in a large area, such as a field or parking lot. Performing arts that are held indoors or outdoors certainly have their own pleasure when watching them.

The performing arts themselves are usually played or performed by people who are experts in the performing arts. For example, singing shows will certainly be performed by someone who is good at singing, as well as other performances. Someone who is going to do a performance will definitely do some practice beforehand in order to be able to show the maximum appearance to the audience.

Some prefer to watch performing arts alone, some prefer with friends or with family, and some prefer to watch shows with their loved ones. So, do you prefer to watch shows alone or accompanied by other people?

Each performing arts certainly has its own uniqueness and characteristics. In addition, connoisseurs or observers of the performing arts also vary. One of the performing arts that many people like is theatrical art. When it comes to theatrical art, it is bound to be attached to drama and monologues. Even though these two things are in the theater arts, they are fundamentally different.

On this occasion, we will discuss more about the art of performing monologues. It could be that after knowing what a monologue is, you will become more interested in participating in monologue performances. So, take a look at this review, it’s trash, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Monologue

Monologue comes from the Greek word mono and legein. Mono means one while legein means to speak. So, a monologue is just one person speaking. As previously explained, this monologue is part of theatrical art. Therefore, monologue can be said as a role art that is performed alone.

In short, monologue can be said as someone who speaks alone. Monologue means the study of acting. So, a monologue is a scene that is played by only one person. Apart from that, some monologues are only in the form of movements and some are combined with a script that has been made.

The communication process that occurs in the monologue is carried out in stages where each stage is in the form of an event that is played out by himself so that he can present a story that can be understood by the audience. Therefore, some people say that doing a monologue must consist of an element of communication. This element must exist so that the monologue actor can convey the meaning of a story through acting performed by himself.

In simple terms, it can be said that a monologue is a way to convey a message with just one speaker in a motion that is adapted to the contents of the statement. This is in line with the meaning of monologue based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), monologue is a play scene with a single actor who carries a conversation alone.

Aspects of Assessment Monologue

If you want to act out a monologue, you should pay attention to several aspects of the monologue. This needs to be done so that the meaning and message of the monologue can be conveyed while the audience feels amazed at the way the story is told. The following are aspects of monologue assessment, including:

1. Theme Appropriateness

The first aspect of conducting a monologue is the suitability of the theme. Every performing arts organization must have a predetermined theme. Therefore, the story to be conveyed by a monologue must be in accordance with a predetermined theme. For example, when you want to bring up the theme of independence, the story that is told must be related to independence, such as struggle.

Monologues that match the theme make it easier for the audience to understand the storyline and take meaning from the monologue stage. So, don’t always remember to adjust the theme when you want to act out a monologue.

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2. Character Mastery

The second aspect of the monologue is character mastery. As previously explained, monologue is part of acting, so you should master the role to be played. Therefore, monologue actors will practice for weeks or even months before doing monologue theater.

In mastering this character, some are done independently and some are done with a mentor. Both of these are equally good and should be adapted to one’s own character and abilities.

3. Mastery of the Stage

Monologue is an art that is played or performed on stage, so that when playing it, the actor must dominate the stage. In this case, mastery of the stage can be interpreted as an actor who understands what direction he should move when acting out a monologue.

4. Props and Costumes

In the arts, acting cannot be separated from props and costumes. Both aspects must exist because they can support the storyline, so that the audience understands what story the monologue actor wants to convey. Usually, these props and costumes have been determined by the director of the monologue theatrical performance, so the monologue actor only needs to wear the costume.

5. Decoration

In addition to props and costumes, when staging a monologue, you must pay attention to the decoration aspect. That’s right, decoration must be given great attention because it has quite an important aspect because without decoration, a monologue performance will feel normal and will reduce the audience’s awe.

There is already a team for the decoration itself, so that the monologue actors can focus on the movements and dialogue that will be brought on stage. This decoration must also be adjusted to a predetermined theme.

6. Vocal or Intonation

In staging a monologue, the actor will issue a dialogue that will form a story. Therefore, in playing a monologue, you must pay attention to aspects of vocals or intonation. This is because these two things can touch the audience’s feelings and it becomes easier to understand the meaning of the monologue being played.

Monologue Features

  1. The form of one’s opinion is collaborated with silent sentences or dialogues. Where to be able to synchronize requires careful planning. However, there are exceptions to a few people who are skilled at creating the art of monologues spontaneously without a plan.
  2. The performer of the monologue is only one person, there are no opponents or partners.
  3. Use descriptive narrative messages. Of course using a certain theme that has been set. To support this narrative, supporting documents are needed, which can be in the form of presentations, pictures or something else.
  4. Monologue is more often used for theater arts and acting. Rarely used in dramas, soap operas or FTV.
  5. Monologues can invite the audience to interact simply to give an impression of their actions.
  6. More appropriate and suitable for silent dialogue, or in general language, pantomime performances that only combine communication through movement and alone.
  7. Describe consistently but interact with each other’s messages.

Monologue Types

1. Biographical Narrative Monologue

A biographical narrative monologue is a narrator who is required to retell actual events that have been experienced in the past. The thing to emphasize here is that the narrator should not highlight the characters of other characters in the story. In other words, purely just telling himself.

2. Fictional Character-Driven Monologue

A fictional character-driven monologue is a monologue that gives the narrator the freedom to tell based on his imaginative power. With this type of monologue, you can highlight more than one character and be free to express it.

The imaginative intention here is not merely the narrator’s imagination. The narrator can also tell an imaginative story when he was a child. So, it’s not just the narrator’s imagination in the present, but more broadly the intended imaginative form.

3. Topical monologue

Topical monologue is one monologue that emphasizes everyday events. Where the monologue is not just telling the story of everyday life that is experienced. but the monologue may also tell the results of observations that have been made. Of course based on observation through observation.

If you look at it at a glance, you could say that a topical monologue is similar to a stand-up comedy. However, the two actually have something in common, viz. the similarities between the two have a sense of humor where the sense of humor is taken from combining anecdotes.

4. Storytelling monologue

In accordance with its type, monologue storytelling focuses more on narrative stories. The narrator is the storyteller who tells by following the changes in the expression being told. Then, the narrator can imitate the character of the character being told.

5. Reality Based Monologue

Thus, the difference between a reality-based monologue and other monologues lies in the core form or presentation of the monologue itself. In this type of monologue a narrator refers to experiences, real stories that have been used.

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The form of reality-based monologue is not only conveyed in the form of a story. However, it can also be presented in the form of photo shots, text, or in video form. In fact, it can also be conveyed in the form of a story.

6. Monologues of Biographical Characters

The most notable difference from a biographical monologue is that it features dialogue rather than story. So, in this type of monologue, the narrator can tell more than one character. In fact, it can stage more than 10 character characters at once.

Basically, to act out a monologue is not easy, so special skills are needed. Not only that, monologue actors also have to practice regularly so they can give performances that will impress the audience.

Well, that’s the explanation of the monologue. So, are you getting interested in exploring the monologue role?

If Sinaumed’s is interested in knowing more about monologues, you can learn about them by reading references on the internet or books that you can only get at . To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.

Book Recommendations Related to Monologues

1. Political Monologue

In this Political Monologue book , five monologues written by Putu Fajar Arcana are presented in an unusual way of looking at reality.

Monologues are not so popular as a method of expressing various phenomena that occur around us. However, these works prove how the story and role of a character can become an anchor to slowly enter the vast jungle of the world of politics, which is a mess.

This Political Monologue book provides evidence that the world of harsh and banal politics can also be approached in a subtle way, but still dives right down to the core of the problem, namely human morality!

2. The Monologue of the Wind

The Wind Monologue is a collection of Bagus Burham’s poems. For him, writing poetry is nothing. The poetry he wrote was later recorded as a pilgrimage in honor of his predecessors in the world of literature, an attempt to emulate exemplary and kindness, as well as a way of self-museum.

Bagus Burham’s poems are soft and sometimes empty and even harsh, like an unexpected wind.

Bagus Burham, born in Kudus 1992. Now he is listed as a PGSD student at Muria Kudus University and is active in the Jenang Literary Community. Bagus Burham’s works have appeared in various poetry anthologies of poets in Central and East Java. In fact, his poetry has also appeared in various media, both print and online media , which contain his selected works.

3. Aldy’s Monologue: The Inspirational Story of Atistics Paintings of Persons with Autism

Aldy or Raynaldy Halim, born in 1997, has had autism since he was 16 months old. Various ways of healing have been attempted by the father and mother, involving many doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, religionists, traditional healers to spiritual experts from various cities and countries.

Aldy finally got better through painting therapy, and now he is a painter. The beauty of the nuances of his work is phenomenal, thus attracting the attention of international exhibition committees. This book tells of his suffering, his struggles, his achievements, and his happiness.

Augustine says: deus intimeor intimo meo, God is closer to me than I am to myself. Aldy, through the strokes of his paintings, has succeeded in embodying the story of the hidden presence of God’s love in his life.

Aldy’s paintings are not only rich in color, but also decorated with messages of love, even though all of them are depicted in abstract patterns. Aldy’s paintings also often carry messages from nature, so that his works can be an inspiration for all mankind.”

Aldy’s paintings contain many beautiful nuanced details. Aldy’s work is a form of energy and imagination that grows from purity of heart, starting from hidden talents. Everything flows and boils down to a vibrant canvas with vibrant colors.

4. 25 Monologues by Arswendo Atmowiloto

Arswendo Atmowiloto has one and a half months to write 25 monologue scripts. The number 25, at the same time welcoming the 25th anniversary, London School of Public Relations (LSPR), Jakarta, where he teaches Creative Writing and Directing courses.

Since 2015, together with students from the Performing Arts Communication (PAC) concentration, he has had a program of writing scripts, training, staging, and discussing those embodied in productions with the titles “We Perform Theater” (PAC Batch 17, 2015), “Kisah Ruang Wait” (PAC Batch 18, 2016), and “Parade 25 Monologue by Arswendo Atmowiloto” (PAC Batch 19, 2017).

Twenty-five monologue texts in this book are dedicated to LSPR Jakarta, Indonesia’s favorite communication college, which has a tradition of performing arts and performing arts festivals every semester.

Thus the review of the monologue. Sinaumed’s can read other monologue-related books that have been recommended at sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.