Mobile Inventor and Mobile Development History

Mobile Inventor – It is common for everyone that technological advances make it easier for us to carry out various kinds of activities. In addition, technological advances can connect someone who is far away. For example, those of us who live in city A, can contact or establish communication with someone in city B, so that communication will be well established. Therefore, with technology, it will be easy for us to find out the condition or condition of someone we love, even though they are quite far apart. The name of the technology that functions as a means of communication is the telephone.

Usually this phone will be placed in the house or placed in a public place (public telephone). However, along with the times, technology has also developed. Previously, the telephone could only be used in one place or could not be carried anywhere, now it can be used in different places and can be put in a bag or also in a shirt or trouser pocket. A telephone that can be carried anywhere is known as a mobile phone or in Indonesian it is better known as a “mobile phone”.

Nowadays, almost everyone has a mobile phone , maybe you also have a mobile phone . In addition, the use of mobile phones in this modern era can be considered quite important because almost all activities carried out will be connected to mobile phones , be it for taking notes, making calls, sending messages, and so on.

The cellphones that we use today are always developing, one of the developments can be seen through its shape which is getting thinner and thinner. Therefore, in its development, mobile phones are divided into several generations. Each generation is a refinement of the previous generation. Therefore, every time a new mobile phone appears , it must have better specifications.

The cellphone itself was first discovered by someone named Martin Cooper. Therefore, the cell phone that was first discovered by Martin Cooper can be regarded as the first generation cell phone . After the first generation of cellphones appeared , in the following years a new generation appeared.

In this article, we will discuss more about the brief biography of Martin Cooper and the brief history of the development of mobile phones . So, happy reading, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Mobile

Mobile consists of two phrases in English, namely hand which means hand or grip, and phone means cellphone or telephone, so that it can be said that a mobile phone is a mobile phone. Therefore, as the name suggests, we can hold this phone anywhere and anytime because there is no need for an antenna with a cable when using it. This is the same as the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a mobile phone is a telephone with a wireless antenna that you can carry anywhere.

Basically, in Indonesia there are two types of wireless mobile phones, namely GSM ( Global System for Mobile Telecommunications ) and CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access ). Usually in Indonesia everything related to cellular telecommunications is always connected to an association called the Indonesian Cellular Telecommunications Association or abbreviated as ATSI.

At the beginning of its emergence, mobile phones were always synonymous with luxury goods, so only certain people had these communication tools. However, along with the times and globalization, cellphones are no longer a luxury item, in fact, almost everyone has electronic devices that have these various functions. Many people already have cell phones because every activity we do is usually related to cell phones .

Mobile phones , which are increasingly equipped with sophisticated features, allow users not only to make phone calls, but also to record sound or video, take photos of things, watch movies, and even use a mobile phone to study and do business . Therefore, many people already have their own home business and can promote it easily.

Mobile phones that are no longer a luxury item can actually connect us with someone who is abroad. In addition, more importantly, by using a mobile phone , various kinds of work can be completed effectively and efficiently.

Although, mobile phones have many benefits, especially making it easier for us to do something, but you should not play mobile phones too often because it can interfere with our health. It would be nice to use mobile phones wisely so that our health is not disturbed.

Mobile Inventor: Martin Cooper

Martin Cooper was the first person to invent a cell phone or cell phone. Even he himself never imagined that he could make a small, cordless cell phone that could be taken anywhere. Martin Cooper has the full name, namely Martin Marty Cooper and he was born in Chicago, Illinois, United States on December 26, 1928.

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In 1950, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering . Martin Cooper who was very interested in electronics chose to continue his studies at the Institute of Technology and he earned a Masters degree in electronics engineering in 1957. He pursued his Masters education after leaving the United States Navy. Prior to conducting research on cell phones, Martin Cooper joined the United States Navy and he was assigned to a United States Navy destroyer.

Martin Cooper really wanted to communicate with other people personally and freely and without using a telephone, so he thought of creating an electronic device like that. Until 1970, he began to conduct research and development of a wireless communication device. Motorola is a telecommunications company based in the United States.

Around the 1970s, Martin Cooper was commissioned by John F. Mitchell (Chiroola’s chief portable communications project engineer) to hold the position of lead engineer in the car division ( carphone ). Then, John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper thought about how to make a communication tool that could not only be used in the car. Until finally, Martin Cooper was entrusted with leading research on mobile devices or cellphones .

After much thought, Martin Cooper finally came up with the idea that a wireless communication device must be small and light so that it is easy to hold and can become a portable device. In order to create the mobile phone prototype, in 1972, Martin Cooper took 90 days.

Then, the mobile phone prototype that he had found began to be tested on April 3, 1973. Martin Cooper is believed to be the first inventor as well as the first person to make calls or communicate using a cellular cellphone prototype. It didn’t stop there, the incident of making calls with cell phones was carried out in front of journalists and people who were walking in New York City. The first call made by Martin Cooper was addressed to Dr. Joel S. Engel, he was the head of research at Bell Labs and the first sentence that came out at that time was “ Joe, I’m calling you from a “real” cellular telephone. A portable hand-held telephone .”

It was only in 1973 or more precisely on October 17, 1973, Martin Cooper and the engineers who helped him create a mobile phone and John F. Mitchell began patenting his findings and his invention was named the Radio Telephone System . They started submitting their invention with patent number 3906166. It was only in September 1975, that the Radio Telephone System invention had a patent on their name.

Thanks to his invention, Martin Cooper was dubbed the “Father of the Cellular Telephone (cellphone)”. Although Martin Cooper is believed to be the inventor of the cellular telephone, he has always said that his findings were thanks to teamwork.

After the cell phone was first discovered by Martin Cooper, the cell phone continues to experience development or improvement. In the end, cellular phones were created that could not only be used to make calls, but also for other things, such as sending messages, making videos, taking photos, and so on.

A Brief History of Cellphones

The history of the cellphone itself is actually divided into four generations, where the first generation is a cell phone created by Martin Cooper. Therefore it can be said that Martin Cooper’s cell phone was the forerunner of the cell phones that we use today. Here are four generations of cellphones that you need to know about.

1. Generation I (1973)

The mobile phone or mobile phone in the first generation was discovered in 1973 and the inventor was Martin Cooper. In this first generation, mobile phones are often referred to as the 1G generation and are also known as AMPS (frequency between 825 Mhz to 894 Mhz). Therefore, this generation of mobile phones can be said to be analog. Talking about the weight or weight of the first generation mobile phone, it weighs around 2.5 pounds or 1.1 kg. Therefore, the first generation mobile phone is a fairly heavy cellular phone.

Meanwhile, the length of the cellphone is around 10 inches or 25 cm, making it difficult to put it in a shirt or pants pocket. The battery in the first generation cellphone only lasted 20 minutes, so we couldn’t use it for too long. The mobile phone created by Martin Cooper is known as the DynaTAC ( Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage ).

2. Generation II (around 1990s)

The next generation is the second generation (around the 1990s) from the history of the development of mobile phones or cell phones. Increasingly advanced technology makes this generation of mobile phones increasingly sophisticated. This sophistication can be seen in the use of chips on mobile phones and using 2G technology. This generation of cell phones is expected to appear around the 1990s. At that time, the United States was already using CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access ) technology. Meanwhile, in Europe using GSM GSM ( Global System for Mobile Telecommunications ) technology.

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In addition to the use of chips in mobile phones, in this generation, the analog signal changes to a digital signal. even the features of this generation of mobile phones are not only being able to make calls, but can send messages and call waiting. We can find this generation of mobile phones in the Nokia 1011, Motorola International 3200, Motorola StarTAC, and Nokia 9000 Communicator.

3. Generation III (around 2000s)

Entering the 2000s meant entering the third generation of mobile phones where the use of increasingly sophisticated technology, namely 3G. With the use of 3G technology, the range of signals on cell phones is wider, so that communication is more comfortable. Basically, in the world of 3G signal telecommunication, there are 3 standards, namely EDGE ( Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution ), Wideband-CDMA , and CDMA 2000.

Not only that, the third generation of mobile phones began to include several operating systems, so they are often known as smartphones or smart phones. Therefore, the features possessed by third generation mobile phones can be said to be close to computer functions. In general, operating systems are used, such as Android, iOS, Symbian, and Windows Mobile.

4. Generation IV (starting from the 2010s)

The last generation of mobile phone development is generation IV or better known as Fourth Generation (4G) technology. In addition, the technology offered in this generation of mobile phones can be connected to wireless technologies, such as Wireless Broadband (WiBro), 802.16e, CDMA, wireless LAN , Bluetooth , and so on. Therefore, users who use this generation of mobile phones will get several benefits, such as users can use the operating system at any time, have high speed, signal coverage can reach globally, and so on.

In fact, users can play online games , watch movies, and use other multimedia features. The first IV generation mobile phone or cell phone was the HTC Corporation.

Mobile Function

After discussing the history and brief biography of the inventor of the cellphone, Martin Cooper, now what will be discussed is the function of the cellphone .

1. As a Communication Tool Between Humans

The main function of a mobile phone is to be able to communicate with other people without using an airplane cable. This first function has actually existed since the first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper. It feels incomplete, if a cellphone cannot be used to communicate or make calls to other people.

2. Looking for Data, News, Information with Internet Services

The technology on mobile phones is increasingly sophisticated, making mobile phones able to use internet services. In this era of globalization, internet services can be said to be quite important because they can easily search for data, news, and information, both domestically and abroad.

3. Entertainment

In this case, the intended entertainment function is being able to play games , being able to watch YouTube applications , being able to listen to music, and even being able to watch movies. However, the thing that needs to be underlined from all this is that internet service is needed. If there is no internet service, then the entertainment function can be said to be less than optimal. However, to do things like watch movies, watch YouTube , and so on, you can only use generation IV cellphones .

4. Storing Data

The more sophisticated a mobile phone , the greater the storage memory it has. Therefore, the next function of a cellphone is to store data, such as photos, videos, files, and so on.

5. Sending Messages

Besides functioning to make calls to other people, mobile phones also function to send messages, such as SMS ( Short Message Service ) and chatting . With the sending message feature, it will be easy for us to receive news from other people. In fact, we can send electronic messages or better known as “send email “.

6. Create Photos and Videos

Mobile phones that are increasingly sophisticated make their features even more sophisticated, such as features for taking photos and making videos. This is because the current mobile phone already has a camera feature that is almost similar to a real camera. In fact, it can be used to make a video recording that has a sale value.


Cellphones or cell phones are technologies that are always improving, so that they can make it easier for users to do a job. In addition, mobile phones that are increasingly sophisticated have internet services, so that users can get domestic or foreign information easily. More importantly, this cellphone is no longer a luxury item or you could say it is a must-have item.

Source: From various sources