Microsoft Access: Definition, Functions, Benefits, and Features

Microsoft Access – Almost all computer users, especially Windows, must be familiar with
using applications from Microsoft.
In today’s digital era, Microsoft is almost always needed by
many people because of its benefits in helping to get work done every day.
Applications are
widely used to complete work in the fields of education, accounting, and even marketing.
work related to inputting text, numbers or data into a computer system relies heavily on Microsoft
application programs.

Of the many applications from Microsoft that are often used by many people, such as Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint, even these applications have many experts.
from that, Microsoft actually has a superior application that few people know about, but is well known for
fields such as business, offices, and even programmers.
The application is Microsoft

So, here is an explanation of the meaning, history, functions and benefits of this application program:

A. Definition of Microsoft Access

Developer Microsoft Corporation
Prime Release November 1992
Operating system Microsoft Windows

As part of Microsoft Access, it is an application program based on relational computer data that is
intended for homes and companies that are still relatively small to medium-sized companies.
Just like its siblings, this application program is already widely available on computers with the
complete Microsoft Office package.

Microsoft Access itself has the task of managing the database or data base. A data base or
database is an organized and structured collection of data.
This data base will be processed
specifically to become an interesting information.
Therefore, the database requires data to be
entered in order to process it.
Unlike other database application programs, Microsoft Access
specifically uses the Microsoft Jet Database Engine database engine.
That makes this
application program has an intuitive graphical display that can make it easier for users to operate.

As a data-based application program, Microsoft Access can process data stored in any type of data base
container, as long as it supports the ODBC standard.
As a result, this application program is
certain to store data from the Microsoft Jet Database Engine, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, and so
Good connectivity of this application program with other database application programs will
be very beneficial for program makers, or so-called programmers.
Programmers can maximize this
application to develop complex applications.
Not only complex applications, this application
program can also be used to develop simpler applications, considering that more and more people here prefer
simple and lightweight applications with maximum features.

B. History of Microsoft Access

This application program was first released in November 1992. In its first version, Microsoft launched
Microsoft Access 1.0.
However, not long ago, in 1993, Microsoft developed Microsoft Access 1.0
to become Microsoft Access version 2.0.
In operating Microsoft Access 2.0, Microsoft provides
minimum specifications for users to be able to use this application.

The minimum specifications set by Microsoft can be seen in the following points:
The computer has a
Microsoft Windows 3.0 operating system.

RAM capacity of 4 MB (recommended 6

8 MB of free hard disk space required (14 MB is recommended).

Database program applications can work very optimally in a database that has many records.
However, in some cases, the data may be damaged. It can be ascertained that there are
many causes of data corruption.
One of the most common is due to outdated device drivers or
incorrect configuration.

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A code name that was first used by Microsoft Access was “Cirrus”. The code name was developed
even before Microsoft released and developed Microsoft Visual Basic.
In addition, the name
“Ruby” is used for the codename of the interface form building engine from Microsoft.

As an application with great potential to be developed, Bill Gates, as one of the founders of Microsoft,
saw that the prototype needed to be further developed.
That’s what makes a decision that
components of the BASIC programming language must be developed simultaneously.
Development is
carried out concurrently, of course, as a separate application, but it can be very broad.
development project is named Thunder.

C. Microsoft Access function

When discussing the functions of an application from Microsoft, there will probably be a lot of Microsoft
users who are enthusiastic about knowing and understanding the functions of the Microsoft Access
This becomes very reasonable because this application program is very well known
and needed by business people.
What’s more, this application program can greatly simplify
matters related to data management in a business company or organizational institution.

In matters of data management, this application program is almost like its other siblings, namely Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excel.
However, Microsoft Access is given special capabilities to further
assist corporate actors, businesses, programmers, organizations, and so on.

So, here are the Microsoft Access functions that you really need to know.

1. In the field of business

As explained above, Microsoft Access is intended for users for business purposes. From small,
medium to large businesses.
In an effort to develop a business, of course, you will not be
separated from the word database.
This application program greatly facilitates work in the
business sector such as making financial reports, profits, salaries for employees, and so on.
Using Microsoft Access will greatly help and speed up business affairs and business

2. In the field of education

Unlike the business sector, the function of Microsoft Access in the education sector can be seen from its
operation for various purposes at the school level.
Someone who is usually in charge of
managing the school’s database is the school admin.
The school admin is very responsible for
all matters relating to school data, from schedules from students and teachers, administrative and library
employee needs, to other matters.
Good data management will make it very easy for school admins
to create, manage, edit, and delete data.

3. In the field of offices

At a glance, the function of Microsoft Access in the office sector looks almost similar to its function in
the business sector.
The function of this application program in the office sector is usually
used by someone from the office who is responsible for managing the data base.
The people who
have these responsibilities are secretaries, financial administration, and so on.
Even though
in an office not everyone can operate and understand the work functions of Microsoft Access.
However, expertise will be needed in office matters, due to the need for offices to manage data
bases easily and quickly.

D. Benefits of Microsoft Access

After knowing and understanding the functions of Microsoft Access above, of course there are lots of
benefits that can be provided to make work easier, whether business, school, office, or even an
Especially with the rapid development of technology now, you can be sure that
there will be more and more attractive, functional and professional features.
This application
program will be very useful for us to add expertise related to the data base.
It is also
possible, because the function of Microsoft Access is to help improve the quality of data processing work,
in the future there will be very many companies that need people who are experts in operating Microsoft

Well, here are two benefits that can be felt when using this application program.
1. Make energy
effective and time efficient

2. Facilitate onerous work, especially in database

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E. Pros and Cons of Microsoft Access

Like other application programs, Microsoft Access is a data processing application program that will
continue to be developed according to the needs of the times.
As an application that will
continue to grow, this application program certainly has advantages and disadvantages on several sides.
Behind its advantages, such as being practical and easy to use, it is very popular among database
systems, support for multiple users, and so on.
There are some drawbacks that this application
program also has as a risk of overload.

So, here are the advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft Access that you need to know.

1. Excess

a. Easy to use.

The Microsoft Access application program is relatively easy to use and not confusing. For
users who want to learn about database systems, this application program will be very helpful because of the
ease of operating it.
In addition, this application program also provides Wizards who will be
ready to guide you through the instructed steps.

b. Popular database system.

This application program is one of the most popular desktop-based database systems in the world.

c. Saving money.

Not only is the operating system quite easy and very helpful, the cost of using Microsoft Access is relatively
inexpensive, compared to other database systems which are bigger and more expensive, with almost the same
functions and features.

d. Easy to integrate.

As a product from Microsoft, Microsoft Access is also privileged because it can function properly in various
Windows-based software programs.

e. Storage capacity

The storage capacity of a database or database from Microsoft Access can store up to 2 GB of data.

f. Data import.

Microsoft Access can facilitate and speed up the activity of importing data.

2. Lack

a. Limited storage capacity.

If the storage capacity exceeds 2 GB, users will experience obstacles in managing the database.
Therefore, Microsoft Access is very suitable for small to medium businesses. However,
if you want to add large and heavy amounts of data, it is highly recommended to use another application
program, such as medium to high-end businesses.

b. Limited multi user.

The multi-user technical limit is 255 people concurrently, but for Microsoft Access the actual multi-user limit
is 10 to 80. (It also depends on the type of application)

c. Paid application.

Before operating the Microsoft Access application program, the thing that needs to be done is to buy it first
because this program is a package with Microsoft Office.

F. Main Features of Microsoft Access

It could be that in today’s digital era, where all decisions need to be based on data, many people will be
interested in learning about and using Microsoft Access to process databases.
This application
program itself has provided features that are very helpful for humans, both for processing data or
determining actions to be taken.
Features such as queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and
others can be operated quite easily.

Well, to understand the features that exist in Microsoft Access. Here is an

Feature Information
Queries This feature at Microsoft functions to change, display, delete, analyze data, and so on.
Forms This feature at Microsoft functions to check, create, and update data.
Report This Microsoft feature functions to display and print data that has been
Macros This Microsoft feature functions to store all commands related to databases that have been created
Modules This feature in Microsoft functions as a place to carry out programming on several aspects in
Microsoft Access.

G. Conclusion

Microsoft Access is a database management application program that can be used to design, create, and
process various types of data.
As the most popular data processing application today, this
application program is commonly used in business, education, offices, and even programmers.
There are many benefits that can be obtained from this application, namely providing work
effectiveness and time efficiency in analyzing data for preparing report data.
This is usually
done in matters of calculating employee schedules, company financial data, customer data, and much

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