The Meaning of Diversity and Some Factors Forming Diversity

The term diversity is again widely discussed, this is of course because of the many racial issues that have happened lately. In fact, we know for ourselves that the Indonesian nation is one of the real ones. Some forms of diversity that exist in Indonesia, namely the wealth of culture, tribe, language, and national characteristics. Talking about … Read more

Understanding Identification: Processes, Forms, and Examples

The concept of identification is one form of social interaction that exists in human life. The ability to do identification is very necessary especially for those who decide to take an education level with the study of sociology. This is because there is a close relationship with social phenomena and various examples of social problems in the … Read more

Definition of Active and Passive Verbs, Characteristics, Types, to Examples

The meaning of active and passive verbs must be familiar to us in our daily life, especially when studying Indonesian subjects. Understanding active verbs and passive verbs is basically very important. This will help us to use good and correct Indonesian. Try to imagine what happens when active verbs and passive verbs are used incorrectly. Of course, this could … Read more

Definition, Characteristics, and Examples of Carnivorous Animals (Meat Eaters)

Definition, Characteristics, and Examples of Carnivorous Animals (Meat Eaters) – Every animal must consume food according to the nutrition required to survive. Based on the type of food, animals can be divided into four types, namely herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and insectivores. All four have their own role in the food chain. Herbivores are animals that eat plants, while … Read more

Definition of Character: Elements, Formation and Values

  Definition of character –  The term character is of course sad that Reader often hears. Reader may often hear that person A has a quiet character, while B has a chatty character. However, does Reader know the meaning of character? In general, character can be defined as a set of traits that are always admired as a … Read more

Meaning of Transitive and Intransitive Sentences and Examples of Use!

Transitive and Intransitive Sentences – Humans as social beings need tools to interact with others. Therefore, language is a tool used as a means of interaction in the establishment of a communication. When we communicate with other people using spoken or written language, the purpose is to convey ideas, thoughts, wishes or desires to others. An idea, thought, … Read more

Definition of Command Sentence and Its Characteristics

Definition of Command Sentences and Their Characteristics  – For those of you who are still in school, of course you have learned about imperative sentences and other types of sentences in Indonesian subjects. But do you know what the command line actually is? What are the types and examples? In this article, the author will discuss more about … Read more

The Meaning of Definition Sentences: Characteristics, Types, and Examples of Sentences

Generally, material about the meaning of definition sentences and also example sentences will be obtained in Indonesian lessons at school. Definition sentences are sentences that we often come across when looking for a word that we want to describe or explain more completely. Examples of definition sentences are often searched for because they are widely used in … Read more

Understanding Diffusion: Processes, Types, and Examples

Definition of Diffusion – Friends of Reader, do you know about the process of diffusion? The process of diffusion can be found easily in everyday life. An example is when you dissolve sugar to make sweet tea or sprinkle salt into cooking. From the example we can understand that diffusion is the movement of a substance in a solvent … Read more

Understanding Synonyms: Types, Benefits, and Cons of Using Synonyms

Definition of Synonyms – Vocabulary in Indonesian, like vocabulary in any language in the world, is basically interconnected between one word and another. Thus, the basic vocabulary in Indonesian which amounts to more than 100,000 lemmas or entries are also interconnected (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Cetakan VII, Edition IV, March 2013). Vocabularies that have the same or similar … Read more

Understanding, Types, Functions, Elements, Values, and Concepts in Theater Arts

Theater Art (English: theater or theatre ; French: théâtre ; Greek: theatron (θέατρον)) is one of the arts of role-playing (drama) that presents real life stories on stage. The storyline presented usually contains an implied moral message and can be used as a life lesson by the audience. Theater is a branch of art that was born in classical Greece. At that time, around … Read more

Temporal Conjunction : Definition, Types, and Examples

Temporal Conjunctions – A written work requires good linguistic rules by paying attention to various aspects, including the use of conjunctions. Conjunctions are connecting words for words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. The use of conjunctions is intended so that the order of words and sentences have coherence or connection. Conjunctions can usually be found when learning a language … Read more

Meaning of Public Relations: Types, Purposes and Characteristics

Understanding and Purpose of Public Relations – In building an institution, whether it is an educational institution, a social institution, etc., it is very necessary to develop a positive image. In addition, a company that has been formed also needs a positive image. Either way, the positive image that exists in an institution or company equally means that … Read more

Meaning, Types, and Examples of Causal Conjunction Sentences

Causal Conjunctions – A written work requires good linguistic rules by paying attention to various aspects, including the use of conjunctions. Conjunctions are connecting words for words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. The use of conjunctions is intended so that the order of words and sentences have coherence or connection. Conjunctions can usually be found when learning a language … Read more

Meaning, Types, and Examples of Manipulative Movements

Definition of Manipulative Movement – Humans must move so that the cells and joints in the body are not stiff and continue to function properly. The movements that humans do, no matter how simple, are still important to maintain the health of the body. In performing movements, some movements are indeed planned, but some other movements occur spontaneously. … Read more

Meaning, Types, and How to Calculate Scales

In maps, we recognize the existence of scale. This scale is a comparison between the actual distance and the distance on the map. Scale becomes important to draw the map correctly or compare it to the original distance. Then, how to calculate the scale correctly? Reader can listen to the following explanation. Meaning and Conditions of Maps According … Read more

Definition of Distance and Formula in Physics and Example Questions

Definition of Distance – Distance is a numerical measure that shows how far the position of an object is from another object. In the field of physics or in the everyday sense, distance can refer to the length (physically) between two positions, or an estimate based on certain criteria (for example the distance traveled between Jakarta-Bandung). Overview … Read more

Understanding Irrigation: Network, Types, Purpose, and Benefits

Meaning of Irrigation – Hello Friends Reader, Do You Know? Irrigation is an important thing in agriculture. Plants cannot grow optimally without proper irrigation. This will also greatly affect the harvest to come. Understanding the importance of irrigation makes irrigation development a priority. According to the data in the data frame, the government through the Office of Public Works and People’s Housing … Read more

The meaning of IQ, EQ, and TQ along with their history

What is IQ, EQ, and TQ – Reader, you must have experienced some of these things. You are prayed for, expected, even forced, even scolded by your parents just to be smart. This is because having a smart and intelligent child is the dream of every parent. Therefore, not a few parents like to take their children for IQ, EQ, … Read more

Understanding Investments: Types, Benefits, and Risks

Definition of Investment – Investment is a form of investment of assets or funds of companies or individuals for a certain period of time to achieve a higher return in the future. There are many things related to this activity, some of which are the means and purpose of the investment itself. The term “capital investment” is not … Read more

Understanding Introverts: Characteristics, and How to Interact With Them

Meaning of Introvert – Every person is different, not only in physical matters, but also in personality. Let alone you and your friend, people who are twins also sometimes have very different personalities from each other. Discussing this personality, we usually group people into two types, namely, the group of people who have an extroverted personality and the … Read more

The Meaning of Interpretation According to the Experts and Its Various Purposes!

Definition of Interpretation – For some people, maybe the term interpretation is familiar to the ears or even maybe Reader has often practiced what is called the interpretation. If you don’t understand yet, one of the jobs that often do interpretation is the profession of translator. When translating a work, the translators will interpret the work to be translated, … Read more

Meaning of Interpretation: Types, Purposes, Principles and Examples

Meaning of Interpretation – For some people, the term interpretation may not be foreign to Reader’ ears or even maybe Reader has often practiced what is called interpretation itself. If you don’t understand, one of the jobs that usually do interpretation is a translator. When they want to translate a work, they will interpret the work, then … Read more

Meaning of Internship: Purpose, Benefits and Rules

Internship is one of the valuable experiences to be had. Before jumping into the real world of work, a person can train his mind, knowledge and abilities in the implementation of an internship . Therefore, internship is something important for students. However, what is an internship ? This article will discuss internships . Starting from the understanding of internship , the purpose of internship , the benefits of internship , and the rules of … Read more

Understanding the Internet: Its History, Benefits, and Negative Impacts

Understanding the Internet – In this modern age, the internet has almost become a primary need for everyone. Not only teenagers, but parents and even children use the internet a lot. Be it for communicating, shopping, social media, playing games, or for other purposes. The existence of the internet does provide convenience for every individual to carry out … Read more

Meaning of Local Internet and How to Use it Outside the City!

Local Internet – Hello Reader friends, are you a smartphone user ? The use of smartphones cannot be separated from the use of the internet. So, you should always be ready with the data package that should be purchased. In today’s millennial era, you will miss out on important and up-to-date information if you don’t have the internet. The Internet is a globally … Read more

Understanding Spatial Interactions Affecting Population Distribution

Every part of the earth has space. Space in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is defined as the gap between two (rows) of pillars or between four pillars (under the house’s vault); a cavity bounded or bounded by a plane; the boundless void, the place of all that is; inner compartment (durai, petai); share; real and imaginary space in the show … Read more

Understanding Integrity: Characteristics, Benefits and Urgency

Hello fellow Reader , have you ever heard the word Integrity? Reader friends are sure that the word integrity must be familiar to our ears, especially for people who work in an organization or company.. Integrity is indeed a very important word in the world of business and work. Unfortunately, integrity is one of the words that is often misunderstood and … Read more

Understanding Social Integration: Conditions, Forms, and Influencing Factors

Understanding Social Integration – Social integration is an adjustment between different elements, especially in social life. So that later it will produce a comfortable life pattern for the community. If seen from what he said, social integrity actually consists of two terms, namely “integration” which has the meaning of wholeness or perfection. Then “social” which has the meaning … Read more

Meaning of Functional Integration and Examples

Functional integration – In social life, most people will interact socially with a person or group with a different background. Differences in social background in society is a very natural thing. However, some people think that such differences are something that can divide the life of the community. The emergence of differences in the middle of society … Read more

Understanding Debt Instruments: Types, and Examples

Understanding Debt Instruments – For those who have been involved in the business and financial world for a long time will certainly understand more about the various terms in it. One of them is debt instruments. However, for those who are new, of course there are still many who do not understand the meaning of debt instruments. Therefore, … Read more