Understanding Identification: Processes, Forms, and Examples

The concept of identification is one form of social interaction that exists in human life. The ability to do identification is very necessary especially for those who decide to take an education level with the study of sociology. This is because there is a close relationship with social phenomena and various examples of social problems in the surrounding area.

The word identification may not be foreign to you, because the existence of identification activities can exist in all kinds of aspects. Although it sounds simple, but actually identification also has several stages.

Of course, each stage of identification will make it possible to get a clearer solution. Therefore, the presence of identification is very much needed in the community.

Definition of Identification

Previously, the definition of identification was briefly explained. However, in this point it will be explained more broadly related to the meaning of identification.

The definition of identification is an action that will be carried out with several processes such as searching, finding, researching, recording data and information about someone or something. In simple terms, identification is an action that has something to do with fixing or determining the identity of some things such as things, people and so on.

Identification can also be interpreted as one form of social interaction where a person has a tendency to be similar to an idol they admire. This is because this identification process will be closely related to the meaning of imitation as well as the meaning process of suggestion that takes place in a person. But identification will have a stronger influence.

In addition, in the imitation process it also has a temporary nature and only at a certain time range. However, the other thing is that the identification process takes a long time and is even permanent in nature.

In sociology the identification process is also needed. Where this identification exists, it will be used to get a picture of the social reality of existing social problems. Having this basis in the identification process requires evidence that can be an objective attitude as well as social facts that want to be shown.

The Meaning of Identification According to the Experts

The previous explanation is about the general meaning of identification. While this explanation is about the meaning of identification according to some experts.

1. Kartini Kartono

Kartini Kartono explained that the concept of identification is a social process and social interaction that will have a series of identifications of objects in a class according to certain characteristics

2. Poerwadarminta

Poerwadarminta explains that the notion of identification is a form of determination that can be produced from the determination of the identity of a person or an object in the handling of certain social problems.

3. Soedarsono

Soedarsono says that the meaning of identification can be divided into three. Where there is identification it can be used to determine someone’s decision or determination and so on. Identification can also be interpreted as a psychological process of the individual that can happen because he imagines himself as someone else unconsciously. Then, identification can also be interpreted as self-determination from the evidence that has been shown.

4. Herdaniwani 

Herdaniwani explains that identification is a special sign that will be done by individuals in the process of knowing themselves as well as decisions in the process of establishing their identity. That means, identification is a special effort done by an individual in showing his identity. Where this condition can occur after going through a long identification in order to distinguish himself from others.

5. Komarudin

Komarudin explained the meaning of identification as identity or similarity of identity. That means an individual can show evidence or facts as an identity identifier. Identification can be seen when individuals begin to show imitation behavior towards the behavior of other individuals.

6. Arief Budiman

Arief Budiman explained that identification is a process that will be done by individuals in equating themselves with the nature of external ojek.

Related Book Recommendations

Below are some book recommendations related to identification. What is that? Read more below.

  • Quantitative Research Methods, Hypothesis Development

Hypothesis development is one of the most crucial steps in quantitative research. Hypotheses need to be done with a strong argumentation base as a form of basis for proposing certain hypotheses. In practice, especially in theses and dissertations that are in the preparation stage, hypotheses often appear suddenly without being preceded by a strong argument.

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Once the hypothesis is well and correctly made and there is data available for testing. Then come to the level of hypothesis testing. This book will specifically invite readers to conduct quantitative research to develop hypotheses properly and correctly.

  • Research Data Analysis Using Stata Software

The book Research Data Analysis Using Stata Software is compiled to help young researchers such as undergraduate and master’s students who will complete their final project. This book will specifically discuss how to use Stata software in the research data analysis process, especially in the social and business fields.

Later, this book will begin with a discussion about the definition and introduction of various types of data in research. A term often used in data analysis as well as an introduction to Stata software.

Where later the arrangement of the next discussion will follow the flow of research data analysis as found in journals and articles. For example, data preparation, descriptive presentation and inferential statistics to test hypotheses.

  • Qualitative Research Data Analysis

Qualitative Research Data Analysis is one of the difficulties that often appear in the use and practice of qualitative research. The existence of the Qualitative Research Data Analysis book will help try to answer the problem by introducing the various types and tools that are usually used in the process of managing and analyzing qualitative data.

Illustrations and short examples will be given based on the author’s experience when preparing a S3 thesis and for the first time in using a qualitative research approach.

Where the assumption will be used because the target of the Qualitative Research Data Analysis book are researchers who have just started learning about the qualitative approach and need a reference for the management and analysis of analytical data.


Identification Process

In doing identification also requires several processes. Where this process will indeed be done in three stages, namely the identification stage, the diagnosis stage and the treatment stage. Each level has a different role, therefore it should be done sequentially. In order for you to understand more, here is the identification process.

1. Level of Identification

The first stage is the identification stage. Where later at this stage a person will begin to recognize the problems he faces first. Later, at this identification stage, it will be done objectively and subjectively depending on the problem at hand.

Well, objective and subjective will never be left in the level of identification. In fact, both have different functions from each other.

At the objective level, it will be used as an initial template in the process of solving the problems faced. Objectivity can be seen from the existence of instruments. Where the instrument will be used to measure a social problem.

Even so, sometimes the use of an objective level in problem identification is judged to be lacking in depth. In fact, sometimes it only comes down to statistical elements.

Then, at the subjective level, it is a method that is judged to be more effective for use in social science. Identification done subjectively can be deeper and relative in nature.

Subjective identification can also provide a broader and more comprehensive interpretation. Of course, in this case, we will not forget the established social standards.

Social problems that are viewed subjectively can be resolved with each region. This is because basically a social problem is always different.

So, the values ​​and norms that apply will also be different. This is also influenced by the point of view in the problem solving process in a region. It may be that problems that occur in one region will not occur in another region.

2. Level of Diagnosis

After the next stage of identification is the stage of diagnosis. Basically, the diagnosis level will be done to find out what factors can cause problems. This process will also produce a background of the problem.

Later, the way to do it is to find the source of the problem from the individual and group. If the problem originates from the individual, then later things that will be seen are from factors related to the individual. Some of the individual factors are such as biology, psychology and socialization ability. This will make someone look guilty.

Meanwhile, when the existing problem emerges from the group, then the identification action carried out will cover various points of view. The things that can be seen can be related to the social structure, the function of the social system and other things that are related to the social system.

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3. Level of Treatment

After the diagnosis stage is done, the next step is the treatment or problem solving stage. Later, the process is based on the results of the available diagnosis. The solution to this problem cannot be seen only from one side. However, later it will be done comprehensively.

The problem solving process will be done comprehensively. It is not only able to provide rehabilitation, but also prevention efforts will be made so that the same problem does not occur.

Having a problem solving process is expected to prevent other problems from occurring. Of course, this is also expected to minimize the occurrence of problems.

Form of Identification

In social science and culture, identification is a process that exists in a person in imitating the behavior of others or their idols. This will make the person so soulful, have a personality and character that looks similar to their idol.

Some of the forms of identification are as follows.

1. Class Identification

Class identification is one form of identification that exists in a certain social class. For example, a student or student who has the behavior of imitating the behavior of a teacher or lecturer that he admires.

2. Defensive Identification

Defensive identification or defensive identification is a form of subsequent identification that can occur because of a person’s fear of something. For example, it is a coward who identifies himself as a fighter to be able to face the fear of others.

3. Development Identification

Development identification is a form of positive identification. Where this form of identification will make someone who used to be dependent on other parties become independent. For example, when a child who used to depend on parents finally experiences self-development and is able to live more independently.

4. Ethnic identification

Ethnic identification is a form of identification that can occur in a specific ethnic group. For example, the Chinese community in Surabaya communicate with each other using the Javanese language and this makes them able to mix with the native Javanese ethnic group.

Examples of Identification

In our daily life, we actually already apply the identification process. However, it may be that we are not aware if the action taken is an identification process.

Previously it was explained about identification, of course it will be more complete if we also know what examples of identification in everyday life. Well, to be more clear, here is an example of identification in everyday life.

Examples of Identification in Sociology

The first example is identification in terms of sociology. Yusuf is a private PTS student in the city of Jakarta. He identifies himself with famous Bollywood artists that he admires such as Shahrukh Khan.

Furthermore, Yusuf made big changes ranging from his appearance, dance, speaking style to his favorite drink which he follows in order to resemble his idol Shahrukh Khan.

Examples of Cultural Identification

The second example of identification is in terms of culture, especially about the problem of cultural elements. For example, there are claims about a certain culture made by other parties and it is clear from the historical background that the culture originates from the original party and not from the party making the claim.

However, to be able to make that claim, they do the same training and skills as the culture and even bring natives from the area that owns the culture.

Examples of community identification

The last is an example of community identification. For example, when someone idolizes a successful entrepreneur and he is willing to do whatever steps his idol does. For example, starting to dare to sell when his peers are busy playing.

Because he has a tendency to do the same thing, sooner or later he gets what he wants. Because, in any case, he does not give up easily even though failure has befallen the journey he has taken.


From the explanation above it can be interpreted that various forms of social problems that occur in the community and are in the environment are often identified. That means, there is a tendency of a person to be the same as other people.

Judging from the explanation above, it can also be said that basically the identification process can have a positive impact as well as a negative impact. Even so, everything is also related to the activities carried out.

As an anticipation of the identification process, it would be better if before imitating at the identification level, observations related to the influence that will occur in oneself should be carried out. Because what we do will likely be an example for others in the future.
