Understanding Journalists: Duties, Capabilities, and Differences with Journalists

Definition of Journalist – The rapid development of the digital world makes the need for journalists also continue to increase from year to year. This job is perfect for those of you who like challenges, have a high sense of curiosity, like to read, like to write, and always follow the news. Of course, you are no stranger to the journalistic profession which is very important in the world of news.

A journalist is someone who is in charge and responsible for providing and making valid news for readers in the media. There are various types of news, namely soft news, hard news, and features. However, do you know the difference between a journalist and a journalist?

Well, to know more about the journalist. Let’s find out together about the following journalists.

A. Definition of Journalist

A journalist is someone who is in charge and responsible for carrying out journalistic activities, for example writing, analyzing, and reporting all events to the public through the mass media regularly. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), a journalist is defined as a person who works to collect and write news both in print mass media and electronic mass media.

So, journalistic activities are not limited to newspapers and magazines, but also to online media which is one of the areas of work for a journalist. intended journalistic activities namely the process of earning, gathering, coverage, and writing. Then, the news will be disseminated through print and electronic mass media.

For example, articles that you often read. Where, the article is the work of a journalist. Journalists are often considered representatives of the community’s voice about all events. Therefore, a journalist should provide news as factually as possible. A journalist is generally assisted by an editor to edit and correct incoming news. That is the purpose so that the content of the news remains of good quality. In addition, it is easy to read and understand by the audience.

B. Duties of Journalists

In addition to being a news seeker there are several other duties of a journalist, including the following:

1. Providing Information, Educators, and Reform Agents

The media acts as a provider of information through a number of things, such as news, feature, reportage, and other works. The information can have an impact, change minds and even mobilize the community to do something, be it positive or negative. Therefore, a journalist should present information that is educational and useful. It is useful to increase the value of the reader’s life.

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2. Providing Entertainment to the Community

In addition to conveying information in the form of knowledge, jobs in the media field can also play a role in providing entertainment to the community. For example, presenting journalistic works, for example features or commissions that contain information about the daily life of the community.

3. Interpreter

Not all events that occur can be directly absorbed easily by the community. Therefore, a journalist has the duty to interpret and explain the meaning of the events that happened. Like, with news analysis in reportage as well as news commentary in the headline.

4. Public Representative and Advocacy

The last duty of journalists is to defend the interests of the community. Therefore, news is a journalistic product that must be a reflection of the voice of the people. A journalist can act to criticize government policies and actions that are seen as detrimental to the people.

C. Abilities that a Journalist Must Have

For those of you who want to become a reliable journalist, of course there are some basic skills that you must master. Here are 4 (four) abilities that a journalist must possess, including:

1. Communication and Broad Insights

As a journalist, you must have good communication skills and a broad vision. The reason is that you will meet many sources from various backgrounds and conduct interviews with them as your source of news information.

2. Writing Skills

A journalist is also required to have the ability to write, especially writing news. You must be able to write for various media, both print media such as magazines and electronic media such as television or digital media.

3. Up To Date With Latest Info

A journalist should of course be the first person to know the most about things that are being discussed by many people in order to dig more complete information. Therefore, you should always be responsive to all the events that are happening around you.

4. Good Attitude

One of the things that reflects a professional journalist is attitude. A journalist must have a good attitude, namely obey the journalistic code of ethics and understand ethics in reporting a news.

D. Differences between Journalists and Journalists

You may have often heard the profession of journalist and reporter. Many people think that these two types of professions are the same, but it turns out that they both have fundamental differences. In this discussion, the difference between a journalist and a journalist will be discussed, which is of course very important for you to know. So that you can decide which profession is right for you.

1. Differences in the Origin of Words Between Journalists and Journalists

Starting from the origin of the word is already different. Journalist comes from the English language ie journalist. Where, the word “journal” means that the report and the person making the report is called a “journalist.”

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Meanwhile, journalists are from Indonesian. Where, the word “warta” means that news and the word “wan” means that people. It is similar to the mention of physicists and volunteers.

2. Differences in Understanding Between Journalists and Journalists

A journalist is defined as a person who professionally collects news. Journalists gather news in the mass media in the form of print or online media. Based on the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), a journalist is a professional who gathers and writes news. Both in print and electronic media.

Meanwhile, a journalist is defined as a person whose profession is finding and compiling news. Where, the news is published in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. This is done so that it can be communicated to the wider community.

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), journalist is defined as a person whose profession is finding and compiling news to be published in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. Quoted from the book Hukum, Etika, dan Kebijabi Media Media (2015) by Radita Gora and Irwanto, states that the term journalist is an expansion of the word “warta” which means news.

3. The difference in terminology between journalists and journalists

The difference between a journalist and a reporter lies in the definition of the term. The community was the first to know the term journalist because it comes from the Indonesian language. The term journalist is a new term that began to appear in Indonesia when the influence of communication science, which was directed towards the United States, began to exert its influence.

Meanwhile, journalists are known first. In general, the differences between journalists and journalists in carrying out their duties look almost similar. However, when viewed from the social environment, the term journalist is more widely recognized than journalist.

4. Differences in Word Placement Between Journalists and Journalists

The next difference lies in word placement. The term journalist is used more in electronic media, for example television. That may have happened because it was influenced by the modern nature of the term journalist which comes from the English language. Meanwhile, the term journalist is often used in print or written media. That may have an impact due to the words of the journalist who was previously known among the community.

5. Differences in Scope of Work Between Journalists and Journalists

The difference between a journalist and the latter lies in the scope of work. Journalists are known to have a smaller scope. Even in the beginning the word journalist was used to refer to people who write in the journal column only. Until finally developing into a news writer in magazines and newspapers. Meanwhile, journalists have a wider scope. The task carried out is not just gathering and organizing news. Journalists also work as editorial leaders, executive editors, editors, and contributors.

Well, that’s the difference between a journalist and a journalist that is important for you to know. In principle, these two jobs do have a similar meaning. Both of them work in the world of journalism and have a very big role for Indonesian society.