Meaning of Interpretation: Types, Purposes, Principles and Examples

Meaning of Interpretation – For some people, the term interpretation may not be foreign to Reader’ ears or even maybe Reader has often practiced what is called interpretation itself.

If you don’t understand, one of the jobs that usually do interpretation is a translator. When they want to translate a work, they will interpret the work, then translate it in a specific language.

The translation process is done, so that a foreign language can be displayed well into another language. The purpose is so that the meaning of the original sentence does not change.

It should be known that the interpretation process is not only applied to the world of writing, but also in other fields. Well, what exactly is meant by the interpretation itself? In order not to be confused, read the following explanation.

Meaning of Interpretation

In general, interpretation is known as a process of giving opinions or impressions, ideas or theoretical views on a certain object that comes from a deep idea and is influenced by the background of the person who does it.

Interpretation is usually used to translate certain information from a form other than writing into or is used as verbal information. For example when a researcher found an ancient record on stone media that was carved using a sharp object.

The ancient records usually have symbols that need to be interpreted by the researcher, so that the meaning and purpose can be understood by people today.

Researchers need to interpret what the stone carver wants to convey by scratching some symbols or a number of shapes on the stone. Information that can be interpreted by the researcher, can be in the form of oral, written or pictures that contain several languages ​​at once.

According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), interpretation is defined as giving an interpretation, opinion, effect or theoretical view about something.

But in general, interpretation or can be understood as hermeneutics is a theory or philosophy that explains the interpretation of meaning.

The word hermeneutics itself comes from the Greek verb hermeneuein which means interpret, interpret or translate. Interpretation enters into the structure of the explanatory text.

The structure of the explanatory text itself, consists of several general statements on the topic that explain the sequence of the process of events, interpretation containing the conclusion and the topic explained.

Usually, the interpretation text is at the end of the paragraph and the text explains the gist, view and conclusion of the topic of the explanatory sentence.

In order to better understand the meaning of interpretation, here are the definitions of interpretation from several experts.

1. Freeman Tilden

Tilden expressed his opinion that interpretation is an activity that has an educational nature and has the purpose of expressing meaning and relationships through intermediaries from original objects and experiences.

2. Walin

In contrast to Tilden, Walin defines interpretation as a way of service that helps a certain group to be aroused and have a sense of sensitivity to feel the beauty in the environment, variations and relationships with the environment.

3. Kaelan

Kaelan believes that interpretation is an art that provides an overview of indirect communication.

4. Ricoeur

According to Ricoeur, interpretation is an organized thinking process to find the hidden meaning in the meaning that appears in a level fold. The level fold is in a literal sense. According to Ricoeur, symbols and meanings are interrelated and have many meanings.

5. Sumaryono

Interpretation is an effort to uncover the meaning that is still veiled or an effort to open the folds from the level of meaning that is in the literature.

6. Grace

According to Gracia there are three main ways of interpretation. First is the interpretation which is basically the same as the understanding of the meaning of the text. The two interpretations, according to Gracia can show a process where a person develops his understanding of the text. The three interpretations, according to Gracia, can be used to refer to the study of the text.

7. MacKinnon

According to MacKinnon, interpretation is a branch of science that studies the art of providing explanations about an area such as fauna, flora, geological processes as well as about the history and culture of the community.

From the opinion of experts, it can be concluded that interpretation does not always have a relationship with writing. Interpretation can be a way for someone to describe a condition, scene or everything that can only be seen and cannot be touched.

Types of Interpretation

As stated earlier about the meaning of interpretation, Reader certainly understood that interpretation can be done in many fields and has various types. Here is an explanation of the general type of interpretation.

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1. Interpretation of Short Stories

Short story interpretation is a process to interpret or describe some meaning from a short story or short story. Interpreting short stories can also be interpreted as interpreting by making a short story, the short story must be able to explain the conditions in real life.

For example, by raising a poor figure, by raising a poor figure, it can explain the habits and character of the figure in accordance with the conditions of the society from the lower economy.

2. Image Interpretation

The second type is image interpretation, which is the activity of analyzing images and photos produced by certain tools with the purpose of taking them in order to identify the object and its role.

In practice, image interpretation is done by remote sensing with special tools. So, the interpreter will get a number of shapes, colors and so on through the results of observation with the special image tool.

3. Interpretation of History

Historical interpretation can be defined as an interpretation activity that includes historical data, so that it will give rise to subjectivity. In general, when analyzing historical relics, a number of shapes, images, symbols and so on will be obtained from several media.

For example, when an archaeologist found a cave, several pictures and symbols were found on the cave wall area. The picture was certainly made with a specific purpose or purpose, for example to explain a custom that people had in that era.

Sometimes, there are some symbols and pictures whose meaning is unknown. So that interpretation is needed to interpret the symbols and pictures.

After doing the interpretation, then archeology can convey its meaning through written and spoken language using language that is easily understood by the general public.

The result of the interpretation is to be able to find complete historical evidence along with the information possessed by the historical evidence.

Interpretation of history, in general, will bring up a subjectivity. Therefore, there are several things that need to be considered when interpreting, such as the background and the point of view of the interpreter.

According to Gilbert J. Garraghan, historical interpretation is divided into five types, among which are psychological interpretation, verbal interpretation, logical interpretation, technical interpretation and factual interpretation.

4. Interpretation of Nature

The fourth type of interpretation is the interpretation of nature, which is an activity of interpretation and depiction of a condition or natural scene that is in front of the eyes. When a person looks at the sky for example, then that person can interpret what he sees in the sky.

For example by determining cloud shapes that can be interpreted as resembling certain shapes that are quite familiar.

Then, when the color of the sky is blackish blue, then one can interpret that it is cloudy and it means that it will rain soon.

5. Data Interpretation

Fifth, data interpretation is one of the forms of activity that includes combining the results of an analysis with various types of questions with criteria that are appropriate to the standards that have been determined.

So, on certain activities or activities, someone will get a certain amount of data. For example, when someone conducts research that raises the topic of the factors that cause poverty in a certain area, then that person will conduct research related to whatever the cause is.

Once the data has been obtained, the researcher can interpret it in order to find out the factors that cause poverty in the area under study.

6. Music Interpretation

Interpretation can also be done on music. Music interpretation is a process used by a person to find whatever the composer wants. With the aim that music lovers can know the feelings that the music creator wants to convey or feel when creating the music.

7. Map Interpretation

Map interpretation is the last type of interpretation. Map interpretation can be defined as a process of reading a map by giving meaning or interpreting the contents of the map by using the symbols written in it.

So, when someone looks at a map for example like Google Maps, then that person will see some symbols. The symbols on the map mean several things such as self-service, petrol stations and so on.

Purpose of Interpretation

Interpretation is done to achieve certain goals. Here is an explanation of the purpose of interpretation.

1. Increase Understanding

The first purpose of interpreting is to improve understanding. The word interpretation can be interpreted as an activity to explain about an object that is still unclear.

From the meaning alone, the purpose of this interpretation has been clearly stated. Interpretive activities can help a person to minimize the incompatibility of meaning and meaning to certain objects, for example such as historical interpretation.

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With historical interpretation, an archaeologist can find out the meaning, purpose or meaning of a symbol and minimize the misinterpretation of the symbol.

2. Use of Data

Interpretation is done to encourage the use of a data. When interpreting, analysis is done to provide an explanation.

Analysis can only be done, when the data can be found and used correctly. By doing interpretation, it can lead to a logical explanation because of the database.

3. Minimize Misinterpretation

Interpretation is done not only to explain an object, but also to help minimize the occurrence of misinterpretation of a certain object. This purpose is in line with the meaning of interpretation, which is the art of explaining, describing and explaining something.

In addition to the three purposes of interpreting, there are several other purposes when someone interprets.

Interpretation is done to encourage visitors to use meaningful resources, so that they can improve ideas and require specific behavior. Another purpose is to increase public understanding of the purpose of an institution.

Principles in Interpretation

Based on the meaning and purpose of interpretation, here are five principles when doing interpretation that Reader need to do when doing interpretation.

There is no need to include an explanation that has no relationship with what is shown and explained, because it is a useless explanation.
Write information that matches the elements contained in the explanation.
Interpretation can also be referred to as an art that combines various types of art to reach certain limits.

When doing interpretation mediation, it does not need to be done sequentially, but it needs to be done according to needs or persuasion.
When interpreting or interpreting for children, there is no need to simplify the language of adults.

In addition to applying the five principles of interpretation, an interpreter needs to apply an interpretation program. The purpose is that the interpretation process or the result of the interpretation is in accordance with the wishes and no interpretation errors occur.

The intended interpretation program includes seven plans, among which are usable, efficient, capable of expressing beauty, minimizing damage or loss to natural and cultural communities, flexible and selective, public participation, and optimal use of natural resources.

There is also a specific interpretation program that should be known and includes five programs, among which are trial and error, data analysis, unity, determining the theme and purpose of program creation and inventorying the resources available in a site.

Example Interpretation

Interpretation is usually in the explanatory text sentence at the end of the paragraph or closing. The interpretation text contains conclusions about a phenomenon as well as the cause and effect relationship that has been explained in the previous sentence.

Interpretation needs to be done, so that the reader can understand the sentence written by the writer. In the explanatory text, the writer can give his opinion or give a statement related to the phenomenon that happened.

In order to better understand the interpretation, here are some examples of interpretation of a sentence in the explanatory text.

1. An example of interpretation in the explanatory text about street musicians

To respond to street performers, one has to look from two sides. This solution pattern should be done by the community at all levels.

The government can also play a role in educating and guiding street performers to become better people in the future.

While the community must be able to be wise. As the saying goes, ” don’t judge a book by its cover.” “It’s time for us as a community to put that saying into practice when responding to street performers.

The text above is an explanatory text. The interpretation contains the conclusion from the topic raised by the writer and explained in the last paragraph.

2. Examples of interpretations in explanatory texts about natural disasters

Earthquakes can happen at any time regardless of season. Even so, the level of concentration of earthquakes tends to occur in certain places only, for example on the border of the Pacific plate.

This place is known as the circle of fire. Of course, it was given that nickname not without reason, but because the place is surrounded by many volcanoes that can erupt or cause earthquakes at any time.

3. An example of interpretation of a painting

Every painter who is able to express his feelings through pictures does not always detail what he wants to write. There are some painters who prefer to draw abstract, where the meaning contained is less understandable by the general public.

Therefore, a painting can be used as an object of interpretation so that the public can understand the meaning and purpose of the creator of the painting.

From the explanation about interpretation above, Reader must have understood what is meant by interpretation, right? If not, Reader can study the information in more depth by reading books available on