The Meaning of Honesty: Propositions, Characteristics, and Application of Honest Behavior

Definition of Honesty – Honesty in general is an aspect of virtuous human characteristics and morals where a person with this character will then have integrity, fairness, loyalty, sincerity, and can be trusted by others.

In addition, there are also those who express that the meaning of honest is related to the attitude or actions that are done in accordance with what is said. In other words, a person can then be called honest when he says something that is consistent with what happened before.

In addition, they also act according to what should be done. But in forming an honest personality, one must then be taught starting from children until it becomes a habit.

On this occasion, we will discuss more about honesty, from its meaning to its application in everyday life. So, read this article to the end, Reader.

Meaning of Honesty

Honesty is one of the necessary qualities in everyday life. This honest nature is already embedded in a person. However, it would be better if this honest attitude was trained from childhood so that it becomes a habit when growing up.

In general, honesty is a trait that requires compatibility between the words spoken and the actions performed by a person. That means, a person can then be said to be honest if he says something that matches what actually happened and is accompanied by the right actions.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) to be honest is to be honest or not to lie. In addition, according to KBBI, honesty can also be said to be a behavior that does not cheat or follow the rules that apply. Therefore, this honest attitude is always synonymous with a good attitude.

The Meaning of Honesty According to the Experts

Below will be explained some definitions of honest according to experts, namely:

1. According to Mohamad Mustari

According to Mohamad Mustari, honesty is a human behavior that is based on the effort to then make himself a person who can be trusted in his words, work, and actions, both for himself and for other parties.

2. According to Dharma Kesuma

Dharma Kesuma states that honesty is a decision that a person has to later express his feelings, words, and actions. If the statement is true and without manipulation by imitating or lying in order to gain profit for himself.

3. According to Nurul Zuriah

Nurul Zuriah revealed that honesty is a value and principle that should be instilled in a person, for example teaching honesty to children since they were in primary education. For example, in correcting the results of peer tests crosswise in class.

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4. According to Wikipedia

Honesty refers to moral aspects, character aspects, as well as connoting positive and virtuous attributes such as honesty, integrity, and directness and which also includes directness in behavior, followed by the absence of lies, infidelity, fraud, and so on. Not only that, honesty can also mean trustworthy, fair, loyal, and sincere. This honesty is an attitude valued by many ethnic cultures and even religions.

5. According to Thomas Jefferson

According to Thomas Jefferson “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom” this quote was later used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter given to Nathaniel Macon.

That’s some honest understanding according to experts. In the next discussion, we will discuss honest evidence.

Honest Proposition

Honesty is an attitude to express the truth, and not to say things that contradict the facts. The broader meaning of honest is not to cheat, to do something according to the prevailing rules.

A Muslim can misrepresent a statement because he does not understand the real situation. However, because he then had sincere intentions and did not intend to lie to others, then this attitude can be categorized as honest, even though what he stated is contrary to the facts.

The obligation to speak honestly is also written in the words of the Prophet SAW:

“Guarantee me six things from yourselves, I will surely guarantee you a reward in heaven: be honest when you speak, fulfill your promises, fulfill if you are trusted, take care of your private parts, also lower your gaze, and hold your hands,” (HR Ahmad).

Prophet Muhammad SAW then guaranteed that honest people will always get good. The greatest good of honesty is the reward of heaven from Allah SWT, as he said: “Indeed, being honest brings good and that good will take you to heaven,” (HR Bukhari).

Honest Traits

The following are the characteristics of honest people that you need to know.

1. Always be honest with yourself

A person who has an honest attitude will usually always be honest with himself first and then with others. An honest person will usually feel something awkward when talking about lying to himself.

2. Easy to Express Statements

Someone who is honest will find it easier to express the truth. This is because when a fact is kept hidden, it will feel like there is something in the way, so that the activities performed become less optimal.

3. Always Look at a Problem from Various Angles

Someone who is honest when there is a problem will try to see the problem from various points of view. Because of this, sometimes honest people will take longer to evaluate a problem. He did this so that the problem could be solved objectively. That way, no party will be harmed or lied to.

4. Always Think Before Speaking and Acting

Honest people will always try to think before speaking and also acting. He does this so that all his words and actions are appropriate. That way, others will be more trusting.

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Those are some of the characteristics of honest people, which you need to know. Are the above characteristics in you?

Honest Application

Here are some honest applications in everyday life.

1. Honest Implementation at School

Basically, there are many examples of honest application in school, among others:

  • Do not cheat while doing the test.
  • Always give a definite reason when doing something wrong, such as being late for school or not doing homework.
  • Do not take friends’ belongings.
  • Do not tell lies to teachers or friends.

2. Honest Application at Home

The following are some examples of honest application.

  • Do not lie to family members, especially parents.
  • Always show the test results no matter what the results are.
  • Always have the courage to admit mistakes that have been made.

3. Honest Application in the Environment

The following are some examples of the application of honesty in the community.

  • Always return excess money when shopping.
  • Dare to admit mistakes when doing wrong.
  • Do not lie to others.

Honest Benefits

As explained earlier that honesty is one of the good qualities that a person needs to have. In fact, being honest itself has several benefits. Here are the benefits that will be obtained when you speak and behave honestly.

1. It is easy to gain the trust of others

The first benefit you will get if you get used to behaving and speaking honestly is that it is easy to gain the trust of others. A person’s good or bad is judged by how many of his words can be trusted. The more often he behaves and speaks honestly, then people will then judge him as a good and trustworthy person.

In modern times like today, it is very difficult to find people who want to behave and speak honestly in any condition, including in the face of various conditions that can corner them.

2. Life Feels More Peaceful and Happy

In addition to being easy to gain trust from others, being accustomed to behaving and speaking honestly will then make your life happier and more peaceful. With the absence of what you are hiding, then your life will be much calmer and peaceful. You will also feel happier because of the effect of positive energy that you will get when you speak honestly.

3. More Confidence

A person who is used to behaving and speaking honestly, will also be more confident in living life. He will look more enthusiastic and brave to step forward because he then believes in the abilities he has.

Getting used to behaving and speaking honestly makes a person believe in his own abilities, so that he then does not need to lie in order to get something he wants, because with the honesty he possesses, he then believes that the results will not disappoint. The more often he behaves and speaks honestly, then his confidence will also increase.

4. Avoid Harmful Accusations

One of the great benefits that you will get if you get used to behaving and speaking honestly, is to be able to avoid various harmful accusations. For example, there is a dispute at your workplace. By saying honestly what the actual condition is like without any hidden things, then you can avoid various accusations from your friends, who may have the intention of cornering you in front of your superiors.