Meaning, Types, and Examples of Causal Conjunction Sentences

Causal Conjunctions – A written work requires good linguistic rules by paying attention to various aspects, including the use of conjunctions. Conjunctions are connecting words for words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. The use of conjunctions is intended so that the order of words and sentences have coherence or connection. Conjunctions can usually be found when learning a language and can be used for everyday conversation.

Conjunctions or connecting words are certain lexemes that are responsible for connecting words with words, phrases with phrases, clauses with clauses, and sentences with sentences in a coordinative or subordinating way (Chaer, 2013). The relationship between the two clauses is marked by the presence of a conjunction that begins one of the clauses (Muslich, 2014).

Conjunctions in the science of syntax can be used as an intermediary to expand a range of syntactic units that are found in equal or even unequal levels. Suhardi (2013) stated that the science of syntax is a science that focuses its studies on words, groups of words (phrases), clauses, and studies related to types of sentences. Conjunctions are needed in writing a discourse. A good discourse is a discourse that should pay attention to the relationship between sentences, so that it can preserve the connection and sequence between sentences (Widiatmoko, 2015).

Adapted from a book titled Bahasa Indonesia SMP Class VII published by Yudhistira Ghalia Indonesia, conjunctions in Indonesian are divided into five types when viewed from their syntactic behavior in sentences, namely coordinative conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, temporal conjunctions, and intersentential conjunctions. The five conjunctions are further divided into sub-types and have different characters.

Casual conjunction itself is included in the sub-type of coordinative conjunction. This conjunction is easy to recognize because it has a special character, which is used to connect the cause and effect of a certain event.

According to the explanation in the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), causal means something that causes each other. So, a causality conjunction is a conjunction that connects two words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that mutually give cause and effect.

Adapted from a book titled Bahasa Indonesia SMA/MA Class XII written by Imam Taufik, this conjunction is directly related to the author’s argument. The use of casual conjunctions is usually found in explanatory texts and editorial texts. Furthermore, based on the book entitled Explore Bahasa Indonesia Volume 3 compiled by Erwin Rachmat, it is mentioned that causality conjunctions in editorial texts are used as conveying arguments presented by the writer or editor about the topic being discussed, while causality conjunctions in explanatory texts are used to explain the causes and effects of an event or certain phenomena.

As mentioned before, casual conjunctions include a sub-type of coordinative conjunction, which is a conjunction that connects two or more clauses because their positions are not equal. This type of conjunction can be placed at the beginning of a sentence or between the clauses it connects. In addition, the conjunction is slightly different from other conjunctions because its function is not only to connect clauses, but also words.

Types of Causal Conjunctions

Based on information from the Textbook  in the Study of Linguistic Structure compiled by Taufiq Rahman, causality conjunctions are divided into five types. The following are the types of causality conjunctions and example sentences.

1. Conditional Causal Conjunctions

This conjunction unites effect and cause by applying the conditions for the occurrence of the effect. Conditional causal conjunctions are marked with the words if , if , and when . Example:

  • If you came on time yesterday, maybe you won’t get punished.
  • Lebaran moments will be pleasant if the homecoming is smooth, safe, and comfortable.
  • I will come if he comes too.
  • Rani will go to Bandung if her leave is approved.
  • If he invites, I will come to the party.
  • They should be subject to legal sanctions if the two Japanese citizens are found guilty.
  • If the liquidity needs are met at the end of this year, the deposit interest rate next year will definitely drop again.
  • Sudomo is more interested if asongan traders are organized by cooperatives.
  • We will not find something if we do not look for it.
  • If the rain doesn’t stop until midnight later, please allow us to stay here for one night only.
  • When I have to work outside the city and not be at home, take good care of my mother.
  • As long as you told me this news earlier, I definitely wouldn’t misunderstand him.
  • We should not be punished by father, whenever he gives us the opportunity to explain what really happened.
  • He must have arrived here, as long as his motorcycle tire didn’t leak in the middle of the road.
  • If only you had listened to my advice, you would not have suffered like you are now.
  • If you want me to come with you, you have to ask my parents for permission.
  • If I ask while crying, maybe my request will be granted.
  • You won’t succeed if you don’t try really hard.
  • If only you hadn’t come in time to help me, I would have been covered in blood by now because of the mad dog’s bite.
  • I would be happier if that troublemaker didn’t appear in my life.
  • I would not be a street child if only my mother was still alive.
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2. Reason Causal Conjunction

This conjunction mentions the existence of a reason or cause of an event that causes consequences. This conjunction is marked with the word because . Example:

  • Due to lack of thoroughness, Budi’s test results were less than satisfactory.
  • Ibnu did not go to class because he was stupid and lazy to study.
  • Amanda Amalia loves her father and mother so much because it is thanks to their services that she can now become a famous dentist.
  • Because Farhan’s house is very far from the school, classmates who want to visit him have to change vehicles twice.
  • Malaysian badminton players got a Proton Saga car for making it to the final of the Thomas Cup.
  • They were happy to go to Doni’s house because they were given a lot of food.
  • A military delegation protested Gorbachev’s candidacy because he had held the position of party leader for 20 years.

3. Nodal Causal Conjunctions

This conjunction contains a conclusion from the existence of cause and effect. This conjunction uses the words so and so . Example:

  • That way , mom can cook fried chicken after dad bought the ingredients.
  • Fahmi’s values ​​are good. Thus , he graduated from school.
  • Besta’s house is big. Thus , we can learn to dance there.
  • Soni often reads the newspaper. Thus , he knows many things.
  • He studies hard. Thus , he became smart.
  • We should go back to the initial location of the murder. So , that’s the idea to solve this case.
  • The two of them have been close for a long time. So , they can be said to be playing with fire.
  • I can’t understand this formula. So, you should count it.
  • Eight of his siblings live in Banyuwangi, while the remaining four live in Surabaya. So, there are 12 brothers in total.
  • I can’t understand all your wishes. So, what is actually required of me?
  • Avelin is not smart, but she is very patient and loving. So , that’s the positive side.
  • The cake was dropped by Rafie. So, we had to make it again.
  • I do not understand the material given by your teacher. So, you have to learn it yourself.
  • Ahmad had an accident on the toll road, even though he was wearing his seat belt correctly. So, anything can happen.

4. Consequent Causal Conjunctions

This conjunction contains a consequence that occurs to cause a cause. The word used in the causal conjunction of the result, namely the result, so, because of that, and because of that . Example:

  • The flood has soaked the entire school building, as a result of which all the students are off.
  • The embankment of the river that divides the city collapsed, as a result of which the houses of the residents were submerged two meters.
  • He was too lazy in his youth, as a result of which he was miserable and adrift in his old age.
  • The number of people infected with the virus is increasing. Therefore , we must apply the applicable health protocol.
  • The media is very much reporting that he commits immorality in public places. Therefore , it is appropriate for him to clarify the problem.
  • This year the dry season lasted longer in Makmur Village. Therefore, it is not surprising if the harvest in this village always fails.

5. Causal Conjunction For

This conjunction states that a cause must form an effect. Causal conjunctions are marked with the words in order and for that . Example:

  • Students are asked to study from home to avoid the spread of the virus.
  • Billy prefers to remain silent so as not to argue with his sister.
  • Father turns off the television that is not being watched to save electricity.
  • Mom encouraged me to continue my studies.
  • Bibi Atik went to the market early in the morning to avoid traffic jams on the road.
  • Melisa is very active in studying so that she can become class champion again.
  • Titi learned to study at the surau so that she could read the Qur’an.
  • Sister deliberately stopped at a thrift store so she could buy a gift for her friend.
  • Tono moved to the front seat so he could see the blackboard clearly.
  • The tire patcher heats up his tire compressor so that he can use it to patch the tire.
  • Grandma uses a cane to walk properly.
  • Grandfather loosened the farmland so that he could plant corn.
  • Budi took a pole so that he could harvest rambutan in his yard.
  • Drink this medicine so that you get well soon.
  • Pak Kasim stopped smoking so that his health could improve.
  • Mother bought two t-shirts at the same time so that her sister would not be jealous if only her sister was bought.
  • Nita is doing her homework now so that she can sleep faster at night.
  • Dion washes his motorcycle so that it looks clean when he takes it away tomorrow.
  • Malik cleans the garden behind the house so that there are no snakes nesting there.
  • Mia drinks herbs to keep her healthy.
  • Joko helps mother clean the house so that mother is not too tired from work.
  • Bilqis is washing her clothes now so that they can be used during the ceremony tomorrow morning.
  • We must continue to worship so that our faith is strong.
  • The witch used black magic to get everyone to obey her.
  • He had to always take sleeping pills in order to be able to rest on time.
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Thus, it can be concluded that some words included in the conjunction of causality are if, if, when, because, thus, so, in order, for that, until, because of that, and because of that.

Do Causatives include Conjunctions of Causality?

Many people ask what about the word “cause”? What is included in the example of a casual conjunction? For those who are curious, see the following explanation.

The word “causing” is not included in the conjunction of causality or other types of conjunction. That’s because the word “causing” is a derivative type of the word cause. Based on the explanation in the book entitled Text in the Study of Linguistic Structure written by Taufiq Rahman, nouns added with suffixes become verbs. That is, the word “cause” is included in the verb, not a conjunction.

The word “cause” is included in the noun. However, there is also the word “cause” which is included in the type of conjunction. In order to better understand the use of the word cause as a conjunction, look at the example sentences that use the conjunction of casualness below.

Examples of Sentences Using the Conjunction of Casualty

The following is an example of a causality conjunction sentence that states the cause and effect of an event or phenomenon.

1. Causal Conjunctions

This conjunction is used to connect causes in general and can replace the position of the conjunction because . The conjunction is rarely found at the beginning of a sentence. Examples of sentences that use causality conjunction cause :

  • Imam had an accident because he violated traffic signs.
  • Anggit was imprisoned for eight years for beating Fery to death.
  • Wawan came late because his bicycle tire was flat.
  • The pain is getting worse because he thinks he has a lot of debt.
  • The location is not suitable for business because many people who have tried it have always failed.
  • The staff did not allow me to ride the sled because I was less than 150 cm tall.
  • They reprimanded Wahyu because he did not join in helping to complete the task.
  • Mara went to the party alone because no one could accompany her.

2. Conjunction Because

This conjunction can be placed at the beginning or middle of the sentence. Examples of sentences that use causality conjunctions because :

  • Hanan didn’t go to school because he was sick.
  • Because he never studied, Gogon could not do the test questions.

3. Indirect Conjunctions

This conjunction is used to connect causes in general. The conjunction is more often used informally and can be found at the beginning or middle of a sentence. Examples of sentences that use causality conjunctions because :

  • Due to studying hard, Toni got the highest grade.
  • Pak Dino was unable to teach because he was ill.

4. Conjunction Until and Then

These two conjunctions function to form a consequent relationship between two or more clauses. Examples of sentences that use the causality conjunction until and then :

  • Dimas hit the ball very hard, so that the ball bounced very far.
  • The child ran so fast, that it was difficult to catch up.
  • Earthquakes are very strong and spread in all directions, so they can destroy buildings and cause casualties.
  • The building of the house is large and magnificent, so the cost of maintenance is quite a lot.
  • The robbers tried to escape, until the police fired a warning shot.
  • Jalan Sudirman is often congested, so many policemen organize it every day.
  • He woke up early, so he was late for school.
  • Garbage left to pile up in the river destroys the river’s biota.
  • Flash floods hit some villages, so the villagers were evacuated.

5. Conjunction Until

This conjunction is used in the second clause which is a subordinate clause of a compound sentence. Examples of sentences that use the conjunction until :

  • Security guards are on guard until sunrise.
  • I was able to complete 30 questions before the bell rang.
  • I will keep waiting for him until he really comes back to this house.
  • He continued to work late into the night until the debt was paid off.

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