Examples of Conjunction Sentences and Their Definitions, Functions, and Types

Examples of conjunction sentences – In our daily lives, we unconsciously often use conjunction words or sentences in communicating with other people. This conjunction sentence can be used both in written and spoken language directly. So, what exactly are examples of conjunction sentences themselves? Check out the following explanation!

Without realizing it, in our daily activities and association with friends or community groups we will make several use of conjunction words or sentences. These conjunctions are also known as connecting sentences.

For information, conjunctions or conjunctions also have their own meaning, function, to their own kind, you know .

Basically, a conjunction or conjunction is a word that can connect two different words, two phrases, two sentences, or two paragraphs. Meanwhile, the special feature of this conjunction sentence is its layout.

Conjunctions or conjunctions are never located at the end of a sentence. In addition, conjunctions or conjunctions are also not always followed by nouns or nouns.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary or abbreviated KBBI, conjunctions or conjunctions have the meaning as a word or expression connecting words, between clauses, between phrases, or between sentences.

For another meaning of conjunctions, according to Moeliono et al. In his book entitled Indonesian Standard Grammar, conjunctions are assignment words that have the function of connecting two language units that have the same degree. The unit of language can be a pair of words with words, phrases with phrases, or clauses with clauses. Any type of language unit can be used, but provided that the language unit has the same degree.

Then, what exactly is the function of the conjunction sentence? What are the types of conjunction sentences and what are examples of conjunction sentences?

To answer the question above, let’s look at the following summary of information about examples of conjunction sentences, meanings, functions, and types of conjunctions. Check this out !

Functions and Definition of Conjunction Sentences

As we know, in communicating and talking to other people, whether directly or indirectly, we often use conjunctions. It’s just that most of us are not aware of the existence and explanation of the conjunction sentence itself. So that it leads to us not knowing what the conjunction sentence means.

Actually, in the explanation above, several meanings of the conjunction sentence itself have been explained. However, for more details, see the following explanation, come on!

Based on what is written in the KBBI or the Big Indonesian Dictionary, it is stated that a conjunction is a word or expression used to connect words, between clauses, between phrases, and or between sentences. Meanwhile, according to Anton Moeliono (2003), explained that the meaning of the word conjunction is an expression that connects other expressions with almost the same meaning.

According to him, a conjunction is a word that will connect two language units with the same or equivalent degree. Examples of language units with the same degree are pairs of words with words, clauses with clauses, or phrases with other phrases.

In addition, conjunctions also have a very important role or function in the position of a sentence or paragraph. This is because later this conjunction will make two different sentences more coherent and easier for the recipient of the information to understand. The reason is, each type of word from this conjunction or conjunction also has its own use.

Types of Conjunctions and Examples of Conjunction Sentences

Conjunctions or conjunctions have quite a lot of types. This is of course in accordance with the use and units of language. To find out several types of conjunctions along with some examples of conjunction sentences, just look at the explanation below, come on! Keep on reading , ok !

  • Equivalent Conjunctions or Coordinating Conjunctions

Equivalent conjunctions, also known as coordinating conjunctions, are conjunctions that are usually used to join two clauses of equal rank. The reason is, after the application of this coordinating conjunction, a sentence will be produced which is called an equivalent compound sentence.

In general, these coordinating conjunctions connect parts of sentences that are considered equivalent. In addition, this sentence also cannot be placed at the beginning of a sentence. So, the use of the conjunction is in the middle of the sentence. Examples of equivalent conjunctions or coordinating conjunctions are the words and , but , or , and whereas .

Examples of coordinating conjunction sentences include:

  • Dad wrote a message and Mom cut vegetables in the kitchen.
  • Dewi and Novi are doing school work.
  • Ridwan wasn’t doing his homework, but he was playing a video game.
  • Farhan feels that his work is better than Putra’s.
  • Arfan has never wanted to play basketball, even though he could be one of the top players on the school team.
  • Ica dreams of becoming a doctor, while Sari dreams of becoming a businessman.
  • Raisa was asked to choose whether to attend in Bandung or Jakarta.
  • Salsa’s house is huge, but also very messy.
  • After graduating from school, Odin was confused about whether to continue studying or go straight to work.
  • Mother asked me to become a doctor, but Father wanted me to become a teacher.
  • Andi loves his mother, father and two younger sisters very much.
  • Dodi is no longer included in the millennial generation category, but is already included in the gen Z generation.
  • Conjunctions or Subordinating Conjunctions

A multilevel conjunction or subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that has the function of joining two or more clauses that have a cascading relationship. Slightly different from coordinating conjunctions which after their use will produce an equivalent compound sentence, subordinating conjunctions will actually produce a multilevel compound sentence.

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In addition to this conjunction connecting the multilevel parts of the sentence, this one conjunction is also usually placed at the beginning of the sentence. Examples of subordinating conjunctions include since , if , with , and so .

These subordinating conjunctions also have several categories. Thus, the distribution of examples of conjunction sentences is also separated into several groups. The types of subordinating conjunctions are as follows.

  • Subordinating conjunctions for time : since, since, while, since.

Examples of tense subordinating conjunctions:

From a long time ago, I was aware that I would not be able to be with him.

Since meeting him, I’ve fallen in love.

  • Conditional subordinating conjunctions : when, if, if, if.

Examples of conditional subordinating conjunctions:

– I will report this incident, if until tomorrow night he does not come and apologize.

– He threatens to leave if I don’t reply to his messages.

  • Subordinating conjunctions for comparison : as if, as.

Examples of comparative subordinating conjunctions.

– He always acts casually, as if all his past affairs are finished.

– She always looks charming like a princess from a fairy tale.

  • Subordinating conjunctions if : if, for example.

Examples of subordinating conjunctions:

If I were a bird, I would surely fly freely dancing in the air all day long.

Like a flower, you must be as beautiful and fragrant as a rose.

  • Concessive subordinating conjunction : even though, even though.

Concessive subordinating conjunction examples:

– Eko always looks happy, even though he doesn’t have much wealth.

– Orvi said he would still wait, even though his past never intended to come home.

  • Subordinating conjunction results : so, until.

Examples of product subordinating conjunctions:

– Adam fell off his bicycle , bruising his leg.

– Lino continued to practice dancing until he understood the movement outside his head.

  • Subordinating conjunctions because : because, because, and because.

Examples of subordinating conjunctions because:

– Ina missed the school bus because she woke up late.

– Herry cheated in the final assessment because he had big ambitions to win.

  • Subordinating conjunctions for complementation : that.

Examples of complementary subordinating conjunctions:

– Ara said that her new drawing book caught fire.

– Terry has finally revealed that he is a fan of a girl group from Korea.

  • Subordinating conjunctions way : with, without.

Examples of subordinating conjunctions:

– Today Lila learned to eat noodles using chopsticks.

– Dudi went to watch a movie at the cinema without his sick girlfriend accompanying him.

  • Comparative subordinating conjunctions : more than, equal to.

Examples of comparative subordinating conjunctions:

– Tyo became one of the students with the same intelligence as his teacher.

– Judging from the data on paper, Lucy’s abilities are more than Sheren’s in dance.

  • Paired Conjunctions or Correlative Conjunctions

Paired conjunctions or correlative conjunctions are conjunctions that will connect two words, two phrases, or two clauses whose two elements have the same syntactic function and are equivalent. In general, these conjunctions will connect equal parts of sentences in pairs.

Examples of conjunctions in this group include ‘ not only… but also… ‘, ‘ not even… even… ‘, ‘ not… but… ‘, ‘ not… only… ‘, and ‘ so… so… ‘. Meanwhile, examples of correlative conjunction sentences are as follows:

  • Manchester City not only won the FA Cup, but also became the most prolific football club in scoring goals this season.
  • Not only the artists who went home, but also fans were asked to leave the event.
  • Not that I didn’t want the ticket, but that it was too expensive.
  • Dina is not lazy at school, but she has been sick since yesterday.
  • The food has been prepared in such a way, so it will taste very good and refreshing.
  • He has sacrificed in such a way for you, so you don’t have to be afraid to lose him.
  • Never mind the lake in front of my eyes, I will go through the sea to meet you.
  • Not even one glass of soda, Rian can finish even one large bottle of his favorite drink.
  • Fino wasn’t an accelerated student, she was just an ordinary transfer student.
  • Not a private secretary, Nina is just the right hand of the big boss.
  • Conjunctions or Conjunctions Between Sentences

Conjunctions or conjunctions between sentences are connecting words that have a function to combine one sentence with another sentence to form a unified whole. Therefore, this type of conjunction is usually always at the beginning to start a new sentence, so the first letter is also written in capital letters.

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In addition, this conjunction between sentences is also always separated by commas in other parts of a sentence. As for examples of conjunctions between these sentences are however, thus, therefore , and so on.

In some explanations, each conjunction word has its own meaning. The division of meaning in inter-sentence conjunctions is:

  • The word ” as a result, thus ” means an effect or consequence.
  • The word ” different from, on the contrary ” means something that is the opposite.
  • The word ” then, after that, next ” means the next situation that will happen.
  • The word ” that, actually, actually ” means the actual situation.
  • The word ” even, not only that, instead ” means about the previous situation.
  • The word ” however, unfortunately, but ” means a contrast to the previous situation.
  • The word ” even though, even so ” means feeling sad or sad.

Thus, the examples of conjunctions between sentences are as follows:

  • Sentences that express a willingness to do something that is contrary to what has been stated before.

Example: Class 12 MIPA believes in the class leader. Even so , they said they would continue to monitor its performance on the right track.

  • Sentences that express the continuation of a situation or event in the previous sentence.

Example: Rudi goes to the soccer field. After that , he joined his friends to play soccer.

  • Sentences relating to the existence of events, incidents, or other things beyond what has been previously stated.

Example: Ardi has a cold and cough. In addition , he also had a high fever.

  • Sentences that refer to the opposite of what was previously stated

Example: PERSIKABO football club fans don’t care if their team has to be relegated. On the contrary , they will continue to provide support.

  • Sentences that state the actual situation.

Example: Arsenal FC officially won the Premier League this season. In fact , this achievement was foreseen.

  • Conjunctions or Temporal Conjunctions

Conjunctions or temporal conjunctions are conjunctions that have a relationship with adverbs of time. Basically, this temporal conjunction is always related to time, either in the sentence or between the sentences themselves.

Like its name and meaning, this temporal conjunction has two main functions. The first function is to connect two compound sentences, either sentences that are equal or sentences that are not. Meanwhile, the second function is to express adverbs of time in sentences.

This type of temporal conjunction is actually divided into two types, namely temporal conjunctions that are equal and temporal conjunctions that are not equal. The examples of temporal conjunction sentences are as follows.

  • Equivalent temporal conjunction

These conjunctions are usually equivalent, meaning that they are in the middle of the sentence. Examples of equivalent temporal conjunctions are then, then, next, after , and before .

Example sentence: After boiling water , add instant noodles and other seasonings.

  • Unequal temporal conjunctions

In contrast to temporal conjunctions which are equal, this temporal conjunction which is not equal will connect several sentences, whether it is multilevel compound sentences or equivalent compound sentences. This type also makes conjunctions can be placed anywhere, such as at the beginning, end, or even in the middle of a sentence. Examples of temporal conjunctions that are not equivalent are since, when, if, while , and when .

Example sentences: Everyone has moved locations while they are still relaxing on the beach.


Conjunction sentences or conjunctions are words and expressions that have the function of connecting words, between clauses, between phrases, and also between sentences. In addition, conjunctions also have a very important role or function in a sentence or paragraph.

This is because these conjunction sentences will later help make these sentences more cohesive and easier for the audience to understand.

In the explanation above, we have also seen the types of conjunctions along with examples of conjunction sentences. Hopefully, this explanation can add insight into #Friends Without Borders about examples of conjunction sentences, okay!

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Author Name: Raden Putri


  • https://www.sonora.id/read/423478041/30-exemplary-kalimat-konjungsi-temporal-materi-language-indonesia
  • https://www.detik.com/edu/detikpedia/d-5904964/15-exemplary-kalimat-konjungsi-conditions-dan-pengertiannya-bisa-untuk-belajar-nih
  • https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2022/06/13/103000269/20-exemplary-kalimat-konjungsi-aditif-gulungan-
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