15+ Examples of Effective Sentences Complete with a Discussion of Definitions and Their Characteristics

Examples of effective sentences can be understood as a sentence that has a perfect structure, so that it can be easily understood by others, both in written and spoken form.

Effective sentences can usually be used to convey information or ideas to others. Therefore, if there are people who listen to something, but don’t understand it, it could be that the sentence was not written effectively.

One way to find out if a sentence is effective or ineffective can be seen based on the understanding of the reader and listener. If the reader or listener can convey ideas, feelings, messages, or notifications from the messenger, then the sentence can be said to be an effective sentence.

In this article, we will learn about the terms and examples of effective sentences. However, when discussing examples of effective sentences, it is incomplete if you do not also discuss the terms or characteristics of effective sentences. So, here are examples of effective sentences and ineffective sentences along with their discussion.

A. Examples of Effective and Ineffective Sentences

1. Ineffective sentence: Surabaya is one of the big cities in Indonesia

Effective sentence: Surabaya is one of the big cities in Indonesia.

2. Ineffective sentence: For the sake of her child, Mrs. Susi is willing to work all day

Effective sentence: For the sake of her child, Mrs. Susi is willing to work all day

3. Ineffective sentences: There are many kinds of food sold in that restaurant.

Effective sentence: There are various kinds of food sold in that restaurant.

4. Ineffective sentences: Suggestions put forward by him will be considered by us

Effective sentence: We will consider the suggestions made by him

5. Ineffective sentences: Budi is the smartest kid in his class

Effective sentences: Budi is the smartest in his class

6. Sentence is not effective: The atmosphere in the market is very crowded

Effective sentence: The atmosphere in the market is very lively

7. Ineffective sentence: Today the students of SMA 1 are closed

Effective sentence: Today the students of SMA 1 are closed

8. Ineffective sentences: Riana studies diligently in order to become smart

Effective sentence: Riana studies diligently to become smart

9. Ineffective sentences: Although beautiful, Vina is not arrogant

Effective sentence: Although beautiful, Vina is not arrogant

10. Ineffective sentence: After working all day, then Putri rests

Effective sentence: After working all day, Putri rests

11. Ineffective sentences: Both new students and old students are subject to the same rules

Effective sentence: All students are subject to the same rules

12. Ineffective sentence: Taufik is an outstanding athlete

Effective sentence: Taufik is one of the outstanding athletes

13. Ineffective sentence: Even though it’s still early, but Pak Joko is already active

Effective sentence: Even though it’s still early, Pak Joko is already active

14. Sentence is not effective: Last Sunday many employees demonstrated

Effective sentence: Last Sunday, many employees staged a demonstration

15. Ineffective sentences: Anggi goes to the market and Anggi buys vegetables

Effective sentences: Anggi goes to the market and buys vegetables

B. Characteristics of Effective Sentences

Before discussing examples of effective sentences, it’s a good idea to first review the characteristics of effective sentences. The characteristics themselves will be very useful when you want to identify whether a sentence is effective or not.

So, here are the characteristics of an effective sentence, including:

1. Have a Matching Structure

The first characteristic of an effective sentence is that a sentence must have a commensurate structure or structure. The meaning of a self-equivalent structure can be understood if a sentence contains a clear subject and predicate, so that ideas or information conveyed by the writer or speaker can be conveyed appropriately.

Some of the conditions that a sentence needs to have in order to be called an effective sentence are as follows:

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a. Have a clear subject and predicate

Having a clear subject and predicate is a requirement for an effective sentence. The thing that needs to be done when making effective sentences is to avoid using prepositions before composing the subject of the sentence.

For example such as: in, in, for, for, on, as, about, regarding, according to, related, and so on.

– Examples of ineffective sentences: For all examinees it is expected to be present on time.

– Example of an effective sentence: All examinees are expected to be present on time.

b. There are no double subjects

An effective sentence is not allowed to have two subjects. Two subjects in a sentence can cause the delivery of information or ideas that are not focused on the reader or listener.

Example :

Ineffective sentence examples: I was assisted in preparing the final report by my employees.

Example of an effective sentence: In compiling the final report, I was assisted by employees.

In the first sentence, there are two subjects namely ‘the preparation of the report’ and ‘I’.

c. Don’t use conjunctions

Conjunctions can cause a sentence to be difficult to understand by readers or listeners. Therefore, the use of conjunctions should be used only as needed.

– Ineffective example sentences: We missed the bus. so we came a bit late.

– Examples of effective sentences: We missed the bus. Therefore, we arrived a bit late.

d. Do not use the word ‘which’ to precede the predicate

The use of the word ‘which’ in a sentence can make the structure of the sentence lose the function of the predicate.

– Examples of ineffective sentences: Our school is located behind the East Java Governor’s Office.

– Example of an effective sentence: Our school is located behind the East Java Governor’s Office.

Sentences that meet the equivalence requirements of structure can make an idea or information conveyed more easily. Of course this will also make it easier for readers or listeners to understand it. Structural equivalence ultimately prevents speakers and listeners or readers and writers from understanding effectively.

2. Has a Parallel Shape

The second feature of an effective sentence is that it must have a parallel form. Parallel itself can be interpreted as parallel. This means, if a sentence has the first form, namely a noun.

Then the next sentence must also have a noun form. This method can also apply to sentences whose first form uses a verb. As a result, the next sentence must have a form that uses a verb as well.

Ineffective sentence examples: The final stages of building completion were wall painting, lighting installation, water distribution system testing, and spatial planning.

The sentence above cannot be called an effective sentence. This is because the sentence does not have a parallel form. In making effective sentences that fulfill the conditions of form parallelism, a word that has a function as a predicate does not have the same form.

Therefore, in order for the sentence to be effective, the predicate can be changed so that it becomes a full noun.

Example of an effective sentence: The last stage of completing the building is wall painting, lighting installation, testing of the water distribution system, and spatial planning.

3. Have a Frugal Word

The third characteristic of an effective sentence is having a word that is frugal. Sentences that have the word thrifty are sentences that are arranged without using many unnecessary words, phrases or other forms.

Some ways you can do to construct sentences that save words are as follows:

a. Eliminate subject repetition

A word-saving sentence means that the subject only needs to be used once in one sentence. Therefore, if the sentence you make has two subjects, then you only need to mention it once and don’t need to repeat it.

– Ineffective sentence examples: Because he was not invited, he did not come to Nina’s house.

– Example of an effective sentence: Because he was not invited, he did not come to Nina’s house.

The thing to note from the two example sentences above is that there is no repetition of the word ‘he’.

b. Avoid synonyms in one sentence

Word-saving sentences mean that in one sentence it is enough to use only one word with one meaning. If in one sentence there are two words that basically have the same meaning or are commonly referred to as synonyms. Then, you only need to use that one word ineffectively.

– Ineffective sentence example: Since this morning he just wrote his name.

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– Example of an effective sentence: Since morning he just wrote his name.

The use of the words ‘since’ and ‘from’ are words that have the same meaning or synonyms, so that in an effective sentence you only need to use the other ineffective.

c. Pay attention to plural words

Sentences that save words, namely the absence of the addition of words that already have a plural meaning. Therefore, when you find a plural word in a sentence, you don’t need to add another word that has a plural meaning.

Example :

– Examples of ineffective sentences: Ladies and gentlemen, please come on stage.

– Example of an effective sentence: The audience is asked to come on stage.

The use of the word ‘audience’ in a sentence basically already has a plural meaning, so there is no need to add the word ‘all’ after the word audience.

d. Avoid using superordinate in word hyponymy

Word-saving sentences are sentences that have only one word hyponymy.

– Example of an ineffective sentence: National exam participants must wear black pants.

– Example of an effective sentence: National exam participants must wear black pants.

In the principle of saving words, excessive use of words in constructing sentences can make a sentence seem long-winded or too long. Submission of the desired information will be difficult for listeners or readers to understand. Therefore, in compiling sentences, it is enough to use only a few words that are only needed, so that it can be called an effective sentence.

4. Accuracy of Reasoning

The fourth requirement for an effective sentence is the accuracy of reasoning. Accuracy of reasoning has an important function because it can prevent double meanings when reading sentences.

Therefore, in order for a sentence to have the accuracy of reasoning, you need to pay attention to the choice of words in constructing the sentence.

Ineffective Example Sentences: The famous college student received a gift.

The sentence above can lead to multiple interpretations or multiple meanings by the reader. This is because there are unclear words related to famous students or famous colleges.

There are two forms you can take when you want to change the sentence to make it clearer and more effective.

The famous student received a prize.

You can use this sentence form if you want to convey information that the student is famous. The use of the word ‘university’ can be omitted and does not need to be mentioned. This is because it is common knowledge that students definitely study at universities.

The student of the famous college received the prize.

You can use this sentence form if you want to convey information that the university is famous. The method of preparation is almost the same as described above.

6. Language logic

The fifth requirement for an effective sentence is that it must have logical language. The logic of language in a sentence can be understood as the ideas contained in a sentence can be accepted and understood by reason. In addition, the logic of language can also be seen from the way of writing that is appropriate or not with the applicable spelling.

Ineffective sentence examples:

a. We welcome the time and place.

b. The woman’s body that was found previously often walked back and forth around the market.

The two sentences above are illogical. Try to pay attention, okay. In the first example, what time and place is required, anyway? Where do you want the time and place to go? Then in the second example, when the corpse was pacing the market? Isn’t it scary?

Effective sentence examples:

a. Mr Lurah, we welcome you.

b. Before she died, the woman whose body was found was often pacing around the market.

In the first example, replace the word ‘time and place’ with the subject (a person) who will be given a time and place to speak, namely Mr. Lurah. Whereas in the second example, change the subject to ‘woman’, not ‘female corpse’. After that, add the word ‘before death’ to clarify when the woman was pacing the market.

7. Using Standard Spelling and Language Rules

How to compose effective sentences in Indonesian can be done based on the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI) or the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).
Ineffective sentence examples: My father fought for his career well.

If based on PUEBI, then the sentence is considered ineffective. This is because the use of the word ‘career’ is not in accordance with the correct spelling. The correct spelling is ‘career.’

Example of an effective sentence: My father fought for his career well.

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