Characteristics of Command Sentences and Examples of Command Sentences

Characteristics of Command Sentences and Examples of Command Sentences – In the life that we live every day, we cannot be separated from the name of communicating with other people, why is that? This is because by communicating we will be closer to other people. Therefore, the ability to communicate is very important and necessary for everyone to have because good communication will be beneficial in the life we ​​live. To get used to communicating well with others, we need to know sentences.

At this time, many people must have started to know about sentences. Yes, it is true that a sentence is collected from various types and forms of words. This sentence is very useful in communication activities because the use of the right sentence will result in good communication. If communication is well established, the relationship between individuals and other individuals or individuals and groups will run harmoniously. Therefore, we should know and study sentences in order to maintain the quality of communication.

Basically, the sentence itself has several types and usually each type of sentence is distinguished by intonation or tone when speaking with the interlocutor. Therefore, intonation or tone of speech needs to be considered properly so that when communicating there are no misunderstandings. The types of sentences can indeed be distinguished through the tone of speech when communicating with the interlocutor, but in terms of writing, the types of sentences are distinguished by the punctuation marks which are usually given at the end of the sentence. So, it can be said that every punctuation mark and intonation or tone of speech really determines what type of sentence is being used.

The sentence itself is usually used according to the situation or situation that is happening, either the situation that is happening directly or the situation that occurs in writing, such as writing paragraphs, stories, and so on. In terms of writing, especially in a story, sentence writing plays an important role in building the atmosphere of the story, so story writers should be proficient in determining the type of sentence to write. The more proficient in determining the type of sentence to be written, the more interesting the story will be, so that more and more people will read it.

Basically, the types of sentences that are often known by many are imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, and declarative sentences. Well, in this article, we will discuss imperative sentences. Command sentences are usually used to order, give directions, and so on. The command sentence itself is a sentence that can be seen through punctuation and intonation when speaking.

Thus, it should be for us to get used to using imperative sentences, both in terms of writing or when communicating with other people directly. So, to find out more about imperative sentences, you can see the review of imperative sentences below. So, happy reading.

Definition of Command Sentence

The command sentence itself, if interpreted in simple terms, is a sentence which contains the meaning of commanding or giving orders. Therefore, when someone is saying an order sentence (judging from the tone of voice), then the person who is given the order must do something similar to what was ordered by the giver of the order.

Command sentences that we usually use, both in terms of writing or in terms of communicating directly are often referred to as imperative sentences. Although imperative sentences or imperative sentences are used more often in a high tone of voice, some people use imperative sentences in a low or subtle tone of voice.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), imperative sentences are sentences that contain the intonation and meaning of commands or prohibitions. In addition, the meaning of the imperative in KBBI is a form of command for a sentence or verb which states a prohibition or obligation to carry out an action. Because imperative sentences and imperative sentences have the same meaning or meaning, imperative sentences can also be called imperative sentences.

The use of imperative sentences or imperative sentences used in direct communication is different from the use of imperative sentences used or written in a text, such as paragraphs, stories, and so on. Command sentences written through text, at the end of the sentence are marked with an exclamation point (!).

However, along with the development of an increasingly modern era, the use of sentences is not only used orally or in written form, but also used via short messages or chat . Command sentences in the form of short messages are usually used via cellphones . So, have you used command sentences in short messages?

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Thus it can be said that the punctuation used when writing imperative sentences is an exclamation point (!). Meanwhile, applying or using command sentences when communicating is usually marked by a slightly high intonation or tone of voice and sometimes a low tone of speech.

Characteristics of Command Sentences

After discussing the meaning of imperative sentences, this time what we will discuss is the characteristics of imperative sentences. The introduction of the characteristics of imperative sentences is expected to make it easier for readers to understand imperative sentences. Following are the characteristics of imperative sentences.

1. Tone of Speech to be Conveyed

The tone or speech intonation used is one of the characteristics that someone is saying a command sentence. The use of tone or intonation is usually done when someone is communicating with other people, such as in the office, at home, at school, and so on. Therefore, we must be good at paying attention to someone’s tone when communicating so that misunderstandings do not occur.

In addition, when we want to use imperative sentences or give orders we must also be able to use the right intonation. In this case, the intonation of the command sentence when it is spoken will go up at the beginning and the intonation will go down at the end of the sentence. So, everyone should understand how to hear imperative sentences and how to speak using imperative sentences so that there are no misunderstandings.

2. Using inversion or PS sentence structure

The next feature of command sentences is using inversion or sentence structure Predicate (P) – Subject (S). Although imperative sentences more often use the P – S sentence pattern, some imperative sentences do not use such a sentence pattern. The use of command sentence patterns like this usually only occurs when writing something or in the world of writing.

Only some people use imperative sentences or give orders using inverse sentence structures or P – S. Even though they don’t use the P – S sentence pattern, an order can still be conveyed and received properly.

3. Using affixes –lah or –kan

The third feature of imperative sentences is the use of –lah or –kan affixes . The affix –lah or –kan is not only used in writing, but is also used by many people when giving orders using command sentences orally. However, some people are used to using command sentences orally without using the affixes -lah or -kan , but the commands conveyed can be well received by the recipient of the order.

4. Using Command Words

It’s called an imperative sentence, so it’s normal to use a command word. This command word has become a common thing to use in command sentences, be it verbally or in text or writing. Command words that are commonly used when using imperative sentences, such as please, please, don’t, immediately, and so on. As with the use of the affixes –lah or –kan , not everyone uses imperative words, either in writing imperative sentences or in pronouncing imperative sentences.

5. Using Exclamation Marks (!) At the End of Sentences

For this one feature only occurs in text and does not occur in pronunciation. This is because the characteristic of the last command sentence is to use an exclamation point (!) at the end of the sentence. We often find the use of exclamation marks (!) in a story or paragraph in several questions. Having an exclamation point (!) at the end of a sentence means that the sentence is an imperative sentence. However, along with the times and technology, usually the use of an exclamation mark (!) used in short messages means that you are angry about something.

Those are the characteristics of the imperative sentence. Even though these characteristics are not always used, an imperative sentence can still occur. In addition, the orders given can still be conveyed, so that the recipient of the order can do something that was ordered optimally.

Command Prompt Function

The command sentence that we know has several functions that you need to know. By knowing the functions of imperative sentences, we can use imperative sentences according to where and to whom we will use imperative sentences. The function of the imperative sentence is as follows.

1. To Give Command

The function of the first command sentence is used to give commands. Usually in this function, command sentences are often used in the military world or during wars where the leader will give commands that are in accordance with the strategy designed. With the existence of a commando order, the soldier who is given an order must do something according to what has been ordered. The imperative function of giving commands has several examples, among them.

a. Immediately go to the west and we attack the enemy!

b. Stay in each position!

c. Get ready to shoot!

2. To Give Orders

The second function of the command sentence is to give orders. If, the first function of the command sentence (giving orders) is commonly used in the military world, then it is different from the second function (giving orders) which is generally used at school, at home, even in the office. If, at a glance, the functions of command sentences (giving commands) and (giving orders) are almost the same, the difference is only where they are used and who uses them. Here are some examples of command sentence functions to give orders.

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a. Please, don’t make noise!

b. Immediately do the task that I have given!

c. Don’t forget to do your homework at home!

3. To Deliver Claims

The third function of imperative or imperative sentences is to make demands. The function of this command sentence is usually used to demand something. Therefore, we often see the function of this command sentence in the legal world where the judge will give demands according to the results of the trial. In addition, an imperative sentence that functions to give demands can also occur to debt collectors who are collecting debts. Examples of imperative sentence functions to make demands, namely:

a. Charges given for 4 years in prison!

b. Pay off your debts today!

4. To Give Ban

The function of the fourth imperative sentence is to give a prohibition. In general, we must have been forbidden by our parents to do some things that could endanger ourselves. When parents forbid us to do things that are harmful, then the imperative sentence appears. However, the function of command or imperative sentences used to give prohibitions can also occur in the school environment. Following are some of the functions of command sentences to give prohibitions.

a. Don’t, take fruit in that house!

b. Don’t, be a lazy boy!

c. Don’t stay up late!

5. To Give an Invitation

The function of the fifth imperative sentence is to give an invitation. In some ways, an invitation is an order that must be carried out. Usually a command sentence that functions to give an invitation for the common good. In short, something that is ordered must be done so as not to harm other people, so that fellow human beings do not have misunderstandings.

a. Come on, let’s obey PPKM from the government!

b. Immediately enjoy the dishes we have served!

c. Come on, don’t be a lazy person!

6. To Give Omission

The sixth function of the imperative sentence is to give omission. The function of this sentence is usually used for someone who gives orders to other people in the form of things that let. Below are given some examples of the function of imperative sentences to give omission.

a. Let him calm himself down!

b. Let them express themselves as they please!

Command Sentence Types

After discussing the meaning of imperative sentences, to the functions of imperative sentences, it feels incomplete, if you don’t discuss the types of imperative sentences. Below will be explained several types of command sentences along with examples.

1. Ordinary Command Sentences

An ordinary command sentence is a command sentence whose contents are in the form of a command that is directly spoken. Therefore, we often find this command sentence in everyday conversation.

a. Go to school soon!

b. Make the bed before taking a shower!

c. I am your duty at 10.00!

d. Do your homework, now!

2. Invitation Command Sentences

An imperative sentence is an imperative sentence that contains an invitation to someone with the aim of doing something.

a. Come on, accompany mom shopping at the market!

b. Come on, don’t forget to wear a mask!

c. Let’s live a peaceful life!

3. Prohibition Command Sentence

A prohibitive imperative sentence is a commanding sentence whose contents are in the form of a prohibition to do something.

a. Don’t forget to do your homework!

b. Never, ever steal!

c. Don’t hate other people!

d. Don’t throw trash in the river!

4. Satire Command Sentence

A satire command sentence is a command sentence which contains an element of satire at someone.

a. Ouch, the pencil fell very far (meant to ask to be picked up)

b. This room feels hot (means the air conditioner is immediately turned on)

5. Command Sentences Welcome

Command sentences to invite are prohibitive sentences that contain elements of asking.

a. Please fill the seats in the front

b. Please queue according to the serial number

6. Suggestion Command Sentences

Suggestion imperative sentence is a commanding sentence that contains suggestions that will be given to someone.

a. Better, do your PR soon!

b. You should have stood in line beforehand!

c. Supposedly, the shoes used are black

7. Sentence Command Information

Information imperative sentence is a command sentence whose contents are in the form of information.

a. Wear a helmet when driving!

b. Be a good boy!

8. Sentence Command Request

Request sentence is a command sentence that contains a request to someone to do something.

a. Please give this cake to him!

b. Please obey the existing traffic signs!

c. Please do the assignments that have been given!


This imperative sentence is often referred to as an imperative sentence. Its function is to give orders to other people so that they can do something that is ordered. The giver of the order must understand the procedures before giving an order so that the command given can be carried out optimally. Meanwhile, the use of command sentences in writing or text will usually be marked with an exclamation point (!) at the end of the sentence.

Source: From various sources