Communication Management: Definition, Functions, Purpose and Examples

Communication Management – Hello Sinaumed’s friends , do you know what communication management is? In order to know the definition of communication management properly, we must understand the meaning of each of these words, namely management and communication.


Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling by empowering organizational members and using other organizational resources.

To achieve the set goals of the organization. Management is often defined as the art of getting things done through other people. Managers achieve organizational goals by assigning others to do all the tasks necessary to achieve those goals.

In several management books, the art of letting other people do the work in process is planning, organizing, controlling, and directing various efforts to achieve goals, and communicating is the process by which a person or group, organization and society creates and uses information to relate to the environment and people. other.

The characteristics of communication science include being unchanging, complex, causal, and full of potential problems. Judging from these characteristics, the communication process is very complex. Therefore, communicative behavior must be managed properly. This is where a communications management major can help.

Management is a group of people who carry out planning, organizing, directing, and controlling activities. The Board of Directors has primary responsibility for various decision-making related to the areas under its control. Employees and management are one unit that needs each other.

Good management is management that can communicate with employees appropriately. Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which people work together in a team and can achieve set goals as efficiently as possible (H. Weihrich & H. Koontz).


While communication as a verb in English, “communicate” , means

(1) To exchange thoughts, feelings and information;

(2) Making tofu;

(3) equalizing; And

(4) Have a sympathetic relationship. In its name, “communication” means:

  • Exchange of symbols, messages and similar information;
  • The process of communication between individuals through the same symbols;
  • The art of expressing ideas
  •  The science of conveying information, attitudes, and/or other expressive behaviors. There are at least four main elements in the communication model, namely the source , message , channel and receiver .

Wilbur Schramm stated that communication is a process of sharing. Schramm describes it as follows:

“Communication comes from the Latin (language) communis which means common (common) or together. When we communicate, we are actually trying to develop a community with someone. In other words, we try to share information, ideas or attitudes.

In this description, for example, I try to communicate with readers to convey the idea that the essence of communication is actually an attempt to make the recipient or giver feel an understanding (understanding) of a particular message.

Effective communication is very influential on the success of the communication process in conveying the desired message. Organizations really need it because without effective communication between different stakeholders it leads to poor service delivery.

Communication will work well if it is planned and organized using communication management. Communication is the process of transferring information, ideas, explanations, feelings, questions from the communicator to the communicator. Communication is something very basic, in the process there must be a goal:

  1. Implement and disseminate the intent of an effort.
  2. Develop plans to achieve goals.
  3. Organizing human resources and other resources such as effective and efficient.
  4. Select, develop, assess the members of the organization.
  5. Lead, direct, motivate and create a work climate where everyone wants to contribute.

In addition to these objectives, elements of communication include; There must be a source, there must be a purpose or objective, there must be news or information, there must be a channel or medium of communication, and there must be a recipient of the news. For this purpose, communication has several functions, including:

  1. Information function
  2. command function,
  3. influence and distribution function, and
  4. Integrated function

Communication is effective if the communicator performs his role properly, so that there is a good and appropriate communication process where ideas or ideas are discussed one by one, ways of deliberation between communicators and communicators, and have an understanding of information that everything becomes material for discussion to reach consensus and consensus. Furthermore, the communication process is divided into two types, namely active communication and passive communication.

According to Soesanto (1976), communication aims to create harmony among communicators. Media action models to achieve this must be not only reactive, but also strategic. When communicating, we may see different types of individuals with different backgrounds, education, beliefs, cultures, mental states, and needs.

To improve communication efficiency often occurs due to various communication problems. First of all, you must recognize the need for effective communication. Leaders or managers have an important role in the communication process because managers can implement policies or actions to increase the effectiveness of communication. Furthermore, it is important to increase the effectiveness of communication to use feedback.

This two-way communication allows for more efficient communication. Leaders and managers can do two important things: encourage feedback and use it effectively. Managers can create an environment that encourages feedback and receives feedback through their own activities. The type of communication and how a manager communicates with his subordinates can determine the amount of feedback they will receive.

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In addition, the active role of managers is to maintain and research opinions that will occur. This is where the role of participatory management and face-to-face communication is a way that can be used to increase the effectiveness of communication through the use of feedback. Finally, leaders and managers must have good communication techniques, to be effective communicators.

While carrying out tasks, managers must communicate with subordinates so that the business plan can be implemented. Leading requires managers to communicate to achieve operational goals. Thus, a manager will be able to carry out management functions through interaction and communication with other parties.

Definition of Communication Management

Communication management is basically a combination of communication science and management theory that is applied in many different communication contexts.

Communication management can also be understood as the systematic planning, implementation, monitoring and review of all communication channels within a company or organization as well as between organizations including organizing and disseminating guidelines for new communications connected to networks, organizations or communication technologies.

In its sense, communication management is the process of exchanging signals back and forth to inform, persuade, or give orders, based on the same meaning and governed by the context of the communicator’s relationship and social context.

According to Kaye (1994). Media management was born out of the need to act as a bridge between media theorists and media practitioners. Theorists have limitations in applying the knowledge available to them. Meanwhile, media practitioners experience limitations in terms of theoretical references or communication science.

According to Parag Diwan (1999) 11, communication management is the process of using communication resources that are integrated through the process of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the elements of communication to achieve the goals that have been set.

According to Antar Venus, communication management is the process of managing communication resources to improve the quality and effectiveness of message exchanges that occur in different communication contexts.

The context of communication here refers to the level of personal, interpersonal, organizational, governmental, social or even international communication. Communication management is synonymous with social interaction. There are times when you have to know how to position yourself properly in certain situations, you also have to know how to deal with and cooperate with other people without getting involved in personal matters.

This is part of why it is important to have a professional attitude in each of you. Manage communication within and between social systems. Communication management includes P4I (Receiving, Management, Storage and Delivery of Information) in the social subsystem consisting of individuals, groups, organizations, masses and society. The concept of management from the point of view of communication science is actually understood as a process of influencing others.

Furthermore, the concept of communication management also tells us that the ability to communicate well is not only something that is inherent in us, but also something that we can learn and develop.

For example, we can improve our communication to become a reliable communicator. Therein lies the benefit of studying communication management, especially to better understand how to communicate with others, so that communication takes place as effective communication.

Communication management combines a management approach with communication management that allows us to achieve harmony in the communications we do.

  1. Based on the characteristics of the science of communication. The characteristics of communication science include being irreversible, complex, having a causal dimension, and containing potential problems. Judging from these characteristics a communication process is very complicated. So an act of communication must be managed appropriately. This is where the communications management subdiscipline can make a contribution.
  1. Related to the need for the functionalization of communication science in an effort to create or knowledge worker in the field of communication. Knowledge workers are communication workers who have theoretical insights about communication and have skills in applying this knowledge. In the study of communication management, a communication learning model that leads to the provision of meaningful knowledge and meaningful skills can be constructed.

Communication is considered important for other elements of organizational management. For the first reason, communication serves to align organizational goals with the target results achieved. Second, it functions to adapt to changes in the organizational environment. Third, fostering relationships between members of the organization in carrying out different organizational tasks (workload). For this reason, effective communication skills are an absolute must for an employee of an organization.

Functions and Benefits of Communication Management in Business

In the business world, communication management has two main functions, namely as a means of common understanding among all members of the company and as a means to involve other people in the company with information that is clearly provided.

The manager has the role of guiding each member of his team to work according to agreed guidelines to maximize profits.

In addition, this management style is also very useful for maintaining good relations with every member of the company. Without good communication, it is likely that internal conflicts will arise which will result in less than optimal cooperation.

Here are other communication management functions in the company that you can see below:

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Managing Communications As Control

Managers control the behavior of everyone, membership in the form of membership rules or regulations. Therefore, the activities of each member must be carried out based on the rules set by the previous company to avoid conflicts that might arise.

Managing Communication As Motivation

Managers will require each member to be able to motivate each member to be able to perform well in accordance with the applicable SOP.

Managing Communication as a Form of Emotional Expression

Companies that have good communication management will create good coordination between teams. Thus, communication will be used as an important means of expressing the feelings of each member. Thus, he will be able to minimize all kinds of problems that may arise from interpersonal conflicts.

Managing Communication as a Tool for Disseminating Information

The ultimate goal of communication is as a tool to convey information and to identify other options for implementing the correct policy.

Communication Management Objectives

Basically the purpose of communication management is to establish good interactions so that they can understand and understand how to communicate with other parties.

Communication management is also a medium of information that shapes the way other people interact.

Some of the goals of communication management in the wider community include; developing professional relationships, forming goodwill , increasing tolerance , mutual understanding , mutual appreciation and obtaining favorable opinions, both externally and internally.

Forms and Examples of Communication Management

George R. Terry explained that communication consists of 5 important elements, namely:

1. Formal Communication

Formal communication is communication that occurs between superiors and subordinates without any specific arrangement. The form of communication used in this official communication channel has the authority and responsibility through various instructions both written and verbal using functional procedures that occur from superiors down or vice versa.

An example is the company’s regulatory policy regarding the number of working hours specified in the employment contract.

2. Informal Communication

Informal communication also does not require special arrangements and usually occurs spontaneously. Such as suggestions relating to responsibilities or duties at work. An example is a company member providing advice and feedback when taking on an assignment.

3. Informal Communication

Informal communication is communication that is done to talk about things other than work. This type of communication emphasizes the relationship between people. Like two employees who confide in each other’s problems in life outside of work.

4. Technical Communication

Technical communications are communications designed to communicate a specific strategy, such as a marketing manager providing technical guidance on how to do marketing through social media.

5. Procedural communication

Procedural communication is communication made to report company performance.

Onong U. Effendi, on the other hand, divides communication into three parts, namely:

  • Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is ethical back and forth communication between superiors and subordinates.

  • Horizontal Communication

Horizontal communication is communication that exists between managers and employees in a company. In other words, horizontal communication is the flow of communication that takes place at a certain organizational level.

  • External Communications

External communication is communication that exists between the company and other companies outside the company.

Communication Management in Adult Communication

Michael Kaye in his book entitled Communication Management explains that there are communication patterns in adults that are often similar to the Russian Matouschka doll . According to him, the smallest doll is part of today’s adult communication concept.

This section will explain about yourself. Mutual understanding and empathy are very important steps in achieving effective self-management. In other words, the inner communication that occurs must include perceptions, feelings, memories, and ways of thinking.

While closed dolls are interpersonal communication dolls. This interpersonal orientation lies in how a person can relate to other people and how individuals can interact with other individuals in carrying out meaningful communicative activities.

For dolls in particular, people-in-system dolls , there will be more focus on the social system or organization they work in, which can affect the person in how they communicate with other people in the system. For the fourth doll, the skill doll, we will focus more on packing all the other dolls.

This competency model is important to understand because this competency model can not only be assessed externally, but at all levels of the “Russian Matouschka Doll”. Someone becomes an expert in interpersonal communication when he can understand and exercise control over himself.

In addition, someone will also be considered more competent in communicating if he can build, coordinate, and explain something to other people or colleagues. Finally, someone will also be considered an expert in communication when he can change the system that has been in effect before.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that communication management is a reciprocal process in providing information to others.

Managing communication is key to the success of any relationship, be it a friendship or a partnership. Without good communication, things get complicated.

Thus a brief explanation of communication management, starting from the meaning, purpose, forms and functions as well as the benefits of communication management in business. Hopefully this article is useful and adds insight to you. Don’t forget to read and buy books at sinaumedia!

Author: Ziaggi Fadhil Zahran

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