Know What is the Lysogenic Cycle: Concept and Stages

In life, we are not always healthy. There are times when you get sick and need one or two medicines as well as adequate rest. The causes are various, such as bacteria, viruses, and so on. Some viruses that settle in the human body require special and intensive treatment. Some others just need enough rest and simple care. Viruses … Read more

Know the Various Types of Ancient Currency from Various Ages

Knowing the Various Types of Ancient Currency from Various Ages – Some time ago, precisely at the moment of Indonesia’s independence yesterday which fell on August 17, 2022, all elements of society participated in celebrating the independence party with wisdom. Both from government officials and local communities in various parts of our beloved country, Indonesia. … Read more

Know the Types of Work

Type of work – Everyone has a job to make ends meet. Starting from light work, to work that requires a lot of physical and mental strength. Work is an activity carried out to get payment rewards. In this world there are many types of work. Starting from freelance work, permanent work and contract work. Sometimes someone does their … Read more

Know the Types of Human Muscles and Their Functions

Types of Human Muscles – Talking about humans feels very complex, starting from the things that are in their bodies to their behavior. In the human body itself there are many organs that work. There are even organs that play an important role when humans carry out their daily activities or you could say when humans move. One … Read more

Know the Types of Angles

Types of angles – In math lessons someone must explain angles. Lessons or material about angles will usually appear at every level of education. This is because angles are always present in everyday life. In fact, the houses we live in are built using good and correct angles, so they look beautiful and sturdy. However, for some people … Read more

Know the Rules for Using the Correct Word

Correct Use of the Word To – Most people when writing would often use the word to. However, not a few also feel confused about how to use the word ke which is good and right. The word ke is basically a type of preposition or also known as a preposition. Apart from the use … Read more

Know the Risks of Eating Food with Plastic Wrap

There are still many people who don’t really care about food packaging. Whereas packaging plays an important role in determining whether the food consumed is safe or not, especially processed food. If food is packaged with plastic or materials that contain poison, it is not impossible that the toxin content can contaminate the food and … Read more

Know the Properties of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Compounds

Compound is a chemical substance. Where compounds can be formed due to natural processes. But there are also those that are deliberately made for the benefit of humans. A compound is a single substance that can be broken down into several elements. In general, compounds have various kinds of elements chemically combined with each other. … Read more

Know the Parts of the Keyboard (Piano)

Keyboard parts (piano) – Keyboards include a wide variety of modern musical instruments from around the world. In this modern era, the use of keyboards has been widely found in several groups of music games in several countries, especially in Indonesia. Keyboard games are of interest to everyone who loves music and musical instruments. At … Read more

Know the Origins and Customs of the 5 Biggest Tribes on the Island of Sumatra

Origins and Customs of the 5 Largest Tribes on the Island of Sumatra – Sumatra Island is the sixth largest island in the world with an area of ​​473,481 km². The population of the island is approximately 57,940,351 (2018 census). This island is also known by other names, namely Percha Island , Andalas , or Suwarnadwipa (Sanskrit, meaning “golden island”). When it was a … Read more

Know the Origins and Customs of the 5 Biggest Tribes in Java

Getting to Know the Origins and Customs of the 5 Biggest Tribes in Java – Indonesia is a wealthy country. Wealth refers not only to natural products, but also to various ethnic groups, languages, religions, beliefs and customs. For ethnic wealth, Indonesia has hundreds of tribal names, even thousands if broken down to sub-tribes. Each tribe has different … Read more

Know the History and Characteristics of Magnets

Get to Know the History and Characteristics of Magnets – Who has loved playing magnets since childhood? Or does Sinaumed’s like to be surprised to see a magnet stuck to the refrigerator at home? Why can a magnet attract metal? Can all types of metal be pulled? So that Sinaumed’s is no longer confused by … Read more

Know the Functions of Political Parties, Understanding and History of Political Parties

Functions of Political Parties – The existence of political parties is something that cannot be avoided in a modern society with a complex structure. This is because political parties are considered to have the ability to channel complex societal political participation. The more complex a society is, the existence of political parties will be increasingly needed as a … Read more

Know the Duties of the Central Bank

Every country certainly has a central bank where the task of the bank is to maintain the stability of the currency of a country. Then, actually, what is meant by a central bank? You can find the answer in this article, Sinaumed’s. Definition of Central Bank A bank is a place where a person or … Read more

Know the Difference between Direct and Indirect Investment!

The difference between Direct and Indirect Investment – ​​Investment is one way to get big profits while protecting assets in the long term. However, many people are still confused about choosing between direct and indirect investment. Before knowing the difference between the two, Sinaumed’s must first determine goals, prepare funds, and understand investment risks. To make it easier for Sinaumed’s to choose, … Read more

Know the Definition of Cashback, Benefits, and Types of Promotions

Definition of Cashback – In the business world, it turns out that there are lots of strategies that can be implemented by a company in order to attract potential buyers. Starting from a unique promotional system, offering discounts or discounts to cashback features that are given to buyers. Surely you are no stranger to the term cashback. Both … Read more

Know the Definition and Characteristics of Anecdote Text

Characteristics of Anecdote Text – Does Sinaumed’s know what an anecdote text is? Anecdotes are a type of text in Indonesian that you need to know. In practice, anecdotal texts also have a purpose and function and can be found in various sources, such as newspapers, magazines and so on. Simple, anecdotal text contains stories that contain humor but … Read more

Know the 5 Majors with the Most Wanted Graduates

Most Wanted Graduate Majors –  Entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, competition for jobs is getting tougher with demands for higher job skills. Therefore you need to choose the right college major and job. Disruptive technology, sharing economy, climate change, renewable energy, robotics, limited natural resources, and data processing are challenges as well … Read more

Know How Animals Reproduce: Generative and Vegetative

Types/How Animals Breed – Basically, breeding is one of the basic characteristics of animals as living things. This breeding must be done by animals to avoid extinction. In general, animals reproduce sexually or generatively, however, there are also types/methods of animals that reproduce vegetatively or without sexual or asexual activity. Types/Methods of Generative Breeding Animals … Read more

Know and Obey the Body’s Circadian Rhythms to Always Be Fit

sinaumedia Literacy – Everyone has an internal body clock that works automatically. This system is also known as the circadian rhythm, which is a system that plays a role in ensuring that the body’s organs work optimally throughout the day. Our brain regulates sleep time, eating patterns, body temperature, hormone production, regulation of glucose and … Read more

Klitih: Definition, Causes, Laws, and Steps to Avoid Klitih

Klitih is – Klitih is one of the topics that is increasingly being discussed on social media. The term klitih is back in the spotlight, because various criminal acts in Jogja have been increasing lately. This example of the Klitih case occurred several times in Yogyakarta which occurred at night when several streets were starting … Read more

Kirchoff’s Laws 1 and 2: Sounds, Formulas & Applications in Everyday Life

Kirchoff’s Laws – In Physics, Sinaumed’s definitely learns about electricity or electricity. In this chapter, you will usually get acquainted with Kirchoff’s Laws 1 and 2, which discuss the matter of electrical conduction. Kirchoff’s law is used as a basis for understanding electric circuits, especially closed electricity. Yup , by understanding Kirchoff’s laws Sinaumed’s can analyze various simple electrical … Read more

Kingdom Protista: Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Examples

sinaumedia Literacy – Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms that are not animals, plants, or fungi. Although protists cannot be categorized in groups of animals, plants, or fungi, they have characteristics that are similar to the three groups. Therefore, the classification of protists is divided into 3 types, namely animal-like protists, plant-like protists, and mushroom-like protists. Check … Read more

Kingdom Fungi: Definition, Structure, Classification & General Characteristics

sinaumedia Literacy does not have chlorophyll. Thus it cannot carry out photosynthesis and produce its own food, so that fungi are then also called heterotrophic organisms because they resemble animal cells. Check out a more complete description of the following Fungi, Sinaumed’s!   DEFINITION OF MUSHROOMS The word mushroom comes from the Latin word fungus. … Read more

Kinetic Energy: Definition, Benefits, and Types of Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy – In Physics, Sinaumed’s will often find formulas for kinetic and potential energy. Energy is a capability that is used to do work. Energy is divided into several types, one of the most basic forms of energy is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is also known as motion energy, where this energy can be converted into other … Read more

Kinds of Sujud and Prayers

Kinds of Sujud and Their Prayers – Sujud is one part of the prayer movement. This prostration movement is also one of the movements favored by Rasulullah SAW, therefore it is a noble movement. Sujud is also a form of surrendering oneself to Allah SWT. because we are small helpless servants without the help of … Read more

Kinds of Reflected Sounds and Benefits for Human Life

Kinds of Reflective Sounds – In everyday life, does Sinaumed’s realize that the sound we hear actually reflects? Yep, just like a ball that is reflected on the ground, the sound produced by humans, animals, or inanimate objects also bounces, you know… It’s just that the appearance of the reflected sound is intangible because sound … Read more

Kinds of Pronouns and Examples of Pronoun Sentences

In English, there are pronouns or what we call Indonesian as pronouns. Types of Pronouns As with pronouns in Indonesian, pronouns also have various types that can be used according to the context of the sentence. What are the types of pronouns? Let’s listen to the following description! PERSONAL PRONOUNS Personal pronouns are words that … Read more

Kinds of Power Plants, Anything Yes

Various types of power plants – Electricity is a form of energy that we often use or even without electricity it would be difficult for us to carry out various activities. The electricity we use comes from existing power plants, especially in Indonesia. Then, what is a power plant and what are the different types … Read more