The Benefits of Sunlight for Animals and Plants

Each country has a different duration of sunshine. In Indonesia, which is a tropical country, it gets sunlight longer than in countries with four seasons. This happens almost all year round.

Like humans, animals and plants also need sunlight. Sunlight does have an important role in life on earth. Without it, life would be somber and even no life at all. Everyone’s dead.

Then, what are the benefits of sunlight for animals? Sinaumed’s will get answers by listening to the following explanation.

Overview of the Sun

The sun is the center of the solar system. It is also the closest star to Earth. The composition of the sun consists of various kinds of gases that are under high pressure so that they make themselves hot. These gases consist of 76% hydrogen, 22% helium, 2% oxygen and other gases.

The sun is the largest planet with a size of 109 times the diameter of the earth. It weighs up to 300,000 times the weight of the earth. This is caused by the material that composes it in the form of gas so that its shape is actually a collection of gases. The temperature of the sun’s surface reaches 6,000 0 C which is emitted into outer space until it reaches the earth’s surface.

Meanwhile, the core temperature of the sun reaches 15-20 million degrees Celsius. It also emits large enough energy waves in the form of electromagnetic waves. These waves consist of visible light waves, microwaves, X-rays, infrared rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays.

The source of solar energy comes from fusion reactions that occur in the sun’s core. The fusion reaction itself is a combination of hydrogen atoms to become helium. This reaction produces enormous energy.

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1. The Core of the Sun

The innermost part of the sun is the sun’s core. There, fusion reactions occur as a source of solar energy. The temperature reaches 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. The energy generated from the fusion reaction will be distributed to the outermost layer, then it will also be emitted into outer space.

2. Photosphere

The photosphere is part of the sun’s surface. This layer emits light so that it can provide illumination in everyday life. The temperature reaches 16,000 0 C. Its thickness reaches approximately 500 km.

3. Chromosphere

The chromosphere is the layer above the photosphere. Its function is as the sun’s atmosphere. Its thickness reaches 16,000 km with a temperature of approximately 9,800 0 C. It looks like a red band around the moon during a total solar eclipse.

4. Corona

The corona is the outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere. Its temperature reaches 1,000,000 0 C. It has a grayish color which is caused by the ionization of the atoms due to the very high temperature. The corona will appear during a total solar eclipse.

This is because almost all of the sun’s light is covered by the moon. It looks like a crown with a gray color.

The sun is not always healthy, just like the earth. He also experienced distractions due to his own activities. Here are some disturbances that occur in the sun.

1. Sun Spots

Sun bitnik is a very strong magnetic field that appears in an area on the sun. These spots are holes on the sun’s surface. From these holes, hot gas is ejected from the core of the sun. This causes interference with radio wave telecommunications on the surface of the earth.

2. Clots in the Photosphere (Granulation)

The clumps in the photosphere appear due to the propagation of hot gas from the sun’s core to the surface. This causes, the surface of the sun is not flat but lumpy.

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3. The Flame of the Sun

The solar flare is a gas distribution from the edge of the sun’s chromosphere. The flame tongue is also often referred to as the prominence or protuberant. Its altitude can reach 10,000 km. It is composed of protons and electrons of hydrogen atoms moving at high speed.

The mass of these particles can reach the earth’s surface. Before entering the earth, the emission of these particles is restrained by the earth’s magnetic field (Van Allen belts). This causes the speed of the particles to decrease and move toward the poles. Then, these particles will glow which is known as an aurora.

The scattering of these particles disrupts the radio wave communication system. Aurora itself is in the southern hemisphere called the Aurora Australis, while the aurora in the northern hemisphere is called the Aurora Borealis.

4. Explosion ( Flares )

Flares are gas explosions that occur above the surface of the sun. It can cause interference to radio communication systems. This is because, gas eruptions consist of electrically charged gas particles.

Benefits of Sunlight for Animals

Sunlight gives life to every living thing on earth. Animals are no exception. Launching from various sources on the internet, here are the benefits of sunlight for animals.

1. Source of Vitamin D

Animals need vitamin D, just like humans. The sun provides free intake of these vitamins in an easy way. It is enough for animals to be in the sun, so vitamin D for the body will be fulfilled. Thus, body processes driven by calcium can be assisted, for example the formation of strong teeth and bones.

2. Warms the Body

Reptiles really need the sun’s heat to warm themselves. The goal is to survive.

3. Maintain Temperature Balance

In order to keep the body temperature warm and stable, the animals will take advantage of sunlight in their daily activities. Animals are grouped into two based on the effect of temperature on the environment, namely homoithermic and poikilothermic.

Homoitherms are warm-blooded animals, while poikilotherms are cold-blooded animals. Both types of animals need sunlight. The goal is to develop adaptations, especially in regulating body temperature.

4. Streamlining the Digestive Process of Food

Sunlight can help animals to expedite the digestive process of food in the body. This is because sunlight contains heat.

5. Speed ​​up the Adaptation Process

Animals often move from place to place to survive. He must quickly adapt. With the help of sunlight, they can adapt to their environment quickly.

6. Provide Food

Animals are classified into three based on the type of food. The three types are herbivores (plant eaters), carnivores (meat eaters), and omnivores (meat and plant eaters).

Herbivorous animals need the sun’s energy the most. This is because the sun helps the growth and development of plants. When plants thrive, herbivorous animals will not lack food.

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7. Provide oxygen

Sunlight is one of the raw materials for photosynthesis in plants. If the intake of sunlight is sufficient for plants to photosynthesize. Thus, the oxygen used to breathe animals and humans will be met.

Benefits of the Sun for Humans

Sunlight is needed by humans, especially for their physical needs. Without sunlight, humans will find it difficult to move. The following are the benefits of sunlight for human life which are summarized from various sources on the internet.

1. Being a Source of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed by the body. Every human being must receive sun exposure of approximately 4,000 to 9,000 IU/day or about 10 to 20 minutes every day. Vitamin D is very useful for the development of bones and teeth as well as helps the absorption of calcium in the body.

2. Become a Source of Information

Sunlight is the main and free source of lighting for life on earth. The presence of the sun allows us to see without the need for electricity. It is also a source of lighting at night. You do this by storing light in solar panels.

3. Become a source of electric power

Sunlight is one source of solar power. Currently, some Indonesian people have switched to using independent sources of electrical energy, namely solar power with solar panels.

4. Lose Weight

UV rays emitted by the sun can convert cholesterol into vitamin D. Cholesterol is certainly not good for the body. It can cause various diseases and lead to excess body weight. By basking in the sun, we will get many benefits, for example, getting vitamin D while losing weight.

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5. Increase Body Immunity

Based on research conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center on solar thermal energy. The research found that sunlight can provide energy to T cells which are one of the cells with an important role in the human immune system.

6. Become a source of heat

Sunlight is a natural source of heat needed by humans in their daily needs. For example to warm themselves, drying clothes, making salted fish, and other activities.

Benefits of the Sun for Plants

Sunlight benefits every living thing on earth. Animals, plants and humans depend on sunlight for their lives. Here are the benefits of sunlight for plants.

1. Helps the Photosynthesis Process

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), photosynthesis is the utilization of sunlight energy (artificial sunlight) by green leafy plants or bacteria to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. Photosynthesis occurs when there is sunlight and carbon dioxide.

Plants that carry out photosynthesis have stomata which will absorb carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, chlorophyll absorbs light. At the same time, water from the soil will be absorbed by the roots to be carried to the leaves.

Photosynthesis itself aims to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and hydrogen. Hydrogen is needed by plants for the process of growth and development. Meanwhile, oxygen is released to the outside.

2. Assist Agriculture and Plantation

Sunlight is very influential in agriculture or plantations. This relates to the process of photosynthesis carried out by plants. If plants get enough sunlight then growth will occur to the maximum. Thus, these plants will be utilized by humans and animals.

3. Adding Nutrition

Sunlight is the best source of nutrition for plants. These nutritional needs can easily be obtained through sunlight. It can help the process of growing sprouts to be richer in nutrients.

4. Helps the Growth Process

The sun is useful for activating chlorophyll, warming seeds, giving a green color, keeping the temperature stable, accelerating the growth process in plants, and so on.

Disorders Arising from Lack of Exposure to Sunlight

Humans will experience various disorders when they lack exposure to sunlight. The following are the disorders experienced by humans which have been summarized from the page.

1. Depressive Disorders

Exposure to sunlight can increase the release of the hormone serotonin. This hormone acts as a mood enhancer and helps a person feel calm and focused.

Lack of sunlight can cause serotonin levels to decrease. This condition increases the risk of major depression.

2. Insomnia

Lack of sunlight can cause loss of circadian rhythms (the body’s internal clock). This results in disturbed night sleep. This condition if it occurs continuously will trigger insomnia.

3. Heart Problems

Vitamin D produced by the body functions as a self-protector from various types of diseases. One of them, heart disease. Without sunlight, the body will have difficulty producing vitamin D. Even though ultraviolet (UV) rays play a role in regulating blood pressure. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

4. Cancer

Excess sunlight can cause skin cancer. However, sufficient amount of sun is useful for preventing cancer. People who live in areas with less sunlight are more likely to suffer from certain types of cancer. This is inversely proportional to people who live in places that are exposed to more sunlight.

Cancers caused by a lack of sunlight include ovarian cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prostate cancer, and so on.

5. Rickets and Osteomalacia

Rickets is a disorder that causes weak and soft bones. This is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. In adults, the condition of soft bones and break easily is called osteomalacia.

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6. Arthritis and Fibromyalgia

Arthritis or fibromyalgia can occur due to a lack of sunlight. This is related to the vitamin D that is produced. Adults who don’t get enough sun will often feel aches in the muscles and bones or feel a little stiff in the morning.

Nutrients in the form of calcium and collagen can work together to form bones. However, without adequate intake of vitamin D it will disrupt the process. As a result, the bone can actually ache and a throbbing sensation may appear.

7. Multiple Sclerosis

The risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) can occur due to lack of sunlight which is also related to a lack of vitamin D. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells.

In a person with MS, the immune system attacks the cells located in myelin, the protective sheath that surrounds the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Damage to the myelin sheath will interfere with nerve signals from the brain to other parts of the body. the damage can cause symptoms that affect the brain, eyes, and spinal cord.

8. Osteoporosis

Vitamin D, which comes from sunlight, plays a big role in maintaining bone health. With sufficient levels, vitamin D can maintain bone health, prevent osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

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