The Area of ​​Each ASEAN Country and Their Brief Profile

The Area of ​​Each ASEAN Country – The ASEAN Organization or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is an organization consisting of 10 countries located in the Southeast Asian region. Previously, the ASEAN organization was first formed on August 8, 1967 with only 5 member countries and Indonesia was one of the founding countries. Representatives from the five ASEAN founding countries were Adam Malik from Indonesia, Tun Abdul Razak from Malaysia, Rajaratnam from Singapore, Thanat Khoman from Thailand, and Narciso Ramos from the Philippines.

In the meeting of the five countries, foreign minister representatives signed an agreement called the Bangkok Declaration. By signing the declaration, this ASEAN organization was officially established and accepted new members. Most ASEAN countries have a sea area with a total area of ​​around 5,060,100 square km and a land area of ​​around 4,817,000 km2. Based on its astronomical location, the entire territory of these ASEAN countries is located at 28º North Latitude – 11º South Latitude and 93º East Longitude – 141º East Longitude. So that the majority of countries have a tropical climate because of their location close to the equator.

The Area of ​​Each ASEAN Country

As we already understand, ASEAN is a regional organization that facilitates cooperation between countries in Southeast Asia. Below, we will discuss the area of ​​each ASEAN country and their full profile.

As mentioned above, this organization was formed on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, through the signing of the Bangkok Declaration. Indonesia is one of the founders of this organization of Southeast Asian countries along with the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Southeast Asia is divided into two groups, namely mainland Southeast Asia or ATD, which consists of the Indochina Peninsula and the Malacca Peninsula. Then Maritime Southeast Asia or ATM which consists of the Philippine Islands and the Archipelago namely Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Timor Leste, and also Brunei Darussalam or better known as the Malay Archipelago.

On the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is stated that Timor Leste is geographically located in the Southeast Asian region which officially registered itself as a member of ASEAN in 2011. Regarding Timor Leste’s membership, it is still being discussed by the 10 ASEAN member countries.

History records that initially ASEAN was formed with the aim of fostering cooperation among member countries in order to accelerate economic growth, encourage peace, and also regional stability, and form cooperation in various fields of common interest. In subsequent developments, this organization made various significant agendas in the political field such as the Declaration of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) which was signed in 1971.

Then in 1976, the five initial member countries of ASEAN also agreed on the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) which became one of the foundations for ASEAN countries to live side by side in peace. Information regarding ASEAN countries and their statements can be obtained from the website of the ASEAN-Indonesia National Secretariat, each country has different characteristics. Following are some explanations regarding the profiles of ASEAN countries and also the area size of each ASEAN country.

1. Indonesian

Indonesia itself is located between two continents, namely the continent of Asia and the continent of Australia. This geographical position which is a cross point of the world economy greatly influences Indonesia’s trading activities. By examining its history. Indonesia had experienced the bitterness of Dutch and Japanese colonialism for more than 300 years.

After Japan lost to World War II, the Republic of Indonesia finally became an independent country on August 17, 1945. After 76 years of independence, Indonesia was led by President Joko Widodo. But as we know, this is not the first time Joko Widodo has served as head of state. After his term ended in 2019, Joko Widodo again won the general election held in the same year.

This republic with the form of a unitary state has the ideology of Pancasila. This is also a guideline for all citizens. Based on democracy, Indonesia has a presidential government system.

Capital: Jakarta
Population: 275.77 million
Religion: Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian
Language: Indonesian
Currency: Rupiah
Area: 1,904,569 square km
Head of state and head of government: President

2. Malaysian

As one of the five founding countries of ASEAN, this country has 13 states and 3 federal territories. After being separated from the British colony, Malaysia is now part of the Commonwealth. The country with the capital city of Kuala Lumpur has a national language, namely Malaysia with the Malaysian Ringgit currency.

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Currently, the Malaysian government adheres to a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy system. Therefore, the king there acts as head of state, while the prime minister occupies the position of head of government. At the end of 2020, the country’s population reached 32.6 million people. Where the Malaysian population comes from various ethnic groups. More than 69 percent are dominated by bumiputera including Orang Asli, Sarawak, Sabah, and also indigenous Malays.

Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Population: 32,730,000 people
Religion: Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and traditional Chinese religion.
Languages: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil
Currency: Ringgit (MYR)
Area: 329,847 sq km.
Head of state: King
Head of government: Prime minister

3. Thailand

Thailand has topography in the form of land surface that is crossed by rivers in the middle, highlands in the northeast, forests, mountains. and hills in the north, and there are still many hills in the south. The area that is the center of activity in this country is usually in the lowlands, the Chao Phraya River. Thailand itself is located on the Eurasian Plate, but close to the Indian Ocean. So that it has the potential to be hit by a tsunami and also an earthquake.

As we know, this country is nicknamed the White Elephant Country. Where Thailand is also an ASEAN country that has never experienced European colonialism. Directly bordering Laos and Cambodia, Thailand has a system of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. This makes the head of state of Thailand a king. For state and government affairs. Thailand handed over the job to a Prime Minister.

Capital: Bangkok
Population: 70 million
Religion: Theravada Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.
Language: Thai
Currency: Baht (THB)
Area: 513,120 km2
Head of state: King
Head of government: Prime minister

4. Brunei Darussalam

This very small country only has an area of ​​about 5,765 square km. However, the people who live there have a fairly high standard of living, because this country is also one of the richest countries in Asia. For a long time, Brunei Darussalam has relied on oil and gas as the backbone of the country’s economy. Located in the northwestern part of Borneo Island in Kalimantan, Brunei is an Islamic Sultanate. The country with the capital city of Bandar Seri Begawan became independent in 1984 after being a British protectorate for a long time, namely since 1888.

The government system of Brunei Darussalam is in the form of an absolute monarchy. Where the current sultan and Prime Minister of Brunei Darussalam is Hassanal Bolkiah. The culture in this country is firmly rooted in Malay origins which are also reflected in the style of language, architecture, and customs. Therefore, the national language used in this country is Malay followed by English as a second language which is quite popular in this country. Brunei officially became a member of ASEAN in 1984. Where this country joined as a member of ASEAN after gaining its independence.

Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
Population: 423,196 million
Religion: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism and animism
Language: Malay, English and Mandarin
Currency: Brunei dollar (BND)
Area: 5,765 square km
Head of state and head of government : Prime Minister

5. Vietnamese

Vietnam is one of three countries officially part of ASEAN. Where this country has actually stated that it wants to join ASEAN since 1922. In the end, in 1995, this country with the capital city of Hanoi followed in the footsteps of its friends in Southeast Asia to join ASEAN. The form of Vietnam is a communist republic system. However, with the existence of the Vietnamese Communist Party, it remains the most dominant political institution. The head of state for Vietnam is the president. The prime minister handles government affairs.

Then, regarding the country’s economy which is growing quite rapidly because it is supported by industries engaged in retail, manufacturing, agriculture, food, and also infrastructure. In addition, the tourism sector is one of the biggest contributors to Vietnam’s economy.

Capital: Hanoi
Population: 97,338,579 people.
Religion: Buddhism, Catholicism, Caodaism, Protestantism, Hoahaoism
Language: Vietnamese
Currency: Dong (VNB)
Area: 331,230.8 square km.
Head of state: President Head of government: Prime minister

6. Laos

On the 30th anniversary of ASEAN, Laos decided to join the countries in Southeast Asia in 1997. This country has territory in the heart of mainland Southeast Asia. Where Laos is a country with a population of around 7.169 million people. Replacing the kingdom of Laos, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic was established in December 1975. According to the UNDP website, Laos’ progress in poverty alleviation can be seen significantly over the past two decades. This is evidenced by UNDP data that the poverty rate fell by around 23 percent from 1992 to 2015.

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Laos itself has abundant natural resources. A number of historical relics and natural beauty in Laos have made this country popular for foreign tourists.

Capital: Vientiane
Population: 7,275,560 people.
Religion: Buddhism, Satsana Phi, Islam, Christianity.
Language: Lao, French and English Currency: Kip (LAK)
Area: 237,955 sq km.
Head of state: King Head of government: Prime minister

7. Singapore

Besides Malaysia, Singapore is also one of the ASEAN countries that joined the Commonwealth after becoming independent from the United Kingdom. In addition, Singapore is also one of the pioneer countries for the formation of ASEAN. This island nation with a population of only 5.7 million people has a capital city which is also named Singapore. There are four official languages ​​in Singapore, namely English, Mandarin, Tamil and Malay.

The Parliamentary Republic is Singapore’s form of government. Where the head of state will be held by a president. The prime minister has the role of head of government in Singapore.

Capital: Singapore
Population: 5.8 million
Religion: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism and Hinduism
Languages: English, Chinese, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil
Currency: Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Area: 721.5 km square
Head of state: President Head of government: Prime minister

8. Myanmar

Myanmar is the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia. This country decided to join ASEAN member countries in July 1997. Like Laos, Myanmar also joined on the 30th anniversary of ASEAN. This region of Myanmar is in the western part of mainland Southeast Asia. Currently, the population of Myanmar is 54.2 million. The capital city of Myanmar is Naypyitaw. Actually, the form of government of this country adheres to a republic system with a president as the head of state. However, currently Myanmar is under a military junta and until mid-2021 is still experiencing political turmoil.

Country name: Myanmar (Republic of the Union of Myanmar)
Head of state: President
Head of government: Prime Minister
Capital city: Nay Pyi Taw (Naypyidaw)
Independence day: January 4
Language: Burmese
Currency: Kyat (MMK)
Population: 52.89 million people (2016)
Total area: 676,578 square km.

9. Philippines

This archipelagic country which is formed from approximately 7,000 islands is also one of the pioneers in the formation of the ASEAN organization. The Philippines is located in the western Pacific Ocean, where this country is a country that has a population of more than 109 million people in 2019. For approximately 300 years, the Philippines was under Spanish colonialism.

Then in 1898, the Philippines succeeded in becoming independent from Spanish colonialism. However, the United States seized control of Spain in the Philippines through the Spanish-American War. This made the Philippines controlled by the US which was followed by the outbreak of the Philippine-American War that occurred in 1899 to 1902. This Spanish-American invasion had a lot of influence, especially on the religion, language, and style of government of the Philippines.

Capital: Manila
Population: 109.6 million
Religion: Protestant, Catholic, Islamic
Language: Filipino/Tagalog and English
Currency: Peso (PHP)
Area: 343,448 square km
Head of State and head of government: President

10. Cambodia

Cambodia was one of the last countries to join the ASEAN organization in 1999. This country is known as a garment exporter. Cambodia’s tourism sector is also relatively strong. This makes Cambodia one of the countries with quite rapid economic growth in Southeast Asia. Cambodia itself adheres to a constitutional monarchy system with a royal form of government. This system makes the king as the head of state and the government will be headed by the prime minister.

Capital: Phnom Penh
Population: 16,718,965 people.
Religion: Theravada Buddhism, Islam, and others.
Language: Khmer, French and English
Currency: Riel (KHR)
Area: 181,035 sq km
Head of state: King Head of government: Prime minister

This is an explanation of the area of ​​each ASEAN country and various interesting information regarding the 10 ASEAN countries. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn all about ASEAN countries, you can visit to get related books. As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia always provides the best products, so you have the best and latest information for you. To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.