The Five Founding Countries of ASEAN and Their History and Purpose of Establishing ASEAN

The Five Founding Countries of ASEAN – In the subject of Social Sciences, you will definitely study one of these important materials, namely ASEAN material. Why is this material included in the subject of Social Sciences in Indonesia? This is because the Indonesian state is one of the countries that took part in initiating or being the country that founded this ASEAN organization.

Broadly speaking, ASEAN or the abbreviation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is one of the many organizations in the world that was established specifically for countries in Southeast Asia only. As most people know, the purpose of establishing this ASEAN organization is none other than to form cooperation between countries in Southeast Asia in various fields, such as social, cultural, economic, educational, technical and many other fields.

In this article we will discuss a lot about which countries participated in becoming the founders of this large organization along with the reasons and history why these countries decided to co-found the ASEAN organization.

Get to know ASEAN

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, abbreviated as Perbara in Indonesian, or usually known as ASEAN with the abbreviation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, is an organization that is a type of geopolitical and economic organization. ASEAN or Pertamina was founded in the Region and brought together especially for countries in Southeast Asia only.

The ASEAN or ASEAN Organization was established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand based on the ASEAN Declaration and initiated by the five ASEAN founding countries, and Indonesia is included. In general, the purpose of the establishment of this organization is quite clear in the subject books, especially the Social Sciences subject. The main objective of this ASEAN organization is to advance and enhance the development of social, economic progress, and cultural development in countries that are members of the ASEAN organization.

In addition to the above objectives, another main objective is to provide development towards peace and stability at the regional level. ASEAN also provides an opportunity for countries that are members of ASEAN to discuss the differences that exist in countries that are members of the ASEAN organization, of course in a good and peaceful manner.

So, what are the reasons underlying the five countries participating in establishing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) organization?

History of the Establishment of ASEAN

As previously stated, the initial purpose of establishing ASEAN was to advance and enhance development in various sectors of countries in the Asian continent, especially for Southeast Asia. This is due to various factors behind the founding of ASEAN. These factors are not only felt by one country in Southeast Asia, but have been experienced and felt by various countries in Southeast Asia.

In this way, these countries agreed and agreed to establish and develop ASEAN not only for the benefit of their own countries but also for the interests of countries in Southeast Asia.

The establishment of ASEAN began around the early 1960s. It is known that the 1960s were a difficult year for various countries in the world, especially for countries in Southeast Asia. Various conflicts occurred in various parts, both internal and external. Why is that?

According to various sources, Southeast Asia is one of the strategic places in the world. This caused the Southeast Asia Region to be divided into two base blocks which are usually known as the East Block and the West Block. In addition, it turns out that there are military sector conflicts involving several countries, such as Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. There are also conflicts involving Indonesia and Malaysia, which are included in bilateral conflicts.

The existence of these various conflicts has had a negative impact on various parties, one of which has had a major impact on defense and economic stability in various countries in Southeast Asia.

Well, it is because of the inter-block conflicts that have made some country leaders have initiative thoughts of wanting to form peace and cooperation between countries in Southeast Asia in order to stop these conflicts. This thought led them to create a world organization specifically for countries in Southeast Asia.

The Five Founding Countries of ASEAN

The ASEAN organization was founded on the initiatives of various state leaders in Southeast Asian countries. These countries can be referred to as the ASEAN Five Foundation Countries.

The event of the founding of ASEAN began with the open-mindedness and broad-mindedness of the five countries who both wanted peace. So that with their respective beliefs, they want to unite with each other to form an organization that they believe can bring peace and stop the various conflicts that exist in Southeast Asia.

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The five countries decided to hold a 4-day meeting by proposing foreign ministers from each of these countries, starting from 5 to 8 August 1967 to be precise. to approve the establishment of this ASEAN organization, the five countries and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are:

1. The State of Singapore

The first country to become one of the founding countries of ASEAN was Singapore with Foreign Minister Sinnathamby Rajaratnam or commonly known as S. Rajaratnam as a representative from the country of Brunei Darussalam.

The country of Brunei Darussalam is a small country. Because it is a rich country in Asia, Singapore is a small country that has a style or standard of living that is relatively high compared to countries in the Southeast Asian Region.

The State of Singapore has an important role in the implementation of the 13th ASEAN Summit (Summit) from 18 to 22 November 2007, because the Summit was held in Singapore. An important outcome of the conference was the formation of the ASEAN Charter or what is known as the ASEAN Charter.

2. The State of Indonesia

The second country which is one of the founding countries of ASEAN is Indonesia with the Minister of Foreign Affairs H. Adam Malik Batubara or commonly known as Adam Malik as the representative of the State of Indonesia.

The Indonesian state itself is known to have had an important function since the inception of this organization. This important role lies on the basis of the formation of harmonious and harmonious relations that occur between the Southeast Asian Regions.

In addition, the State of Indonesia also had a role in initiating the formation of the Bali Concord II around the end of 2003 on the island of Bali. It is known, Bali Concord II contains the formation of three pillars known as the Three Pillars of Integrity. The Three Pillars of Integrity consist of ASC (ASEAN Security Community), AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) and ASCC (ASEAN Socio Cultural Community).

3. Country of the Philippines

The third country which is one of the founding countries of ASEAN is the Philippines with Foreign Minister Narciso Rueca Ramos or commonly known as Narciso Ramos as a representative from the Philippines.

Starting from 1970, the Philippines began to make the ASEAN organization one of the important things that must be considered in the country’s foreign policy. It should be noted that previously, the State of the Philippines entrusted it to Manila Washington.

The Philippines has obtained its own evidence that this ASEAN organization is really beneficial for the country. One of the concrete proofs of the results of ASEAN is the overcoming and resolution of the Sabah Conflict between the Philippines and Malaysia.

Not only resolving the conflict, but also helping to improve relations between the Philippines and Malaysia. Another conflict that is a clear example is the Metro Case with Indonesia taking part in diplomatic assistance.

4. Malaysia

The fourth country which is one of the founding countries of ASEAN is Malaysia with Foreign Minister Captain Tun Haji Abdul Razak bin Dato’ Haji Hussein al-Haj or commonly known as Abdul Razak Hussein as the representative of the State of Malaysia.

After joining and becoming one of the founding countries of the ASEAN organization, Malaysia has experienced very rapid progress in the economic sector. Malaysia itself is known to have played various important roles in the ASEAN organization.

One of the roles given by the State of Malaysia to ASEAN was by agreeing to sign the Kuala Lumpur Declaration in November 1971. Apart from that, the State of Malaysia also participated in the activities of forming a democratic kingdom in the State of Cambodia.

The State of Malaysia also participated in the formation of the Organizational Zone which is free from nuclear weapons, the State of Malaysia also participated in AFTA which is useful in carrying out cooperative efforts in the economic sector and there are many more roles given by the State of Malaysia to this ASEAN organization.

5. Country of Thailand

The fifth country which is one of the founding countries of ASEAN is Thailand with Foreign Minister Thanat Khoman as a representative from Malaysia.
It is known that Thailand is the only ASEAN founding country that has never experienced colonialism. Thailand is known as a country with the best rice commodity in Southeast Asia.

Thailand itself has collaborated in various sectors. This collaboration is also carried out by several regions and even countries around the world. This causes Thailand to be included in a country that has an economy that can be called advanced.

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Reasons for the Founding of ASEAN

In the meeting which was held from 5 to 8 August 1967, the five founding countries of ASEAN stated several reasons or what could be called driving factors why they wanted to become founders and wanted the ASEAN organization to stand. The following are some of the reasons stated by the five ASEAN founding countries at the meeting:

1. There is a prolonged conflict that occurred in the Southeast Asia Region.
2. There are similarities in regional or geographical forms.
3. There are similarities in the majority race (Ras Malayan-Mongoloid) which causes the similarities in several cultures within ASEAN members.
4. There is a sense of shared fate because most ASEAN member countries are former colonies of other countries.

The purpose of the establishment of ASEAN

The reason for the establishment of ASEAN was not only used as a medium to achieve peace, but there were also several other purposes behind the establishment of this large organization. Following are the objectives of the establishment of ASEAN:

1. Help accelerate progress and development in various sectors, such as the social sector, the economic sector, and the cultural sector in the Southeast Asia Region.
2. Help promote regional peace and stability.
3. Participate in improving the quality of cooperation so that the results are more effective in increasing quality in various sectors.
4. Providing quality improvement to ASEAN members, especially in improving the quality of general knowledge.
5. Always apply the principle of maintaining relations between ASEAN member countries.
6. Always help each other in the development and improvement of facilities in various sectors.

ASEAN achievements

During its development and progress, the ASEAN organization has certainly produced various achievements which are of course very useful and beneficial for the countries that are its members.

One of the most striking achievements is the addition of ASEAN membership countries, which currently number to 10. ASEAN itself has of course gained many other achievements in various sectors.

One of ASEAN’s achievements is its achievement as a world organization, namely:

1. Formation of various types of declarations, such as the Declaration of Peace, Free and Neutrality Areas or known as ZOPFAN (Zone of Peace, Freedom, and Neutrality) in 1971. 2. There was the implementation of the 1st Summit which was held in 1976, followed by the
signing as well as the creation of a Joint Agreement on Bali Concord I and TAC (The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia).
3. Signing of an ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangement in February 1977.
4. Formation of AFTA (The ASEAN Free Trade Area) on January 28, 1992.
5. Implementation of the 9th Summit in 2003. In the Summit the Bali signing was also held The Second Concord and an agreement was agreed to form the ASEAN Community where the Three Pillars were formed.

Apart from these five achievements, there are other achievements, such as holding the 10th Summit and many more.

ASEAN Challenge

During its development and progress, the ASEAN organization has of course been passed by the ASEAN organization. One of the challenges that is quite disturbing and becomes an issue in the security sector is the South China Sea conflict.

One of these conflicts is known to have attracted enough attention and caused tension between China and various countries that are members of ASEAN. The China Sea issue can also disrupt the ASEAN Plus Three cooperative relationship that has been forged since 1997 by several ASEAN countries and China.

If the relationship between ASEAN countries and China is disrupted, it will automatically affect several developments in various sectors, such as the economic and security sectors.

ASEAN Member Now

As is well known, the ASEAN organization is currently growing rapidly and experiencing an increase in the number of member countries in the Southeast Asian Region. Currently, there are 10 ASEAN member countries. The following are countries that have become part of the ASEAN organization accompanied by the date the country joined ASEAN:

1. Singapore (8 August 1967)
2. Indonesia (8 August 1967)
3. Malaysia (8 August 1967)
4. Philippines (8 August 1967)
5. Thailand (8 August 1967)
6. Brunei Darussalam (January 8, 1984)
7. Vietnam (July 28, 1995)
8. Laos (July 23, 1997)
9. Myanmar (July 23, 1997)
10. Cambodia (30 April 1999)

Those are the five founding countries, initiators, forming the Southeast Asian regional organization, ASEAN. In addition to providing information about the Five Founding Countries of ASEAN, we also provide various other information.