The correct way to land in the long jump

The Right Way to Land in the Long Jump – Surely Sinaumed’s is no stranger to the long jump sport? Yep, this one sport has been taught to us from Elementary School (SD) to High School (SMA) level. Almost the same as other sports, long jump also really requires strength, speed, and agility to be able to jump as far as possible accompanied by good and correct technique.

Usually, this long jump sport uses a sandbox as a place to land. Simply put, this one sport is done by jumping from as far away as possible, then from the takeoff point the body must float in the air to successfully land as far as possible in the sandbox.

But unfortunately, many people are confused about how to land properly and correctly in this sport. This is due to the movements of the legs and body, sometimes the reflexes cannot follow the correct technique, so that sometimes the feet will be injured. Then, how do you land properly and correctly in this long jump sport? Can the traditional game of jumping rope using rubber be used as training in this one sport because they both use jumping techniques?

Let’s look at the following review so that Sinaumed’s can understand and immediately put it into practice.

How to Land Correctly in Long Jump?

Basically, the long jump sport has four parts of movement, starting from the prefix or often referred to as stance, repulsion, stance in the air, and finally the landing movement. Well, in this case we will discuss how to do the landing movement.

  1. Head in a bowed position. If you look up, there is likely to be an injury to the nape.
  2. When you want to land, the body part, namely the heel of the foot, must reflexively touch the ground first.
  3. During the landing process, place an emphasis on the heel of the foot.
  4. Also make sure both legs are in a straight position. The position of the leg should not bend because an injury can occur in the form of a sprain.
  5. While both legs are in a straight position, the knees must be bent.
  6. On the thighs, try to be lifted upwards while the body is pushed forward to create a bent position.
  7. The body position when landing is leaning forward. This is to maintain the balance of the body so as not to sway when landing.
  8. When you land, immediately position your feet straight.
  9. In the position of the hands, especially both hands must be swung then straightened forward. Make sure that the position of the hand is ready to support the body that is landing.

History of Long Jump

Until now, this long jump is still a part of the sports that are contested in the world Olympics and national championships in various countries. This is because this sport clearly shows the strength, agility, and speed of the athletes. So, in the following we will discuss how the history of the existence of the long jump sport has developed rapidly as it is today.

The history of the existence of this sport began in 708 BC, namely in an Ancient Olympic Sports event in Greece. According to historical records, at that time the longest jump was 7.05 meters achieved by Chionis who came from the Sparta area. Actually, all the competitions held at the Ancient Olympics were carried out with the aim of military training in war, because at the same time training the agility of athletes or soldiers. However, the technique and method of long jump at that time were of course different from today, huh… Even at that time, because the Ancient Olympic Games were intended as war training, the athletes were required to run while carrying weights in both hands with a weight of around 1-4, 5 kgs. Unfortunately, the glory of this sport is fading.

Then in 1896, the long jump sport was revived in the Modern Olympic Games. Since then, the sport of long jump has been increasingly accepted by the public and has become a sport that is often contested. The rules and jumping techniques have also been improved over time by adjusting to the current developments. In the United States, there was an athlete named Bob Beamon who managed to break the long jump record of about 8.90 meters in 1968.

History of Jumping in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the long jump is also growing rapidly until now it is still included in the sports that are contested in national championships. Since the long jump is part of athletics, all athletes and long jump sports training are members of the PASI (All-Indonesian Athletics Association) organization. When carrying out the race, it is customary to use a place on the track. 1928 was the first year that women were allowed to participate in this sport.

Definition of Long Jump Sport

In short, the long jump is an athletic sport that has a jumping movement by carrying the body’s weight when flying in the air. Not only that, this sport is also accompanied by repulsive movements on the pedestal using one of the strongest legs to reach the greatest distance when jumping. This sport is currently still popular to be contested in the Olympics or national competitions.

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Many experts argue about the definition of this long jump sport. One of them is Syarifuddin (1992), reveals that the long jump is a form of jumping movement, by lifting the legs up and forward in an effort to bring the body weight as long as possible in the air alias floating in the air. This movement must be done quickly which previously had to do a repulsion on one leg (the strongest) to reach the farthest distance.

To obtain optimal results in this long jump sport, as with other sports, athletes must have good physical condition and understand and master the techniques in the long jump movement. There are two important elements in achieving maximum results, namely 1) Physical condition factors, starting from speed, jumping power, and skill; 2) Factors of take-off technique, starting from the preparation phase, displacement (hovering), and landing.

Long Jump Sports Technique

1. Prefix Technique

In the prefix technique, the movement of the participant in the long jump must be done by running as fast as possible so that he can gain maximum speed before finally repulsing. In addition, this prefix technique can also be assessed as an action to get the maximum horizontal speed which is then converted into vertical speed when repulsing.

This prefix technique must be done by running as fast as possible from a distance of approximately 40-45 meters on a running track, then the participant will do repulsion using both feet. The things that must be considered when performing prefix techniques in long jump athletics are as follows:

  • The initial distance in the long jump event depends on the ability of the participant. For participants in the long jump athletics branch who want to jump with a short start, do it with a distance of approximately 30-25 meters or less. Meanwhile, participants in the long jump athletics branch who want to jump with a long prefix can do so at a distance of approximately 30-45 meters or more than that.
  • The position when standing at the starting point, namely the feet must be parallel or it could be with one leg in front, depending on how the position is profitable for the participants.
  • How to take the start in the long jump athletics can be started slowly then quickly (sprint). This speed must be maintained until just before repulsion.
  • After reaching maximum speed, about 3-4 last steps take -off , foot movements are released spontaneously without reducing the speed previously achieved. In the last step, participants must concentrate and focus on repulsing on the board or support beam that has been provided.

2. Focusing / Repulsion Technique

This technique is believed to be the most important movement in long jump athletics because it determines the perfect jump result. In this technique, the participant will push off a board or fulcrum using the strongest leg by changing horizontal speed to vertical speed.

When doing the pedestal, the participant’s body position should not be too inclined. The focus must also be strong, fast, and balanced. The participant’s body balance in repulsion is also considered so that it does not falter. The following are things that must be considered in carrying out the fulcrum / repulsion technique, namely:

  • The long jump must be done with the strongest leg (everyone is different).
  • The part of the foot that is strongest for resting is usually located on the heel, so it is advisable to use the heel first to do the pedestal and end at the toe.
  • Get lost before doing the pedestal, try to lean back.
  • It is better to rest on the pedestal board properly.
  • Both arms must also be swung forward and up when resting.
  • Swing your legs and arms forward at hip height with your knees bent.

3. Hovering Technique

In this technique, the movement must be made after leaving the pedestal. When performing this floating movement technique, the participant’s body must be maintained in balance. Swinging both hands can also help participants to maintain their body balance.

4. Landing Technique

This landing technique must be done by the participants as well as possible. Don’t let their bodies or arms fall backwards, that’s tantamount to injury. Landing on the tub jump begins with the position of both heels and feet in a tight position. Movements when landing must also be done with both feet.

The thing that must be considered in this landing technique is that both feet used for landing must be done simultaneously, followed by pushing the hips forward. Why does the participant’s body have to lean forward when doing the landing technique? Because if the participants’ bodies tend to fall backwards, it will actually be fatal for the participants in this long jump athletics branch.

Factors Influencing the Long Jump

  1. Speed ​​( speed ), is the ability to move part or all of the body from initial attitude to landing; or also when resting on boards or pedestal beams. This speed is usually influenced by the strength and flexibility of the participant.
  2. Strength ( strength ), is the amount of power generated by the muscles of the participant’s body so that he can make a maximum jump.
  3. Explosive power, is the ability of the body’s muscles to repulse and float in the air when released from the pedestal beam.
  4. Balance, is the ability to maintain the body in a certain position correctly, starting from the jump technique to the landing technique.
  5. Skill is the ability to perform a motor movement correctly and correctly.
  6. Coordination is something that must be possessed by participants in the long jump sport to be able to align their body movements according to their needs.
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Things to Look For When Doing the Long Jump

  1. Keep your running speed until it’s time to take off on the takeoff board.
  2. Achieve a fast and dynamic boost from the fulcrum.
  3. Change body position when running. It aims to achieve an upright body position when running.
  4. Use arm swing properly and correctly.
  5. Try to make good gestures.
  6. In order to make the final move stronger, you can use more repulsion.
  7. Practice mainly on landings.
  8. Master the right movements starting from the movements of the hands and feet, either in a bent or straightened position.

An athlete in the long jump can be declared a failure when making a jump, if they do the following:

  1. During the grounding technique, the competitor touches the ground after the focus line using any part of the body, either when jumping or running.
  2. Resting from outside the end of the support beam, either at a distance before or at the extension of the bearing boundary line.
  3. Touches the ground between the takeoff line and the landing area.
  4. Perform other movements such as somersaults when performing prefix techniques and jumping techniques.
  5. When performing the landing technique, competitors instead touch the ground outside the landing area and closer to the take-off line than the nearest mark in the sand.
  6. Participants or athletes in the long jump athletics branch are not present in the arena after 2 minutes of being summoned.

Arena Form in Long Jump

The shape of the long jump athletics field is of course different from the shape of the basketball or volleyball athletics field. What must exist in a long jump field is a running track, take-off board, tub for jumping, and a landing spot.

In this long jump athletics field, the distance between the running track and the starting board is generally 40-45 meters, with a track width of about 1.22 meters. Meanwhile, the repulsion board has a length of approximately 1.22 meters and a width of 20 cm with a thickness of about 10 cm. Between the jump boards and the jumpers, at a distance of 1 meter.

Then, the jump tub has a length of about 9 meters with a width of 2.95 meters. For landing spots, have a distance of at least 2.75 meters between the line of take-off and the end of the take-off place. The landing area is usually filled with fine sand and the surface of the sand must be level or flat with the top side of the takeoff board.


The Influence of Traditional Games on Long Jumping

Did Sinaumed’s ever play traditional games using basic jumping movements, for example, hopscotch and jump rope, especially when he was little? These traditional games are part of Indonesian culture passed down by our ancestors because in ancient times, traditional games were a means of entertainment, especially for children.

Until now, traditional games are still preserved, especially by children in rural areas. This is actually the right step rather than children having to be faced with gadgets and being reluctant to do physical activity. Without realizing it, it turns out that these traditional game activities can affect physical abilities, especially when doing this long jump sport.

Based on research conducted by Gumilar Dwi Wardani and Agus Mahendra with the title “Comparison of the Influence of Hopper Jumping and Rope Jumping Activities on Long Jumping Ability” shows that these two traditional games have more influence on long jump abilities, especially in children.

Providing alternative learning in the form of traditional jump rope and jump rope games turned out to be quite helpful and influential in efforts to improve long jump skills. It is called an alternative because not all schools have adequate facilities to do long jump learning, so that children can still improve their jumping movement skills, then do it with these traditional games. Not only that, it turns out that the implementation of two traditional games can also stimulate and strengthen leg muscle strength, you know .

When playing jump rope, the child’s gross motor skills will be automatically stimulated so that physically he becomes more skilled because he learns about how and how to jump with his own skills. If this is practiced diligently, then the child can grow to be agile, agile, and dynamic. The traditional game of jumping rope also has an effect on the condition of the body, especially making the legs and hips stronger.

So, that’s a review of how to land correctly in the long jump sport. Even though this sport looks easy, it actually has a variety of techniques that not just anyone can do if they are not trained carefully. Is Sinaumed’s interested in learning this sport? If so, it’s never too late to learn something.

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Wardani, Gumilar Dwi and Agus Mahendra. (2017). Comparison of the Effect of Hopper Jumping Activities and Rope Jumping Activities on Long Jumping Ability. Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School, Vol 1(1). 

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