Sujud Prayer Prayer: Definition, Terms, and More

Sujud Sajadah Reading – For Muslims, prostrating while saying His name with full sincerity and believing that Allah SWT will hear all his requests is the highest level of prayer. When kneeling before Him, we must try to be humble because in fact all of these humans are weak creatures and are nothing compared to Allah SWT. Of course, all His people know this, so that in the manners of praying, you should not only pray with humility, but also use a soft voice and praise Him. That’s why, many people always prostrate before Him whether they have a desire or not.

In Islam, there are many types of prostrations that are often performed and have certain time rules. One of them is prostration of prayer mats, aka recitations, which are often performed at the time of congregational morning prayers on Fridays. Actually, prostration prayer mats alias recitations can be done at any time, especially when listening to fragments of the holy book of the Koran which are included as verses of prayer mats. It’s just that, many scholars say that this practice is very good to do during the dawn prayer in congregation right on Friday.

So, how do you read this prostration prayer mat, aka recitations? What are the hadiths and procedures for performing prostration prayer mats alias recitations according to Islamic studies? So, so that Sinaumed’s isn’t confused, let’s look at the following review!

How to Read Sujud Sajadah?

It should be noted that reading prostration prayer mats, aka prostration recitations, is a practice that is highly recommended by scholars when listening to or reading fragments of surahs of the Al-Quran which include verses of prayer mats. The verses of the prayer mat total 15 verses and are spread across several surahs of the Koran, let’s say there are surahs Al A’raf, Ar Ra’d, An Nahl, Al Isra’, Maryam, Al Furqan, An Naml, As Sajdah, Fussilat, An Najm, Al Insyiqaq, Al ‘Alaq, and Al Hajj.

Just a little trivia, in the holy book Al-Quran that we usually read, usually the publisher or printer will put certain symbols at the end of the verses of the prayer mat. This symbol in the form of a small prayer mat serves as a marker that the verse is part of the verse prayer rug.

When you are praying, then you hear a fragment of this verse from the prayer mat, it is advisable to immediately perform prostration of the prayer mat, aka recitations, except when you are praying. Because, when we become a congregation, of course, the prostration must follow the priest. So, as reported by, the following is a prayer rug that can be recited.

Prayer Prayer Prayer reading 1

Meaning: “I prostrate myself to the Substance that created and formed it, opened its hearing and sight with His might and power. Glory be to Allah, the best of creators,” (Zainuddin Al-Malibari, Fathul Mu’in on hamisy I’anatut Thalibin, [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2005 M/1425-1426 H], juz I, page 246).

Sujud Prayer Prayer 2 in addition

After reciting the prostration prayer mat, Sinaumed’s is advised to read an additional prayer while doing this recitation prostration.

Meaning: “O Allah, make a reward for me with You through this prostration. Make this prostration as my deposit by Your side. Release the burden of my sins through this prostration. Accept this prostration from me as you receive the prostration of Your servant, Dawud as,’ (HR Abu At-Tirmidhi),” (Sayyid Bakri, I’anatut Thalibin, [Beirut, Darul Fikr: 2005 M/1425-1426 H], juz I, page 246).

Other Prayer Prayer Readings

Reporting from the websites binaqurani.sch and masjidpedesaan.or , there are still some readings that can be recited, especially during prayer. Well, here are some of them.

Other Prayer Prayers Reading 1

According to a hadith narrated by Hudzaifah Raḍiallāhu ‘Anhu, he said that the Prophet Muhammad, when he was in prostration, always recited the following reading.

Meaning: “Glory be to Allah, the Most High.” (HR. Muslim)

Other Prayer Prayers Reading 2

Aisyah Raḍiallāhu ‘Anhā as the wife of Rasulullah SAW once told that Rasulullah SAW when bowing and prostrating, used to recite the following readings.

Meaning: “Glory be to You O Allah, our Rabb, with all praise only to You, forgive my sins.” (Narrated by Bukhari)

Other Prayer Prayer Readings 3

One of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who is also the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet, also narrated that the Prophet Muhammad, when bowing and prostrating, used to recite the following prayer.

(Allahumma laka sajadtu, wabika aamantu, wa laka aslamtu, sajada wajhi lilladzii kholaqohu wa showwarohu, wa syaqqo sam’ahu, wa bashorohu tabarokallahu ahsanul khooliqiin.)

Meaning: “O Allah, to You I prostrate, because of You I believe, to You I surrender. My face is prostrated to its Creator, who formed it, who formed its hearing and sight. Glory be to Allah, the Best of Creators.” (HR. Muslim)

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Re-understanding What Is Sujud Sajadah or Recitations

The mention of the term Sujud Recitation comes from the word “As-sujud” which means ‘bowing head’. While “Tilawah” which according to language means ‘reading’ or ‘reading’; if according to the term it will mean ‘reading the Koran’.

In short, prostration of recitations or what is often referred to as prostration of prayer mats is a prostration that is made when hearing or reading verses from the prayer mat which are part of several surahs of the Al-Quran. 

It should be understood that prostration of the prayer mat alias prostration of recitations only needs to be done once with takbir. According to the Hanafi school of thought in a book entitled Al-Fiqh Ala Mazahib al-Arba’ah by A. Rahman al-Juzairi, states that prostration of recitations is a prostration that is performed once with the takbir. Precisely, when going to prostrate and get up from prostration, it is done without reciting tasyahud and greetings. After all, this prostration can also be done inside or outside the obligatory prayer.

The Law of Performing Sujud Sajadah Alias ​​Sujud Recitations

As with other prostrations, prostration of the prayer mat, aka prostration of recitations, also has certain laws which vary, depending on the scholar.

Compulsory Law

In the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifah, as stated in the book al-Mabsuth, states that this prostration prayer rug is mandatory. ” Imam Abu Hanifah said that the law of prostration of recitations is obligatory both for those who read the verses of the prayer rug and those who listen to them.” 

According to the Hanafi school of thought which is stated in the Kitabul Fiqh Ala Mazahib Al-Arba’ah there is also a law for carrying out this prostration of recitations, namely: “The Hanafi school says: , and if it is not implemented then they will get sin “.

Sunnah Law

Reporting from , the majority of scholars and some of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions such as Umar bin Khaththab, Salman, and Ibn ‘Abbas also argue that the implementation of prostration of prayer mats alias prostration of recitations is sunnah and not obligatory.

Zaid bin Thabit also once narrated that “I once read to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam the letter of An Najm, (when he met the verse of the prayer rug in the letter) he did not prostrate.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

So, if prostration of prayer mats alias prostration of recitations is obligatory, then it is impossible for Rasulullah SAW to abandon this practice.

Requirements for the Implementation of Sujud Sajadah Alias ​​Sujud Recitations

As with the implementation of other worship, this prayer rug also has certain conditions. The main requirement is of course being Muslim, clean from hadats and unclean, facing the Qibla, and covering the genitals. Then what about ablution, is it obligatory?

According to Syaukani, “The hadiths about prostration of recitations do not explain that someone who is going to do it is required to have ablution. The companions who listened to the Prophet Muhammad’s recitation prostrated with him. There is no history that explains that he ordered any of them to perform ablution before performing prostration recitations. However, Ibn Umar, who was narrated by Baihaqi, also argued that “A person cannot prostrate recitations unless he is in a state of purity,” 

So, it is necessary to understand once again that the meaning of the term “holy” is a Muslim who is clean from the presence of small or large hadas, namely by bathing and ablution at the same time. As when carrying out other worship. So that Sinaumed’s doesn’t get confused, let’s take a look at some of the requirements for performing the prayer mat prostrations, aka prostrations, below!

When Outside Prayer

The point is when we are not praying, but listening to the recitation of the Koran in the mosque. Then, the verse of the prayer mat is heard, so of course we have to do this prostration of the prayer mat by fulfilling the following conditions.

  1. Must be in a state of purity from hadats (large or small), according to genitalia, facing the Qibla direction, not speaking, and other conditions such as when wanting to pray.
  2. The reading of the verses of the prayer mat is prescribed. That is, if reading the verses of the prayer mat is forbidden (such as reading someone who is junub or not in a state of purity); or it is made makruh (like the reading of a person who has hadats), then it is not sunnah to perform this prostration of recitations.
  3. The reading of the verse from the prayer mat was intentional, especially from the mouth of someone who had forgotten or even the sound of a bird. So it is not sunnah to carry out prostrations of recitations.
  4. The verses of the prayer mat are read thoroughly. If we only read part of it, then we are not sunnah to carry out prostrations of recitations.
  5. The recitation of this verse of the prayer mat is not a substitute for surah Al-Fatihah, especially for the reason of not being able to read it. If it is used as a substitute for surah Al-Fatihah, then it is not sunnah to carry out this prostration of recitations.
  6. Between the recitation of the verses of the prayer mat and the prostrations are not intermittent for a long time. That is, if the reading of the verses of the sajdah has been completed, the time for performing the prostrations of the recitations has also disappeared.
  7. The recitation of the verses of the sajdah comes from one person only. If someone reads the verse of the prayer mat, then it is perfected by someone else, then it is not sunnah to carry out this prostration of recitations.
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When In Prayer

  1. Accidentally reading one of the verses of the prayer mat due to performing prostrations of recitations. If this is done, the prayer will be invalidated, especially when the prostration is done intentionally. However, if you read this verse from the prayer mat during the dawn prayer on Friday, it will become sunnah.
  2. The one who performs prostration of recitations is the person who reads it. If the person reading the verse from the prayer mat is not himself or someone else, then he cannot prostrate himself because he is in prayer. If the prostration is still performed and you know that it is forbidden, then the prayer becomes invalidated.
  3. For people who are obliged to follow the priest, even when the priest performs prostrations, he also has to join. If you don’t follow it on purpose, your prayer will be invalidated.

Procedures for the Implementation of Prayer Prayers

In the process of carrying out this prayer mat or prostration of recitations, of course the scholars have explained the things that must be agreed upon for Muslims. Not only do the conditions have to be fulfilled, but the procedures along with the recitation of the prayer rug must also be properly implemented. Well, here are some things that must be considered when you want to perform prostration prayer rug alias prostration recitations.

  • Only do one prostration.
  • The body position is the same when performing the usual prostrations in prayer. Starting from placing two hands, two knees, two soles, and the forehead and two elbows away from the two sides of the body, stomach away from the thighs and facing the fingers towards the Qibla.
  • It is not prescribed to recite takbiratul ihram and salam.
  • Can be carried out outside or in fardhu prayer.
  • The implementation will be more important when not in a state of prayer, to stand up first, then get down to prostrate this recitation. (According to the Hambali and Hanafi schools of thought; even the Sheikh of Islam was also chosen).

Prostrate Recitations Outside Prayer

  1. Intention
  1. Takbiratul Ihram

It is sunnah to raise both hands.

  1. One time prostration

When you prostrate, it is enough to do it just once, then read the prayer mat that has been explained previously, namely.

( Sajada wajhiya lil ladzī khalaqahū wa shawwarahū wa syaqqa sam’ahū wa basharahu bi haulihī wa quwwatihī fa tabārakallāhu ahsanul khaliqīna.)

Meaning: “I prostrate myself to the Substance that created and formed it, opened its hearing and sight with His might and power. Glory be to Allah, the best of creators.”

  1. Sit or sleep on your side without reciting tasyahud (at-tahiyyat)
  2. Regards

When In Prayer (Congregational Prayer)

Pillars of Performing Prostration Prayer Mats in Prayer

It should be noted that when carrying out this prostration of recitations in prayer or when performing congregational prayers, there are 2 pillars that must be followed, namely:

  • Intentions are spoken in the heart only. If recited on the lips, it can cancel the prayer.
  • Sujud just once without saying takbiratul ihram and salam.
Things to Look For When Prostrating Prayer Rugs in Prayer
  • It is sunnah to read takbir, especially when going down to prostrate and getting up from prostration.
  • It is not sunnah to raise your hand. If you raise your hand when you are about to and get up from prostration, the law is makruh.
  • After carrying out the prostrations of recitations, it is not sunnah to sit down to rest.
  • After performing the recitations of prostration, immediately stand up straight again then bow.
  • Before bowing, it is sunnah to read verses of the Al-Quran again.
Things That Invalidate Prayer When Performing Sujud Recitations
  • Carrying out prostrations of recitations because hearing someone else read the verses of the prayer mat.
  • Performing prostrations of recitations because of his own recitation before prayer.
  • Makmum who performs prostration of recitations is not because of the recitation of the priest.
  • Makmum who performs prostration recitations because of the priest’s reading, but the priest does not prostrate recitations.
  • The priest performs prostration recitations, while the congregation does not prostrate recitations. In this condition, the prayer of the congregation is cancelled.


Sasmira. (2014). Analysis of Imam Abu Hanifah’s Opinion About Sujud Recitations. UIN Suska Riau. Thesis .

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