Kinds of Sujud and Prayers

Kinds of Sujud and Their Prayers – Sujud is one part of the prayer movement. This prostration movement is also one of the movements favored by Rasulullah SAW, therefore it is a noble movement.

Sujud is also a form of surrendering oneself to Allah SWT. because we are small helpless servants without the help of Allah SWT.

Although prostration is part of the prayer movement, prostration can also be performed under certain conditions. The prostration prayer also varies depending on the prostration we do.

The proper way to prostrate according to the rules of prayer is to place the forehead, nose, palms of both hands, knees and the tips of the toes with the prayer mats used. Don’t forget to space your feet slightly apart. The movement is repeated several times in prayer. Likewise with other prostrations, but not repeated continuously like when praying.

The beauty of a prayer is when we realize that we are weak, helpless and cannot do anything without His permission and power. This book is a suggestion or a reminder that praying in prostration is the right thing to do so that what you want can come true.

This article will provide an explanation of the various prostrations along with the prayers for each prostration that is performed. To find out more details, let’s look at the following review!

The Meaning of Prostration in Prayer

Sujud is one of the prayer movements. This movement must be done when performing prayers. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, prostration means a statement of respect by kneeling and bowing your head. This means that when we prostrate we worship Allah SWT. as a form of respect because He is the Lord of the universe.

Rasulullah saw. also said regarding prostration which has physical and spiritual privileges that, “You should make more prostrations (pray more) to Allah. Because you do not increase your prostration for Allah, but Allah will exalt your rank and erase your sins.

1. The Law of Prostrating in Prayer

In the view of the Jumhur Ulama, namely the scholars from the schools of Al-Hanafiyah, Al-Malikiyah, and Asy-Syafi’iyah, they say that the pronouncements when prostrating are in the form of takbir, tasbih, and prostration prayers according to him are sunnah. If it is not read at all, intentionally or unintentionally, the prayer will still be valid.

In the hadith of Rasulullah SAW. also he taught how to prostrate properly, but he did not say that he had to read something when prostrating. If the reading of prostration is a must, surely the Prophet Muhammad. teach it to the people.

However, in another view, the Al-Hanabilah school of thought says that reciting prayers during prostration is obligatory. If someone deliberately does not recite the prayer during prostration, the prayer will be invalidated. However, if a person forgets to read the prayer, his prayer is still valid, then it is sunnah to perform prostration for forgetfulness.

Basically they believe that Rasulullah SAW. doing this practice and has ordered his people to read prayers at the time of prostration.

2. Prostration Prayer in Salat

There are seven kinds of prayer at the time of prostration in prayer that has been taught by Rasulullah SAW. Therefore, we should practice it by reading it alternately at different prayer times. The following are the prayers of prostration in prayer.

  • سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْأَعْلَى

Subhaana rabbiyal a’laa (3x)

Meaning: “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.”

  • سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْأَعْلَى وَبِحَمْدِهِ

Subhaana rabbiyal a’laa wa bihamdih (3x)

Meaning: “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High, and I praise Him.”

  • سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوسٌ، رَبُّ الْمَلَائِكَةِ وَالرُّوحِ

Subbuuhun qudduusun rabbul malaa-ikati war ruuh.

Meaning: “Glory, Glorious, Lord of the Angels and Spirits.” (HR Muslim No. 487).

  • Amen _ _ _ _ _ _

Subhaa-nakallahumma rabbana wa bihamdika, allahummaghfir-lii.

Meaning: “Glory to You, O Allah, O Lord you, and by praising You, O Allah, forgive me.”

  • O Allah , O Allah , grant us peace _ _

Allahummagh-fir-lii dzan-bii kullahuu, diqqahuu, wa jullahuu, wa awwa-lahuu, wa aa-khirohuu, wa ‘alaa-niya-tahuu wa sirrohuu.

Meaning: “O Allah, forgive all my sins, the smallest and the biggest, the first and the last, the open and the hidden.”

  • اللهُمَّ لَكَ سَجَدْتُ، وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ، وَلَكَ أَسْلَمْتُ، سَجَدَ وَجْهِي لِلَّذِي خَلَقَهُ، وَصَوَّرَهُ، وَشَقَّ سَمْعَهُ وَبَصَرَهُ، تَبَارَكَ اللهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

Allahumma laka sajad-tu, wa bika aamantu, wa laka aslam-tu. Sajada wajhii lilladzii khala-qohuu, wa shawwa-rohuu, wa syaqqo sam’ahuu wa basharahuu, tabaarokallahu ahsanul kholiqiin.

Meaning: “O Allah, to You I prostrate, to You I believe and to You I submit myself. And You are my Lord. My face prostrate to the One Who has created and shaped it, so be good to me. And who has made me hear and see, then Glory be to Allah, the best creator.”

  • God bless you _ _ _
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Subhaana dzil jabaruut, wal malakuut, walkibriyaa, wal ‘adzamah.

Meaning: “Glory be the owner of Might, and Power, and Arrogance, and Majesty.”

Prostration of gratitude

Prostration of gratitude is usually done by Muslims when they are receiving pleasure from Allah SWT. This is done to thank Allah SWT. for the pleasure that has been given to His servant.

Prostration of gratitude is sunnah. If you do it, of course you will get a reward because we are always grateful and grateful to Allah SWT. for the abundance of grace and privilege given to us. However, if we don’t do it that’s fine too, just say Alhamdulillah.

1. Procedures for Prostration of Gratitude

In doing so, prostration of gratitude also has its own way. Not only by saying hamdalah when you get pleasure, you can also do prostrations of gratitude. This has been mentioned in the word of God in the Qur’an QS Ibrahim verse 7, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase it. But if you deny it, My punishment will be very painful.”

Here are the procedures for prostration of gratitude.

  • Cleanse yourself from major and minor hadas and from uncleanness;
  • Taking ablution;
  • Covering the genitals and facing the Qibla;
  • Perform takbir and recite the intention of prostration of gratitude silently;

Nawaitu prostrates gratitude sunnatan lillahi ta’aala

Meaning: “I intend to perform sunnah prostrations of thanksgiving for Allah ta’aala.”

  • Perform a prostration of gratitude by reading a prayer of prostration of gratitude.
  • Sitting between two prostrations without reciting tasyahud
  • Regards

2. Prayer of Thanksgiving

سَجَدَ وَجْهِى لِلَّذِى خَلَقَهُ وَصَوَّرَهُ وَشَق release

Sajada wajhi lilladzi khalaqahu, wa shawwarahu, wa syaqqa sam’ahu, wa basharahu bi khaulihi wa kuuwatihi fatabarakallahu ahsanul kholiqiin.

Meaning: “My face prostrate to the Substance that created it, who formed it, and gave hearing and sight, Glory to Allah, the best Creator.”

Apart from offering prayers of gratitude, you can also read other prayers such as tasbih, tahmid, and tahlil, as well as read fragments of QS An-Naml verse 19.

  • Read tasbih, tahmid, and tahlil.

Subhaanall a hi walhamdulillaahi walaa ilaaha illall aa hu wall aa huakbar , walaa haula walaa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyyil azhiim .

Meaning: “Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, there is no power and strength except for the help of Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.”

  • S An-Naml verse 19.

فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكًا مِّن قَوْلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِىٓ أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِىٓ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَىَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَٰلِدَىَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَٰلِحًا تَرْضَىٰهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِى بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِى عِبَادِكَ ٱلصَّٰلِحِينَ

Fa tabassama ???ikam ming qaulih? wa q?la rabbi auzi’n? an asykura ni’matakallat? an’amta ‘alayya wa ‘al? w?lidayya wa an a’mala ??li?an tar??hu wa adkhiln? bira?matic f? ‘ib?dika?-??li??n .

Meaning: So he smiled and laughed because (heard) the words of the ant. And he prayed: “O my Lord, give me inspiration to continue to be grateful for Your blessings that You have bestowed on me and my two parents and to do good deeds that You are pleased with; and admit me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants.”

This ebook is a prayer for the author to subdue the thousand prides attached to oneself as an ordinary human being, I hope this ebook becomes writing that can lead us all to explore the meaning of life.

Sujud recitations

Sujud recitation is a combination of two Arabic words, namely prostration and recitation. Sujud means to bow your head or humble yourself and recitations mean to read the Koran. More fully, prostration of recitations is a prostration that is performed when after reading or hearing the recitation of verses from the sadjah of the Al-Quran while praying or not. Recitation prostrations can also be referred to as reading prostrations.

Sadjah verses are found in several letters in the Al-Quran. These letters include, Surat Al-A’raf, Ar-Ra’d, An-Nahl, Al-Isra’, Maryam, Al-Furqan, An-Naml, As-Sadjah, Fussilat, An-Najm, Al -Insyiqaq, Al-Alaq, and Al-Hajj.

In addition, there are also several verses in the Koran and also hadiths that explain the prostration of recitations. The first is from a fragment of QS Al-Isra’ verses 107-109.

قُلْ آمِنُوا بِهِ أَوْ لَا تُؤْمِنُوا إِنَّ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ إِذَا يُتْلَى عَلَيْهِمْ يَخِرُّونَ لِلأذْقَانِ سُجَّدًا (107) وَيَقُولُونَ سُبْحَانَ رَبِّنَا إِنْ كَانَ وَعْدُ رَبِّنَا لَمَفْعُولا (108) وَيَخِرُّونَ لِلأذْقَانِ يَبْكُونَ وَيَزِيدُهُمْ خُشُوعًا (109)

Meaning: Say, “You have faith in him or you don’t have to believe (it’s the same for Allah). Indeed, those who were given prior knowledge when the Qur’an is recited to them, they bow down on their faces while prostrating, and they say, ‘Glory be to our Lord; verily the promise of our Lord shall be fulfilled.” And they fell on their faces while weeping and they became more solemn’.” (QS Al-Isra’: 107-109).

Then, in a hadith narration from Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah SAW said:

إِذَا قَرَأَ ابْنُ آدَمَ السَّجْدَةَ فَسَجَدَ اعْتَزَلَ الشَّيْطَانُ يَبْكِى يَقُولُ يَا وَيْلَهُ – وَفِى رِوَايَةِ أَبِى كُرَيْبٍ يَا وَيْلِى – أُمِرَ ابْنُ آدَمَ بِالسُّجُودِ فَسَجَدَ فَلَهُ الْجَنَّةُ وَأُمِرْتُ بِالسُّجُودِ فَأَبَيْتُ فَلِىَ النَّارُ

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Meaning: “If the son of Adam recites the verse of the prayer mat and then prostrate, then the devil will leave while crying and say, “Woe to me, he (the son of Adam) is ordered to prostrate and he obeys and then prostrate, then heaven will be for him. While I myself was ordered to prostrate but I refused, then for me hell.” (Narrated by Muslim, and Ibn Majah in Nashbur Roayah Volume 2 page 178).

1. Prayer of prostration of recitations

When you have read and heard the sadjah verse, you must prostrate and read the recitations of prostration prayers. The following is a prayer of prostration of recitations that must be read.

سَجَدَ وَجْهِى لِلَّذِى خَلَقَهُ وَصَوَّرَهُ وَشَق release

Sajada wajhi lilladzi kholaqohu, wa showwarohu, wa syaqqo sam’ahu, wa bashorohu bi khaulihi wa kuuwatihi fatabarakallahu ahsanul kholiqiin.


Meaning: “My face prostrate to the One who created it, who formed it, and who gives hearing and sight, the blessing of Allah is the best creator,” (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Hakim, Tirmidhi, and Nsa’i)

2. Procedures for Prostrating Recitations

There are two ways to prostrate recitations, namely prostration in prayer and also outside prayer.

  • Prostrate in prayer

When we are in the prayer position and we read the sadjah verse, we should immediately perform prostrations without having to bow and i’tidal first. After completing the prostrations, return to the position before the prostration and continue the prayer.

Meanwhile, when praying in congregation and the priest reads the sadjah verse, the congregation cannot perform the prostration alone if the priest does not do it. However, if the priest performs prostration, then the congregation must also follow it.

  • Prostrate outside of prayer

When you hear or recite a sadjah verse, you can immediately recite the takbir and then perform one prostration of recitations, then recite the takbir again after waking up from the recitation of prostrations. In addition, you can just prostrate without being preceded by takbir like in prayer.

Sujud Syawi

Syahwi comes from Arabic which means neglect or forget. The prostration of syahwi is done when we are negligent in the movement or reading of the prayer when we carry it out. When we are in doubt about the cycles we have performed during the prayer, we can make prostrations of syahwi so that the prayer remains valid.

In doing so, there is also a procedure for prostration of syahwi. Here are some procedures for performing prostrations of syahwi.

1. Procedure for Prostrating Syahwi

In doing so, the procedure for prostrating syahwi is also divided into two, namely before greeting and after greeting.

The prostration of syahwi before greeting is done when:

  • Left out some of the prayer movements because they forgot;
  • Doubt about the number of prayer cycles that have been carried out.

Sujud syahwi after greeting can be done when:

  • Adding cycles due to forgetting the cycles that have been carried out during prayer;
  • Added prayer movement for forgetting.

With this in mind, the scholars have agreed that performing prostrations of syahwi after or before greetings is a recommendation because of being negligent in the movements and cycles of prayer. If there is prostration of syahwi in prayer then the prayer is still valid. This is also in accordance with the statement of Al-Khithabi.

  • The prostration of syahwi is the same as the prostration in prayer;
  • The syahwi prostrations are performed twice, by sitting between the two prostrations;
  • It is prescribed to recite the takbir when performing prostrations and after prostrations such as during prayers.

2. Syahwi Prayer

Sujud syahwi does not have a special prayer when we do it. Therefore, the scholars agree that when performing the prostrations, the syahwi read the prostration prayers as during the prayers. This is in accordance with what was said by Ibn Qudamah Rahimahullah.

“Let him read in his prostration sahwi, the reading that is said in prostration during prayer, because prostration for sahwi is a prostration similar to prostration for prayer.” (Al-Mughni, 2:432–433).

Book Recommendations & Related Articles

Sinaumed’s, this is an explanation of the types of prostrations and prayers. Hopefully you can remember and practice the knowledge you just got. If you already know it, maybe you can practice it on other people who don’t know it yet.

If you want to learn a lot about Islam, you can read and buy books available at sinaumedia. sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits provides quality books that you can get. Come on Sinaumed’s, buy the book now!

This book reminds us to always prostrate to allah swt. to receive forgiveness for the sins we have committed. Prostration is also useful so that the prayers we offer to Allah SWT. acceptable and acceptable.