Kinetic Energy: Definition, Benefits, and Types of Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy – In Physics, Sinaumed’s will often find formulas for kinetic and potential energy. Energy is a capability that is used to do work.

Energy is divided into several types, one of the most basic forms of energy is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is also known as motion energy, where this energy can be converted into other energy.

Motion energy or kinetic energy is a source of energy that can be used widely in various fields for the needs of society. Unknowingly, Sinaumed’s often witnessed these energy events firsthand.

But does Sinaumed’s know what kinetic energy really is? Following are the definitions, benefits and kinetic energy formulas that Sinaumed’s needs to know.

Definition of Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy was discovered around the seventh century. According to the Physics LibreTexts site at that time, the science of mechanics has explained about plants between two objects where the first object is moving, then the second object is at rest.

When the first object moves, it bumps into a second object which is stationary and the first object stops moving. However, the second object, which was initially stationary, was moving with the first object’s speed when it collided with the second object.

That is, there is a certain amount of energy transferred by the first object to the second object. Thus, the first object that was initially still becomes moving. From this, the idea of ​​this energy was born.

The rule in classical mechanics stating that E ∝ mv² was first stated by Gottfried and Johann Bernoulli, both of whom stated that kinetic energy is a living force. To prove this, Willem Gravesande from the Netherlands conducted an experiment. He dropped objects from different heights on a block of clay. From these experiments, Gravesande then came to the conclusion that depth in clay is directly proportional to the square of speed.

According to the HyperPhysics Concept page, energy of motion is defined as an expression of the fact that a moving object can do work on whatever it hits or hits. The object that is hit by the blow then has the ability to do business as a result of its movement.

In simple terms, this energy is the energy possessed by an object due to certain movements. Because of this, this energy is also referred to as the energy of motion, because it is produced by objects that are in motion and these objects produce other energy.

Etymologically, the term kinetic energy comes from the Greek word energia. The meaning is effort and the word kinesis which means motion.

An easy example of the energy of motion is when an object experiences repeated friction on different surfaces. When the object continues to experience friction, the energy of motion will become heat energy. The heat energy that is formed can then be utilized by humans for other purposes.

Another example of motion energy is when the palm of the hand is touched to the cheek while the hand is still and does not move. When the palms don’t move, the cheeks won’t hurt or feel a certain effect.

However, when the palm starts to be moved like a slapping motion, the cheek will feel the effect, which is pain. This can happen, because the kinetic energy from the movement of the hand has been transferred to the cheek, so that the cheek feels sore.

As previously explained, this energy is affected by the mass and speed of the motion of the object itself. So that means, the mass, weight or weight of an object will affect the speed of the object’s movement. The energy produced will also be affected by the speed of the motion.

Kinetic energy which is included in the category of mechanical energy is measured in joules. The joule is the unit of power for energy, just as power produced by the passage of force is a unit Newton.

From the explanation above, did Sinaumed’s wonder, if a moving object has kinetic energy, then does a stationary object have no energy? Please note that a stationary object actually also has energy, namely potential energy.

Potential energy itself is the energy possessed by an object, because of the object’s position relative to a reference. Reference of an object, can be measured based on the height of the object from the ground.

From the explanation of the definition of kinetic energy above, it can be concluded that kinetic energy has the following three characteristics.

  • An object that is moving must have kinetic energy.
  • This energy is affected by the speed and mass of an object.
  • The movement of an object, has a variety of directions.
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Benefits of Kinetic Energy

Kinetic energy is the same as other energy sources that can be utilized to support human activities and life. In general, the benefits of a kinetic energy source are in accordance with the type of energy produced. Here are some examples of kinetic energy used in everyday life.

1. Power plant

Motion energy can be converted into electrical energy which is very important for everyday human life. This energy change, generally by utilizing a generator.

When the generator moves, the generator will move the electric conducting coil in a magnetic field and produce an electric current.

A simple example of a power plant using kinetic energy is a wind power plant which is capable of converting the kinetic energy of the wind with wind turbine blades.

Apart from wind power plants, another example is hydro power plants which are capable of changing the kinetic energy of water through the movement of water currents from dams.

2. Means of transportation drive

Besides being useful for generating electricity, kinetic energy can also be used to drive transportation equipment that is often used in everyday life.

An example is a sailing ship that utilizes the kinetic energy of the wind, so it can help propel the ship in the middle of the ocean.

3. Food processor

Kinetic energy can be used by humans to drive food processing equipment, for example, such as a tool to separate certain food ingredients from their skins.

In addition, kinetic energy can also move tools to change the forms of food ingredients. Like windmills that are used to grind wheat seeds and turn them into flour.

4. Games and entertainment

Besides being able to be used to meet basic human daily needs, such as transportation and electricity, kinetic energy is also used as games and entertainment. One of the games that use kinetic energy is the traditional Indonesian game, namely kites.

Kites can move and fly using the kinetic energy of the wind. Another example is a traditional Indonesian game, namely a spinning top that uses kinetic energy.

Types of Kinetic Energy

As previously explained, that kinetic energy in general can be utilized by humans for various kinds of needs. However, before it can be used and utilized, kinetic energy must first be converted into another form of energy.

Therefore, there are several types of kinetic energy seen from the energy produced. Here’s an explanation.

1. Radiant energy

Radiant energy is a type of kinetic energy which is also known as electromagnetic energy. For example, when you listen to the radio, it means that Sinaumed’s is taking advantage of the electromagnetic energy that is happening. Radiation energy is included in various types of kinetic energy because radiation also experiences movement during the energy change process.

Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, radiation is actually around human life. Radiation has many benefits, but it has to be in the right amount.

Because the radians that come out in large quantities and quickly escape into the air, it will actually result in dangerous things such as death. In general, radiation or the process of releasing energy can move in the form of particles or rays.

An example is the sun which is a source of energy that radiates its energy through particles and light. Radiation has two types.

The first is non-ionic radiation, which is radiation emitted by waves, such as radio waves, ultraviolet or sound waves. The radiation also makes other things like radios, cell phones, microwaves or ultrasound machines work.

Non-ionic radiation has a lower level of the electromagnetic spectrum. Even though large amounts of non-ion radiation can still be harmful to humans. However, non-ionic radiation cannot change the molecular chemistry of humans or objects.

The second type of radiant energy is ion radiation. Some sources of natural ion radiation energy are cosmic light from the sun, stars and elements in the soil.

Meanwhile, man-made ion radiation sources can be seen through X-rays, CT scans and radiation therapy to treat cancer.

Ion-type radiation is a type of radiation that has a high frequency. In addition, ion radiation also has enough strength to be able to strike atoms and change the chemistry of molecules.

In addition, high doses of ionizing radiation in humans can change DNA which is useful for cancer therapy. However, this will still be dangerous if the radiation dose given is not properly regulated.

2. Sound energy

The second type of kinetic energy is sound energy. As Sinaumed’s knows, sound is a vibration or movement that comes from various materials, such as air and water.

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An example of sound energy is when a person is listening to a gong being beaten or hit, if you pay attention the gong can make a sound because there is a trigger, namely beating.

It is the beating of the gong that causes vibrations to propagate, thus producing a distinctive sound from the gong.

Sound energy can be formed if there is a vibrating object. The vibration of the object is what causes sound waves. However, sound waves must travel by means of air as well as water, in order to be heard by humans.

If a vibration moves quickly, what happens is that the sound waves become shorter and the pitch heard is higher.

On the other hand, when an object experiences vibrations that move slowly, then the sound waves produced will be longer and the tone heard will be lower.

Not only that, voice energy can also appear when someone speaks, sings or when a bell rings. Sound energy can be found easily in everyday life.

3. Heat energy

Sinaumed’s may be wondering, is heat energy a type of kinetic energy? The answer is of course yes, maybe Sinaumed’s is confused, how does heat energy enter into kinetic energy and what is the process of motion from kinetic energy that changes or produces heat energy?

It should be noted that heat energy has molecules and atoms that have fast motion and these atoms and molecules rub against each other. As previously explained, that kinetic energy can be generated from the effort of motion by an object.

That way, molecules and atoms that rub together continuously will certainly generate heat energy. For example, when near a bonfire, Sinaumed’s will certainly feel warm from the bonfire.

Then Sinaumed’s may wonder, where does the heat energy come from? One source of heat energy is the sun.

Heat energy from the sun can help the process of making food or help photosynthesis in plants. As Sinaumed’s knows, the sun’s heat energy can illuminate the earth, so the air on earth becomes warmer.

In addition, solar thermal energy can be used for various human activities in everyday life, for example, such as helping the process of drying clothes and others.

Another example of a source of heat energy is that Sinaumed’s could try rubbing his hands together for a period of time. When Sinaumed’s continues to rub his hands together, gradually Sinaumed’s will feel a warm feeling.

In ancient times, fire could be obtained by rubbing two objects together, such as a dry stick or stone. To obtain fire in this way, one would need to perform the motion repeatedly, triggering sparks.

Heat energy from the sun has been proven to have many benefits for life on earth, not only for humans but for plants and plants as well. Solar thermal energy has several benefits, one of which is to help the human body form vitamin D, and become an alternative energy source.

Heat energy does not only come from the sun, but also from rocks in the earth. Thermal energy from the earth is usually referred to as geothermal energy. In general, geothermal energy can be used as an alternative energy source to generate electricity.

Another source of heat energy is fire, which is a substance in the form of light and heat. Fire can be generated with various fuels, such as coal, oil or gas. Another source of heat energy is electricity. Electrical energy can be turned into heat energy. An easy example is when Sinaumed’s uses electronic equipment such as hair dryers or irons,

4. Mechanical energy

The last type of motion energy is mechanical energy stored in a body or in certain objects. When an object moves fast or fast, the energy that will be generated will be even greater.

An example is the wheel. When Sinaumed’s pedals a bicycle or uses roller skates, the faster Sinaumed’s pedals, the faster the bicycle or roller skates move. Vice versa, the bicycle will move slowly if Sinaumed’s pedals slowly.

That’s a little explanation about the energy of motion that Sinaumed’s needs to know. If it’s not clear or Sinaumed’s wants to understand the material about kinetic energy further, Sinaumed’s can find further information by reading books, one of which is a Natural Sciences textbook for elementary schools.

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