The Concept of Synchronic Thinking: Definition, Characteristics, and Examples

The Concept of Synchronic Thinking – There are three phases in this life that we will definitely feel or live. Where the three phases are like the past, present and future. The past is an event that has taken place in the past.

The present is a state that is being carried out today or now. Then for the future itself is something that has not happened yet. However, this article will only discuss past events associated with synchronous thinking.

Starting from the understanding of synchronous thinking, meaning, characteristics, approaches to synchronous thinking, applying the synchronous thinking approach to events that occurred in the past, to examples of questions you can read in full in this article.

Of course, it will be very helpful so that you also understand better how to apply synchronous thinking correctly. Without having to linger, see the full review below.



Definition of Synchronic Thinking

Every incident that occurred in the past or in the past can indeed be explored by using a synchronous way of thinking. Maybe some of you have heard the word synchronic or synchronic thinking itself.

Simply put, synchronic thinking is a method of developing events that happened in the past. Actually, synchronic thinking can also be regarded as a method of analysis of something that happened in the past.

Even with the existence of this synchronic thinking method, you could say that the analysis carried out will be dissected coherently. Coherently here are every aspect that can relate to events that occurred in the past.

Because every event must have many things related. An example is the incident on August 17, 1945. From the event alone, it can be analyzed starting from the scene, the characters in it, the impact that occurred from the event, and various other things.

From this one example it can also be concluded that synchronic thinking can indeed make an event in the past be analyzed broadly. In addition, this synchronic approach is mostly used in the social sciences.

Any analysis performed using a synchronous approach will remain centered on the same point in time. However, there are several things that are extended from each of the past events that are being analyzed.

In addition, the analysis using the synchronous approach method also does not attempt to make a conclusion about something that has happened in the past. However, the synchronic approach only seeks to carry out an analysis of something that has happened in the past.

If previously discussed in general what is synchronous thinking. So if you look at the origin of the synchronic language itself, it turns out that it comes from Greek, you know. Where synchronic consists of two words namely Syn which means with, while for Chronos itself it means time or period.

With these two meanings, if it is concluded, synchronic means narrowing in time but expanding in space. Of course, if you look at the previous examples, the meaning of narrowing in time but expanding or widening in space will be easier to understand.

So, what about the explanation of the meaning of synchronic thinking above. Do you understand or not? If you are still confused, let’s read the next explanation which can add to your understanding regarding synchronous thinking.


The Meaning of Synchronic Thinking

If you already know how the explanation is related to the notion of synchronic thinking. So it’s incomplete if you don’t discuss what it really means to do a synchronous thinking approach to an incident that happened in the past.

In simple terms, the meaning of the synchronous thinking approach to events or events that occurred in the past is to see what aspects actually influenced or were affected by an event that occurred in the past.

Of course, as previously explained, if every incident or event in the past that will be analyzed with a synchronous thinking approach will still focus on one particular time. But even though it focuses on one time, these events can still be dissected broadly.

Starting from anyone who was affected by the incident, what influenced the incident, what was in it and various other things.

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It turns out that if you understand it more deeply, synchronic thinking is actually very important. With a synchronous thinking approach, every event that has occurred in the past can be shown in thorough detail.

Even the events that have been analyzed can also be used as current learning methods. Ah, it turns out that the topic of synchronic thinking is interesting if discussed more deeply.

Synchronic Thinking Characteristics

After understanding what synchronous thinking means and the meaning of having a synchronous thinking approach to past events. Next is about the characteristics of synchronic thinking. At this point it is very important so that you can understand more deeply how to think in syncronically.

So, you don’t need to linger, you can read the explanation regarding the characteristics of synchronous thinking in the explanation below.

  • Review events that occurred in the past

The first characteristic of synchronic thinking is the existence of activities to examine events that have occurred in the past. The purpose of the process of reviewing past events is to be able to further explore what happened in the past but still focus on a predetermined time.

An example is the process of implementing Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. In this case the task of reviewing past events is to make us all aware of what happened at the time of Indonesian independence.

However, the focus of time used was only on August 17, 1945. In this way, of course, it can be concluded that studying past events can provide a lot of knowledge or information about things that influenced the incident at a certain time.

  • Has a horizontal character

Next is horizontal. Although only focused on a certain time. But the past events that are being processed or analyzed can be widened. This means that in the process of analyzing a past event, we will look at various aspects that influenced or were influenced by the occurrence of the incident.

Starting from economic, social, political, to cultural aspects. Every incident like history is sometimes influenced by some of these aspects. Then after the incident actually happened. Then there will be some other things that are influenced by it.

Of course, the existence of a synchronic approach can make us know more about one event at a certain time, but the scope of analysis can cover all. At this point it also describes the meaning of synchronic, namely expanding and narrowing within a certain time range.

  • Narrower study

As previously explained, the analysis process carried out in a synchronous thinking approach to a past event only focuses on one time. This will make a study conducted also be narrower.

For example, two events in the past with different time space. Where one incident occurred in one day, while the second incident occurred in approximately 7 days.

Of course, to be able to apply the synchronous thinking approach, an event or past event will be chosen within the scope of one day.

  • It is serious and more difficult

In this point more emphasis is placed on the detailed state of the analysis carried out in an incident with a synchronous thinking approach. Where events that occur at one time must be analyzed more deeply.

Of course, the situation of studying more deeply with a certain or short period of time has a sufficient level of difficulty. In addition, the results obtained will also be more serious or more complete.

This is because all aspects that affect or are affected by an event can be obtained more fully if you use a synchronous thinking approach.

  • The emphasis of the study on the structure

The last is when analyzing a past event. So the focus is on the structure. Starting from the social structure, society, politics, economy, to culture.

With these points of emphasis, the data or information resulting from the analysis of an event that occurred in the past will be more complete. Of course, you will also understand more about what happened in the past.

The Use of Synchronic Thinking Approaches in History

As explained earlier, the synchronous thinking approach can also be applied in the analysis of historical events. Although a historical event only happened at one time. But with the synchronous thinking approach can produce such complete information.

The goal is that every incident of a historical event can be understood more deeply. In addition, the existence of a synchronous thinking approach to a historical event will also make it easier for us to find information not only from the chronology of events but from other aspects.

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Application of the Synchronic Thinking Approach

In the synchronous thinking approach, it turns out that several ways are needed, you know. This method has actually been widely taught in Indonesian since elementary school. The method used is 5W + 1H or What, Who, When, Why, Where, and How.

However, to better understand some of the ways needed in a synchronous thinking approach. So the explanation below will help make it easier for you when you are going to do an analysis of past events with a synchronous thinking approach.

  • What?

What or what happened in the events that occurred in the past? At this point you must understand the outline of the events that occurred.

  • Who ?

Next is Who ? Where the emphasis on this point is anyone who took part in the events in the past that will be analyzed.

  • when ?

When or when this is the time of the incident in the past. As explained, the synchronic thinking approach is to focus on time. Therefore it is very important to determine the time of the event to be analyzed.

  • why ?

Why or why events in the past can occur. What aspects influenced the occurrence of events in the past.

  • where?

Where or where the past event occurred. Of course, the place where the event occurred can be explained in the analysis that is being carried out.

  • How?

How or how the event occurred. At this point the focus will be on the course of events that occurred. Of course, the aspects affected by the occurrence of these events will also be explained in the analysis process that has been carried out.

With the help of the 5W+1H, of course, the process of analyzing past events with a synchronous thinking approach will also be easier to do.

Example of Synchronic Thinking Approach to a Past Event

Although previously described several examples. But so that you can understand more. So we give another example. Quoted from the official page, here is an example of a synchronous thinking approach to past events.

Problems example:

Judging from an event in 1950 to 1959 even though Indonesia was already independent. However, Indonesia’s economic situation can be said to be in a bad state.

Where the bad economic situation is influenced by several aspects in it such as.

  1. Agricultural products are the mainstay of export activities carried out by Indonesia.
  2. The round table conference determined that Indonesia must bear the economic and financial burden.
  3. At that time, the deficit that had to be borne by Indonesia was around Rp. 5.1 billion.
  4. The Dutch government did not pass down enough values ​​to transform the colonial economic system into a national economic system.
  5. The unstable domestic political situation made it easier for unplanned spending to occur.
  6. The existing security in the country is not so profitable.
  7. Domestic growth was so great at that time.

From the example questions or cases, an economic event that occurred in Indonesia from 1950 to 1959 can be analyzed using a synchronous thinking approach. Of course the results of the analysis carried out will be so easy to help in today’s life.


From all the explanations above, it can be concluded that synchronous thinking is always focused on past events with a predetermined time. Even though the time has been determined, the analysis with a synchronous thinking approach can be widened according to the aspects that influence the events that occur.

Starting from the aspects that influenced the occurrence of the incident to the aspects that were affected after the incident. Synchronic thinking also has characteristics that you can read in the previous explanation.

Besides that, to facilitate the process of synchronous thinking approaches to past events, you can use the 5W + 1H method. That way the results of the analysis with a synchronic approach will be more complete.

Even though you have read some of the explanations above. But there’s nothing wrong with using a book on history with the title “From the Stage of National History: Learning from Figures & Events”.

This book was published by Pustaka Al Kautsar with a total of 312 pages. Meanwhile, the author is Lukman Hakiem. And it has been on the market since 2020.

There are many historical events in this book that you can analyze with a synchronous thinking approach. And of course the easiest way to buy this book is via . Interesting to read and suitable to help you more easily understand the synchronous thinking approach to past events.