What are Proxies? Types, Benefits, Strengths and Weaknesses

What are Proxies? – The internet is one of the most important things nowadays, with the internet we can do many things. Starting from looking for information, contacting someone, looking for various entertainment, many people cannot even be separated from the internet because their job requires them to stay online all the time. But the … Read more

What are NFTs? Highly Profitable Future Digital Assets

What are NFTs? – Investment nowadays is getting more interesting, there are lots of new investment assets that have sprung up, one of which is the Non-Fungible Token asset or commonly known as the NFT. The presence of NFT itself has attracted a lot of attention from various groups of people in Indonesia, such as … Read more

What are Influencers? Definition, Types, and Their Impact on Business

As the number of internet users increases and content on every social media platform increases, the term influencer is heard more and more often. Actually, what or who are influencers ? Simply put, an influencer is someone who can influence other people. The closest person an influencer can say is your own family member. They can and do provide information to the household about a product … Read more

What are Honey Bees? Types and Ways of Bees Producing Honey

What is a honey bee? – Who has never consumed honey produced by honey bees? Of course most of Sinaumed’s must have consumed and even experienced the benefits contained in honey, right? As Sinaumed’s knows, honey itself is produced or produced by an insect-type animal called a bee. Sinaumed’s needs to know that not all types of bees can … Read more

What are Heuristics? Historical Research Methods, Definitions, & Examples

Heuristics – Will Sinaumed’s do research or even work on a thesis project related to history? If so, then Sinaumed’s needs to start getting acquainted and learning heuristic terms. In history, the term heuristic is a research method. In order to be able to do good research on historical topics, Sinaumed’s needs to understand heuristic research methods well … Read more

What are good manners when speaking? Listen Here!

Manners When Talking – When having a conversation with someone it can be a first impression for someone to describe ourselves outwardly. Because in a conversation, the style of language, choosing the right words, and how we can discuss a topic are definitely the main impressions for someone judging how we are. Interactive conversation or … Read more

What are Fixed Assets? Characteristics, Types, and Benefits

Fixed Assets are – Talking about business, maybe what Sinaumed’s has in mind is just the production process, finished products, sold and then made a profit. Yes indeed it is in the business flow process. But actually there are other things that are enough to support the development of a business, you know . One of them is fixed assets , for ordinary people … Read more