Parts of Plant Cells

Parts of a Plant Cell Composition – Plant cell composition basically consists of several structures wrapped in a cell wall. Plants themselves can be said to have a fairly important role in other living things, especially the living environment of creatures. Meanwhile, the constituent cells in plants are known to have a function as a … Read more

Parliamentary Is: Definition, Characteristics, Weaknesses and Strengths

Parliamentary is – The system of government is the way in which the country is organized and run. The system of government determines how power is divided and exercised between the government, parliament, and the judiciary. There are several forms of government systems that are commonly used in the world, including presidential, parliamentary, semi-presidential, and federation systems. A … Read more

Paraphrasing: Definition, Types, Purpose, Techniques, and Examples

Paraphrasing is a technique used in writing or arguing. This is very useful for making someone’s writing free from copyright infringement or from plagiarism. Paraphrasing is a re-expression of a speech into another speech without changing its meaning. Usually, the term paraphrase is used to explain that someone makes a piece of writing from another person’s writing, … Read more

Papuan Traditional Clothing: Types, Uniqueness, and Philosophy

Papuan Traditional Clothing – What comes to your mind when you hear the word Papua? Maybe you will imagine the beauty of Raja Ampat, Mount Carstensz and Jayawijaya Mountains, and honai houses. The discussion on Papua has a very broad scope. On this occasion, we will focus on discussing traditional Papuan clothing. What are the Papuan traditional clothes? Hi loyal Sinaumed’s, … Read more

Packaging: History of Development, Function, and Classification

Packaging – Sinaumed’s must be familiar with packaging, right? Yep, packaging, aka the packaging for a product, has various types depending on its contents. It’s even possible that Sinaumed’s has designed a packaging intended for a product, whether it’s at school or when working as it is today. Its existence, which is generally a container … Read more

Owner Is: Definition, Duties and Differences with the Founder

Owner is –  If Sinaumed’s is an entrepreneur, then Sinaumed’s needs to understand important terms related to business. One of the most important things to know in the business world is the term ‘Owner’, which refers to a person who has the right to carry out business activities. Apart from owner, another term that is closely related is … Read more

Ovoviviparous Animals: Definition, Characteristics and Examples

Ovoviviparous Animals – There are three types of reproduction in the animal kingdom, namely the oviparous (egg-laying), viviparous (dwelling) and ovoviviparous (egg-laying) ways. The three ways of reproduction also have different characteristics. The following is an explanation of ovoviviparous animal reproduction. Ovoviviparous definition Ovovivipar is a way of animal reproduction by multiplying eggs in the mother’s body, but … Read more

Oviparous Animals: Definition, Types, and Examples

Definition of Oviparous Animals –  Oviparous Animals – Breeding is a new regeneration that replaces the old generation. This means that every living thing experiences reproduction, which is not only for humans, but for all living things, including plants and animals. If humans reproduce using only one way, namely giving birth, but in animals there are three types of … Read more

Oviduct Function in the Female Reproductive System

The function of the Oviduk – Sinaumed’s must have known clearly that every human living on this earth, both men and women, has their own reproductive system. Through this reproductive system is one of the main ways to maintain offspring as well as civilization in the world, especially for women. Well, in the female reproductive system there are 2 parts, namely … Read more

Outline Speeches: A How-to Guide and Their Purpose

Speech Framework – For many people to do standing up and speaking in front of a large number of people is very intimidating. In normal situations, we can casually chat with one, two, even chat with ten more people is fine. But the story is different, if we are the ones who have to speak … Read more

Origin, Examples of Gamelan Musical Instruments & How to Play It

Origin of Gamelan Musical Instruments, Examples of Gamelan Musical Instruments & How to Play Gamelan Musical Instruments – Discussing Javanese culture is incomplete if you don’t talk about gamelan musical instruments. This traditional Indonesian musical instrument is still being preserved until now and is even known to foreign countries. Gamelan consists of several traditional musical … Read more

Organs of the Human Body: Definition, Parts, and Functions

Organs of the human body – In the human body there are various types consisting of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. The parts that compose and form the human body perfectly are called organ systems. This system consists of various types of organs with specific structures and functions. Directly or indirectly, every organ system is interdependent, without … Read more

Organizational Culture: Its Characteristics & Examples of Organizational Culture

Sinaumed’s, Organizational culture generally shapes the behavior of employees in an organization. So that when someone enters an organization or company, he will then follow the customs, habits and culture that dominate the organization. Check out a more complete explanation of the meaning, function, characteristics and types of organizational culture below: Definition of Organizational Culture … Read more

Organizational Commitment: Definition, Indicators & How to Build

Commitment in the Organization – In carrying out daily activities, we cannot be separated from the name of the organization. Whether it’s in the form of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, neighborhood associations, and others like that. In order for the organization to run as expected, it requires commitment from each individual involved. Without … Read more

Orchestra Is: History of Development and Examples of Musical Instruments

Orchestra Is – When talking about orchestral music, Sinaumed’s definitely thinks of musical performances on a stage in a large room with each of the personnel playing a different musical instrument. Yep, that thought is not wrong because orchestral performances are more or less what it is. Even though this orchestral performance is not original musical art from Indonesia, in … Read more

Operational Management: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics, Functions and Strategies

Operational Management – ​​Operational management is needed in a business to control production activities. A business requires supervision of several elements supporting its activities. Such as finance, marketing, and also production that goes into operational activities. This management is a plan that focuses on production activities. His job is to ensure the production process is … Read more

Oligopoly Market: Definition, Characteristics, Types, & Examples

Oligopoly Market – Everyone has different needs, so when they want to fulfill those needs, they need to buy them. Before there were buying and selling transactions, fellow humans exchanged the goods they owned or often known as barter. Before fellow human beings barter, it must be in accordance with the agreement of both parties or more … Read more

Oil Producing Regions in Indonesia, from Biggest to Oldest

Oil Producing Regions in Indonesia, from Biggest to Oldest – As a country already famous for its rich natural resources, there are several oil producing regions in Indonesia. Some of these oil-producing areas can be seen from the presence of oil refineries. The oil refinery itself is a place to process petroleum to be converted … Read more

Number of Ministers in Indonesia and Their Names (2022)

Number of Ministers in Indonesia and Their Names – The Advanced Indonesia Cabinet is a government cabinet chaired by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. This cabinet includes 4 coordinating ministers and 30 field ministers appointed on October 23, 2019 based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number … Read more

Noun (Part Of Speech): Definition, Function, Purpose

Of course, many of us already know that nouns are nouns, if they are interpreted according to their short vocabulary. But if explained, then a noun is a word that has a function to express places, objects, animals, and also people. These nouns are one of the eight parts of speech which are important for us to … Read more

Normal Distribution: Definition, Parameters, Characteristics, and Empirical Rules

Normal Distribution – In a probability distribution theory, the normal distribution occupies an important position in various statistical analyses. This type of distribution is also often used as material for calculating various phenomena in everyday life. For example in calculating measurement errors , height, blood pressure, error calculations, to the translation of IQ scores with … Read more

Niacinamide Is: Understanding and Benefits

In the world of skin care and beauty, there are always innovative new active ingredients that are trending and proven to be effective. Niacinamide is one such example. Over the past two years, facial skin care products containing this ingredient have become a favorite of many people. Niacinamide itself is basically a form of Vitamin … Read more

NGOs Are: Definition, History, Types, Roles, and 5 Examples in Indonesia

What is an NGO – Does Sinaumed’s often take part in social actions around the neighborhood, both personally and on behalf of educational institutions? Or maybe Sinaumed’s wants to take part in this voluntary social action but doesn’t know where to start? Well, those social actions are usually initiated by NGOs alias Non-Governmental Organizations. Maybe … Read more

Networks in Plants, Let’s Get to Know Closer

Tissues in Plants – Plants are composed of cells which then form tissues. Tissue itself is a group of cells that have the same structure and function and are bound by material between cells to form a single unit. The initial formation of plants begins with meristem tissue. Check out a more complete explanation of … Read more

Negative Impacts of International Trade

Negative Impacts of International Trade – International trade is a transaction carried out with the aim of meeting the needs needed by a country, whether it is goods or services. However, these needs are not owned and cannot be produced by the country, due to various kinds of inhibiting factors these needs cannot be produced. … Read more

Negative Impacts of Air Pollution & Solutions

The negative impact of air pollution – Air pollution can be caused by many things, but the most important is due to the spread of various hazardous chemicals into the earth’s atmosphere. Air pollution is also known as air pollution. Air pollution can occur naturally as well as artificially. Based on what is explained by … Read more

Natural Stone Minimalist Fish Pond Design Inspiration

Natural Stone Minimalist Fish Pond Design Inspiration – The more time spent at home, makes some people beautify the house to make it more comfortable, and beautiful. One way you can do this is by making a natural stone fish pond. Having a fish pond in the yard, of course, makes the appearance of the … Read more

Nationalism: Definition, Form, Purpose, and Development

Nationalism is – In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, nationalism is an understanding of nationalism which then contains the meaning of awareness and the spirit of love for the Motherland. This word itself implies belonging and a sense of pride as a nation and maintaining the honor of the nation. Based on the Citizenship Education book … Read more

National Integrity: Definition, Concept, Requirements, Forming and Inhibiting Factors

National integration – reflects the compositional form of a process of unity from the collection of individuals from various diverse regions. A simple example of national integration that Sinaumed’s can find is the flag ceremony. The country of Indonesia with a diversity of tribes and cultures from Sabang to Merauke makes its society heterogeneous. National … Read more

National Income: Definition, Benefits, and Influencing Factors

National Income: Definition, Benefits and Factors Influencing It – Does Sinaumed’s know what national income is? National Income is the result received from each member of the community or family household which is directly used or consumed at a certain time or one year. Therefore, if the production of goods and services is not used, it can … Read more

National Identity: Definition, Factors, Types and Elements

It is important for us to know the National Identity of the Indonesian Nation , but before that let’s first understand the definition, factors and types of national identity. Every country has a different national identity. This is just like humans, each individual has a different identity. This identity is certainly useful to distinguish each … Read more

Names of Human Bones and Their Functions

Names of Human Bones and Their Functions – What happens if humans don’t have bones? Certainly, that human wouldn’t be able to move. This is because bones are one of the important organs in humans that function to move the body. In addition, bones have bone marrow, bone marrow can produce new blood cells that … Read more