Names of Human Bones and Their Functions

Names of Human Bones and Their Functions – What happens if humans don’t have bones?
Certainly, that human wouldn’t be able to move. This is because bones are one of the
important organs in humans that function to move the body.
In addition, bones have bone marrow,
bone marrow can produce new blood cells that the body really needs.

Basically, bones not only function as limb movers and produce new blood cells. Bones also have
a very important function, namely to maintain or protect important organs, one part of the body that is
protected by bones is the brain.
Have you ever thought, what would happen if the brain was not
protected by bones?

The bones in humans are very diverse and have their own names. In fact, each bone name always
has a different function as well.
Therefore, it is important for you to know the names of the
bones in humans.
Want to know more clearly the names of the bones in humans and their
Let’s see a more detailed explanation below.

Definition of Bones

Bone in the Big Indonesian Dictionary means skeleton or part of the skeleton of a human or animal body.
In simple terms, bones can be interpreted as the framework of the human body which is composed of
very hard tissues.
Basically the bones in humans have almost the same structure even though the
size and shape of human bones vary greatly.

How do bones in humans form? Bones in humans are composed or formed from calcium and
The calcium content in human bones is around 99%. While the phosphorus
content in human bones is as much as 90% of the amount of phosphorus in the body.

The amount of calcium in the bones indicates that the bones are strong and hard. Therefore, if
you hear of someone who has porous or easily broken bones, then you can be sure that the calcium in these
bones is lacking.

Meanwhile, the presence of phosphorus in the bones proves that bones really need mineral content.
This mineral content is very good for maintaining the strength and hardness of the bones.

It’s not only calcium and phosphorus that form bones, collagen fibers also form human bones.
These collagen fibers are very functional to provide flexibility to the bones.

Flexibility in this bone must be maintained properly because if it is not maintained properly, it will be
difficult for us to move our limbs.
Members of the body that are difficult to move will cause
pain so it is difficult to move.

Bone Names

1. Skull Bones

The skull bones are the bones that make up the head. In short, in our heads there are
important organs that must be protected by bones.
Named the skull bone because this bone is
shaped like a skull head or forms like a face.

The main function of the skull bone is to protect or guard the brain and human vital organs in the face
from very dangerous collisions.
In addition, the skull bones have another function, namely
forming facial structures.

The skull bone is made up of several parts where each part is divided into two groups, namely the head
bone, the facial bone.
For more details, let’s look at the explanation of the two types of
skull bones.

A. Headbone

a) Parietal Bone (Fountain)

The position of this parietal bone is located on both sides of the head or just behind the forehead bone.
Usually this bone is called the crown bone and there are two of these bones.

b) Frontal Bone (Forehead Bone)

The frontal bone, also known as the forehead bone, is located at the front of the face. This
forehead bone has a flat shape and the function of this bone is to protect the brain and form the structure
of the head which consists of the nasal cavities, eyes, and others.

c) Occipital Bone (Backbone)

Like the forehead bone, the shape of the occipital bone is flat. The occipital bone is also
known as the backbone.
Therefore, the location of this bone is at the back of the skull.
The spinal nerves are connected to the brain through the holes in the spinal cord.

The function of the spine is to protect the part of the brain associated with vision. In
addition, this bone has a very important role, especially in regulating body movement and balance.

d) Temporal Bones (Temple Bones)

There are two temporal bones or temple bones. The location of the temple bones is on the left
and right of the skull bone or more precisely right under the fontanel.

Helping to support the structure of the skull, protecting the brain, and protecting the surrounding
membranes are the functions of the temporal bone or temple bones.
If you are chewing or
swallowing food, then at that time, the temple bones help to move these muscles.

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e) Ethmoid Bone (Sweeping Bone)

The location of the ethmoid bone is in front of the sphenoid bone. The ethmoid bone is also
known as the sieve bone.
The function of the ethmoid bones helps to form the structure of the
nasal cavity.

The ethmoid bone has a cavity called the sinus cavity. The function of the sinus cavities is
to produce or produce mucus.
This mucus is also very useful for capturing or blocking the
presence of dangerous allergens.

f) Sphenoid Bone (Wedge Bone)

The last bone in the facial bones is the sphenoid bone or wedge. The main function of the
sphenoid bone is to protect or maintain the nerve and brain structures that are in the face.

B. Facial Bones

The next part of the skull is the facial bones. This facial bone consists of several bones.
For more details, let’s see the explanation below.

a) Maxillary Bone

The maxillary bones have a shape similar to a pyramid which is fused in the middle. In
addition, this bone also separates the mouth from the nasal cavity.
The jawbone has functions,
such as the place for the growth of the upper teeth, the formation of the face, and the last function is to
help speech and chewing food occur.

b) Lower Jawbone

The lower jawbone has two parts or shapes. First, it is curved horizontally and secondly, it
is curved vertically.
The two parts are interconnected on both sides of the body.
The function of the mandibular bone is almost the same as that of the maxillary bone, which is
where the lower teeth grow, forms the lower face, and makes it easier for the mouth to move.

c) Cheekbones

Cheekbones consist of two sides which are located at the bottom of the eyes. This bone has a
rectangular shape and is slightly thicker in front.
Brings together the facial bones.
The function of the cheekbones is to support the facial structure and protect the eyes.

d) Nasal Bones

The nose bone is between the forehead bone and the maxilla bone or more precisely it is located in the
middle of the face.
As the name implies, the function of this bone is to maintain the shape of
the nose and bind or strengthen the cartilage in the nose.

e) Lacrimal Bone

The lacrimal bone is the bone that functions to maintain the tear production system and the location of
this bone is in the eye socket.
The shape of this bone is like a rectangle.

f) Palatine bones

The palatine bone has a shape that is almost similar to or the same as the letter “L” and the location of
this bone is at the bottom of the skull bone.
The function of the palatine bones, among other
things, is to house the palatine nerves and give signals to the body when the teeth and mouth are feeling

2. Collarbone

The collarbone is located above the first rib. The collarbone can be said to be the only bone
in humans that has a horizontally elongated shape.

The collarbone has two functions, the first function is to make the arm easy to move freely.
Second, continue the swaying or movement of the limbs in the upper body to the body’s skeleton

3. Upper arm bones

The arm bone is also known as the humerus bone. As the name implies, this bone is also located
in the upper arm or to be more precise, it is between the shoulder joint and the elbow joint.

Several functions of the upper arm bones, such as connecting the swivel joint at the shoulder, raising and
lowering the hand, help to provide movement at the shoulder joint, and so on.

4. Scapula

The scapula has a shape that resembles a triangle and is located at the shoulder. This bone
connects the groin or clavicle with the upper arm or humerus.

The scapula has several functions including as a connecting place for the shoulder joint, sternoclavicular
joint, and acromioclavicular joint;
Maintain blood supply to the arm and keep the shoulder as a
whole so that it is always stable;
As a place of attachment of muscles and tendons, such as
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and biceps;
As a liaison between the bones in
the shoulder, starting from the sternum, neck bones, and scapula.

5. Ribs

The ribs are long and flat bones and have seven pairs attached to the sternum. The seven ribs
are known as true ribs.
In other words, these ribs are located in the middle of the

Basically, ribs have a fairly good level of flexibility. This flexibility in the ribs serves
to assist the breathing process and maintain or protect the vital organs in the chest from impact.
Therefore, these ribs must be properly guarded so that the vital organs in the chest are

6. Backbone

The backbone has another name, namely the spine. The spine is composed of various kinds of
small bones consisting of the base of the skull and pelvic bones.
This spine is located at the
back of the body.

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The spine functions as a support for the head, shoulders and several other parts of the human body so that
it can stand upright.
In addition, the spine serves as a protector of the nerves in the

Actually, everyone should take good care of the spine because the spine contains many vital organs.
By taking care of this spine, you will avoid disturbances that occur in the spine.

7. Pelvic Bones

Basically, the pelvic bones in men and women are slightly different. Therefore, when men or
women have problems with the pelvic bones, the treatment is also different.
The pelvic bone
itself has three parts, namely the hipbone, coccyx, and sacrum bone.

The location of the pelvic bones is at the bottom of the abdomen or more precisely between the two hip
While the function of the pelvic bones is to support or support the organs of the
digestive and reproductive systems.
Not only that, the pelvic bones function as a link between
the upper body and the lower body.

8. Lifting Bones

The wrists and elbows are the locations of the radius bones. The interosseous ligament or
tissue that has very thick fibers can be said to be the tissue that connects the lifting bone with other

Some of the functions of the lifting bones include; Serves as a mover on the arm or helps the
arm lift objects or loads up;
Serves as an adhesive for the muscles in the arm;
Serves to arrange the framework in the forearm; and others.

9. Sternum

The sternum is also known as the sternum. The sternum is one of the bones that must be taken
care of properly because it protects vital organs, especially those in the chest, such as the lungs and
How would it be if in our body there is no sternum?

The sternum is located in the center of the chest. In addition to protecting vital organs, the
sternum also functions as a frame for the body, helps the respiratory system, and attaches muscles to

10. Eight Bones

The ulna or also known as the arm bone. The mention of this arm bone because of the position
or ulna is in the human arm, more precisely located on the forearm of the human hand.
This bone
can be said to be the connecting bone between the upper arm and the wrist.

The ulna has a major function in the organs of the human body, especially in the human hand.
In other words, this bone plays an important role in the movements that occur in the hand.

11. Finger Bones

As we know that humans have hands and feet where the two parts of the body have fingers.
Inside the fingers are bones that make the fingers stronger and harder.

These finger bones have functions, such as activating the members of the fingers, connecting the joints in the
fingers, and forming the structure of the fingers.

12. Thigh Bone

The longest bone in humans is the femur because it connects the hip to the knee in humans. In
addition, the femur is included in the actuators of the human body and this bone can be classified as a pipe

Just as the name suggests, this bone is located in the human thigh. As for the function of the
femur, it is like a propulsion device for the human body, especially the lower part, where large muscles are
attached, and a place for producing red blood cells.

13. Calf Bone

This fibula is near the shin. This bone is a bone that can support daily activities because
this bone is the driving force for the lower part of the human body.

The calf bones have several functions, such as protecting the legs so they are strong and not easily injured,
stabilizing the legs, supporting the body’s weight, balancing the body and supporting the shins.

14. Kneecap Bone

The shell bone is located between the tibia and femur. The length of this bone is around 5
The tendons in the kneecap bones serve as a protector or wrapper for this bone and
connect the shin bones of the thigh muscles that are under the knee joint.

The main function of the shell bone is to connect the shinbone with the front thigh muscles.
In addition, this bone also maintains the knee joint to function properly.

15. Dry Bones

This shinbone can be said to be one of the largest bones in the leg. This bone is located at
the bottom of the knee and this bone has another name, namely strong bone because the load that this bone
has to support is very heavy.

The shins function as a support for the muscles in the legs, and function to connect the ankle with the
Therefore, it must be maintained properly so that the lower limbs can move


Basically, human bones are very vital and must be given special attention. Every human bone
has its own function.
We as humans must take care of the bones in the body so that there are no
injuries or injuries that can cause the bones to not function properly.
So, have you cared for
and cared for the bones in the body?