difference between broiler and layer

Difference between Broiler and Layer: Understanding the Basics

Broiler and layer are two terms that are closely associated with the poultry farming industry. While both refer to chickens, there are fundamental differences between them, which are important to understand if you are considering starting a poultry farm. In this article, we will explore the differences between broiler and layer chickens.


Broilers are chickens that are specifically bred and raised for meat production, while layers are chickens that are raised for egg production.

Physical Characteristics

Broilers have a large build and are muscular with a plump, round appearance due to their high meat yield. They grow at a faster rate and have a shorter lifespan of around 6 to 8 weeks. In comparison, layers have a slender build with prominent combs and wattles. They are smaller in size and have a longer lifespan with an average of 18 to 24 months.

Feeding and Nutrition

Broilers require a high-protein diet for optimal growth and development. They are typically fed a specialized diet that has a higher concentration of protein and amino acids than layer feeds. Layers, on the other hand, require a balanced diet that contains the right nutrients to support egg production. Their diet usually includes a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, calcium, and minerals.

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Broilers have a higher profitability potential due to their faster growth rate and high meat yield. However, they require more investment in housing, feed, and equipment compared to layers. Layers are a more sustainable and consistent source of income as they produce eggs and have a longer lifespan, but the profits may not be as high as broilers.


In summary, both broilers and layers are essential in the poultry farming industry, but they have distinct differences. Understanding these differences is essential to determine which one is suitable for your poultry farm. Broilers are for meat production, while layers are for egg production. They have different physical characteristics, feed requirements, and profitability. Ultimately, the decision to raise broilers or layers will depend on your farm’s goals, resources, and market demand.

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Difference Between Broiler and Layer

Broilers and layers are both production birds. Broilers are raised for meat, while layers are raised for eggs. Here are some of the differences between broilers and layers:

| Feature | Broilers | Layers |
| — | — | — |
| Purpose | Raised for meat production | Raised for egg production |
| Breed | Fast-growing and meatier | Lay eggs more and for longer periods |
| Weight | Heavier | Lighter |
| Feed | High-protein feed | High-calcium feed |
| Growth Rate | Rapid growth | Slower growth |
| Lifespan | Shorter | Longer |
| Housing | Raised in cages or on the floor | Raised in cages, on the floor, or in hen houses |

These are some of the general differences between broilers and layers. They differ in terms of their purpose, breed, weight, feed, growth rate, lifespan, and housing.