Nature lovers? These are the 5 Best College Majors for you Sinaumed’s!

College Courses for Nature Lovers – Lectures can be very boring because the activities are more often held in class, especially for those of you who basically can’t sit still, have an adventurous spirit and always want to explore new things all the time.

However, there are also several college majors that offer lots of outdoor activities. Lectures while traveling, sounds really fun doesn’t it. Then, what major is it? Here are some of them Sinaumed’s, Check these out!




The Department of Marine Science is a study that examines how to manage marine resources so that they can create marine commodities from the implementation of knowledge and technology.

Generally, fisheries and marine sciences refer to the breeding and harvesting of aquatic plants and aquatic animals for commercial purposes. This field studies the biological processes associated with aquaculture technology , Sinaumed’s.

The field of fisheries and marine affairs or what is known as aquaculture will also learn a lot about biology, biodiversity and conservation of marine biota. The topics that will be discussed specifically include marine animal diversity, microbiology, shellfish aquaculture, fish genetics, ocean politics, fish processing, aquaculture system engineering, fishing technology and so on.

This major is suitable for those of you who like outdoor activities and love the sea. Because, as the name implies, this major will make you stay in coastal areas and study marine objects directly.

Not infrequently you have to plunge directly into the waters. Be it for diving or just making observations. In addition, Indonesia is a maritime country consisting of 13,000 islands stretching across the archipelago from Sabang to Merauke.

With tremendous potential in the marine sector, however, competent human resources are still very limited, so that graduates of this major have quite promising job opportunities with diverse job prospects.

You can have a career in capture fisheries, aquaculture, fishery product processing industry, marine biotechnology industry, coastal forestry, marine tourism to enter government agencies such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the Marine and Fisheries Service.


The Department of Archeology is a science that studies historical approaches by examining primary sources such as material culture and environmental conditions from earlier civilizations.

Archeology can stand as its own department or become one of the concentrations of the Anthropology department. Archeology will guide us to gain an understanding of ancient civilizations where people still did not know letters and numbers, so records about that period are still limited.

The Department of Archeology emerged because of the high public awareness in the field of history and the remnants of the past.

This major is suitable for you who like challenges and adventures, because you will often do field studies to visit museums, ancient sites, and historical places.

You will learn to dig the ground (simulated excavation) to look for historical relics in it, research historical sites in various fields and regions, study ancient artifacts, fossils, inscriptions, ancient texts, temple excavations. Studying in this major, the specialization is divided into 4 sections based on chronological division, namely:

  • Prehistoric Archeology : Studying cultural heritage when humans in the world did not know script (writing) until before the arrival of Indian culture to the archipelago
  • Classical Archeology: Studying cultural heritage of Hindu-Buddhist history in Indonesia from the IV to XV centuries AD
  • Islamic Archeology: Studying historical heritage since the entry of Islamic religion and culture into Indonesia.
  • Colonial Archeology : Studying the remains of human culture in the colonial period.

Not only that, you will also learn about law, philosophy and history, and matters related to cultural and natural conservation, and learn to reconstruct events in the past.

Students majoring in Archeology are also trained to be tough because they are more often outside the classroom, so they often come in direct touch with various existing obstacles. Archeology digs up historical objects for study and conservation as artifacts, Sinaumed’s.

The job prospects for this department are focused on the field of research, namely research on various kinds of archaeological objects. This field of work is usually within the scope of the government. However, because there are not many of them, some alumni archaeologists work in other fields. Especially in the fields of data processing.

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Because they have been accustomed to processing and analyzing in their lectures. The findings of archaeologists are generally eagerly awaited, because in fact many people are curious about what happened and how human civilization developed in the past. 


The Department of Forestry is a field of study that trains students to be able to care for, regulate and protect forest ecosystems. The teaching and learning process in this department combines theory and technology.

Forestry also studies everything about forests, from forest ecology, physiology of plants, animals, soil science, to the processing and management of forest products.

Not only producing and obtaining forest products, Forestry Science also studies forest conservation through forest rehabilitation and protection which are closely related to various environmental problems.

Forestry Science as the main branch of the study program Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism, Forest Product Technology, Forest Management, and Forest Management, which is included in the Faculty of Forestry. However, several forestry colleges also include the Faculty of Agriculture.

This major is suitable for you who want to work more outdoors, are nature lovers, don’t want to live a monotonous life, like challenges, and aren’t afraid of getting dirty. With practicum and direct hands-on in the open, you will never be bored.

The ever-changing native ecosystem will certainly provide a continuously different experience. Moreover, the feeling of pride when finally being able to play a role and benefit the survival of other living things, because the Forestry Department allows you to make changes for the better in the world.

The Forestry major teaches you how to preserve the environment. Forests have a very important role for human life, as the World’s Lungs, which convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

Forests are also what keep the groundwater supply maintained. Forests as Important State Assets, as a source of foreign exchange for the state’s income outside the oil and gas sector.

Studying at the Department of Forestry, you will have broad job prospects, starting from working in non-profit organizations, government agencies, to becoming entrepreneurs, Sinaumed’s.


The Department of Oceanography is a science that studies marine and physical phenomena which can then be applied to other fields such as engineering, environment, fisheries, marine disasters, and disaster mitigation.

Not only that, this department will examine from theory to application, such as in the study of ocean currents, tidal dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, ocean waves, dynamics of marine ecosystems, tsunamis, prediction of upwelling areas for fishing grounds, spread of oil spills and marine pollutants, to the erosion and deposition of coastal sediments. Studying in this department, you will also study Oceanographic Modeling, Oceanographic Computing, Oceanographic Surveys, Offshore Building Structures, Seaport Geotechnical Engineering, Marine Energy and Environment, Fluid Mechanics, and many more.

Oceanography is a promising major, considering that Indonesia is known as the “Maritime Continent” where 62 percent of the Indonesian archipelago is ocean. Studying in this department you will be involved in Marine Environment Cultivation with many interesting things that you will learn, for example in the Coral Wet Lab as the largest and strongest soft coral in marine plants.

Practices like this are also included in one of the courses and make you learn about the biggest biodiversity crisis. That way, you will also be directly involved in marine and coral reef cultivation. For its own classification, Oceanography is divided into:

  • Chemical Oceanography – studies the chemical reactions and distribution of chemical elements at the bottom of the seas and oceans
  • Physical Oceanography – studies various aspects of seawater physics such as seawater temperature distribution, seawater movement, types of energy in the sea, sound transmission, light transmission, and air and sea interactions
  • Biological Oceanography – studies the types of marine life, their distribution, interrelationships, and environmental aspects
  • Oceanography Geology – also known as Marine Geology or Marine Geology, studies the origin of ocean basins, the configuration of ocean basins, the nature of rocks and minerals of the ocean floor
  • Oceanography Meteorology – studies atmospheric phenomena over the oceans, their effects on shallow and deep waters, and the influence of the ocean surface on atmospheric processes.



The Department of Tourism learns about core tourist trips, starting from departure, return as well as various needs while on the trip. So destinations, transportation, accommodation fall into the scope of tourism science.

This department itself is still relatively new, because it has only been officially recognized since 2008 with a limited number of graduates. In fact, the job prospects for graduates are very large, considering that Indonesia has tourist destinations and natural beauty spread from Sabang to Merauke, both those that have been explored and those that have not been explored, Sinaumed’s. Tourism Education itself is divided into various specializations including: Tourism Management, Travel Business, Tourism Travel Business Management and others.

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Studying in this department has fun knowledge and subjects, because you will learn various management related to lodging (hotels, guest houses and other accommodations), restaurants to tourist attractions.

Starting from the design stage, practice to the evaluation. Besides that, studying at the Department of Tourism also opens opportunities for internships abroad. Before graduating, you are required to do internships in various companies, even those with international networks.

Not only do internships outside, this knowledge also gives you global job opportunities, because basically the principles of hospitality and tourism that you learn in Indonesia, will be the same as hospitality and tourism anywhere else. So the job prospects are not limited to your homeland, your opportunities to work in the tourism industry in various countries are also wide open.

6. Department of Geology

Geology is in the Faculty of Engineering, so its full name is Geological Engineering. In this department, you learn about composition, physical and chemical properties, formation processes, history, and the structure of the earth.

In short, everything that is below the surface of the ground is the field of study for Geological Engineering students. Therefore, you will also learn a lot about geothermal, mining, petroleum, and disaster mitigation. Your knowledge of soil conditions, groundwater, rocks, and various other geological factors as well as the ability to carry out detailed technical analysis of earth materials can help assess development projects, the suitability of building forms and materials, to the risk of natural disasters. 

If you want job prospects with a double-digit monthly income, Geological Engineering is the right major for you. After all, this scientific field does require your efforts from college to work.

Apart from lectures in class and their assignments, you will often undergo field lectures, excursions, or field trips that train you to explore the field when you work later.

7. Majoring in Photography

In the Photography Department, you will learn various things about the techniques and processes of recording images in various forms and situations with the aim of creating a work of art.

Well, because photography is basically an art, the photos recorded of an event or condition, whether the conditions are set or not, must fulfill the elements of art and be able to present its own values ​​and messages.

Up to this point, you can understand that photography isn’t actually just a snap, right? So, in this department you will be guided to produce photos that are not only good but also have value.

Quipperian also needs to know that the world of photography is divided into several fields, maybe we can call them areas of specialization or expertise, namely journalistic photography, commercial photography, and expression photography.

Each of these specializations certainly uses different techniques and feel, so you will get all of these things while studying at the Photography Department.

The initial investment for studying at the Photography Department is a strong interest and will because in this department you will be exposed to various materials and practices in order to be able to produce good photographic works.

Apart from that, you also have to always be updated with technological developments and trends in the world of photography because basically the resulting images are inseparable from elements of art.

In this department, you will be taught the science of photography from the basics to the mastery of various photo techniques. So, don’t be discouraged if you feel you don’t have an adequate understanding of photography because this is the place for you to forge your skills and gain as much knowledge as possible.

You will learn from composition, color, design fundamentals, form, to getting acquainted with aperture settings, shutter speed, focus, and various other operational matters. You will also learn to use an analog camera as well as various photography techniques.

Source: from various sources