Oviduct Function in the Female Reproductive System

The function of the Oviduk – Sinaumed’s must have known clearly that every human living on this earth, both men and women, has their own reproductive system. Through this reproductive system is one of the main ways to maintain offspring as well as civilization in the world, especially for women. Well, in the female reproductive system there are 2 parts, namely the inside which cannot be seen directly and the outside which can be seen with the naked eye. On the inside there is an organ called the oviduct, aka the fallopian tube, which has many functions for female reproduction.

So, what are the functions of the oviduct for the reproductive process? How does the oviduct, aka the fallopian tube, work? Is the oviduct also susceptible to disorders that can cause difficulty getting pregnant? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What are the functions of the oviduct in the female reproductive system?

Before discussing the functions of the oviduct in the female reproductive system, it would be better if Sinaumed’s first understood what an oviduct is.

The oviduct or what can also be referred to as the fallopian tube is basically a canal that connects the ovaries (ovaries) and the uterus, with a length of 10-13 cm and a diameter of about 1 cm. Since this oviduct is an internal reproductive organ, of course it cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, it is located in the lower abdomen, with the tip located near the ovary.

As with other reproductive organs, the oviduct, aka the fallopian tube, also consists of several layers. The outermost layer is a membrane called the serosa . Meanwhile, the inner layer is a layer of muscle called pyosalpinx .

The main function of the oviduct is of course as a place for the passage of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, especially when ovulation occurs. Another function of the oviduct related to the reproductive process is as a meeting place for the egg and sperm, especially during fertilization.

So, if the oviduct, aka the fallopian tube, is blocked, then of course the egg’s journey to the uterus will be hampered. Later, when the egg and sperm meet in this oviduct, the channel will attach to the lining of the uterus (endometrium). The existence of the oviduct in the female reproductive system is certainly very important, especially for pregnant. The following are the functions of the oviduct in the female reproductive system, namely:

1. As a connecting line between the ovum and the uterus

The function of the first oviduct is to act as a connecting link between a woman’s egg, aka ovum, and the uterus (uterus). Later, the ovum will travel to the uterus which is assisted by cilia. These cilia are shaped like fine hairs.

2. As a Temporary Embryo Splitting Place

The function of the second oviduct is as a place for division and growth of the embryo temporarily. After that, then the embryo attached to the endometrium. For Sinaumed’s who forgets what an embryo is, this embryo is basically the beginning of the formation of a baby in the process of pregnancy.

3. As the Occurrence of Ovum Fertilization

The third function of the oviduct is as a place for fertilization of the egg, aka ovum. The ovum that has been fertilized by these sperm cells will later attach to the uterine wall and as it develops becomes a pregnancy.

How Does Oviduct Work?

Primarily, the oviduct, aka the fallopian tube, must work optimally, especially when it is in the process of reproduction between a woman and a man. Reporting from yoona.id , the way the oviduct works will be related to the function of the oviduct that women should feel, especially for the purpose of pregnancy.

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The first way it works is by transporting the egg (ovum) from the ovary to the uterus (uterus). In order for fertilization of the egg to occur, sperm cells from the male must first go to the oviduct. After the egg and sperm cells meet in this oviduct, then the egg will be fertilized by the sperm cell.

If this is the case, there will be contractions in the oviduct. The egg will then continue its journey to the uterus (uterus). In essence, the way the oviduct works is related to the function of the oviduct as the main road that the egg must pass before it goes to the uterus (uterus).

Vulnerable Disorders Occur in the Oviduct

Even though the oviduct is an invisible internal reproductive organ, it can actually experience interference. This disorder is caused by a blocked oviduct which prevents sperm cells from meeting the egg in the uterus, so that fertilization cannot occur. This condition greatly affects fertility disorders, aka infertility, you know…

Unfortunately, a blocked oviduct rarely causes obvious symptoms, so women often don’t know whether their oviduct is “healthy” or not. However, according to alodokter.com , there are several conditions in which women feel pain in the lower abdomen and abnormal vaginal discharge as a result of a blocked oviduct. Well, it turns out that this blockage can cause several health problems related to this oviduct.

Please note , Sinaumed’s , that every woman generally has 2 oviducts, so blockages can occur in both or even just one of the oviducts. All over the world, there are women who are born with only one oviduct. However, if one oviduct is in good health and the menstrual cycle is normal, one can still get pregnant and have children.

The following are disorders or health problems caused by blockage of the oviduct.

1. Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which pregnancy occurs outside the womb. This means that the embryo, aka the prospective baby, is outside the main cavity of the uterus. This happens because the egg is too late to be transported to the uterus. Yep, this condition can occur, especially when the fertilized embryo does not even go down to the uterus, but still survives in this oviduct.

This ectopic pregnancy, if it is still maintained, actually endangers health. If this is not treated immediately by professional medical personnel, it can cause abnormal uterine bleeding to death.

2. Fallopian Tube Cancer

In fact, some types of cancer that are diagnosed as ovarian cancer originate in this oviduct. There is also a type of cancer called high-grade serous ovarian cancer which also starts from a blocked oviduct.

3. Kista Paratubal

These cysts are benign and usually can still heal even without treatment. Cysts filled with fluid form near the ovaries and oviducts.

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium, aka the tissue that lines the uterine wall, instead grows outside the uterine wall. Strong suspicion, the cause of this is a disturbance of blood flow during menstruation. The main symptoms are intense pain or cramps in the lower abdomen or pelvis.

Treatment can be done by taking pain relievers to hormone therapy to inhibit tissue growth. Sufficient exercise and maintaining an ideal body weight are also early steps that can be taken to prevent endometriosis.

5. Tubal torsion

This condition in the form of twisting of the oviduct can of course interfere with the function of the oviduct as it should. This causes the blood supply to the oviducts and ovaries to become depleted. If not treated immediately, it can affect fertility.

6. Salpingitis

Salpingitis is an inflammation that causes the oviduct to thicken. The symptoms are almost similar to pelvic inflammatory disease in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, abnormal uterine bleeding, and others. There are 2 types of salpingitis that women are susceptible to, namely Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa and Non-Nodular Salpingitis.

For the type of Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa, it tends to form nodules which makes it difficult for the egg to pass through the oviduct. Meanwhile, for the type of Non-Nodular Salpingitis, it can occur due to infection. Both of these types still need to be treated immediately because they can carry the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

7. Infertility

In short, interfertility is a condition in which pregnancy does not occur even though you have had regular sexual intercourse within a year. This can occur due to interference with the ovulation process. Considering that ovulation is the process of releasing an egg from the ovary, if this process is disrupted it can cause sperm cells to be unable to fertilize eggs.

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In connection with this infertility , it’s not entirely the wife’s fault , but the husband’s side can also be a contributing factor as well. Especially for married couples whose wife is less than 35 years old, it is better to immediately see a gynecologist if after a year of marriage they have not had a child.

Factors that cause infertility are irregular menstrual cycles, PCOS syndrome, smoking and drinking habits, stress, strict diets, obesity, and others.

8. Hidrosalping

This disorder occurs when one or both of the oviducts become swollen and filled with thick fluid. This of course will cause infection as well as blockage of the oviduct itself. This hydrosalpinx condition can also cause infertility in women , you know because of the swelling of the oviduct earlier.

Understanding the Female Reproductive Organ System

As with other organ systems, in the female reproductive organ system there are also separate parts, which are generally located on the inside and outside. The inside of this can not be seen directly, while the outside of course can be seen directly. So, here is a description of the parts contained in the female reproductive system, aka Miss V!

The outside part

1. Mons Pubis

Namely the outermost part of the female reproductive system. The shape is similar to the triangle that protects the pubic bone (pubic symphysis). In this section, there is fatty tissue, skin tissue, connective tissue, sweat glands, and fine hair roots.

2. Labia Majora

Namely folds that almost resemble the shape of the lips, so they are often also called pubic lips. Based on its location, this part of the labia majora has 2 types, namely those on the outer surface and the inner surface.

On the outer surface of the labia majora there will be a layer of horny epithelial cells and hair roots. Meanwhile, those that are located on the inner surface will appear slippery because they have fatty tissue and do not have hair follicles or sweat glands.

3. Labia minora

In short, the labia minora are small lips that are located on the genitals, to be precise next to the labia majora and before Miss V. The main thing that distinguishes the labia minora from the labia majora is that there are no fine hair roots and instead have lots of blood vessels.

If you want to read an explanation of what  the labia minora are in detail, you can click here .

4. Klirotis

Namely a sexual organ that is inside Miss V. It has a structure that is almost the same as the penis in men, even both are in the same position. The most striking difference is that the clirot grows inward, while the male penis grows outward.

5. Hymen

Namely a thin membrane that covers the hole in Miss V and is about 1-2 cm from Miss V’s lips. Just a little trivia , the hymen that every woman has is different, right, it will even grow along with the development of Miss V in women . Although all women are generally born with a hymen, it turns out that some are not.

6. Manufacturing

Namely the pubic cavity which is located in the labia minora. This organ becomes the estuary of the urethra (urinary tract) and the vaginal opening.

The inside part

1. Miss V

Namely the sexual organs that are owned by women with a shape like a tube. Its function is to have sex as well as the birth canal of the baby.

2. Uterus or Womb

Being the most important organ for female reproduction. This uterus is connected to the cervix (cervical) which is also connected to Miss V and the fallopian tubes. Well, during pregnancy, later the baby’s development process will occur in this womb.

3. Fallopian tubes or oviducts

Namely the channel that connects the ovaries (egg cells) to the uterus. This channel is also the place where fertilization occurs between sperm and ovum. Not only that, the fallopian tubes are also a place for temporary embryo growth or division, before finally attaching to the lining of the uterus.

4. Ovaries

Namely the ovaries which have a function in the form of sex cell-producing organs for women. This organ has 2 pieces which are located on the right side and left side of the uterus with an oval round shape.
