Get to know what is Labia Minora in the female reproductive system

Labia Minora – All humans, both male and female, must have their own reproductive organs, each of which has special organs and functions. For women, their reproductive organs are commonly called the vagina, aka Miss V. This reproductive organ has many roles, one of which is to maintain offspring. Now, inside the vagina, there is a part called the labia and consists of the labia minora and labia majora. Both of them function as a reproductive system for women.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the labia minora and labia majora in Miss V, because there is an opinion that sex education is taboo. In fact, it’s wrong , you know … Sex education should be taught from an early age to avoid things that are not desirable. So, what are the labia minora? What are the disorders that often occur in the female organs? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What are Labia Minora?

Previously, it was briefly explained that the vagina which is the female reproductive system has a part called the labia. Labia have another name, namely vaginal lips, which are folds of skin that form the vulva on the outside of the vagina. So, the labia consists of the labia majora and labia minora.

The labia majora, which are located outside the vaginal lips, tend to be thick and fatty in texture. During puberty, this part of the labia majora will appear fine hairs.

Meanwhile, the labia minora are located inside the vaginal lips, which tend to be thin in texture and smaller in size compared to the labia majora. The labia minora are located right inside the labia majora by surrounding the vaginal opening and urethra (urinary tract). Unlike the labia majora, the labia minora are actually covered with a mucous membrane, so that the surface will remain moist by the fluid that has been secreted by special cells.

The shape of the labia minora is like a small fold with a size of about 3-4 cm. Please note , Sinaumed’s , that the color of the labia minora varies, some are pink and some are even brownish black. These are all normal things 

Well, the existence of the labia minora has a “magical” function, namely to protect the clirotis, urethra (urine canal) and the vagina itself, because they are located inside the vulva. Not only does it function as a protector, but the labia minora are also able to produce a lubricant, aka oil, which is produced by the oil glands in the surface layer of the female sex organs.

Typically, women who have reached old age or have gone through menopause, have lower estrogen levels. That is what causes her labia minora to become thinner and drier.

Health Problems that Often Occur in Labia Minora

Even though the labia minora are located inside the woman’s vagina, it doesn’t mean that this part is safe from any disturbance. Just like other body organs, if a woman’s intimate organs are not kept clean, they will cause health problems. What are the health problems that often occur in the labia minora? Come on, see the following review!

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1. A lump on the Labia Minora

In the labia minora there may be lumps which are caused by several things, one of which is vaginal varicose veins. Vaginal varicose veins is a condition of swollen blood vessels in the vulva area, including the labia minora itself. The presence of vaginal varicose veins can also arise due to changes in blood flow and hormone levels that usually occur during pregnancy. Not infrequently, this lump will feel very painful.

However, lumps caused by vaginal varicose veins can heal by themselves, along with the completion of the pregnancy period. It should also be noted that during later pregnancies, this lump may reappear.

2. Labial Adhesions

Labial adhesion is a condition where the labia minora experience tissue adhesions, so that the vagina will not appear “hollow”. Usually, the condition is experienced by newborn girls and teenage girls before their puberty. These tissue adhesions can occur due to low estrogen levels, especially in infants and young girls.

However, it should also be noted that this condition can occur due to infection caused by poor vaginal hygiene as well as genital trauma. If these labial adhesions are experienced by teenage girls, then later the vagina will “open” by itself, along with their puberty. This is because the hormone estrogen begins to increase.

What is understood is that when young women have entered puberty, but they still have difficulty urinating, immediately consult a doctor, okay?

3. Hypertrophy of Labia Minora

Previously, it was briefly explained that the shape and size of the labia minora in each woman is different. Generally, the size of the labia minora will be smaller than the labia majora. Although there are also some women who have larger labia minora so they will stand out.

This condition is actually normal, as long as it doesn’t bother or cause irritation. So, if you experience irritation, it’s better to use only cotton pants and avoid wearing tight pants.

If hypertrophy, aka enlargement of the labia minora, actually makes Sinaumed’s uncomfortable, consult a doctor immediately, OK? Chances are, the doctor will recommend special surgery to change its shape and size.

4. Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Since the labia minora are in the folds of the body, they will be prone to moisture , right… so the risk of bacteria and fungus will also increase. That is why there are many health campaigns for women’s intimate organs. If vaginal hygiene is not maintained, various bacterial and fungal infections will appear, such as dermatitis, eczema, to candidiasis.



Understanding the Female Reproductive Organ System

As with other organ systems, in the female reproductive organ system there are also separate parts, which are generally located on the inside and outside. The inside of this can not be seen directly, while the outside of course can be seen directly. So, here is a description of the parts contained in the female reproductive system, aka Miss V!

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The outside part

1. Mons Pubis

Namely the outermost part of the female reproductive system. The shape is similar to the triangle that protects the pubic bone (pubic symphysis). In this section, there is fatty tissue, skin tissue, connective tissue, sweat glands, and fine hair roots.

2. Labia Mayora

Namely folds that almost resemble the shape of the lips, so they are often also called pubic lips. Based on its location, this part of the labia majora has 2 types, namely those on the outer surface and the inner surface.

On the outer surface of the labia majora there will be a layer of horny epithelial cells and hair roots. Meanwhile, those that are located on the inner surface will appear slippery because they have fatty tissue and do not have hair follicles or sweat glands.

3. Labia Minora

Previously, it was explained in detail about what the labia minora are. In short, the labia minora are small lips that are located on the genitals, to be precise next to the labia majora and before Miss V. The main thing that distinguishes the labia minora from the labia majora is that there are no fine hair roots and instead have lots of blood vessels.

4. Clirotic

Namely a sexual organ that is inside Miss V. It has a structure that is almost the same as the penis in men, even both are in the same position. The most striking difference is that the clirot grows inward, while the male penis grows outward.

5. Hymen

Namely a thin membrane that covers the hole in Miss V and is about 1-2 cm from Miss V’s lips. Just a little trivia, the hymen that every woman has is different, right, it will even grow along with the development of Miss V in women . Although all women are generally born with a hymen, it turns out that some are not.

6. Vestibule

Namely the pubic cavity which is located in the labia minora. This organ becomes the estuary of the urethra (urinary tract) and the vaginal opening.

The inside part

1. Miss V

Namely the sexual organs that are owned by women with a shape like a tube. Its function is to have sex as well as the birth canal of the baby.

2. Uterus or Uterus

Being the most important organ for female reproduction. This uterus is connected to the cervix (cervical) which is also connected to Miss V and the fallopian tubes. Well, during pregnancy, later the baby’s development process will occur in this womb.

3. Fallopian tubes or oviducts

Namely the channel that connects the ovaries (egg cells) to the uterus. This channel is also the place where fertilization occurs between sperm and ovum. Not only that, the fallopian tubes are also a place for temporary embryo growth or division, before finally attaching to the lining of the uterus.

4. Ovaries

Namely the ovaries which have a function in the form of sex cell-producing organs for women. This organ has 2 pieces which are located on the right side and left side of the uterus with an oval round shape.

So, that’s a review of what the labia minora are, which are part of the pubic lips in the female reproductive organs. Don’t forget to always keep Miss V clean, don’t get it damp and lots of bacteria appear.