Practices of Sunnah Eid that Need to be Known

Practices of the Sunnah of Eid that You Need to Know – Eid al-Fitr or known as Eid in Indonesia is a Muslim holiday which falls on the 1st of Shawwal in the Hijri calendar. Due to the determination of 1 Shawwal which is based on the circulation of the month, Eid al-Fitr falls on a different … Read more

Pottery: History, Manufacturing Process, and Examples

Pottery – As with pottery, Sinaumed’s is certainly no stranger to the existence of traditional crafts made from clay, aka pottery. If Sinaumed’s feels he has never seen pottery before, try to come to the traditional market, he will find it right away. These crafts are not only sold in traditional markets , they are often also sold on the side of the road … Read more

Positive, Negative Impacts and Examples of Globalization

Example of Globalization – In living life, we are not alone. We interact with other people who have different backgrounds. They exchange views, information, lifestyle, and technology. Of course this is like a two-edged knife. On the one hand, it has a positive impact. However, on the other hand it has a negative effect. In … Read more

Positive law is a series of legal principles and rules that apply today in the form of oral or written

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), law is defined as regulations or customs that are officially considered binding, which are confirmed by the authorities or the government; laws, regulations, and so on to regulate community life; benchmarks (rules, provisions) regarding certain events (nature and so on); decision (consideration) determined by the judge (in court); verdict. … Read more

Positive Impacts of International Trade and Driving Factors

Positive Impacts of International Trade and Factors Driving International Trade – International trade is an activity of exchanging goods and services between countries. It develops because of cooperation between countries with the aim of promoting goods and services freely. International trade within every country is important for economic prosperity. With the existence of international trade, … Read more

Positive and Negative Impacts of the Internet for Humanity

Positive and Negative Impacts of the Internet – The Internet has become a part of people’s lives. In this increasingly sophisticated era, everything can be found on the internet. Although not everything can be done via the internet, there are also many things that at first could only be found in person, now they can … Read more

Population Dynamics: Definition, Factors, Elements

Every human being who lives or lives on earth cannot be separated from what is called space or area to live or be occupied. Every area occupied by humans will have its own problems. Even though every problem in an area often arises, humans will always look for the best solution. This is because humans … Read more

Plural Prayer Intentions and Procedures for Plural Prayers

The intention to pray plural taqdim – Establishing prayer is a pillar of Islam that is required by Allah SWT to be carried out for His servants. The pillars of Islam this prayer includes the second pillar of Islam. The practice of prayer is also the practice that is first held accountable in the hereafter. Prayer worship is … Read more

Phylum Chordata: Definition, Characteristics, Clarification and Role

sinaumedia Literacy – Chordata is a group of animals that have a backbone. Phylum chordata is a group of animals that includes vertebrates. However, not all chordates are vertebrates. Chordata comes from the Greek word “chorda” which means strings, strings, or ropes. Let’s get to know more closely the characteristics and classification of chordates along with a more complete explanation … Read more

Phone Finder You Need To Know

The Inventor of the Telephone You Need to Know – Before technology existed, human life was very dependent on natural conditions, from making hunting tools using wood or bamboo, to communicating using smoke, flags, and so on. However, the era that continues to develop makes humans less dependent on nature. In fact, slowly human life feels easier … Read more

Philosophy Is: Understanding, Figures, Views, and Branches of Knowledge

Philosophy Is – The existence of philosophy as a scientific discipline has been questioned since more than 20 years of the last century. Although there are many opinions that explain what philosophy really is, these opinions have not satisfied everyone. In fact, many people think that philosophy is something that is completely secret, mystical, and strange. Did Sinaumed’s ever think like … Read more

Philosophy and the Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy – What comes to your mind when you hear or see the word philosophy? In this advanced era, the word philosophy is certainly no stranger to our ears. Surely many of us have heard or studied philosophy. For those of you who have heard the word, what comes to your mind when you see or read the … Read more

Personification Majas: Definition, Examples, Characteristics

Figure of Personification – Who doesn’t know about figure of speech? Maybe the meaning of figure of speech and its various forms seems familiar among students. Because, they are the ones who still get learning material and also assignments to write poetry using figure of speech. But, do you know, Sinaumed’s , actually without realizing it, in everyday life we … Read more

Per Capita Income in Country’s Economic Development

Income Per Capita – Income per capita in the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI means national income divided by the number of residents. Per capita income is the average income of all residents in a country. Per capita income certainly has something to do with the economy in a country. Following is a more detailed understanding of per capita … Read more

Peeling the True Meaning of Minal Aidin Wal Faizin

The meaning of Minal Aidin Wal Faizin – The greeting of minal aidin wal faizin is a sentence uttered by many Muslims during Eid. Minal aidin wal faizin’s words are also usually connected with the sentence “sorry to be born and inner”. Therefore, it is very common for us to hear, “Happy Eid Al-Fitr, minal … Read more

Paying Agent: Definition, How to Get Started, Benefits and Tips

Paying Agent – ​​Every month, almost every family has an obligation to pay various kinds of bills, starting from paying electricity bills, telephone bills, BPJS payments, PDAM, data packages, pulses and other needs. Payment of the bill, can be done directly by coming to the outlet or by way of online . Even though paying some of these bills is … Read more

Pattimura Biography: The Story of Kapitan Pattimura and Maluku

Pattimura Biography – Sinaumed’s has often seen this national hero. It is true that he is Kapitan Pattimura who is an Indonesian National Hero from Maluku. Kapitan Pattimura is enshrined on Indonesian banknotes with a nominal value of one thousand rupiah. How is the life of Kapitan Pattimura and how is his struggle in protecting … Read more

Pattern of Human Life Prescriptive Age

Prehistoric Age of Human Life – The prehistoric period is also known as the prehistoric period. There are also those who call it the era of freedom, namely the period of no writing. Humans who lived at this time were ancient humans. Even though the pre-historic era did not recognize writing, the remains left by … Read more

Patriarchy is a Social System Construction with a Long History

Patriarchy is a social system that places men as the main power holders and dominates in various roles in society. The patriarchal system is one system that is strongly opposed and rejected by feminists. This is because patriarchy assumes that women are only perceived as having a reproductive function. So that women are considered only able to … Read more

Pasteurization Is: Definition, History, and How it Works

Pasteurization is one of the things that Sinaumed’s can often see in several food or beverage products. Generally, you will find the term pasteurization in foods or drinks made from milk or the milk product itself. After seeing pasteurization written on the food or beverage product you buy, Sinaumed’s may feel safer and more comfortable consuming … Read more

Past Continuous Tense Material: Definition, Formulas, Example Sentences and Questions

Still continuing in progressive tense, this time Eduteam will discuss the past continuous tense. Just like the simple tense, the continuous tense also has a span of time. Among them; present continuous tense, past continuous tense and future continuous tense. Previously, Eduteam also made an explanation regarding the simple past tense, You can first understand … Read more

Passive Sentences Are: Definition, Structure, and Types

Passive sentences are – When writing sentences in Indonesian, of course there are a lot of variations. In fact, with the selection of the right sentence, it can produce a paragraph that is easy to understand. In Indonesian, sentences can be divided into two types, namely passive sentences and active sentences. These two sentences are … Read more

Parts of Plant Cells

Parts of a Plant Cell Composition – Plant cell composition basically consists of several structures wrapped in a cell wall. Plants themselves can be said to have a fairly important role in other living things, especially the living environment of creatures. Meanwhile, the constituent cells in plants are known to have a function as a … Read more

Parliamentary Is: Definition, Characteristics, Weaknesses and Strengths

Parliamentary is – The system of government is the way in which the country is organized and run. The system of government determines how power is divided and exercised between the government, parliament, and the judiciary. There are several forms of government systems that are commonly used in the world, including presidential, parliamentary, semi-presidential, and federation systems. A … Read more

Paraphrasing: Definition, Types, Purpose, Techniques, and Examples

Paraphrasing is a technique used in writing or arguing. This is very useful for making someone’s writing free from copyright infringement or from plagiarism. Paraphrasing is a re-expression of a speech into another speech without changing its meaning. Usually, the term paraphrase is used to explain that someone makes a piece of writing from another person’s writing, … Read more

Papuan Traditional Clothing: Types, Uniqueness, and Philosophy

Papuan Traditional Clothing – What comes to your mind when you hear the word Papua? Maybe you will imagine the beauty of Raja Ampat, Mount Carstensz and Jayawijaya Mountains, and honai houses. The discussion on Papua has a very broad scope. On this occasion, we will focus on discussing traditional Papuan clothing. What are the Papuan traditional clothes? Hi loyal Sinaumed’s, … Read more

Packaging: History of Development, Function, and Classification

Packaging – Sinaumed’s must be familiar with packaging, right? Yep, packaging, aka the packaging for a product, has various types depending on its contents. It’s even possible that Sinaumed’s has designed a packaging intended for a product, whether it’s at school or when working as it is today. Its existence, which is generally a container … Read more

Owner Is: Definition, Duties and Differences with the Founder

Owner is –  If Sinaumed’s is an entrepreneur, then Sinaumed’s needs to understand important terms related to business. One of the most important things to know in the business world is the term ‘Owner’, which refers to a person who has the right to carry out business activities. Apart from owner, another term that is closely related is … Read more

Ovoviviparous Animals: Definition, Characteristics and Examples

Ovoviviparous Animals – There are three types of reproduction in the animal kingdom, namely the oviparous (egg-laying), viviparous (dwelling) and ovoviviparous (egg-laying) ways. The three ways of reproduction also have different characteristics. The following is an explanation of ovoviviparous animal reproduction. Ovoviviparous definition Ovovivipar is a way of animal reproduction by multiplying eggs in the mother’s body, but … Read more

Oviparous Animals: Definition, Types, and Examples

Definition of Oviparous Animals –  Oviparous Animals – Breeding is a new regeneration that replaces the old generation. This means that every living thing experiences reproduction, which is not only for humans, but for all living things, including plants and animals. If humans reproduce using only one way, namely giving birth, but in animals there are three types of … Read more

Oviduct Function in the Female Reproductive System

The function of the Oviduk – Sinaumed’s must have known clearly that every human living on this earth, both men and women, has their own reproductive system. Through this reproductive system is one of the main ways to maintain offspring as well as civilization in the world, especially for women. Well, in the female reproductive system there are 2 parts, namely … Read more

Outline Speeches: A How-to Guide and Their Purpose

Speech Framework – For many people to do standing up and speaking in front of a large number of people is very intimidating. In normal situations, we can casually chat with one, two, even chat with ten more people is fine. But the story is different, if we are the ones who have to speak … Read more

Origin, Examples of Gamelan Musical Instruments & How to Play It

Origin of Gamelan Musical Instruments, Examples of Gamelan Musical Instruments & How to Play Gamelan Musical Instruments – Discussing Javanese culture is incomplete if you don’t talk about gamelan musical instruments. This traditional Indonesian musical instrument is still being preserved until now and is even known to foreign countries. Gamelan consists of several traditional musical … Read more

Organs of the Human Body: Definition, Parts, and Functions

Organs of the human body – In the human body there are various types consisting of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. The parts that compose and form the human body perfectly are called organ systems. This system consists of various types of organs with specific structures and functions. Directly or indirectly, every organ system is interdependent, without … Read more

Organizational Culture: Its Characteristics & Examples of Organizational Culture

Sinaumed’s, Organizational culture generally shapes the behavior of employees in an organization. So that when someone enters an organization or company, he will then follow the customs, habits and culture that dominate the organization. Check out a more complete explanation of the meaning, function, characteristics and types of organizational culture below: Definition of Organizational Culture … Read more

Organizational Commitment: Definition, Indicators & How to Build

Commitment in the Organization – In carrying out daily activities, we cannot be separated from the name of the organization. Whether it’s in the form of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, neighborhood associations, and others like that. In order for the organization to run as expected, it requires commitment from each individual involved. Without … Read more

Orchestra Is: History of Development and Examples of Musical Instruments

Orchestra Is – When talking about orchestral music, Sinaumed’s definitely thinks of musical performances on a stage in a large room with each of the personnel playing a different musical instrument. Yep, that thought is not wrong because orchestral performances are more or less what it is. Even though this orchestral performance is not original musical art from Indonesia, in … Read more

Operational Management: Definition, Purpose, Characteristics, Functions and Strategies

Operational Management – ​​Operational management is needed in a business to control production activities. A business requires supervision of several elements supporting its activities. Such as finance, marketing, and also production that goes into operational activities. This management is a plan that focuses on production activities. His job is to ensure the production process is … Read more

Oligopoly Market: Definition, Characteristics, Types, & Examples

Oligopoly Market – Everyone has different needs, so when they want to fulfill those needs, they need to buy them. Before there were buying and selling transactions, fellow humans exchanged the goods they owned or often known as barter. Before fellow human beings barter, it must be in accordance with the agreement of both parties or more … Read more

Oil Producing Regions in Indonesia, from Biggest to Oldest

Oil Producing Regions in Indonesia, from Biggest to Oldest – As a country already famous for its rich natural resources, there are several oil producing regions in Indonesia. Some of these oil-producing areas can be seen from the presence of oil refineries. The oil refinery itself is a place to process petroleum to be converted … Read more