What Is Acting? Understand the History and Essential Elements of Acting

Acting, playing, or acting is the activity of telling a story through the actions of an actor who imitates the actions of a character. Acting may be performed in theatre, television, film, radio, or any other medium that uses mimetic modes. Most of the research from ancient sources on Western culture (Greek: ὑπόκρισις, hypocrisis ) considers acting as part … Read more

What is Accumulation? Definition, Types, and How to Count

Definition of accumulation – Accumulation is a periodic addition, for example returns or deposit interest . Have you heard the term accumulation? You may often encounter the word accrual when saving or buying items with rewards and points that can be accumulated. However, you still don’t know what accumulation is. Check out the following explanation. Definition of Accumulation According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, … Read more

What is a Turbocharger? Functions, Benefits, and How It Works


Turbocharger function in diesel engines – Speaking of turbochargers, four-wheeled vehicle lovers will know the name. Turbochargers are often found in four-wheeled vehicles with diesel engines, such as trucks and other four-wheeled vehicles that use diesel engines. Turbocharger is also a very important component in diesel cars, because it is capable of producing very high … Read more

What is a Traveling Wave? Check out the Characteristics and Full Explanation!

Traveling Waves – Has Sinaumed’s ever casually thrown rocks into a pond or river? After being thrown with a stone, what happens to the water level of the pond or river? Did Sinaumed’s see any small circles forming where the rock fell? If so, try to pay more attention, later the small circles will widen to move away from the center point. Even … Read more

What is a Student Regiment? Definition and Brief History

What is a Student Regiment – The student regiment or also known as Menwa is a civilian force that has been trained and prepared to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as a form of the Universal People’s Defense and Security System or also known as Sishankamrata. The Menwa or student … Read more

What is a Socialist Economic System & a Socialist Economic Country

The socialist economic system is an economic system that makes the government a party that plays an important role in controlling and regulating all economic activities. In this system, the government has full power in planning, making economic decisions, and managing all policies aimed at distributing people’s welfare, as well as providing equality in dealing … Read more

What is a Research Paradigm and Its Types and Terminology

The word research is certainly very familiar to students. Because, throughout their study period, students often come into direct contact with research or matters related to research. Many courses use research as the basis of learning. Whether it’s as a literature study, assignment, or self-conducted research such as doing a final assignment or a thesis. … Read more

What is a Manufacturing Company? These are Characteristics, Systems and Business Processes

Manufacturing company is a form of company whose activities are to sell various raw materials or raw materials, as well as semi-finished products. The purpose of selling producers from manufacturing companies is to provide raw materials to be processed into products to meet market demand. The more demand in the market, the more production processes … Read more

What is a Government System? Here’s the explanation

Definition of Government System – The system of government is the basis of the state. It can be said that the system of government will determine how a country runs. This is what makes the system of government so important. Each country certainly has its own system of government. Through the government system, the country … Read more

What is a Focus Group Discussion (FGD)?

FGD Is – Have you ever heard of the term FGD when talking about a serious discussion or conversation? What do you mean? So, to find out about FGDs, you can watch this article until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s. Definition of FGD Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a qualitative data collection method that gathers community members to discuss certain topics. The … Read more

What is a commutative property: definition, formula, and examples

In mathematics, there are several discussions about arithmetic operations. The arithmetic operations in mathematics generally have several properties in them. Starting from commutative, associative, and also distributive properties. Then, what is meant by commutative property? What is the definition of associative property? What is the meaning of the distributive property? What is an example of … Read more

What Happened at Rengasdengklok? Here’s the History and Chronology

What Happened at Rengasdengklok – Sinaumed’s must be no stranger to the historical events of Rengasdengklok? Yep, the Rengasdengklok incident was touted as the first milestone of Indonesian independence after years of being colonized by the Dutch and Japanese. Thanks to this independence, Indonesia can become the country it is today, which is able to … Read more

What Are the Impacts of Earth’s Revolution?

Impact of Earth Revolution  – Sinaumed’s, do you know what Earth revolution is? Earth’s revolution is the movement of the earth around the sun. Not only does the earth revolve around the sun, but the planets in the solar system all revolve around the sun, only at different times. The solar system is a collection … Read more

What are the FIFO, LIFO, FEFO and Average Methods? This is an explanation of the four methods

FIFO, LIFO, FEFO Methods – Talking about business, maybe one of the things that is in your mind is an advantage. Yes, it is indeed one of the important components in a business. However, in order to make a profit, the availability of goods is also required. Therefore, business in any field requires a fairly good inventory system. Currently … Read more

What are Proxies? Types, Benefits, Strengths and Weaknesses

What are Proxies? – The internet is one of the most important things nowadays, with the internet we can do many things. Starting from looking for information, contacting someone, looking for various entertainment, many people cannot even be separated from the internet because their job requires them to stay online all the time. But the … Read more

What are NFTs? Highly Profitable Future Digital Assets

What are NFTs? – Investment nowadays is getting more interesting, there are lots of new investment assets that have sprung up, one of which is the Non-Fungible Token asset or commonly known as the NFT. The presence of NFT itself has attracted a lot of attention from various groups of people in Indonesia, such as … Read more

What are Lucid Dreams? Causes, Impact, and Benefits

Lucid Dream Is- Dreams can also be referred to as sleeping flowers when talking about dreams, of course everyone has experienced dreams when they are deep asleep. Someone who is dreaming is usually not aware of what he is doing because it all happens in the subconscious mind that a person cannot control. However, in fact there is … Read more

What are Influencers? Definition, Types, and Their Impact on Business

As the number of internet users increases and content on every social media platform increases, the term influencer is heard more and more often. Actually, what or who are influencers ? Simply put, an influencer is someone who can influence other people. The closest person an influencer can say is your own family member. They can and do provide information to the household about a product … Read more

What are Honey Bees? Types and Ways of Bees Producing Honey

What is a honey bee? – Who has never consumed honey produced by honey bees? Of course most of Sinaumed’s must have consumed and even experienced the benefits contained in honey, right? As Sinaumed’s knows, honey itself is produced or produced by an insect-type animal called a bee. Sinaumed’s needs to know that not all types of bees can … Read more

What are Heuristics? Historical Research Methods, Definitions, & Examples

Heuristics – Will Sinaumed’s do research or even work on a thesis project related to history? If so, then Sinaumed’s needs to start getting acquainted and learning heuristic terms. In history, the term heuristic is a research method. In order to be able to do good research on historical topics, Sinaumed’s needs to understand heuristic research methods well … Read more

What are good manners when speaking? Listen Here!

Manners When Talking – When having a conversation with someone it can be a first impression for someone to describe ourselves outwardly. Because in a conversation, the style of language, choosing the right words, and how we can discuss a topic are definitely the main impressions for someone judging how we are. Interactive conversation or … Read more

What are Fixed Assets? Characteristics, Types, and Benefits

Fixed Assets are – Talking about business, maybe what Sinaumed’s has in mind is just the production process, finished products, sold and then made a profit. Yes indeed it is in the business flow process. But actually there are other things that are enough to support the development of a business, you know . One of them is fixed assets , for ordinary people … Read more

What are Conspiracy Theories & Famous Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories – Conspiracies have recently become one of the topics of interest to society. Not even a few content creators create content that discusses conspiracies. However, does Sinaumed’s know the meaning of the conspiracy? In general, Sinaumed’s can interpret a conspiracy as an allegation of a conspiracy to carry out a grand plan. Various … Read more

What are Atoms? History and Its Components

What are Atoms? –  Hello Sinaumed’s friends, When you were in 10th grade high school, you will get information about atomic theory, such as understanding, types and other aspects related to atomic theory and models. also understand the development of atomic theory in this world. Especially for those of you who are majoring in chemistry, you will find courses that … Read more

What are Anniversary? Steps to Choose Gifts and Gift Ideas

What is an Anniversary – Anniversary is a special moment that is routinely celebrated by every couple, including those who are married. At this moment, the husband and wife will be reminded of the journey of love they have been through. Whether it’s for those who have been for years or for those who are just starting to … Read more