What is a Rob Flood: Meaning, Causes, Characteristics, and Handling

Rob floods are – Rob floods, also known as tidal floods in English, are temporary flooding in low-lying areas near the coast. Areas that are at risk may experience these floods several times a year.

Even though tidal floods may not be known by many people, everyone needs to understand the meaning of tidal floods, the factors that cause them, and how to deal with them by the community.

By knowing how to deal with it, we will recognize the signs, and take the right steps to handle it. In fact, don’t hesitate to ask for help and contact the authorities if you have trouble dealing with tidal floods yourself.

To find out more about tidal flooding, you can watch this article until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s.

Definition of Rob Flood

Tidal floods are inundation of land in coastal areas during very high tides or storm surges. Meanwhile, this flood generally occurs temporarily and usually occurs in a short time only during high tide. However, these floods can also cause significant impacts on low-lying coastal areas very quickly.

These floods usually come from a combination of winds, offshore storms, to full moon cycles during high tides, such as new moon and full moon. If Sinaumed’s finds that the roads around him are flooded even on a sunny day, it is very likely that it is a tidal flood because it is not affected by the weather except those that affect the water level.

In more detail, this type of flooding is more common in cities to human-occupied coastal areas. This is because sea levels are getting higher due to climate change and environmental impacts that can be closely related to humans, such as coastal erosion or land subsidence due to a lot of infrastructure.

Tidal floods can develop into coastal flooding which needs to be managed and adapted to more extensive climate change, so that flooding can be dealt with by utilizing regional management. Therefore, the practice of handling and preventing tidal floods is very necessary for vulnerable areas.

Rob Flood Characteristics

The water contained in tidal floods generally looks clearer than flash floods or river overflow floods. This is the main feature as well as what distinguishes tidal floods from other floods. Not only that, this type of flood also has special characteristics when it occurs, the color of the water, the season, and the condition of the land that is inundated.

Tidal floods themselves are often associated with poor regional governance or natural factors which can be considered difficult to predict.

Factors Causing Flood Rob

The chance of tidal flooding can increase because it is influenced by several factors. Here are some of the factors that trigger tidal floods.

1. High Temperature or Global Warming

Higher temperatures mean the oceans can also get warmer. From 1950, the Risk Factor said that sea surface temperatures rose by about 1.5˚F and will be warmer by about 0.5˚F again in 2050.

Higher sea surface temperatures can trigger offshore storms with more water and more power. So, tidal floods may occur far inland or far from the coast, be more intense, and last longer than usual.

2. Land Level Dropped

There are also other causes of tidal flooding, namely land subsidence. For information, this phenomenon occurs as a natural event caused by loading.

So, when an area with rock mass at the top has a higher density than the bottom rock mass, subsidence can occur there.

3. Sea Level Height

For example, on most of the American coast, sea level rise is caused by global melting of ice, changes in ocean circulation, thermal expansion, and local sinking or subsidence of land masses. This rise in sea level creates higher tides and puts pressure on the coastal drainage system.

Sea level height can affect tidal flooding. This is because storm surges are higher due to hurricanes and other storms. This is what results in a flood that is deeper, more far-reaching, and lasts longer.

4. Intense Abrasion

Do you know, Sinaumed’s, what is abrasion? Abrasion is erosion in coastal areas due to high sea waves. This is a natural process that causes the land area at the water’s edge to decrease. Therefore, areas with low elevations will be more susceptible to tidal flooding.

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5. Rainfall is quite high

High rainfall can affect sea level rise which exacerbates the risk of tidal flooding and storms. When sea levels rise, a lot of water can contribute to forming storm surges. This means that water can flow further into areas that are less risky or stagnate deeper in settlements.

Higher sea level rise pressure can push seawater into drainage pipes and “spill” water onto roads, during high tide events. This will cause tidal flooding even on a sunny day.

Due to rising sea levels, homes that were previously safe from tidal flooding, experiencing the highest annual flooding, or even storm surges, may be more at risk in the near future.

6. Drainage Damage

Still related to the previous factor, sea water will inundate the land at the edge of the waters during high tide conditions. This is due to the reduced available accommodation space. Thus, sea water will enter the canals and cause the overflow of the rivers in the vicinity.

When an overflow occurs, the water should flow into the drainage and through it to return to the sea. However, it will be difficult for water to flow if the drainage is damaged. If that happens, the area will be inundated by tidal floods for quite a long time.

Examples of Rob Flood Cases

It’s not complete if we already know about tidal floods, but don’t see real examples of how to clean up and prepare ourselves. Therefore, the following are examples of cases of tidal flooding, both at home and abroad.

In Indonesia

Entering the third week of August 2022, tidal floods are predicted to threaten the area around East Java waters from August 16 to August 18. This is due to the high waves and wind patterns in the northern part of Indonesia, which predominantly move from southeast to southwest. The speed reaches 5-20 knots. Meanwhile, the wind in the south moves from east to southeast at a speed of around 5-20 knots.

On the other hand, on August 15, a tidal flood occurred in Semarang, in Kampung Tambak Lorok, Tanjung Emas to be precise. According to local residents, this disaster had even occurred since the previous week. The flood water usually comes to settlements every morning until evening and sometimes comes at night.

The water level is estimated at approximately 1 meter in the settlement. As a result of this incident, many residents’ needs could not be met. In fact, school children are constrained and residents cannot use their vehicles for fear of damage.


In 2005, Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Katrina hit. The 27.8-foot storm surge collapsed the New Orleans levees and caused massive flooding. The storm ultimately claimed nearly 2000 lives, 1833 lives to be exact. Meanwhile, Hurricane Katrina caused more than $105 billion in damage.

Scientists estimate that storm surge and floods were 15-60 percent higher than in 1900, when local sea levels were 2.4 feet lower. The First Street Foundation also found that rising sea levels since the 1970s contributed to an estimated 57,000 more homes being affected by storm surge during Hurricane Irma.

When Hurricane Harvey hit Houston in 2017, the Gulf of Mexico experienced record-breaking sea temperatures, reaching over 86˚F. Warm waters sustained and intensified more severe storms, plus enough humidity to produce up to 60.58 inches of rain in some areas, and lasted 4 days. this made Hurricane Harvey the largest tropical cyclone ever recorded in the country.

Types of Floods

Flood refers to high flow, overflow, or stagnation of water that causes or threatens damage to property or life. However, basically, the flood itself consists of several types, namely storm floods, rainfall floods, flash floods, and river floods. For more details, you can see the explanation below.

1. Storm Flood

The storm creates a storm surge, a combination of wind and low pressure at the center of the storm, which pulls in the water and carries it inland. The more severe a storm, the bigger the storm surge and the farther water can travel inland. These floods are often exacerbated by rainfall that occurs along with thunderstorms.

Did you know that in the United States, floods kill more people each year than tornadoes, hurricanes or lightning? Floods can be very dangerous if we don’t know how to handle them, Sinaumed’s.

2. Rainfall Flood

High intensity rainfall causes flooding when the sewage system and drainage channels in an area do not have the capacity needed to carry away the amount of rain that falls.

Urban areas are especially vulnerable to this type of flooding because there is little open land to store water. In rural areas where there is more land, these floods often occur in valleys and other low-lying areas.

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3. Flash Floods

Flash floods occur when there is a rapid and extreme flow of high water into an area that is normally dry, or a rapid rise in the water level of a river or creek. Sustained flooding can escalate and become flash floods. What’s more, if the rainfall is high and for a long time it causes the flood water waves to rise quickly.

4. River Flood

These floods are overflow floods from rivers and flows occur when there is an increase in the volume of water in the river channel, causing it to spill over and flood the adjacent land. Dams and levees that are not functioning properly can also cause river flooding. The cause of the dam was damaged because the water has exceeded its capacity.

What to Do Before, During and After a Flood?

After learning about tidal floods and other types of floods, it is important for us to know what to do before, during and after a flood occurs. What are these things? Here’s an explanation.

Before the Flood

Things to do before a flood occurs, including:

  1. Understand the potential flood risk of our own area. Check the flood risk in the area and in your own home by looking up the zip code.
  2. Make sure we can receive a flood warning service to receive free flood alerts related to tidal and/or major river flooding.
  3. Make sure we have safe and appropriate insurance to protect the building and its contents from damage due to flooding.
  4. Stay up to date with weather reports and warnings issued by local authorities.
  5. Know the flood warnings in our area.
  6. Know how to turn off the gas, electricity and water supply in your home.
  7. Prepare a flood plan personally, as a family, or as a group.
  8. Prepare a flood pack.
  9. Clean gutters and drains of debris regularly if it is safe to do so.
  10. Report any blocked sewers to the authorities.
  11. Prepare our homes with anti-flood equipment, for example through flood boards, airbrick covers or using more effective sandbags.

During the Flood

During a flood, we can call 112. However, there are also several other steps that can be taken during a flood, including:

  1. Avoid walking or driving through or near flood waters.
  2. Do not touch a power source while standing in water.
  3. Avoid contact with flood water and wash hands regularly.
  4. Gather a flood kit and make sure it’s always around us.
  5. Evacuate property if safe to do so. If it’s not safe, call emergency services and wait for further instructions.
  6. Help those around us who may be less able, such as the elderly or the disabled, but only when it is safe to do so. If not, notify emergency services in this regard.
  7. Stay informed. Listen to radio and TV, check social media.

After the Flood

  1. In the event of a breakdown, contact the insurance company to advise them of the current situation and follow their advice on what to do next. Also make sure you take photos of damaged items before throwing them away.
  2. If you decide to return home, make sure it is completely safe and stable inside before entering.
  3. Do not turn on the gas or electricity if there is a possibility that it may still get wet. Only turn it on when it has been checked by a qualified technician.
  4. Do not eat food that has been in contact with flood waters.
  5. Do not eat food fresh from the fridge or freezer if the power has been off for more than four hours.
  6. Wash your hands frequently with clean water and soap. If you don’t have clean water, use wet wipes or hand sanitizer gel.
  7. Call 119 if you have a non-urgent health problem.
  8. Reach out to friends and family for support and help.
  9. Make sure there is good ventilation if Sinaumed’s uses portable indoor heating equipment inside. Do not use gasoline or diesel generators, or other similar fueled equipment indoors.
  10. Stay with friends or family, or ask local authorities or insurance companies to help you find alternative accommodation if your home is already damaged by flooding.
  11. Throw away used sandbags used for treatment or contact the environmental health department for disposal of sandbags and other things that are contaminated with chemicals or waste.

Sinaumed’s, that’s a complete explanation regarding tidal flooding, starting from the meaning, characteristics, causal factors, to examples of old and new cases, outside or within the country. Thus, it is hoped that public knowledge regarding the tidal flood disaster will continue to increase.

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