Understanding the Mail Merge Feature in Microsoft Word, How to Use It, and Its Functions

Mail merge is a feature that can assist users in making letters, envelope formats, invitations, certificates or other documents more concise. By using the mail merge feature from Microsoft Word, users can work on documents with the same format, a large number of them more quickly, even though their identities are different. That way, Microsoft Word users don’t need to edit documents one by one.

From a brief explanation of the mail merge feature, is Sinaumed’s interested in using this feature? To use this mail merge feature, Sinaumed’s must have two files and one of them is a database in Microsoft Excel. Then for more, see the tutorial using the mail merge feature in this article!

What is the Mail Merge Feature? 

After entering the era of globalization, more and more business activities have begun to penetrate the digital world. There are many companies or even MSMEs that are starting to expand their business in the form of services for making digital invitations and so on.

In addition, there are many companies that require employees with qualified skills to be able to create special documents. These documents sometimes have to be made in large quantities. The presence of this mail merge feature can make it easier for business people or employees to make work easier.

Mail merge is one of the features in Microsoft Word that can be used by users to create invitations, letters or other types of documents in a faster time.

In Indonesian, the term mail merge can be defined as mass mailings. By understanding its meaning, it can be seen that the mail merge feature is used to create documents, for example letters and other documents in large numbers or more than one.

By using this mail merge feature, the activity of sending invitations will become more practical and faster, because users do not need to make invitations one by one for each recipient, even though their identities are different.

Not only invitations, mail merge can also be used to make it easier for users to create other documents, for example, invoices, catalogs, newsletters, certificates and so on.

To be able to enjoy the mail merge feature from Microsoft Word, Sinaumed’s needs to create 2 documents, namely the main document and the data document. The main document is the main domain that contains the information or text to be sent.

Meanwhile, data documents are documents that contain information or supporting data, for example, such as recipient addresses, recipient names, a list of email accounts that will receive the invitation data and so on. Data documents can be saved in file formats in the form of csv or xls.

If you want to know how to use mail merge, then Sinaumed’s needs to know what components are needed to make a mail merge and the function of mail merge.

Mail Merge component

As previously explained, there are two important components for Sinaumed’s to be able to use the mail merge feature. The two components are the main document and data source files.

The main document is a template file or document which is the basic format for creating a mail merge. So that means, before creating a large number of documents at once, Sinaumed’s must first have a main document which is the basic template.

Meanwhile, data sources files are a kind of document that Sinaumed’s will later insert in making a mail merge. Data source file documents are usually in the form of databases created in Microsoft Excel or files in a supported format that can be imported into Microsoft Word.

Before creating a mail merge, it’s a good idea for Sinaumed’s to create both types of files. This is so that the mail merge creation process can run more efficiently.

Mail Merge function

The mail merge feature from Microsoft Word has several functions, including the 6 main functions of the mail merge feature, namely creating letters, creating invitations, creating certificates, creating catalogs, creating inventories and creating other e-mails. Apart from these six functions, there are also several functions that can be enjoyed by Microsoft Word users who use the mail merge feature, as follows:

1. Simplify the work of sending letters

For Sinaumed’s, who is used to sending letters every day and is required to send them to many recipients at once, then of course it would be a hassle to send letters one by one.

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In addition, if Sinaumed’s finds an error after sending the letter, then the error cannot be corrected, especially if the recipient has read the letter.

With the mail merge feature, the job of sending large numbers of letters will become easier. Users can make the main document or main document a template, so that errors will be minimized.

Users can also arrange letters according to recipient data. Examples include recipient names, recipient addresses and other data.

2. Work becomes faster and more practical

The second function of mail merge is being able to prepare documents and send these documents to multiple recipients at once. With this one feature, of course the work will be faster, practical and more efficient. Users of the mail merge feature don’t need to waste time because they have to do other unimportant work. For example, such as sending documents one by one.

3. Can create many types of documents

The mail merge feature in Microsoft Word can be used to create various types of documents and not just letters. In addition to the six functions described earlier, mail merge can also create envelopes, labels and more.

With just one feature, Sinaumed’s can create multiple documents. Because of this use, mail merge is widely used by HRD, secretaries and other professions that require creating and sending a lot of documents.

How to Make a Mail Merge in Microsoft Word

After knowing what the mail merge feature is and the function of the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word, then Sinaumed’s is ready to follow the tutorial on making a mail merge. Here’s an explanation.

  • Create a data source document

The first step that Sinaumed’s has to do if you want to create a mail merge in Microsoft Word is to first create a data source document in Microsoft Excel. Data sources are specially designed, according to the needs of each user, so data sources must be created manually.

For example, if Sinaumed’s wants to send data to many recipients with different addresses at once, Sinaumed’s needs to fill in the data source document in the form of the recipient’s name and recipient’s address. Apart from that, Sinaumed’s also fills in additional data, for example, such as telephone numbers and other required data.

The data source document is the main component if you want to create a mail merge. Data source documents are also referred to as data source files and must exist so that the process of creating a mail merge becomes easier and smoother.


  • Create a main document

After completing the data source document, the next step is to create the main document. The main document or main document is created in Microsoft Word.

Regarding the contents of the main document, it only needs to be adjusted to the needs of each user. For example, if Sinaumed’s wants to make a meeting invitation letter, then the contents of the main document must match the meeting invitation letter.

It is possible that mail merge is used for the name and address of the recipient listed on the body of the letter or mail merge can also be used to make an envelope that wraps the invitation letter.

So, in essence, this feature of the mail merge will make it easier for users if Sinaumed’s wants to enter multiple and different recipients’ personal data.


  • Merge the data source with the main document 

After the two components of the mail merge document are ready, Sinaumed’s only needs to merge the two documents. The method is as follows:

  • Make sure the main document is open.
  • Then select the Mailing (mail) sub menu in Microsoft Word.
  • Then click the Start Mail Merge menu. Then under Sinaumed’s you will find a menu of Letters, E-mail Messages, Envelopes, Labels and Directory. Sinaumed’s, you can choose one according to your needs. For example, if Sinaumed’s wants to make envelopes, then choose the Envelopes menu.
  • After that, switch to selecting a sub menu and have Select Recipient, then click the Use Existing List menu. Enter the data source previously created in Microsoft Excel.
  • Once selected, the main document will automatically be linked to the data source. Sinaumed’s only needs to choose the right data source.


  • Set the layout

After the main document and data source document are connected, the next step that Sinaumed’s needs to do is ensure that the layout of the data source and the main document is in accordance with what Sinaumed’s wants.

For example, for the name column, make sure it is connected to the list of names in the data source document. To do this, Sinaumed’s simply places the cursor next to the Name column, then selects the Insert Merge Field sub menu and finally selects the Name column. then, Sinaumed’s only needs to do these steps repeatedly to connect addresses, telephone numbers and other data.

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  • Check the preview, save and print

In order to avoid errors, Sinaumed’s needs to double-check that the data entered is correct. The trick is to check the preview results sub menu.

By selecting the menu, the main document will appear with data that has been filled in automatically. Then to move to the next data, Sinaumed’s only needs to select the Next Record menu.

If all the data entered is correct, then Sinaumed’s can save the mail merge in Microsoft Word by selecting the Finish and Merge sub menu. When selecting the Finish and Merge menu, Sinaumed’s will see the following 3 options:

  • Edit individual documents, with this option, Sinaumed’s can save the work files in a new document.
  • Print document option used to print mail merge documents.
  • Send email messages are used when Sinaumed’s wants to send the main document file.

Creating Mail Merge with Data in MS-Excel

The mail merge feature can not only be used in Microsoft Word, but can also be used in MS. Excel. Pros of making a mail merge via MS. Excel is easier to add and control data. In addition, Sinaumed’s will also find it easier to copy data to other new or old worksheets. Here’s how to create a mail merge with data sources on MS. Excel:

As with creating a mail merge in MS Word, the first step that must be taken to create a mail merge in MS Excel is to first create a data source.

To create a data source in MS.Excel there are several conditions that must be met. Here are some conditions:

  • Column headings must consist of one line.
  • The MS.Excel table must be named range.

After fulfilling the requirements for creating a data source, Sinaumed’s only needs to enter the data needed to create a mail merge. To be clearer, see the following tutorial.

  1. Open MS.Excel and click blank workbook.
  2. When the data is as needed on Sheet 1. Then rename the file to Data.
  3. Select or block data from column A1 to H11 by dragging and dropping.
  4. Name the range, by clicking the Name Box and pressing the Enter key.
  5. Select the save or save option on the Quick Access a Toolbar menu or by clicking the File menu and selecting the Save menu to save data in MS.Excel. Specify the storage folder like storing files in general and name it Data-3.xlsx.
  6. Not a new document in MS.Excel.
  7. Format the data source document as the master document of the mail merge.
  8. Repeat step 5 and name the file as Sura-3.docx.
  9. Connect the main document with the data source by clicking the Select Recipients button on the Mailings tab and selecting the Start Mail merge group.
  10. Click the Use an Existing List menu, because the mail merge takes the data source that was previously created. After that, Microsoft Word will display a dialog box titled Select Data Sources.
  11. Specify the data source file storage folder and choose the file name Data-3. To make it easier for Sinaumed’s, in the All Data Source dropdown section, Sinaumed’s can select Excel File and click the Open button.
  12. Then, the Select Table dialog box will appear and select the desired range name then click OK.
  13. After the main document and data source are connected, Sinaumed’s can insert a single field from the data source document into the main document by selecting the Insert Merge Field dropdown button on the Mailings tab, the Write and Insert Fields group.
  14. Prepare fields in each section.
  15. To see the temporary results from the mail merge, Sinaumed’s can click the Preview Results button which Sinaumed’s can find on the Mailings tab and the Preview Results group.
  16. To combine mail merges in a new document, Sinaumed’s can click the Finish and Merge button on the Mailings tab and select the Finish group and select Edit Individual Documents.
  17. Then, in the Merge to New Document dialog box, Sinaumed’s can activate the All option then click OK.

That’s how to create a merge mail with existing data sources in Microsoft Excel. Sinaumed’s can also format data in a mail merge if you want the resulting data to look neater. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you, Sinaumed’s.

Thus an explanation of mail merge, its meaning, function and how to make it. For Sinaumed’s who want to learn more about mail merge and techniques using MS.Word or Ms.Excel, they can get information by reading books.

As #FriendsWithoutLimits, sinaumedia.com provides various kinds of quality and original books for Sinaumed’s. Reading lots of books and articles will never hurt you, because Sinaumed’s will get #MoreWithReading information and knowledge.

Author: Khansa


  • https://www.rumahweb.com/journal/mail-merge-ada/
  • https://katadata.co.id/agung/berita/62dea7562432e/mengenal-gratis-mail-merge-di-microsoft-word-dan-cara-making it
  • https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2022/01/26/17450047/how-to-make-mail-merge-di-microsoft-word-for-mudahkan-bikin-surat-
  • https://www.ekrut.com/media/mail-merge-ada