Understanding the Definition of Moral and Ethics and Their Differences

Definition of Moral and Ethics – The terms moral and ethics are often considered the same, so that the use of the terms moral and ethics is often interchanged. However, these two terms have different meanings.

Moral and ethics are terms commonly used as guidelines that are adhered to by a person or group in living life, so that people can live well and in an orderly manner.

The connection between these two terms makes many people think that morals and ethics are the same terms and have the same meaning. However, morals and ethics have some fundamental differences. In order not to misuse the terms moral and ethics again, understand the following meanings of morals and ethics, complete with their differences.

Definition of Ethics

In language the word ethics comes from the Greek word ethos which means the appearance of a habit. In this case, the object perspective is attitudes, actions and human actions.

The definition of ethics in particular is the science of the attitude and decency of an individual in a social environment that is thick with rules and principles related to behavior that is considered right.

Meanwhile, ethics in general can be interpreted as norms, rules, rules or procedures that are usually used as a guide on the principle of an individual in carrying out actions or behavior.

The application of this norm is closely related to the good or bad nature of an individual in society. That way, ethics can be interpreted as a science that explains good and bad and obligations, responsibilities and rights both socially and morally for every individual in social life.

Ethics can also be defined as values ​​related to individual morals related to right and wrong. There are also many types of ethics that can be found in the surrounding environment. Examples include friendship ethics, work or professional ethics, household ethics and so on.

Of course everyone must have ethics, because ethics is needed to socialize which bridges conditions in social life. For example, the etiquette that is often found in everyday life and its surroundings is to say hello when visiting other people’s homes.

Another example is saying an apology when you make a mistake and saying thank you when someone is willing to help or help.

Definition of Ethics According to Experts

In order for Sinaumed’s to understand more about the meaning of ethics, consider the meaning of ethics according to the following experts:

1. Aristotle

According to Aristotle, ethics is a science that discusses the problems of human behavior and actions. While manner and cutom is the study of ethics that has to do with the procedures and customs that are inherent in each individual and their relation to good or bad behavior, actions or behavior of an individual.

2. WJS Poerwadar Minta

Ethics according to WJS Poerwadar Minta is knowledge related to human actions and behavior seen from the good and bad sides which are determined by humans as well.

3. Dr. R. Soegarda Poerbakawatja

Ethics is a science that provides references, directions and also becomes the basis for human behavior and actions.

4. Louis O. Kattsoff

Kattsoff argues that ethics is essentially more related to the principle of justification in behavioral relations between humans.

5. H. A Mustafa

According to Mustafa, ethics is a science that examines human behavior and actions in terms of good and bad by paying attention to human behavior as far as the human mind and mind know.

6. Sumaryono

Ethics according to Sumaryono is ethics as a study that discusses the truth of human actions and behavior on the nature and nature that is inherent in a human being.

Understanding of Morals

Moral is the result of human creation which is produced through elements of culture and religion. Moral is closely related to the values ​​taught by religion. Its relation to culture, in which each culture has different moral references based on the social value system that has been in force and been constructed for a long time.

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Moral becomes a legal reference for behavior that is applied to each individual when socializing or interacting with other individuals, so that mutual respect and respect will be established between fellow human beings.

Fundamentally, morals originate from values ​​regarding goodness and are then manifested into the form of one’s actions. So, a moral can be attached tightly to the value of the behavior.

In life, no one’s behavior is separated from the role of values. The process of moral awareness in life goes on gradually, starting with social interaction in an environment that has orders, prohibitions, threats or even reproaches and causes and effects that arise as a result of one’s actions that may be fun or disappointing.

In their social reality, people realize that every action or action they take will certainly have an impact on life. In this case, it is important to be guided by morals and interact with the people around you.

Moral can be defined as a teaching about the good or bad of an action or behavior and is closely related to the morals of society.

In life, there are indications that a person is considered to be moral, if he has the awareness to accept and implement the applicable regulations, and then act or behave in accordance with the moral values ​​that are upheld in society.

Moral can also be interpreted as a guideline of behavior that is applied to each individual to be able to socialize with other individuals, so that there will be mutual respect and respect for fellow human beings.

Understanding Moral According to Experts

In order to better understand the notion of morals, here are the opinions of experts on the notion of morals.

1. Russell Swanburg

Russel Swanburg argues that morals have meaning as a statement of ideas, ideas or even thoughts related to encouragement and bubbling up in an individual at work and functions as an aspect that can evoke one’s behavior.

2. Elizabeth B. Hurlock

Moral according to Elizabeth B. Hurlock is an order of habits, culture and customs that apply from a rule that has an orientation to behavior that has become a habit for society in a cultural sense.

3. Maria J. Wantah

Maria J. Wantah expressed the opinion that the notion of morality is something that is closely related to the ability to determine the value of right or wrong and good or bad an individual behavior that is inherent in every individual who lives in society.

4. Priest Sukardi

According to Imam Sukardi, morality is a characteristic that is attached to something that contains good values ​​that are upheld in society based on a shared value system.

Ethical Characteristics

In order to better understand the notion of morals and ethics and the differences between the two, Sinaumed’s can listen to the following characteristics of morals and ethics. We will discuss the characteristics of ethics first.

1. Ethics is absolute or absolute

Ethics has an absolute nature, so it means that ethics applies anywhere, to anyone and anytime. Ethics as a principle that is non-negotiable and does not depend on a changing moral basis.

For example, killing or seizing other people’s property is an unethical act and action, whatever the reason.

2. Ethics still apply, even if not witnessed by other people

In general, ethics still apply even if no one is watching. This is because ethics has to do with conscience and the principles of good human life.

For example, if someone steals, even though the theft is not known by other people, the act of stealing still violates the ethics and norms that apply in society.

Therefore, how come the morale of someone who has stolen is bad, even though he is not charged by law enforcement or officials.

3. Ethics relates to the perspective of the human mind

Ethics is a way and perspective that has a good and bad relationship from an act committed by an individual or human being. In essence, every human being is certainly taught in various ways, so they know what is good and right.

So, gradually, people will soon know about these matters that will be formed and instilled in their hearts. This of course will bring up debate within a human being, so that an individual will have consideration before carrying out a certain action.

4. Ethics relates to the behavior, actions and behavior of a human being

Ethics has a close relationship with one’s actions, behavior and behavior. In general, ethics will be formed naturally because of the actions, behavior and behavior of an individual.

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Bad behavior and actions will be considered as bad ethics as well. Meanwhile, good behavior and actions will also be considered as good ethics.

So in essence, however, this ethics is closely related to the behavior and actions carried out by the individual himself.

Moral Characteristics

Like ethics, morals have characteristics or characteristics, according to Bertens K the following are the characteristics of morals.

1. Relating to responsibility

Moral values ​​have to do with the person of a human being, but more specifically morals relate to the person of a human being who has responsibility. Moral values ​​will cause a person to feel guilty or not guilty, because he feels responsible.

2. Relating to conscience

The next characteristic of moral values ​​is moral values ​​that give rise to voices from within the conscience, both consciences that accuse people of belittling or opposing moral values ​​or praising someone who embodies his moral values.

3. Mandatory

Moral values ​​will oblige absolute and non-negotiable. For example, if there is someone who has aesthetic value, then he will appreciate a quality painting.

Vice versa, other people may not appreciate the painting. This absolute obligation is attached to moral values ​​because these moral values ​​apply to humans as humans.

4. Has a formal nature

According to Max Scheler, moral values ​​piggyback on other values. This means that in realizing moral values, someone will include other values ​​in a moral behavior again.

Purpose of Moral and Ethical Functions

Purpose and Function of Ethics

  1. As a place to get critical views and perspectives that deal directly with confusing morals.
  2. As a view or ethical orientation that requires taking a reasonable attitude in situations or conditions of a pluralistic society.
  3. Can demonstrate skills in thinking clearly.
  4. Serves as a differentiator which can be changed and which cannot be changed.
  5. Serves to investigate a conflict or problem to its roots.
  6. Serves to help a consistency.
  7. Serves to be able to resolve a conflict. Whether it’s a morality conflict or other social conflict with a systematic and critical form of ideas.

Moral Purpose and Function

  1. Guarantee the realization of one’s personal dignity and humanity.
  2. Motivating people to always be kind and wise on the basis of self-awareness based on morality.
  3. Maintain relationships so that they are always harmonious between people.
  4. Provides a foundation of patience to endure every instinct, desire, lust that can threaten one’s dignity.
  5. Giving insight into the future for humans, both social sanctions or consequences in living life, so that humans will be full of consideration before carrying out certain actions.
  6. Making people healthy spiritually and physically because they carry out moral functions, so there is no feeling of disappointment, sin, regret or inner conflict.

Moral and Ethical Differences

With an explanation of morals and ethics, does Sinaumed’s know the difference between the two? Although etymologically the notions of morals and ethics have the same meaning, they have different practices in life. To be clear, here are some differences between morals and ethics:

  1. Morals teach about what is right, while ethics do what is right.
  2. Morals teach about how life should be, while ethics do or act according to what is taught in moral education.
  3. Morals provide the rails in life, while ethics run the rails of life.
  4. Morals function like signs of life, while ethics obeys signs of life.
  5. Morals give the direction of life that must be taken, while ethics goes according to a predetermined direction.
  6. Morals function like a compass in life, while ethics pays attention to and follows the direction of the compass to live life.
  7. Moral is likened to a map of life, while ethics follows the map of life.
  8. Morals are the guidelines of life, while ethics follow these guidelines.
  9. Morals cannot be manipulated, while ethics can be manipulated.
  10. Moral is a rule that must be obeyed by anyone, while ethics is often oriented to situations, conditions, motives, interests, goals and others.
  11. The reference source of morals is norms and customs, while the source of ethics is human reason.
  12. Moral looks at the behavior of a human being locally and specifically, while ethics looks at human behavior in general.

From the explanation of the differences in morals and ethics, it can be concluded that the benchmarks in morality are customs, habits and others. Meanwhile, ethics is based on human reason. Both have meanings that are not much different, but usage in everyday life is different.

That is an explanation of the notion of morals and ethics and their differences. If Sinaumed’s is interested in increasing knowledge about morals and ethics or other topics, then Sinaumed’s can read the books available at sinaumedia.

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