Definition of Firm: Terms of Establishment, Characteristics, Types, Strengths and Weaknesses

Definition of Firma – In running a business, there are several business entities that can be selected. You can choose it according to your needs. Because choosing the right business entity will affect many things in the future. These business entities include limited liability companies (PT), firms, limited liability companies (CV), and other business entities. The most frequently found … Read more

Definition of Fintech: Types, Benefits, and Examples of Fintech Companies

Definition of Fintech – Does Readers know about the definition of fintech? Ever heard of but don’t know what fintech is? Currently, we can do almost all activities using our mobile phones , such as transacting online with mobile banking or even opening an account. The definition of Fintech or financial technology is an innovation in the field of financial services that … Read more

Financial Definition: Type, Function, and Purpose

Understanding Finance – Surely many of us are familiar with what finance is. Because, almost everywhere, this term is often used. Especially by people who are struggling in the economic field. So, finance is a term that exists in the economic sector and also in discussions about finance. Many define finance as finance. Indeed, this is not wrong, the definition … Read more

Understanding Philosophy, Branches of Science, and History

Definition of Philosophy –  Philosophy is a study of all human experience. What is in philosophy contains something that is used to build theories about humans and is served as a basis for belief. Besides that, philosophy also critically examines all things that can be used as the basis of a belief and attitude. However, what is the true … Read more

Definition of Exclusivism: Kinds, Impacts, and Examples

Definition of Exclusivism – Exclusivism in the characteristics of social groups actually has many meanings, but in several definitions there are similarities in interpreting the word exclusivism. This similarity is the attitude of individuals and groups isolating themselves from other parties. Meanwhile, depictions of exclusivism on the other hand are very easy to find in everyday life. An … Read more

Understanding Invoices: Functions, Components, Types, and E-Faktur

Understanding Invoices – In the transaction process, especially in buying and selling valuables, of course there will be important documents that serve as proof of the existence of these transactions. Keep in mind again that the existence of this invoice is only for buying and selling transactions of valuables, so if you buy and sell vegetables at … Read more

Definition of Fables: Types, and Examples

  Fables: Definition, Types, and Examples – When we were little, we would often hear various fairy tales, be it from parents, teachers, or through animated shows with the theme of animals as characters from these fairy tales. Because, seeing the cute behavior of animals that can talk like humans is something that cannot be found in … Read more

Definition of Ethnocentrism: Causal Factors, and Impacts!

Definition of Ethnocentrism – Of course you often hear the terms ethnocentric or ethnocentrism, or even often appear in social situations. Launching from the Oxford Bibliographies , Monday (20/6/2022), the notion of ethnocentrism is a term applied in culture or ethnicity when an individual views the world from the perspective of his own group. Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian … Read more

Definition of Ethnicity: Types, Examples, and Ethnic Concepts

Definition of Ethnicity – In a growing diversity, the existence of ethnicity is certainly one aspect that is quite important. So that in the end it will become inseparable from diversity. However, in general, ethnicity or tribe is defined as a social unit that can differentiate units based on the similarity of one’s regional origins. So these things … Read more

Definition of Erosion: Causes, Impacts, and Ways to Prevent it

Definition of Erosion – Erosion comes from the Latin erosionem (meaning to gnaw) or also called erosion is an event that occurs naturally by the erosion of solids (sediment, soil, rock, and other particles) due to transportation by wind, soil and other materials under the influence gravity or by living things, such as animals that make burrows or … Read more

The Definition of Equilibrium in the Perspective of Islamic Economics

Definition of Equilibrium – The theory of consumer behavior in economic studies states that consumers always want the maximum level of satisfaction which is illustrated by an indifference curve. Consumers in a conventional economy assume a utility maximization assumption ( always aiming to obtain satisfaction in their consumption activities ). Satisfaction is only limited by budget line , because in conventional economics economic motives are based on wants). It is the meeting between the budget line and the … Read more

Understanding the Executive in a Government or Company!

Definition of executive – Readers must have heard of executive. The word executive itself is related to government and also positions. The executive is a government agency created by the state to carry out various state functions. Executives can also be interpreted as people who hold the highest position or have the highest authority in a company. In … Read more

Definition of Entrepreneurship, Purpose, Benefits, and Stages

Definition of Entrepreneurship – The term entrepreneurship is also known in Indonesian as entrepreneurship. In addition, the notion of entrepreneurship is also known as a term that has a meaning related to courage, creativity and innovation. In general, entrepreneurship is also a process of applying innovation and creativity in creating something different that also has value and … Read more

Definition of Enthalpy, Types, and Formulas in Chemistry

Definition of Enthalpy – In learning chemistry we will get to know material about chemical thermodynamics which discusses the change of heat energy into other forms of energy. In learning this science, we will also get to know about the enthalpy formula, which is a sub-branch of learning from thermodynamics that discusses the amount of energy, volume, … Read more

Understanding Social Media Engagement to Types and How to Count!

The term engagement is a term that you need to understand for those of you who often use social media. Especially for those of you who want to get into the world of business on social media. Why is that? This is because engagement is an important aspect for increasing a company’s reach and relevance in the world of digital marketing. … Read more

Definition of Energy and Forms of Energy 

Definition of Energy – Energy is needed for daily activities. For example, when we exercise, of course we feel tired. After feeling tired, we naturally rest, starting from sitting, drinking or even consuming food. All of the above activities require energy. The clock moves every second requiring energy from a device we call a battery. Batteries also have to be … Read more

Understanding Endurance, Benefits, and How to Train It

Definition of Endurance – Physical fitness must always be considered, maintained, and maintained. If our physical condition is strong, then we will be able to carry out various daily activities smoothly. A person who has a good level of physical fitness will be able to do activities well, for quite a long time, and not experience excessive physical … Read more

Understanding Empathy: Traits, Factors, and Facts of Empathy

What is Empathy? Empathy is a mental state, in which a person feels the same thoughts, feelings, or circumstances as others. Many times people hear the word ’empathy’, but don’t know the exact definition. Empathy and sympathy are often equated, even considered the same, even though these two things have their own characteristics. What’s that like? Let’s get to know … Read more

Definition of Issuer: Purpose, Type, Terms, and Duties 

Issuer is a term most widely used in the world of investment and capital markets. This term denotes a private or state entity that makes an effective effect on society for the purpose of raising additional capital or funds. In general, the term is associated with companies on the stock market. That is, the company’s actions have … Read more

The Definition of Islamic Economics and Its Characteristics

Understanding sharia economics – In the world of economics, Islamic economics is also called sharia economics. Islamic economics is basically a middle way between the capitalist and socialist economic systems. Therefore, the Islamic economic system applies the principles of goodness from both of these economic systems. You may have often heard the term Islamic economics in the Indonesian … Read more

Definition of Microeconomics: Scope, Theory and Differences with Macroeconomics

Microeconomics: Definition, Scope, Theory and Differences with Macroeconomics – Microeconomics or also known as microeconomics is economics that studies demand and supply curves which then helps to understand the relationship between changes in wages, appropriate employment patterns and understanding variable costs in the production of goods and services. Check out a more complete explanation of Microeconomics below: … Read more

World Food Agency: Definition, Departments, and Purpose

World Food Agency – Has Sinaumed’s ever heard of the World Food Agency? The World Food and Agriculture Organization known as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a multinational organization under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). Formed since 1945 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. This organization, having moved from place to place, … Read more

Wifi Inventor and Development History

Wifi Inventor – In this modern era, of course we are all familiar and familiar with wifi technology. The technology is no longer a luxury tool. Because, almost everywhere we can find it. Starting from coffee shops, small shops, schools, offices, to shopping centers, there are also many that provide wifi. Even ordinary houses are now starting to … Read more

Why Should We Live in Harmony?

Why Should We Live in Harmony? Humans are social beings who live side by side or in groups with one another. Thus, every human being certainly cannot live alone. This can be seen directly in a certain area in every society which consists of a group of people or groups. Therefore, it is fitting that all people in … Read more

Why Salty Seawater

Why is the sea water salty – know the causes, processes and unique facts about why the sea tastes salty and other unique facts According to geomarine geology scientists, salt in the sea is the result of rainwater which previously carried mineral ions from land to sea. As a result of carbon dioxide in the … Read more

Why is Unity So Important for the Indonesian Nation?

Why is Unity So Important for the Indonesian Nation? – What comes to your mind when you hear the word unity? The word unity is often associated as an important thing that must be owned by every nation. If interpreted, unity comes from the word ‘one’ which means whole and not divided. In a broader sense, unity is … Read more

Why is the Sky Blue? Check out the answer here

Why is the sky blue? For Sinaumed’s who are still wondering about this, in this article we will discuss it in full. Precisely during the day, especially when the weather is sunny, the color of the sky will look blue. Actually, this one phenomenon is the same as the blue ocean phenomenon. When viewed from … Read more

Why is the Debate Text Included in the Exposition?

Why Debating Texts Are Classified as Expositions – Surely Sinaumed’s already understands that debate and exposition texts are material in Indonesian language courses. Yep, both texts use valid data and facts before writing them according to the structure of the text. Then, did Sinaumed’s know that the debate text is one of the types of exposition text? Therefore, it can be said … Read more

Why is Indonesia’s population not evenly distributed? The following are the reasons and contributing factors

Why is Indonesia’s population not evenly distributed? Following are the reasons and causative factors – The distribution of the population in general is the distribution or distribution of the population. This population distribution is closely related to the occupancy rate and population density in Indonesia, which is not evenly distributed. Approximately 60% of the population who live on the … Read more

Why Don’t Ships Sink? Here’s Why!

Why Ships Don’t Sink – Sinaumed’s, have you ever seen a ship at sea? This transportation is currently often used to transport passengers and goods. When you see a ship sailing, maybe some of us will wonder, “Why doesn’t this ship that weighs tons sink and float in the sea? Pebbles that weigh only a … Read more

Why does seawater taste salty?

Why Sea Water Tastes Salty – If there is a joke question about why sea water tastes salty, the answer must be original but also true, because there is salt in it. There is even a study which suggests that the salt content in seawater is an average of 3.5 percent. This means that every 1000 ml … Read more

Why Do We Need to Save Energy? Find Out Why!

Why We Need to Save Energy – In this digital and modern era, we all know that there are more and more needs. The number of new technologies created is of course also accompanied by an increase in the need for energy. So energy conservation or policies to save energy continue to be echoed. This action is also … Read more

Why Do We Have To Be Tolerant?

Why do we have To Behave Tolerance? – In everyday social life, there is a behavior or attitude that may be familiar to Sinaumed’s. Sinaumed’s always applies this attitude or behavior and even Sinaumed’s upholds it to preserve this behavior. The attitude or behavior that we meant earlier is the attitude or behavior of tolerance. How important tolerance is … Read more

Why are Norms Necessary in Society? Here’s the Explanation

Why Norms are Necessary in Society – Humans as social beings will of course need to interact with other creatures, for example, such as interacting with friends, family and more broadly, namely interacting with other communities such as neighbors. However, each individual has different character, personality and traits and behavior. Because of this, norms will … Read more

When is the Time for the Midnight Prayer?

When is the Time for the Midnight Prayer? – For Muslims, prayer is included in the pillars of Islam that must be carried out. Whether it’s fardu prayers which amount to five times and some sunnah prayers. Salat is mentioned as worship that connects between heaven and earth, and between Allah and His servants. In … Read more

When is the Right Time to Read a Book?

When is the Right Time to Read a Book? – Finding the right time to read can basically be done at any time. There is no specific provision that reading must be at such and such an hour, let alone reading a book. You can determine a suitable time to use reading. For some people, … Read more

What’s the difference between an island and a continent? Here’s the answer

The difference between islands and continents – In simple terms, islands and continents clearly have different meanings and concepts from one another. The most specific difference is that islands are smaller in area than continents. Usually islands are within one country, while continents can be home to several countries. Does Sinaumed’s still feel confused about … Read more