Why is Indonesia’s population not evenly distributed? The following are the reasons and contributing factors

Why is Indonesia’s population not evenly distributed? Following are the reasons and causative factors – The distribution of the population in general is the distribution or distribution of the population. This population distribution is closely related to the occupancy rate and population density in Indonesia, which is not evenly distributed. Approximately 60% of the population who live on the island of Java only has an area of ​​approximately 6.9% of the total land area of ​​Indonesia.

In general, the level of population density is defined as the ratio of the number of residents to the area or area they occupy based on a certain unit area. The population density in each region in Indonesia is not the same, this of course can lead to population problems.

A. Factors Why Indonesia’s Population Is Not Evenly Distributed

This problem relates to the provision of social facilities and infrastructure, employment opportunities, security stability, and equitable development. As a result, the distribution of the population in Indonesia is uneven. The following are several factors that affect the uneven distribution of the population, including:

1. Physical Factors

Areas that have easy-to-build landscapes tend to have more population than areas that are difficult to develop.

2. Climate Factors

Regions with ideal climate conditions have a much higher population density than areas with extreme climate conditions.

3. Soil Factor

Areas with high soil quality can accommodate more people than areas with marginal soils.

4. Vegetation Factor

Areas with dense vegetation tend to find it difficult to support a larger population.

5. Water Supply Factor

Areas with adequate and well-maintained water supplies will be able to support more people than areas without water sources.

6. Factors of disaster and disease

Areas that are not in areas prone to disasters or diseases that tend to have a fairly high population density.

7. Natural Resource Factors

Regions with abundant natural resources tend to have a higher population concentration than areas with poor resources.

8. Communication Factor

Areas that are easy to build communication and transportation facilities tend to have a higher population concentration than remote areas.

9. Economic Factors

Economic factors have a very high influence on population density. Subsistence economies tend to require large areas to meet people’s needs while intensive commercial economies require only a small amount of space.

B. The Impact of Indonesia’s Unequal Population

The existence of an unequal population distribution can be influenced by the attractiveness of cities with all social, business and cultural facilities that have economic opportunities to encourage urbanization. This is common in a number of countries, especially in developing countries, and Indonesia is no exception.

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So it is not imaginary that many densely populated urban communities will have various negative impacts on the management of the state system. The following are some of the impacts that are the result of uneven population distribution, including:

1. Social, economic and cultural gaps

Life in society sometimes experiences social, economic and cultural inequalities. Migration often occurs which is characterized by reduced population which means rural areas will often be abandoned by young people. This will affect the cultural sector in an area because there is pressure on certain areas with high densities. In general, a city is an area or area that requires a lot of space to accommodate a large population. But not all areas can afford it, because there are some areas or areas that are so urbanized that they only have a small amount of green space left. The region includes the northeastern United States, eastern China and central Japan. The good or bad quality of the environment is influenced by the amount of available green space.

2. Depleting resources and increasing air pollution

Environmental conditions are very important in everyday life. Therefore, the resources needed by humans are of various types and benefits. A large population requires large and abundant natural resources, for example water, energy and food resources. Ineffective and inefficient ways of using it will use up various types of natural resources. Besides that, it can increase pollution and damage the surrounding environment, for example, if an area is densely populated, it will result in high fumes from motorized vehicles and industrial areas.

3. Lack of contact with nature

Today many big cities build housing complexes by clearing a green area. This is one example that in the city area they are starting to create an environment without any contact with nature and its benefits. These changes have a negative impact on nature by losing green open spaces that have benefits in human life.

4. Exploitation of natural resources

Humans now do a lot of exploitation of natural resources owned by an area. Dense population can lead to excessive exploitation of natural resources. Increasing needs (clothing, food and shelter) are able to do something to meet these needs. Forests are the target of the community to meet their needs. Illegal logging, emptying of forest land and so on will cause natural disasters without us knowing it, for example floods, landslides, forest fires and so on. Destruction of nature will disrupt the balance of nature itself, so be wise in exploiting natural resources.

5. The emergence of illegal settlements (slum areas) in densely populated areas

Dense population will result in the emergence of poverty if it is not matched by the existence of adequate abilities and skills. The bad impact of experiencing poverty will have an impact on environmental conditions, for example a place to live or a slum area (slum area). This happens a lot in urban areas, because of the high competition for survival, it will be difficult, so in the end they choose to live in makeshift places. Slum areas are often found in riverside areas or in narrow alleys. The presence of a slum area will reduce green open space and the surrounding environment will be prone to pollution. One of them is that in Indonesia there are many slum areas that do not have proper sanitation and in the end the disposal will go straight to the river.

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6. Social problems (theft, robbery and prostitution)

In densely populated areas there will be competition for jobs. It is likely that many will experience unemployment (not getting a job), so in this case they will have difficulty surviving. From this point of view, it is possible for them to commit theft, robbery and even become prostitutes to make ends meet. Therefore social problems are very dangerous, so be careful in taking care of yourself in social problems and in relationships. Associating can also have a bad impact if you can’t sort out friends to hang out with.

7. Water pollution

Water pollution often occurs, starting from households and ending in the sea. The increasing population will affect the amount of waste production or domestic waste which becomes environmental pollution. In general, many people tend to throw garbage directly into the river. This will result in the accumulation of waste and is accompanied by a change in the quality of the water which becomes dirty because it is polluted due to the materials contained in the waste.

8. Lack of manpower in an area

Areas that have a low population will have an unfavorable impact. In the development system, it will experience a relative slowdown due to the lack of labor availability. In addition, the community will also urbanize with the aim of getting decent jobs with higher and appropriate salaries. This will cause the area of ​​origin to lose a productive workforce that gradually disappears. This will have an impact on decreasing productivity and a relatively low rate of product growth which will eventually slow down the development of the economic structure in a particular village or area. Industrial areas in Indonesia are currently numerous and require a large number of workers, so it is necessary to have an even distribution of population throughout the region.

9. Inadequate education

Education is very important in life, there are still many areas where the development of education is lagging behind, especially in remote areas. This will make it difficult for children to get an education in general. Education is an asset that must be owned and it is even better to get a higher education. In remote areas, in general, education for them is an ordinary thing, but education is important. In addition, remote areas have facilities and infrastructure that are inadequate and fulfill the existing conditions, therefore many of them are left behind in education. But for now there are many government activities that carry out education in remote areas,

10. Traffic jams

In a city, it often experiences traffic jams due to the dense population that drives motorbikes, cars and so on. Congestion often occurs and is a problem for everyone going to or coming home from work and so on. Traffic jams are also a waste of time and this often happens in big cities like Jakarta. The higher the population of an area, the higher the volume of vehicles with less possible road capacity and traffic jams cannot be avoided. In addition, the problem of congestion can also result in traffic accidents either intentionally or unintentionally. Congestion that can not be avoided can make a solution in the use of public transportation,