Creative: Definition, Forms, Characteristics, and Examples

Definition of Creative – Today, everyone is required to always think creatively, especially in the world of work, so many people have said that in this modern era being creative is like an ability that everyone needs to have. Everyone has this creative ability, but not everyone can maximize this ability. Even though almost all activities in modern times require the ability to think creatively. So, never be lazy to hone these creative abilities.

This creative ability is a source of strength from the birth of innovation. Therefore, creative abilities are often used in the business world. In the business world, creative abilities will be used to create new products so that they remain competitive with competitors and consumers don’t feel bored. In fact, creative in the business field is also used to think about how to promote products. With this creative promotion can increase sales of a product.

Basically, we can see this creative ability in buildings, public facilities, and vehicles. These three things can exist in this world thanks to the existence of a person or group who has creative abilities. It’s inconceivable, if this creative ability didn’t exist long ago, maybe until now we haven’t been able to use a vehicle or can’t see buildings and public facilities.

Creative abilities will continue to keep up with the times. So, you must be able to adapt your creative abilities to the times in order to remain competitive with other individuals. The faster you adapt your creative abilities to the times, the faster you can compete with others.

Then, what exactly is creative? So, so that you know more about creativity and can develop creative abilities, you need to know what creativity is. This article will discuss more about creative, so watch the review until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s.

Creative Definition

Before discussing more about creative, we will first discuss the meaning of creative. Most people when they hear “creative” always refer to an artist and a writer. In fact, in fact, creative itself has a very broad meaning, so it cannot be aimed at an artist or a writer only. Simply put, creativity is the ability to make something.

In fact, creativity is owned by everyone, so when you see two people drawing a house it won’t always be the same. This is because the creativity possessed by each person is different. In addition, the thing that needs to be underlined from creative abilities is that creative abilities can be developed according to one’s own wishes. So, creative abilities can be acquired self-taught or honed by attending several courses.

Basically, this creative understanding can vary and is usually adapted to a field that is worked on. However, generally creative means an ability or expertise that is already owned by a person or group where they can find various kinds of innovations and can solve problems in new ways.

Therefore, someone whose creative abilities have been well honed, when there is a problem, they will definitely quickly find a solution to the problem, so that the problem can be solved properly and quickly.

Meanwhile, creative abilities related to innovation can be seen in a person or group who always finds new things that are fresher and liked by many people. Therefore, creative abilities are needed in the business world to create new products and are also needed in the creative world, be it on television or social media.

The word “creative” actually comes from English, namely To Create . To Create is an abbreviation of the words combine , reverse, eliminate, alternative, twist, elaborate . Combine is combining or merging of something with other things. Reverse means turning over, what is meant by turning over is turning over some parts.

Eliminate which means to eliminate what is meant to eliminate is to remove some parts. Alternative which means possibility, what is meant by possibility is finding another way to succeed in achieving the goal. Twist which means twisting or you could say twisting something with ties. Elaborate which means detailing or adding something.

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In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), creative is having creativity or having the ability to create. From the definition of KBBI, you can say that creativity is an ability to make something new. Therefore, some people say that creativity is an ability to find innovation. So, start now to hone the creative abilities that are within you.

Understanding Creative According to Experts

Some experts express the notion of creative, including:


Kuper said that creativity is a concept or method that is multiple and multidimensional in nature, so it is difficult to interpret operationally. He also said that the manifestation of creativity, such as human action, where creative abilities can create creative products.


Sternberg revealed that creative is someone who is able to think synthetically which means that someone can see every relationship that exists, but other people cannot see it, has the ability to analyze every idea that arises, can evaluate the value or quality of the work that has been made, can translating every theory as well as things that are abstract in nature into creative ideas, so that one person can make others believe about the ideas that have been conveyed.


According to Supriadi, creativity is an ability possessed by someone who is used to create something new, whether in the form of ideas or works that tend to be different from existing works. Creativity is a high-level thinking ability that indicates an escalation in thinking skills which is characterized by succession, discontinuity, differentiation, and integration between stages of development.


Sadiq revealed that creative is a way to bring up a new concept for the sake of progress. He also said that when creative ideas appear in your imagination, you should immediately think about them so that they can be transformed into creative ideas that can be realized.


According to Semiawan, creativity is an ability that is used to provide every new idea and is applied to solve a problem at hand.

Utami Munandar

According to Utami Munandar, creativity is an ability to create a new combination based on existing information, data, and elements.

Clark Moustakis

Clark Moustakis states that creative is an experience in actualizing and expressing an individual identity in an integrated form between oneself, others, and nature.

Creative Shape

Creativity itself has several forms, namely:

1. Idea

An idea is a creative thought that is unique and has never been thought of before. Apart from that, an idea can also be said as a thought which can produce a solution that can be used to solve the problem that is currently happening.

2. Products

Product is a creative thought that can produce a product that can be used for consumers and the product can meet consumer needs. In this case, the product can be goods or services.

3. Ideas

An idea is a creative idea that appears to solve a problem. This idea can be conveyed to others through writing or in person. Ideas conveyed through writing, such as publications, books, and so on.

Characteristics of Creative People

So, so that you can easily find out whether someone has creative abilities or not, you need to recognize creative traits. The following are characteristics of creative people, namely:

1. Like New Things or Challenges

If you see someone who really likes new things and challenges, does that mean that person has creative abilities or maybe you really like challenges? With a challenge, someone who has creative abilities will be very happy because it can increase the spirit within him.

2. Easily Bored

For someone who is able to think creatively, usually tends to get bored easily because he really likes new things around him. Therefore, creative people will always find fresher creative ideas and can turn them into goods or services.

3. Very happy to imagine

Someone who really likes to imagine has a tendency if he has good creative abilities. This is because imagination can hone creative thinking, even creative thinking can be realized. Usually the right brain of a person who often imagines is more dominant than his left brain. Therefore, someone who likes to imagine is also often known as a dreamer who can make his imagination come true.

4. His Behavior Changes Quickly

Someone who is able to think creatively, his behavior changes very quickly or you could say that the change in behavior is caused by a change in his mood . Therefore, the personality of a creative person will be difficult to predict. In addition, creative people have a fairly high sense of empathy.

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5. Easy to Adapt

Someone who is able to think creatively will adapt very quickly, especially in creating ideas or ideas to create new things. In addition, this adaptability can be used to solve a problem quickly and precisely.

How to Develop Creative

It feels like something is missing when discussing the meaning of creative, but not discussing how to develop creative. The following are ways or steps to develop creative abilities.

1. Observing A Things Around

Observing various things around you by using all the senses you have. Observations made with the sensory organs will maximally train yourself in sharpening your memory. Sharpened memory will improve creative abilities, so creative ideas will always emerge.

In this case, the things observed can be anything from things you like to things that are new. The more you make observations with your senses, the more trained your senses will be which will influence the creative ideas that will be realized.

2. Often Imagination

It is common for everyone that imagination is something that can hone thinking skills. Thinking skills that are increasingly honed will bring up more creative ideas. even the importance of imagination was once expressed by Albert Einstein, “imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Basically, this imagination can be obtained from anywhere and at any time depending on each individual. However, generally imagination can arise when someone is imagining, contemplating, and looking for ways to improve a thing or work. So, never stop imagining.

3. Always Use an Out of The Box Mindset

As previously discussed, creativity is the source of innovation. Therefore, in order for creative abilities to develop, you need to use a different mindset in dealing with problems and in creating a product or work.

An out of the box mindset can actually be honed, so it’s up to each individual, whether you want to hone a different mindset in general or keep using a mindset that is already widely used by many people.

4. Always Trying to Do Something New

The next step for creative development is always trying to do something new. Basically it doesn’t always have to be something new, it can also be things that are rarely done by other people. By doing this, you will get used to finding creative ideas that can be realized, be it for yourself or for industry or company needs.

5. Adding Insights

In developing creative abilities, adding insight is very important because the more insight you have, the easier it will be to find creative ideas and the easier it will be to make them happen. In general, adding insight is obtained by reading books. However, over time, adding insight can be done through online articles , social media, exhibitions, going abroad, and so on.

6. Discipline

All steps to develop creative abilities, if not followed by disciplined behavior will be in vain. This is because disciplined behavior will make you accustomed to doing things in an orderly manner. In addition, this disciplined behavior can create new creative ideas, so you won’t worry about running out of creative ideas. Discipline behavior, should have been done since childhood so that when adults are accustomed to implementing disciplinary behavior.

7. Always Try To Take Notes

The last step that needs to be done to develop creative abilities is to always try to take notes. This is best done when realizing creative ideas. Apart from that, taking notes is also useful for evaluating what are the shortcomings of the creative ideas that are realized. These note-taking activities can be done in books, cell phones , and so on.

Creative Example

Basically, examples of creative behavior abound. Below will be given some examples of creative actions, namely:

1. Changing items that are not used (used) into items that can be used. For example, turning plastic bottles into pots.

2. Creating new products that are new or rarely used by many people. For example, building your own business.

3. Make a film scenario, be it a film for television, cinema or streaming media .

4. Turning waste into organic fertilizer.


Creativity is an ability that everyone already has to create new things or products and also use them to find solutions to existing problems. Even though creative abilities have existed since childhood, not everyone wants to hone those skills. Therefore, so that creative abilities never run out, one must have a strong desire to hone these abilities.

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