Understanding of the Sea Boundaries of Kalimantan Island

Every sea in the Indonesian region has its own boundaries. Likewise with the maritime boundary of the island of Borneo. Then, do you already know the sea boundaries of the island of Borneo? On this occasion, we will discuss more about the island of Borneo. So, keep reading this article to the end, Sinaumed’s.

Geographical Location of Borneo Island

The island of Borneo is located in Southeast Asia, to the west of the Pacific Ocean and to the east of the Java Sea. This island is part of Indonesia and is divided into five provinces, namely West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.

Borneo Island is located between two other countries, namely Malaysia to the north and Brunei to the northeast. This island is also located near several other countries, such as the Philippines to the northwest and Singapore to the northeast.

Specifically, West Kalimantan is located between 3° North Latitude – 7° South Latitude and 109° East Longitude – 114° East Longitude. Central Kalimantan is located between 0° N – 5° S and 114° E – 119° E. South Kalimantan is located between 3° South Latitude – 7° South Latitude and 109° East Longitude – 114° East Longitude. East Kalimantan is located between 0° S – 5° S and 119° E – 124° E. North Kalimantan is located between 3° South Latitude – 7° South Latitude and 124° East Longitude – 129° East Longitude.

To find out the geographical location of the island of Borneo more specifically, you can use tools such as maps or location applications. Maps can help you understand the geographic location of the island of Borneo more clearly, as well as understand the locations of the areas within it.

Geographical Conditions of Kalimantan Island

The island of Borneo has quite complex geographical conditions with a variety of reliefs consisting of mountains, lowlands and large rivers.

The lowlands on the island of Borneo are found along the coast and around several major rivers, such as the Barito, Kapuas, and Mahakam rivers. These plains generally consist of fertile soil with high rainfall, making it an area suitable for agriculture.

Mountains on the island of Borneo are in the central and western parts of the island. This mountain range consists of active volcanoes such as Mount Merbabu, Mount Lawu and Mount Semeru, as well as non-volcanic mountains such as Mount Sumbing and Mount Ciremai. These mountains have a high altitude, with the highest peak on the island of Borneo being Mount Trusmadi which has a height of about 2,642 meters above sea level.

The major rivers on the island of Borneo are one of the important geographical features for the life of the people on this island. The largest rivers on the island of Borneo are the Kapuas River, the Barito River and the Mahakam River. These rivers are an important source of water for the life of the surrounding community, as well as natural resources such as fish and wood.

In addition, Kalimantan Island also has a tropical climate with an average temperature of around 27 degrees Celsius. This island has two seasons, namely the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season usually occurs from April to October, while the rainy season usually occurs from November to March. Rainfall on the island of Borneo is quite high, with an average of around 2,500 millimeters per year.

Kalimantan Island is also one of the largest islands in Indonesia which is rich in natural resources, especially wood and oil resources. In addition, this island is also one of the largest centers of agricultural production in Indonesia, especially in the production of coffee, tea and palm oil. Kalimantan Island is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia.

Dry tropical climate is found in a small part of the island of Borneo, especially in the western and southern coastal areas. In these areas, rainfall is less than in the wet tropics, ranging from 1,000 mm to 2,000 mm per year. The dry season in this area usually occurs between May and October. The average air temperature is around 26-28 degrees Celsius, with relatively low humidity.

In general, the climate in Borneo is quite stable, with little difference in temperature between summer and winter.

Kalimantan Island is one of the most populous islands in Indonesia with a population of around 19 million people. The population of Kalimantan consists of various ethnic groups with diverse languages ​​and cultures. The most widely spoken language in Kalimantan is Indonesian, but there are also several regional languages ​​spoken by the local community.

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There are many tribes living in Borneo, each with a different culture, customs and language. Some of the well-known tribes in Indonesian Borneo are the Dayak, Banjar, Bugis, and Kutai.

The Dayak are the largest tribe in Kalimantan and are spread across the island. They are famous for their carving art and traditional dances.

Banjar is a tribe that lives in the headwaters of the river in South Kalimantan and is famous for its traditional dance and music.

The Bugis are a tribe living in South Kalimantan and are famous for their abilities in trade and maritime affairs.

Kutai is a tribe that lives in East Kalimantan and is famous for its rich culture and history. They are also famous for their carving art and traditional dances.

In Borneo, Malaysia and Brunei, there are several tribes that also have rich culture and customs, such as the Iban in Sarawak, the Bidayuh in Sabah, and Dusun in Brunei.

Kalimantan Island is one of the largest islands in Indonesia which is rich in natural resources, especially timber and petroleum resources. This island is also one of the largest centers of agricultural production in Indonesia, especially in the production of coffee, tea and palm oil. Kalimantan Island is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia, with various natural and cultural beauties.

Kalimantan Island Area

The area of ​​Kalimantan Island is around 539,000 square kilometers, which is about 7% of Indonesia’s area. The island is about 1,600 kilometers long and about 800 kilometers wide.

Kalimantan Island is divided into two parts by the Mahakam River, namely West Kalimantan on the west side of the river and East Kalimantan on the east side of the river. The area of ​​West Kalimantan is around 147,000 square kilometers, while the area of ​​East Kalimantan is around 392,000 square kilometers.

Central Kalimantan is located in the center of the island of Borneo and has an area of ​​around 141,000 square kilometers. South Kalimantan is located in the south of the island of Borneo and has an area of ​​around 37,000 square kilometers. North Kalimantan is located in the north of Borneo Island and has an area of ​​around 14,000 square kilometers.

Kalimantan Island is the fourth largest island in the world after Papua Island, Madagascar Island, and Sumatra Island. This island is also the fourth largest island in Indonesia after Papua Island, Sumatra Island and Java Island. The area of ​​Borneo Island is about three times larger than Java Island, which is Indonesia’s second largest island.

Topography of Borneo Island

Kalimantan is an island located in Indonesia. This island is part of the Asian continent which is located southwest of Sumatra Island. Kalimantan is divided into five provinces, namely West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.

Geographically, Kalimantan is an island located on the Sunda tectonic plate and has many active volcanoes. Most of the island consists of lowlands and extensive tropical rainforest. The major rivers that flow in Kalimantan, such as the Kapuas River and the Barito River, are important sources of water for life on this island.

Borneo is also one of the largest islands in the world, with an area of ​​around 743,000 square kilometers. This island has a long coastline with several shallow bays. Along the coast there is a mangrove forest which is a habitat for various types of plants and animals.

Demographically, Kalimantan is an island consisting of various ethnicities and religions. The population of Kalimantan consists of several ethnic groups, such as the Dayak, Banjar, Bugis and Javanese. Each of these ethnic groups has different cultures and traditions. In addition, the population of Kalimantan also consists of various religions, such as Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

Rivers in Kalimantan Island

The rivers on the island of Borneo are quite fast and have a significant contribution to the ecosystem and the lives of the people around them. Some of the major rivers on the island of Borneo include:

1. Kapuas River

This river is the longest river in Indonesia and is the main river in West Kalimantan Province. The Kapuas River is about 1,143 km long and flows into the Kapuas Bay in the South China Sea.

2. Mahakam River

This river is the largest river in East Kalimantan Province and is a source of water for the surrounding community. The Mahakam River is about 900 km long and flows into the Flores Sea.

3. Barito River

This river is the largest river in South Kalimantan Province and is a source of water for the surrounding community. The Barito River is about 1,150 km long and flows into Banjarmasin Bay in the Java Sea.

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4. Kahayan River

This river is the largest river in Central Kalimantan Province and is a source of water for the surrounding community. The Kahayan River is about 850 km long and flows into the Sulawesi Sea.

5. Sebangau River

This river is the largest river in Central Kalimantan Province and is a source of water for the surrounding community. The Sebangau River is about 400 km long and flows into the Sulawesi Sea.

Borneo Island Sea Boundaries

The sea boundary of the island of Borneo is the line that limits the mainland of the island of Borneo to the sea. This sea boundary is the boundary between the territory of Indonesia and the territory of other countries. This sea boundary consists of the territorial sea baseline, the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) boundary line, and the offshore boundary line.

The baseline of the territorial sea is the line that marks the limits of Indonesia’s authority over the territorial sea. This line is closest to land and is usually 12 miles (22.2 km) from the baseline.

The EEZ boundary line is the line that marks the limit of Indonesia’s power over the exclusive economic zone. The exclusive economic zone is an area that gives Indonesia the right to control the exploitation of natural resources within it, including living resources in the sea, such as fish and oil. The EEZ is 200 miles (370.4 km) from the baseline of the territorial sea.

The offshore boundary line is the line that marks the limit of Indonesia’s authority over the offshore area. Offshore areas are areas that are not controlled by any country and are usually used for research and exploration of natural resources, such as oil and gas. The offshore boundary line is normally 350 miles (633 km) from the baseline of the territorial sea.

The maritime boundaries of the island of Kalimantan are determined based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which is an international law that regulates maritime boundaries and the rights of states over the sea. This law has been signed by Indonesia and is part of Indonesian national law.

Kalimantan is an island located in Indonesia. The sea boundaries of the island of Borneo consist of:

1. Makassar Strait

The Makassar Strait is a strait that separates the island of Borneo from the island of Sulawesi.

2. Karimata Strait

The Karimata Strait is a strait that separates the island of Borneo from the island of Sumatra.

3. Natuna Sea

The Natuna Sea is a sea located to the north of the island of Borneo, which separates it from Singapore.

4. Java Sea

The Java Sea is a sea located east of the island of Borneo, which separates it from Java Island.

5. South China Sea

The South China Sea is a sea located south of the island of Borneo, which separates it from countries in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia and the Philippines.

6. Pacific Ocean 

The Pacific Ocean is the sea located west of the island of Borneo, which separates it from countries in Southeast Asia such as Brunei and the Solomon Islands.


The island of Borneo is located in Southeast Asia, to the west of the Pacific Ocean and to the east of the Java Sea. This island is part of Indonesia and is divided into five provinces, namely West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.

Borneo Island is located between two other countries, namely Malaysia to the north and Brunei to the northeast. This island is also located near several other countries, such as the Philippines to the northwest and Singapore to the northeast.

So, Sinaumed’s, our article about the maritime boundaries of the island of Kalimantan has been completed. After knowing the geographical location of the island of Kalimantan, the geographical conditions, the sea boundaries, the condition of the island of Kalimantan, is Sinaumed’s interested in learning more about the island of Kalimantan? Or are you interested in studying the geography of the islands in Indonesia?

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Author: Mutual


  • https://kumparan.com/berita-hari-ini/condition-geographical-island-kalimantan-berdasarkan-peta-1tosdHLLNpn/full
  • https://travel.detik.com/travel-news/d-5804917/condition-geography-island-kalimantan-berdasarkan-peta- already-tahu
  • https://regional.kompas.com/read/2022/05/16/060000378/mengenal-pulau-kalimantan-condition-geography-suku-dan-language?page=all
  • https://tirto.id/condition-geography-island-kalimantan-berdasarkan-peta-bentang-alam-gjAy