Boundaries of the State of Indonesia – The State of Indonesia, which can also be called a maritime country, is the largest archipelagic country in the world. Indonesia itself has at least 17,508 islands in it.
Geographically, the boundaries of the Indonesian state can be divided into four parts, namely, East Indonesia, West Indonesia, North Indonesia and South Indonesia. See the following information for a full explanation.
Indonesian Territory Boundary
The territorial waters in the country of Indonesia can reach ⅔ of the total land area. Therefore, with the existence of territorial boundaries, the Indonesian state can maintain the existing marine wealth and has an important role in becoming a boundary for various other intersecting countries.
In general, finding out the boundaries of the Indonesian state can be done by looking at its longitude and latitude. If seen astronomically, the country of Indonesia is from 6 degrees north latitude and 11 degrees south latitude to between 92 degrees east longitude to 141 degrees east longitude (6LU – 11LS and 95BT – 141BT).
In addition, based on its geographical location, the country of Indonesia is located between the continents of Asia and also the continents of Australia. Indonesia is also located between two oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and also the Pacific Ocean.
The following details regarding the boundaries of the Indonesian state, see the following information.
1. Indonesian Territory Boundaries in the West
First, the boundaries of the Indonesian state in the west are on the direct border with the Indian Ocean and Indian State Waters. In addition, Ronde Island in Indonesia and Nicobar in India are directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean and the Andaman Sea.
2. Boundaries of Indonesia’s Territory in the East
Second, Indonesia’s territorial borders in the east are within the direct boundaries with Papua New Guinea and also the Pacific Ocean.
3. Indonesian Territory Boundaries in the North
Third, Indonesia’s territorial boundaries in the north are on the island of Borneo which is located on the direct border with East Malaysia.
In the northern part of the border, Indonesia is directly bordered by several countries, consisting of Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines.
4. Indonesian Territory Boundary in the South
Fourth, the southern part of Indonesia’s territory lies on the direct border with Timor Leste. This was before Timor Leste decided to separate from Indonesia in 1999. Timor Leste decided to become a separate state separate from Indonesia.
In addition, Indonesia’s territorial boundaries can also be divided into three, namely sea boundaries, land boundaries, and air boundaries. Check out the following information.
1. Sea Boundaries
First, the maritime boundaries of the Indonesian state can be divided into three types according to the results of the international convention on the law of the sea which was agreed upon by the United Nations or the UN which was carried out in 1982.
i. Territorial boundaries
The first sea boundary in the country of Indonesia is the territorial boundary which is a limit calculated from a baseline and has a distance of 12 miles to the sea.
The existing baseline itself is an imaginary line drawn on the beach when the sea water is receding, and connects various points on the tip of the island.
ii. Continental shelf boundary
The second sea boundary in Indonesia is the continental shelf boundary regulated in the 1982 Sea Law Convention, articles 78 to 85. In article 78l, the sea law convention consists of the following.
The seabed and subsoil beyond its territorial sea as long as there is scientific continuation of its land area to the edge of the continental margin, as well as the seabed and subsoil below it to a distance of 200 nautical miles starting from the baseline where the territorial sea is measured.
The existing continental shelf allows under it up to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the origin of the baselines by which the territorial sea is measured. The existing continental shelf allows the waters that lie beneath it to a distance of 350 nautical miles from the point of origin of the baselines at which the existing territorial sea is measured and does not exceed 100 nautical miles from the depth of the sea which is 2500 meters.
iii. Limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ
The third sea boundary in Indonesia is the exclusive economic zone boundary which is a state boundary drawn 200 miles from the origin of the baseline towards the high seas or the high seas during low tide.
With the existence of this Exclusive Economic Zone, all natural resources or natural resources that are below sea level, on the seabed, or under the sea completely become the exclusive rights of the Indonesian state.
2. Land Boundary
Second, the land boundaries within the Indonesian state which consist of areas on the earth’s surface within various natural and artificial boundaries.
- The land boundary to the north of Indonesia consists of Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and the South China Sea.
- The land boundary to the south of Indonesia consists of Timor Leste, Australia and the Indian Ocean.
- The western land boundary of Indonesia consists of the Indian Ocean.
- The land boundary to the east of Indonesia consists of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Ocean.
3. Air Limits
Third, the air boundaries within the Indonesian state follow the sovereign boundaries of the state on land and at sea. These existing air boundaries are established based on developments in applicable international law.
Size and Location of Indonesia
The area of Indonesia is 5,193,250 km2. The area also includes the depth of land and sea.
The land area of Indonesia itself is 1/919,440 km2 which consists of at least 17,580 islands that are widely distributed.
The country of Indonesia stretches for 3,977 miles, and has an ocean area of up to 3,273,810 km2.
The oceans owned by the Indonesian state have a limit of 12 nautical miles with an exclusive economic zone of 200 miles.
1. Geographical Location
Geographically, Indonesia is located between two continents and two oceans. The two continents are the continent of Asia and the continent of Australia. The country of Indonesia is also located between two oceans consisting of the Indian Saudera and also the Pacific Ocean.
With the existing geographical location, the country of Indonesia is affected by the west monsoon and east monsoons which causes the country of Indonesia to only have two seasons. The two seasons consist of the rainy season and also the dry season.
2. Astronomical Position
Astronomically, the country of Indonesia is located at degrees North Latitude or LU to 11 degrees South Latitude or LS and 95 degrees East Longitude or East Longitude to 144 degrees East Longitude or East Longitude. Because of its astronomical location, Indonesia has a tropical climate.
The northernmost territory of Indonesia is located at 6 degrees North Latitude or LU, which is located on Pulau We. Meanwhile, the southernmost territory of Indonesia is located at 11 degrees South Latitude or LS, which is located on Rote Island.
The easternmost territory of Indonesia is located at 141 degrees East Longitude or BT, which is located in Merauke City. Meanwhile, the westernmost territory of Indonesia is located at 95 degrees East Longitude or BT, which is located in the City of Sabang.
3. Geological Location
Geologically, the country of Indonesia can be divided into three parts, namely, mountainous, plate, and shallow. Geological location itself is the location of an area based on the type of rock that is on the surface of the earth. The following is the geological location of Indonesia.
The country of Indonesia is located on two of the world’s young mountain trails, which are divided into 2, namely:
- To the west of Indonesia is the Mediterranean Circum.
- To the east of Indonesia is the Pacific Circum.
Indonesia is located at the confluence of three plates, which consist of:
- In the northern part of the country of Indonesia which is bordered by the Asian shield which until now has experienced an expansion until it is known as the Asian Plate.
- In the western and southern parts of the country of Indonesia which is bordered by the continent of Gondwana India, the base of the Indian Ocean, Australia, and the extension which is often known as the Indo-Australian Plate.
- In the eastern part of the country of Indonesia which is located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
The State of Indonesia is located on three shallows, which consist of:
- Sunda Shelf
- Sahul Shallow
- Asiatic Australian Mediterranean Sea
4. Geomorphological Location
Geomorphologically, it is the location of the Indonesian state based on the shape of the earth’s surface. Some examples that are included in the geomorphological location are lowlands, highlands, mountains, and many more.
5. Maritime Location
Maritime location is the location of a place that is seen or reviewed based on the existing marine angle. The maritime location of the Indonesian state itself is in the eastern part of Indonesia surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, in the southern part of Indonesia surrounded by the Indian Ocean, while in the northern part of Indonesia it lies in the South China Sea.
Pictures of Indonesia
Positive and Negative Impact Location of Indonesia
Because of its strategic location, the location of the Indonesian state has both positive and negative impacts being used as a world trade route, consider the following information.
1. Positive Impact
- The first positive impact, because of its strategic location, can make Indonesia easy to trade with other countries. That way, production from Indonesia can be easily marketed, and vice versa where the Indonesian state can easily import existing goods from various countries.
- The second positive impact, because of its strategic location, Indonesia is a meeting place for currents which often carry lots of plankton microorganisms in the sea. This is what causes fishing activities in Indonesia to run smoothly, because these plankton microorganisms are fish food. In addition, because of its vast territorial waters, existing natural resources or natural resources such as fish, shellfish, and existing minerals such as petroleum have an abundance in Indonesia.
- The third positive impact, because of its strategic location, Indonesia is rich in various flora, fauna, tribes, nations, cultures and ethnicities in it. That way, the diversity that exists often attracts the attention of tourists and becomes one of the capital for developing tourism potential in Indonesia.
2. Negative Impact
- The first negative impact, because it is an archipelagic country, existing territorial control becomes difficult. This is because, Indonesia as an archipelagic country consists of so many islands in it. That way, the government will find it difficult to supervise all areas that are territorial in Indonesia.
- The second negative impact, because it is an archipelagic country, it will be difficult to monitor security in Indonesia. In addition, this is often used by various irresponsible persons to carry out smuggling and criminal acts because the entrance is by sea which is easy to enter.
Indonesia’s Location Influence
Because it has a strategic location, the location of the Indonesian state also influences the lives of the people in it. This influence can have a direct impact on various sectors of activity, such as the economy, transportation, and community communications. These various impacts are influenced by climatic, geostrategic, and soil conditions in Indonesia itself.
As we know, the country of Indonesia has a tropical climate, which makes the country of Indonesia get almost the same amount of sunshine all year round. In addition, because it is located between two continents, namely the Asian continent and the Australian continent, the country of Indonesia has a wind pattern that always changes regularly, which is once every six months, which is divided into two, namely the west monsoon and also the east monsoon.
In addition, in general, the country of Indonesia only has two seasons, namely, the dry season and the rainy season which usually change regularly, which is every six months.
The following is a complete explanation of the influence of the location of the Indonesian state on various human activities.
1. Economy
The first of the influences from the location of the Indonesian state is economic activity. Where the soil is fertile, various kinds of plants can easily grow well in Indonesia. In addition, Indonesia also has sufficient rainfall and sunlight, so that these various factors support plants to grow well so that farmers can produce crops.
In addition, with climate conditions that are not too difficult to predict and play a strategic role in the economy in Indonesia. This is because, it can produce abundant crops so that it can be used as an economic source for most people.
2. Transportation
The second influence from the location of the Indonesian state is transportation activities. Where because of its location which is located between two continents and flanked by two oceans, making existing transportation activities very much needed.
The existing position of the Indonesian state provides advantages for companies in the field of international trade relations. This is because, the location of the Indonesian state can be likened to a crossroads in traffic that exists in international trade, so it is certain that international trade that occurs will pass through the Indonesian state first in various forms both land, sea and north.
Because of this strategic location, it can benefit the existing transportation system which can connect various nations that exist between the two continents.
3. Communication
The third influence from the location of the Indonesian state is communication activities. As we know, Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has various cultures, ethnicities, and races which affect the various cultural products used.
For example, on the island of Sumatra alone there are several languages, such as Acehnese, Minang, Batak, Malay, and Lampung. On the island of Java, there are Sundanese and Javanese languages. On the island of Borneo there are Dayak and Banjar languages.
The existing language can be used as the identity of a nation and a means of communication that has existed for a long time, this makes diversity in the Indonesian state which is one of the assets that the Indonesian people must be proud of.
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