10 Biggest Oceans in the World You Need to Know

The largest ocean in the world – Earth is a planet in the solar system that is so prosperous and fertile. It is said to be fertile because the earth can be overgrown by various types of plants. As for the word prosperous itself because the earth is able to be a home for humans and animals.

In the solar system, no other planet can be as fertile as planet Earth. The material needed by living things can be provided by the earth. For example, such as the oxygen content which is so sufficient to be used for breathing, the type of soil used to stand on and the availability of water types to fulfill daily life. Basically, the earth’s surface contains many seals of natural wealth which are so important for the life of humans and other creatures.

Judging from its geographical shape, the earth consists of two forms, namely land and water. Mainland is land that is used as a foothold for humans and animals. The land on the mainland is also quite diverse. Where every type of land on the mainland will be adjusted to the geographical type in a place.

Starting from the type of fertile soil to infertile soil. These types of soil will provide different functions according to their characteristics. As for the waters that cover the earth’s surface, it can be in the form of seas or oceans, rivers, reservoirs or dams and so on.

The waters on earth can be said to have a wider size compared to land. The waters on earth cover two-thirds of the total area of ​​the earth.

Definition of the Sea

The sea is water that has a salty taste characteristic with such a wide amount. In fact, the area of ​​the sea can reach two-thirds of the earth’s surface area. The sea with such a wide size will usually be referred to as the ocean.

It should be noted that every surface water flow on land will empty into the sea. This is because the sea is the lowest area on earth. Even if we look at it in terms of reality, the nature of water is to flow from a high place to a lower place.

Sea level is also often used as a benchmark for a place on land. This is because the sea is the lowest and flattest surface of the earth. Therefore, the height of a place on the surface of the plains will be more absolute when measured on the basis of sea level.

The Biggest Ocean in the World

The sea is a natural resource which, if we look at it, is indeed very broad in size. In fact, seas and oceans are the largest part of the earth’s surface. In addition, the sea can also be interpreted as a collection of salty water with an area that can cover about two-thirds of the earth’s surface area.

We are more familiar with the collection of several seas by the term ocean. Therefore compared to the sea, the ocean will have a wider size.

In this world there are many types of sea where each type of sea will have different sizes. In order for you to understand more about the list of the largest seas in the world, the explanation below can help.

  • South China Sea

The South China Sea is the largest sea in the world which occupies the first position. The South China Sea is more commonly referred to as the South China Sea. The South China Sea has an area of ​​around 2,974,615 square km.

Apart from being a coastal sea, the South China Sea is also part of the Pacific Ocean. The South China Sea is so large after the five oceans in the world.

Geographically, the South China Sea is a sea that stretches from the southwest to the northeast with the southern boundary between South Sumatra and Kalimantan or it can be called the Karimata Strait.

  • Caribbean Sea

The second position as the largest sea in the world is occupied by the Caribbean Sea. The area of ​​the Caribbean Sea itself is about 2,525,926 square kilometers. In addition, the Caribbean Sea is also a tropical sea which is located adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the southeast.

The Caribbean Sea also includes all the plates in the Caribbean. Like other types of oceans, the Caribbean Sea is also limited by several other areas. Some of the limitations that exist in the Caribbean Sea are as follows.

  1. Venezuela, Colombia and Panama are the southern limits of the Caribbean Sea.
  2. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize as well as Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula form the western boundary of the Caribbean Sea.
  3. The Greater Antilles, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico are the northern limits of the Caribbean Sea.
  4. As for the eastern boundary of the Caribbean Sea are the Lesser Antilles Islands.
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Please note that the Caribbean Sea has the deepest point in the Cayman Trench region which is between Cuba and Jamaica. While the depth it has is able to reach a size of 7,500 meters.

  • Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea has an area of ​​up to 2,506,696 square kilometers which makes it the third largest sea in the world. The Mediterranean Sea has other names such as the Mediterranean Sea.

The Mediterranean Sea is also an intercontinental sea between Europe, Asia and Africa. More precisely the Mediterranean Sea is to the north of the European Continent, east of the Asian Continent and south of the African Continent.

It should be noted that the Mediterranean Sea has an important history, that is, in the past, the Mediterranean Sea was a very busy trade route. From the Mediterranean Sea it is also possible for trade and cultural exchanges between the Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans to the Middle East.

Geographically the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar on the west. On the east it is connected with the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Black Sea through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus.

  • Bering Sea

The Bering Sea is a sea with an area of ​​about 2,261,070 square km. The Bering Sea is also part of the Pacific Ocean. The Bering Sea is an ocean consisting of very deep basins which then rise through narrow slopes. The Bering Sea is near the Gulf of Alaska but the two are separated by the Alaska Peninsula.

The Bering Sea has boundaries as described below.

  1. To the north of the Bering Sea will be bordered by the Arctic Ocean and the Chucki Sea. In addition, the two are also separated by the Bering Strait.
  2. To the south it is bordered by the Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands.
  3. To the east and northeast it will be bordered by Alaska.
  4. As for the western part, it will be bordered by Siberia and the Kamchatka Peninsula.

A history that is so famous discusses the Bering Sea. This is because many scientists believe that since the last ice age, sea level has become so low that humans and animals migrated on foot from Asia to North America, or what is now known as the Bering Strait.

This area is also often referred to as the Bering Bridge and it is from this route that some scientists believe that the first entry of humans to America was through this route. You could say that the Bering Sea has a very active ecosystem.

There are many animals and plants that live in the Bering Sea region. Even the Bering Sea is also home to several wildlife such as Bowhead Whales, Blue Whales, Sei Whales, Humpback Whales, Sperm Whales and North Pacific Whales which are the rarest whales in the world.

Apart from whales, the Bering Sea also has other animals such as walruses, Steller’s sea cows, beluga and polar bears. In fact, there are so many types of fish that live in the Bering Sea, ranging from 6 types of Pacific Salmon, Alaskan Pollock, Red King Crab, Pacific Cod, Pacific Halibut and Yellow Sole.

Several seabirds also live in the Bering Sea region such as Tufted Puffins, Short-tailed Albatrosses (endangered), and Red-footed Kittiwakes. Interestingly, the Bering Sea also has several islands around its territory.

Several islands and marine islands in the Bering Sea are the Pribilof Islands, Komandorski Islands, Bering Island, St. Lawrence, Diomede Islands, King Island, St. Matthew, Karaginsky Island and Nunivak Island.

Meanwhile, the Bering Sea region includes the Bering Strait, Bristol Bay, Anadyr Bay and Norton Sound. Recently, the climate in the Berang Sea has changed. This is due to changes in the North Pole area.

  • Mexican Sea

In fifth place is the Mexican Sea. This sea has an area of ​​about 1,507,639 square kilometers and is located near Mexico. In addition, the Mexico Sea is also included as part of the Caribbean Sea. It can be said that the Mexican Sea is one of the special seas in the world.

This is because the Mexican Sea has a natural phenomenon that is so rare and amazing. Where the Mexican Sea there is a river that is under the sea. This river was discovered by a diver named Jacques Yves Costeau who was conducting research on the seabed which was used as material in the Discovery Channel program.

At that time, the location used was the Mexican Sea or more precisely at Cenote Angelita. Before discovering the existence of a river under the Mexican Sea, Jacques was surprised by the existence of fresh water among the salty seawater.

Out of curiosity about this, he finally decided to dive even deeper and at a certain depth he found if there was a river flowing under the sea.

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The water that flows in the river is fresh water and around it is also overgrown with plants and trees. The researchers explained that this phenomenon is Hydrogen Sulfide.

  • Okhotsk Sea

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is one of the largest seas in the world with an area of ​​1,392,125 square km. Where the Sea of ​​Okhotsk borders the Pacific Ocean on the west. Then, in the east, it will be bordered by the Kamchatka Peninsula. The southeastern boundary of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the Kuril Islands and Hokkaido Island is the southern boundary of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Siberia is the northern boundary and Sakhalin Island is the boundary of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is in the Far Eastern Federal District and empties into the Sea of ​​Japan.

  • Sea of ​​Japan

Furthermore, there is the Sea of ​​Japan which has an area of ​​1,012,949 square kilometers. Because of its presence in the vicinity of Japan, this sea is named the Sea of ​​Japan and this sea is also named the East Sea.

The Sea of ​​Japan is a coastal sea in the western Pacific Ocean. In addition, the Sea of ​​Japan has fewer waves because it is surrounded by land. Judging from its geographical shape, the Sea of ​​Japan is surrounded by the Russian mainland and Sakhalin Island to the north. While in the west it is surrounded by mainland North Korea and South Korea. The east side of the Sea of ​​Japan is surrounded by the Japanese Islands such as the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu.

The average depth of the Sea of ​​Japan is around 1,752 meters and the deepest point of the sea can reach 3,742 meters below sea level. In addition, the depth is also located in the troughs.

The Sea of ​​Japan has three troughs such as the Yamato Trench which is to the southeast, the Japan Trench which is to the east and the Ulleung Trench which is to the southwest.

  • Hudson Sea

The Hudson Sea is at the forefront of being the largest sea in the world with an area of ​​around 730,121 square km. The Hudson Sea is a bay in eastern Canada. In the eastern part of the Hudson Sea it is connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson Strait. Meanwhile, the northern part of the Hudson Sea will be connected by the Foxe and Helca Straits.

  • East China Sea

The East China Sea occupies the ninth position. The East China Sea has an area of ​​around 664,594 square km. The East China Sea is known as the East China Sea. In addition, the East China Sea stretches to the east of China, connecting several areas such as Japan, Korea and parts of China’s east coast.

The East China Sea is also part of the Pacific Ocean. The existence of the East China Sea is limited by several countries. Starting from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. Meanwhile, in more detail related to the boundaries of the East China Sea, they are as follows.

  1. The eastern boundary of the East China Sea is Kyushu Island and the Ryukyu Islands.
  2. The southern boundary of the East China Sea is Taiwan.
  3. The western boundary of the East China Sea is mainland China and China.
  4. Meanwhile, the northern boundary of the East China Sea is the Yellow Sea.
  • Andaman Sea

The Andaman Sea is one of the largest seas in the world. The area of ​​the Andaman Sea itself is around 564,879 square kilometers. Then the existence of the Andaman Sea itself is located in several countries such as the southeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, western Myanmar and western Thailand.

In addition, the Andaman Sea is also included as part of the Indian Ocean. The Andaman Sea stretches for 1200 km from north to south and is about 650 km wide from east to west. The average depth of the Andaman Sea is about 870 meters. Meanwhile, the maximum depth of the Andaman Sea itself can reach 3,777 m.

So, those are some lists of the largest seas in the world that you can read in full. Where each sea has its own area and is bordered by certain areas. In addition, each sea has different characteristics. Get other interesting information only on the official sinaumedia.com website .

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Author: Hendrik


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