11 Miscellaneous Planet Saturn and Fun Fact Saturn

Saturn Fun Facts – In the solar system, we will get to know various planets other than Earth, one of the planets in the solar system which has its own characteristics is the planet Saturn. That’s right, planets have a characteristic in the form of a very unique shape or you could say it looks like a ring.

However, in fact, there are still many unique features of the planet Saturn that many people may not know about. Therefore, this article will discuss sundries, fun facts of Saturn. So, read this article, until it runs out, Sinaumed’s.

Planet Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system at a distance of 1.434 billion kilometers from the Sun. This planet has a diameter of 116,464 kilometers, then Saturn is included in the group of large planets and is the second largest planet in the solar system after Planet Jupiter. Several years later, astronomers from the Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands discovered a massive ring system with stars and planets inside.

Astronomers Eric Mamajek and Matthew Kenworthy also discovered a unique planet which was later called Super Saturn in 2012. Previously, astronomers had never detected a ring system outside the solar system. However, Mamanjek and Kenworthy studied exoplanets. In addition, they also study new planets or stars by monitoring them for a long time.

This finding itself originated from the observation of the star J1407. The astronomers who participated observed the unusual light display of an active series that lasted for two consecutive months. Data about this star itself was collected between 2005 and 2008. In mid-2007 the light curve continued to be strange.

Scientists found this star began to twinkle and twinkle. The astronomers who discovered the sparkling star in 2007 indicated that something was rotating around the star. This star is also surrounded by the planet J1407b. The research team also concluded that there is a plausible explanation for the presence of a large disk of rings that has then moved between the planet J1407b and the star J1407, blocking the star’s light.

This ring also starts at a distance of about 30 million kilometers from the planet and extends to a distance of 90 million kilometers. In addition, the rings are most likely also made of dust, because the planet J1407b is too hot. The temperature itself reaches around 1,000 to 2,000 degrees Celsius, so it is unlikely that these rings are made of ice like those orbiting Saturn.

Professor Kenworthy said that the planet is about 10 to 40 times the mass of Jupiter. This publication was made in 2015 and published in The Astrophysical Journal , Matthew A. Kenworthy and Eric E. Mamajek also provides new details about an exoplanet and its rings. They found that one revolution of the planet around its star also takes about a decade.

The ring system that surrounds J1407 also obscures the bright stars at the center. Not only that, J1407 also generates heat and light in the same way that the sun does for our world. However, the dusty ring that surrounds J1407 blocks nearly 95 percent of the light it emits.

Saturn is also famous for having large rings. Reporting from the nasa.gov page , Saturn is also referred to as The Jewel of the Solar System or the “Jewel of the Solar System”. Humans have been observing the planet Saturn for a long time. In fact, the first close observation was made on September 1, 1971 using the Pioneer 11 spacecraft flying near Planet Saturn.

Sundries, Fun Fact Saturn

Based on the observations that humans have made so far, many interesting facts have been found from the planet Saturn. What are these interesting facts? Here are some of them:

1. Is the Farthest Planet from Earth

The planet Saturn is one of the most distant planets that can be seen with the naked eye. Reporting from the space-facts.com page , this planet is also the fifth brightest object in the solar system. However, the rings are the most interesting part of the planet Saturn which will be more clearly seen through a telescope.

Although other planets also have rings, only Saturn’s rings can be seen from Earth, you know . Therefore, the planet Saturn is easily studied by researchers or solar system scientists. This planet is easy to study because we only need to prepare binoculars or a small telescope.

2. We Can’t Stand on the Planet Saturn

We also can’t stand on Planet Saturn like we can stand on Earth, you know . This is because the Earth has a solid surface, so we can stand on it. Meanwhile, the planet Saturn does not have a solid surface.

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The planet Saturn itself is mostly made of gas, namely hydrogen and helium (gases usually used to fill balloons). Reporting from the space.com page , this ringed planet is the least dense planet when compared to all the planets. Therefore, if it is likened to a bathtub that is large enough to accommodate it, then Planet Saturn will float on the water.

3. The planet Saturn is very windy

The planet Saturn is also very windy. Reporting from the nasa.gov page, wind speeds on this planet can reach 1,800 kilometers per hour or 1,118 miles per hour, pretty fast, right? On Earth alone, the fastest winds that exist reach only about 400 kilometers per hour or 250 miles per hour. The comparison is really far away, right?

4. The planet Saturn has a moon that might support life

The following sundries of Saturn’s fun facts is the fact that Planet Saturn has moons that might be able to support its life. Without the moon, the conditions of the planet Saturn itself cannot support life. However, some of Saturn’s moons have conditions that might support life.

Reporting from the space-facts.com page , one of the moons on the planet Saturn is named Titan because it has an atmosphere rich in the presence of complex and dense nitrogen. Most of Titan’s moon consists of water and rock. The planet’s surface is mostly frozen and has lakes of liquid methane with frozen nitrogen-covered landscapes. Planetary scientists regard Titan as a possible harbor for life, but not Earth-like life.

5. Planet Saturn is the flattest planet

The planet Saturn is also the flattest planet when compared to other planets in the solar system. Reporting from the space-facts.com page , the polar diameter of this planet is 90 percent of the diameter of its equator. This in itself can happen because there is a low density of Planet Saturn. In addition, this is also caused by the very fast rotation of the Planet Saturn.

6. The planet Saturn has a very short day and a very long year

The planet Saturn has a very fast rotation time. So, a day on the planet Saturn is only 10 hours 34 minutes, so based on Saturn’s rotation time, this planet has the second shortest day in the solar system. Meanwhile, the time it will spend circling the Sun once is very slow (revolution). A year on Saturn is only 29.4 Earth years.

Reporting from the space-facts.com page , its very slow motion against the background of stars has earned the planet Saturn the nickname “Lubadsagush” from ancient Assyria. As for the meaning is ‘oldest of the old’.

7. The planet Saturn has existed since ancient times

The planet Saturn has been known since ancient times. The planet Saturn has been known since technology has not experienced significant development. Reporting from the space-facts.com page, people in ancient times, including Babylonians and observers of the Middle East, were familiar with this planet which was named for the Roman god Saturn. Meanwhile, by the Greeks this planet was also known as Cronus.

8. The atmosphere of the planet Saturn is divided into bands of clouds

The atmosphere of the planet Saturn is divided into bands of clouds. Reporting from the space-facts.com page , the top layer on this planet is mostly ammonia ice. Then, at the bottom most of the cloud is ice and water. Then, underneath again is a layer of hydrogen ice mixed with cold sulfur.

9. The planet Saturn is a planet with a spectacular ring system

The planet Saturn has a spectacular ring system, because it is very beautiful and sturdy. The ring itself is made of chunks of ice, carbon dust, and is made of stone. Planet Saturn’s ring is also the widest ring in the solar system, you know.

Its rings extend over 120,700 kilometers of the planet. Even though it has a fairly large ring size, the ring is very thin. The thickness of the ring is only about 20 meters. The ring of the Planet Saturn itself was first seen by Galileo Galilei in 1610 and seen from his telescope, this ring looks more like a handle or an arm.

When scientists develop more sophisticated tools, the results of research on Saturn’s rings become more detailed. In addition, it was found that the planet Saturn actually has many rings made of billions of particles with sizes ranging from as small as sugar to as large as a house.

10. The planet Saturn has an oval-shaped storm

The planet Saturn also has an oval-shaped storm. Reporting from the space-facts.com page , this planet has an oval-shaped storm that is very similar to Planet Jupiter. The area around Saturn’s north pole also has a cloud pattern with a hexagonal shape.

Scientists then thought that this cloud pattern might be a wave pattern in the clouds above. Meanwhile, at the south pole of Planet Saturn, it also has a vortex that resembles a storm.

11. The Planet Saturn Has 150 Moons and Smaller Moonlets

The latest Saturn fun fact sundries is that Planet Saturn has 150 smaller moonlets. The planet Saturn also has the second most moons in the solar system after Planet Jupiter. As reported from the phys.org page , Planet Saturn also has at least 150 moons and moonlets with 53 months of which have been given official names.

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All the moons owned by Planet Saturn are frozen worlds. Most of them are small, like icy objects that are nothing more than part of the planet Saturn’s ring system. In fact, the nearly 34 moons that have been named have a diameter of less than 10 kilometers alone. Meanwhile, the other 14 months have a diameter of around 10-50 kilometers.

However, some of the moons in the outer area are among the largest in the solar system, which is around 250-5000 kilometers. The largest moons belonging to the planet Saturn include Titan and Rhea.

There are unique facts about Saturn’s moon. Reporting from the space-facts.com page , the planet’s sixth largest moon is called Enceladus and seems to have had an ocean beneath its frozen surface.

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Thus the discussion about sundries, Saturn fun facts that need to be known. Apparently, there are lots of interesting facts that Planet Saturn has. Hopefully this information can help you add to your insight.

If you want to find out more about the fun fact series of Saturn as well as information about the planets and the solar system through books, you can get these books at sinaumedia.com . To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.