Understanding of Justice as an Effort to Create Peace of Life

Definition of Fair – Justice is one of the things that must be realized in everyday life. Every human being must act fairly so as not to take away the rights of others. As a result, if other people’s rights are taken away, that person will be miserable and experience difficulties in living life.

Justice is the right of all living things. If this is not achieved then there will be inequality in life. This can pose a threat of even prolonged conflict.

The following will explain the concept of fairness to its benefits for life. The following explanation has been summarized from various pages on the internet.

Fair Definition

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), fair is interpreted as equal weight; not heavy-side; impartial; side with the right; stick to the truth; duly; not arbitrary.

In general, fair is interpreted as an attitude of being honest, impartial to certain parties and acting objectively based on general truth. In language, the word “fair” comes from Arabic which means in the middle, straight, honest, and sincere. In being fair, humans must always consider the rights and obligations of everyone.

For example, a job in a team is divided not evenly, but according to the limits of each ability. Simply put, tasks are divided equally, according to their respective portions.

Meanwhile, the purpose of doing justice is to create harmony and synergy in human life. Justice must be done to anyone, both to God, oneself, other people, other living things, and the universe.

If justice cannot be obtained by all people, there will be inequality and even climate damage. For example, development on the island of Java is very advanced, while in Papua or other small islands it is not carried out too massively.

Even in nature, humans often behave unfairly. For example by building tall buildings or other developments by ignoring natural conditions. The result is global warming and the climate crisis.

Goenawan Mohamad in his writing in Tempo on the “Single Notes” rubric said that development is only felt by some people. The sparkling lights and technological advances are only felt by some humans. However, all humans, whether rich or poor, are affected by bad consequences, one of which is disease.

Meanwhile, the terminology of justice in the Qur’an is mentioned in various terms. Among them are ‘adl, qisth, mizan, hiss, qasd, or variations of indirect expression, meanwhile, the terminology of injustice is zulm, itsm, dhalal, and others. The word “justice” is often mentioned in the Koran after the words “Allah” and “Knowledge”.

Broadly speaking, fairness is interpreted as a condition in which there is equal treatment before the law, equal rights to compensation, right to live properly, right to enjoy development and no parties are harmed and there is balance in every aspect of life.

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In Islam, justice is interpreted as not tyrannizing and not being wronged. In other Islamic treasures, the justice referred to is divine justice. This means that justice is inseparable from morality and is based on absolute values ​​revealed by God and human acceptance of these values ​​is an obligation.

Murtadha Mutahhari interprets justice as a state of balance. In a society there are various parts that lead to a certain goal. Therefore, there are many conditions. With the fulfillment of these conditions, the community group can survive and can give the desired influence from it, and can fulfill the tasks assigned to it.


Fair Types

In Islam, justice is grouped into several categories as follows.

  • Fair to Allah SWT by making_ him the only substance that is worshiped and obeyed by all His commands and stay away from His prohibitions.
  • Be fair to yourself by placing yourself in the right, good, and right way. Also be honest with yourself. Also, don’t hurt yourself, try to stay healthy, and fulfill your own needs both spiritually and physically.
  • Fair to other creatures and the environment. All God’s creatures must get justice without exception. As a human being who has lust, of course it is very difficult to hold back. One way to keep behaving fairly is by prioritizing the interests of many parties, including the environment, rather than following their own desires.
  • Fair to others. As social beings, humans need each other. Individually or in groups, humans must not take away the rights of other living things. The goal, so that each living creature can ensure the continuity of his life in peace.

Equitable Derivative Values ​​in Islam

The concept of justice is also contained in the Koran. In Islam what justice means is not tyrannical and not tyrannized. Therefore, fair can be derived to various derived values ​​as follows.

1. Compensation Equation

The compensation equation is the most commonly used sense of fairness. In this concept, justice is interpreted as someone who must provide commensurate compensation to other parties in accordance with the sacrifices that have been made.

It is this sacrifice that has been made that gives rise to the right of someone who has made the sacrifice to get a reward equal to the victim.

The following are fair terms according to Islam and the Koran.

Terms in the Koran Understanding According to Islam
‘adl · Equation of reply (Quantitative)

· Human Equality (Qualitative)

· Equality before the law and the law

· Truth, Honesty, Proportional

· Ransom and sanctification

qist · Fair distribution

· Act and behave fairly and proportionally

Qasd · Honesty and straightness

· Simplicity

· Economical

· Courage

Qawwam · Straightness

· Honesty

hiss · Fair distribution

· Clarity, brightness

Mizan · Balance

· Response equation

Wasat · Moderate

· Middle

Best, selected, commendable


2. Legal Equations

Legal equality implies that everyone must be treated equally before the law. There should be no discrimination against a person before the law on any basis.

In the economic context, everyone must be treated the same in every transaction activity. There is no reason to exaggerate the rights of one group over another just because of the different conditions of the two groups.

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3. Moderate

Moderate is interpreted as a middle position. Fair values ​​can be considered to have been applied when the person concerned is able to position himself in the middle position.

This gives an implication that someone must take a middle position. This means not making decisions that are too burdensome or lighten one party. For example in terms of compensation.

4. Proportional

Fair does not always mean equal rights. However, this right is adjusted to the size of each individual or proportional to the level of need, sacrifice, ability, responsibility or attribution given by someone.

Proportion is also related to income distribution. A distribution does not always have to be even. However, it is based on the size of each existing individual.

Example of Fair Deeds

Doing justice can be done from the smallest environment, such as family. Then, develop into a larger environment, such as schools, communities, and countries. Here are some examples of fair behavior as reported from the Lessons.co.id page.

  • Give pocket money to children according to their needs and portions.
  • Loves all family members impartially.
  • Carry out rights and obligations in any environment in a balanced manner.
  • Make friends and neighbors with anyone regardless of background.
  • Doing trade honestly is like not reducing the measure of the scales.
  • Trying a legal case with a wise attitude and the fairest decision possible.
  • Study hard, diligently, and diligently.
  • Help each other to all humans.
  • Diligent tithe and pay taxes to fulfill the rights of others.

Benefits of Behaving Fairly

Being fair provides benefits for anyone who goes through it. Launching from the Maxmanroe.com page, here are some fair benefits that can be felt by every individual who practices it.

1. Prevent Splits

Someone who behaves unfairly has the potential to divide an organization, community, and even a country. In particular, those in positions of authority must act fairly.

If a leader or role model cannot do justice, division will occur. When injustice arises, it will potentially cause resistance or rebellion from those who feel aggrieved. This will pose a threat of division within a community group.

2. Simplify All Affairs

Fair becomes one of the commendable attitudes and is included in the act of righteousness. Therefore, every human being who is fair will always be facilitated in all his affairs. Those who behave fairly will put all things in their portion without any irregularities or mistakes. Thus, the burden that must be carried is the same or does not carry the burden of others.

3. Minimizing Social Jealousy

Fair behavior can reduce social jealousy in society. They will easily realize their obligations and rights as humans. Thus, social life will be harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous. In fact, mutual trust will easily grow.