Definition of Alternative Energy and Its Sources and Benefits

Definition of Alternative Energy – Every human life cannot be separated from energy, so that in carrying out their daily activities, humans will always be side by side with energy. It is unimaginable how it would be if there was no energy in human life, most likely it would be very difficult for humans to maintain their lives. The relationship between humans has actually been going on for a long time, it’s just that the energy used by humans is always developing.

Basically, the energy used by humans has actually been provided by nature, so that humans themselves can get it directly. However, some energy requires more effort to obtain. In addition, not all energy in nature can be renewed or you could say that some energy has a limited lifespan, but there is also renewable energy.

Not only renewable and non-renewable energy, the energy used by humans must not be used excessively because it can damage natural conditions. If natural conditions start to break down, it will be difficult for humans to get maximum energy because the climate and weather are also changing. Deterioration of the earth’s condition can also cause the energy in the earth to decrease.

Therefore, along with the times, humans are starting to realize that excessive use or use of energy is not good, so energy use must be in moderation. Not only that, some people are starting to become aware of getting used to using alternative energy. This alternative energy can be used to fulfill daily activities. Even though it is only alternative energy, the quality of energy ii can be used optimally.

Alternative energy is often known as renewable energy. Basically this alternative energy serves to replace conventional fuels. Therefore, to obtain alternative energy, human intervention is needed so that renewable energy can be used optimally. So, to explore what alternative energy is and its benefits, Readers, you can read this article to the end.

Definition of Alternative Energy

Basically this alternative energy plays a very important role in the sustainability of humans and the earth. With the maximum use of alternative energy, the current condition of our earth can be felt by the next generation. However, it is very unfortunate that only a few people use alternative energy and more often use fossil energy, such as oil and coal to meet their daily needs.

Alternative energy is energy as a substitute for fossil fuel energy. This is in line with the definition of energy in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) alternative energy is energy that does not come from petroleum, for example hydropower, geothermal, nuclear, solar, wind, waves, biomass, natural gas, peat, coal, and natural gas.

Some people who are already aware of the dangers of non-renewable energy that can damage or disrupt the sustainability of the earth and humans, they are starting to abandon non-renewable energy. Quoted from the Encyclopedia Britannica that alternative energy sources are energy obtained through energy sources that are renewable (renewable), recoverable, or eternal. For example rivers, sea tides, biomass, biogas, sun, and river flow.

The Purpose of Forming Alternative Energy

Basically, the main purpose of creating alternative energy is to replace energy derived from fossil fuels. Therefore, alternative energy began to be developed by humans, either in groups of people or groups in the form of companies. The large number of people who are starting to develop alternative energy means that there are also more and more people who are aware of the dangers of non-renewable energy.

For some companies, the goal of making alternative energy is to make a profit because the alternative energy will be traded. In addition to getting profits, these companies have participated in preserving the environment.

For ordinary people, making alternative energy aims to keep the environment they live in to stay healthy. If the environment is healthy, then the people in that environment are also healthy too and the energy can be used continuously because it is renewable.

Alternative Energy Sources

1. Hot Sun

For human life solar energy is the most important energy. The existence of the sun on this earth is needed by humans, even plants and animals also need energy from the sun. Solar energy that has entered the earth must be returned again so that global warming does not occur. Global warming can occur due to activities that use non-renewable energy excessively.

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On the other hand, solar energy can be used as an alternative energy source so that the environment remains healthy and people will be more enthusiastic about living their lives. In addition, an environment will not be damaged quickly, so that the next generation can still feel the pleasures of life on earth.

2 Water

As many people know that water is needed by the human body because without water, we will experience dehydration. In addition, water can also be used to make alternative energy because it can replace fossil fuel energy. However, new water can be used as alternative energy as long as it is in large quantities. If it is still in small quantities, it will be difficult to make water as an alternative energy.

Several countries have started to develop water into electrical energy, even Indonesia already has dams that are large enough to be used as a source of electrical energy. If we can’t turn water into maximum electrical energy, then we can use just enough water.

3. Geothermal

The existence of geothermal occurs because of an event that is caused because there are many radioactive particles that come from inside the rock. For some people, they don’t know where the geothermal energy comes from. Geothermal comes from magma. Magma itself is an outer core of the earth made of rock with very hot temperatures.

The location of geothermal is at a depth of approximately 6,400 km from the earth’s surface. In addition, geothermal energy can be said to be energy that originates from within the earth. Even though geothermal energy is hot enough, it can still be used for renewable energy sources. In general, geothermal energy is used as energy to generate electricity through turbines.

4. Biomass

Biomass is a material obtained through plants or plants, either directly or indirectly and in large quantities can be used as energy. Sources of biomass do not only come from plants, but can also come from animal waste. Biomass is also known by another term, namely phytomass or natural resources. There are several things that fall into the category of biomass sources, such as water hyacinth, giant seaweed, sawdust, wood chips, rice husks, straw, kitchen waste, animal dung, and others.

These sources of biomass if left too long can cause more and more piles of waste, and can even cause global warming. Therefore, we can maximize the sources of biomass to be used as an alternative energy source or renewable energy. By using this biomass, human life will last longer because the environment will be healthy and not easily damaged.

5. Wind

Wind is a moving air caused by differences in pressure on the earth’s surface. The movement of wind from high areas to low areas, so that it can cause the air temperature in an area to be different. We can feel this difference in temperature at night and during the day.

Wind is very much needed in human life, even almost every activity carried out by humans requires wind. If the wind can be maximized properly, it can be used as an alternative energy source. Some countries have made wind an alternative energy source, such as the United States. In general, wind is used as an alternative source of electricity or often known as wind power generation.

6. Nuclear

The next alternative energy source is nuclear. Nuclear is a substance related to the nucleus or atomic energy. Some countries in the world, have used nuclear to serve as a renewable energy source. One country that has developed and used this energy source is Japan. This is done because nuclear can prevent the occurrence of the greenhouse effect, so that global warming can be prevented properly.

Nuclear energy is used as a source of electrical energy. There is no doubt about the ability of nuclear energy to convert it into electrical energy. This can be proven by 1 gram of radioactive substance can generate electrical energy of around 50 thousand kWh per hour.

Examples of Alternative Energy

1. Solar Panels

As many people already know, the sun is the main source of geothermal energy. Therefore, some of the energy sources that exist on earth come from the sun. The radiation emitted by the sun can actually be used as a source of electrical energy and heat energy. To convert solar radiation into electrical energy, usually the tool used is a solar panel.

Solar panels are able to convert solar radiation into electrical energy because they contain a series of photovoltaic cells or, if interpreted, are “electric light”. This alternative energy that comes from solar panels can be used in any object, such as electric boats, electric cars, electric lights, and so on. However, all of these objects must be placed with solar panels, if there is no solar panel, then solar energy cannot be converted into electrical energy.

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2. Windmills

As the name suggests, this tool can be used as alternative energy, namely converting wind energy into electrical energy or kinetic energy into mechanical energy. The windmill will be connected to a new generator engine that can be converted into electrical energy. In simple terms, the windmill will rotate, then the turbine or generator for electricity will move. After the generator is moving, the electrical energy can be used.

One country that has developed this wind energy is the Netherlands. The Netherlands has long been using windmills to get electricity. Therefore, the Netherlands is also known as the “country of windmills”.

3. Geothermal

Alternative energy derived from heat energy not only comes from solar heat, but geothermal energy can also be used as an alternative energy source. Geothermal or known as Geothermal can be used as electrical energy. Even research conducted in Iceland revealed that geothermal energy has the ability to multiply electrical energy up to ten times.

In simple terms, the workings of hot steam are converted into electrical energy, such as a source of hot steam originating from below the earth’s surface to be drilled, then the hot steam that comes out of the drilled hole is then filtered and used to drive a generator, so that electrical energy can be used.

4. Hydropower

After the example of alternative energy from wind, now is an example of alternative energy derived from water or known as hydropower . In this example you can see it in a reservoir that is directed through a water pipe to go to a turbine. After the turbine moves due to the abundant amount of water, it will produce electrical energy. Electrical energy with hydropower is also called a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA).

Several regions in Indonesia have used water energy to be converted into electrical energy through reservoirs, such as the Jatiluhur reservoir in Purwakarta, the Asahan reservoir in North Sumatra, the Saguling reservoir in the West Bandung area, and so on.

5. Biodiesel

Biodiesel is a fuel that can be used as a substitute for alternative energy. Biodiesel is derived from renewable sources, such as animal fat or vegetable oil. Biodiesel derived from vegetable oil will go through several processes, such as lipid transesterification. This process needs to be done to change the base oil into esters by removing free fatty acids.

After going through that process, biodiesel can be used as fuel. Basically the workings of biodiesel are almost the same as the workings of diesel derived from diesel (fossil fuel). If we frequently use biodiesel, then we have reduced the use of fossil fuels, so that we can also maintain environmental sustainability on earth and human health.

Benefits of Alternative Energy

Alternative energy has several benefits that can be felt, including:

1. Reducing Dependence on Fossil Fuel Energy

As previously discussed, if fossil fuel energy will run out in time and can damage the earth. What’s more, fossil fuel energy is overused. Therefore, by using alternative energy, we have reduced our dependence on fossil fuel energy, so that humans can feel a more beautiful environment.

2. Environmentally Friendly

The next benefit that can be felt when using alternative energy is that the quality of the environment will be maintained or you could say it doesn’t pollute the environment. This is because almost all alternative energy is environmentally friendly and does not produce excessive pollution.

3. No Scarcity Happens

Almost all alternative energy sources do not experience scarcity or can be renewed, so humans do not have to worry about running out of alternative energy sources. With these benefits, the economy can run well.

Conclus ion

It is time for alternative energy to be used by every human being. This needs to be done so that the earth’s condition is not quickly damaged, so that the next generation can live longer. Alternative energy or renewable energy is indeed very difficult to implement because almost all humans are used to using fossil fuel energy. To realize the importance of using alternative energy, we need to realize that alternative energy has many benefits in our daily lives.