Definition of Entrepreneurship, Purpose, Benefits, and Stages

Definition of Entrepreneurship – The term entrepreneurship is also known in Indonesian as entrepreneurship. In addition, the notion of entrepreneurship is also known as a term that has a meaning related to courage, creativity and innovation.

In general, entrepreneurship is also a process of applying innovation and creativity in creating something different that also has value and ability to face life’s challenges by seeing opportunities from various risks and uncertainties in order to achieve profit and growth.

To find out more clearly about entrepreneurship, then you can see this article, Readers. In this article, we will discuss entrepreneurship, starting from its meaning, goals, and benefits. So, read this article to the end, Readers.

Definition of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship and the word entrepreneurship itself basically comes from the French word entreprendre which means to do. Then, this term from French developed into entrepreneur or entrepreneur. Until finally the word developed again into the word entrepreneurship.

The word entrepreneurship itself also has an entrepreneurial concept which is of course identical with the creation of various new things in order to obtain various advantages. Therefore, it is not surprising that this concept is synonymous with the activity of opening your own business.

Definition of Entrepreneurship According to KBBI and Experts

1. Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship is about entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs or self-employed are people who are smart or talented in recognizing new products, determining new production methods, also arranging operations for procuring new products, marketing them, and managing their operating capital.

2. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

According to Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, entrepreneurship is a business that is carried out by someone based on creative and innovative treatment to then produce a work that has a sale value, with the aim of providing benefits to other people and being able to create jobs.

3. Siswanto Sudomo

Siswanto Sudomo said that the notion of entrepreneurship is everything that is closely related to an entrepreneur who has an attitude of wanting to work hard and make sacrifices, dares to do everything in his power and effort, and dares to take all risks to then realize his ideas and ideas.

4. Hermawan Kartajaya

Hermawan Kartajaya then explained that the notion of entrepreneurship is an attempt to create value through observing a business opportunity, by managing risks that may arise as well as skills in communicating and mobilizing existing resources, especially human resources so that they can create something. which produce.

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5. Abu Marlo

Abu Marlo in the book Entrepreneurship Hukum Langit (2013) then explains that entrepreneurship is a person’s ability to then be sensitive to opportunities and take advantage of these opportunities to then make changes from the existing system. In the world of entrepreneurship, opportunities to realize or carry out a business must still take into account the risks faced.

6. Robbin & Coulter

Robbin & Coulter himself explains that entrepreneurship is a process in which a person or a group of individuals uses organized efforts & means to then seek opportunities and create a value that grows by fulfilling needs and desires through innovation and uniqueness, regardless of any resources. currently in use.

Entrepreneurial Goals

When playing a business, when an entrepreneur then makes a plan, he must have a goal. As for some of the goals of entrepreneurship itself are as follows:

1. Supporting the Emergence of Small Businesses

An entrepreneurial activity then emerges, it must involve many people to support the running of a business. The involvement of human resources, may then be acknowledged directly or indirectly, will form new characters as business actors.

During this pandemic, many economic sectors then stopped, so that many human resources lost their source of income. Currently, what is needed is an entrepreneurial activity that side with the people’s economy. If these people’s economic activities are then fully supported, then new jobs will also be opened, and the people’s economy will also be helped.

2. Community Welfare

The sluggish economy has lifted due to the pandemic, which has also resulted in an increase in the poverty rate in a society. However, with the existence of several economic activities that run through entrepreneurship, it is then expected to be able to provide support for the national economy, so that the poverty rate can be reduced.

3. Fostering the Spirit of Innovation

The next goal of entrepreneurship is to foster a passion for innovation. That way, the business that is being undertaken can continue to grow because it is able to keep up with the times.

Entrepreneurial Benefits

Entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship, according to Zimmerer there are several benefits of entrepreneurship including:

1. Provides an opportunity to control one’s own destiny

In this case, it can be interpreted that you can then own or lead a company with freedom and opportunities for entrepreneurs to then achieve important goals for them.

2. Provide opportunities to make changes

With more and more entrepreneurs starting businesses because they see an opportunity to be able to make changes that they think are important. Entrepreneurs also have many ways to express concern for social issues and have a desire to live a better life.

3. Provide opportunities to reach their full potential

For entrepreneurs there is not much difference between work and play, both are the same. They also know that the limit to their success is all that is set by their own creativity, enthusiasm and vision.

4. Providing opportunities to gain unlimited profits

Even though money does not have the main driving force for entrepreneurs, profits from business can be said to be an important motivating factor for starting a company.

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5. Providing opportunities to play a role in society and get recognition for their efforts

These business owners love the trust and recognition they then receive from customers who have served them faithfully. The important role played in a local environment and awareness actually has a considerable influence on the community environment. In fact, entrepreneurship can play a role in society and its business is more easily recognized by the public.

6. Provide opportunities to do something you like and enjoy doing it

Most entrepreneurs then succeed in choosing a particular business, because they are then interested and like the job. This can be interpreted as a hobby can also be used as a job.

Stages of Becoming Entrepreneurship

The entrepreneurship process begins with an axiom, namely the existence of a challenge, from this challenge then comes the idea, willingness and encouragement to take the initiative, which is nothing but creative thinking and innovative action so that the challenge is overcome and solved. According to Suryana (2006), the stages or steps of entrepreneurship in a person are as follows:

1. The starting stage

The stage where someone then intends to do business, should start with preparing everything needed. In addition, starting with seeing new business challenges and opportunities and continuing with the possibility and desire to open a new business. This stage also selects the type of business that will then be carried out whether in agriculture, industry, or services or other businesses.

2. The stage of carrying out the business

In this stage an entrepreneur then manages various aspects related to his business, covering several aspects, namely:

  • Running a business
  • Financing
  • HR
  • Ownership
  • Organization
  • Leadership which includes how to take risks and make decisions, marketing, and in evaluating.

3. The stage of maintaining the business

The stage of maintaining a business can be interpreted as the stage of an entrepreneur in conducting analysis and also being able to overcome the problems being faced, such as challenges, obstacles, and so on. In this way, the ongoing effort can be maintained.

4. Business development stage

This stage is where the entrepreneur has succeeded in going through various problems in his business. In addition, at this stage too, entrepreneurship can develop its business. As for how to develop this business, you can start by increasing relationships, updating methods and systems, updating the products produced, enlarging and expanding the business, adding quality, adding services, adding manpower.

In fact, you could say that at this stage, entrepreneurs can then make long-term economic contributions to humans, nature and the environment. The benefits of developing this business can then be obtained clearly, regarding the contribution to employment problems, namely there will be an additional workforce.

Those are the four stages to become an entrepreneur. Of the four stages are certainly very difficult to achieve. Therefore, never give up and continue to believe in doing entrepreneurship because in the future, you may become the leader of a business.


Basically entrepreneurship is an activity in building a business. In building a business, this can not be done just like that. In other words, it must take time for the business that is built to be successful. Even though it is difficult, but if it is done with full sincerity, then the business that you are doing can grow.

If your business has grown, it is possible to open a branch. Even so, the business that has been built must also be maintained properly so that it does not just collapse. Thus the discussion about the meaning of entrepreneurship to its benefits and also the stages. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for Readers.