What is Visionary? These are the characteristics and characteristics of people who have them

What is Visionary? These are the characteristics and characteristics of people who have them – Sinaumed’s, are you a visionary person? Or are you the one who runs things according to what’s going on? Many people formulate in advance what they will do. besides being more organized, it will also make it easier for you to achieve your goals. But what does visionary mean? This article will discuss the definition of visionary, visionary characteristics, and characteristics of visionaries.

Definition of Visionary

Visionary words usually refer to a leadership style that is applied by someone. They see a vision for the future and take the right steps to make it happen. Visionary leadership means the ability to lead by creating, communicating, formulating, socializing and implementing something. It is in the form of ideal thoughts. This thought comes from himself or is the result of social interaction between fellow members or his team.

Someone who leads who applies a visionary way will always see what potential a company or organization might have. He will see something that no one else can see. After seeing that potential, then he will create a brilliant idea. These ideas are ideas that allow the company to compete with various competitors.

Things like that are believed to be able to achieve the goals of the organization in the future. However, of course such ideals must be through support and a commitment from each member. So that the goals can be achieved properly.

According to experts

1. Danim and Suparno

Danim and Suparno (2012:6) state that a vision is more than just an idea or picture of a better future for an organization. A true vision is a powerful idea. This power is urgent, namely the start of the future by relying on an ability and skill.

In addition, talent and natural resources are also needed to make it happen. Personally, visionary humans will be able to give birth to ideas that have influence. Besides being influential, these ideas can also inspire creative people to turn educational ideas into something real.

Talented and policy-making people will always want to be among leaders who have actions that show them how things are going. This is realized by providing a vision of how a better tomorrow will be.

2. Bush and Coleman

Bush and Coleman also expressed their opinion on what is visionary. According to Bush and Coleman (2008:36), vision is a chosen future, a desired state to be experienced. Vision is an expression of optimism towards the environment. The environment can be bureaucratic or non-bureaucratic.

3. Sinamo and Santosa

Sinamo and Santosa (2012:217) also gave their opinion. According to them, vision is a tool in the hands of a leader. This is useful in order to be able to forge alliances and to form alignment of goals through all of its constituents, like a vector that has the same direction to reach its target. Visionary leaders will clearly be more able or able to empower all of their constituents.

The visions expressed by these experts are believed to be able to help a leader to focus an energy so that the organization can succeed. Based on the visionary understandings of the experts, conclusions can be drawn. Visionary is an idea and an innovation that is carried out or planned for the future. These ideas or innovations are designed to make an organization or company even better. In addition, in order to achieve its goals properly.

Characteristics of Visionary People

1. Be responsible

Having a high sense of responsibility is part of someone who is visionary. Every step taken and the methods used to make it happen must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility that is embedded in him. When he gets a challenge, he will give full responsibility for what is being done.

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This is intended so that these challenges can be passed smoothly. In addition, this is also for the sake of realizing ideas or ideas that have been planned from the start. Responsibility is something that needs to be instilled in visionary people.

2. Dare to take risks

Every time you make a decision, there must be a risk behind it. Likewise when making an idea or ideas. Risk will always be behind the idea or ideas that will be made. A visionary person will always dare to take all the possibilities and risks that will occur.

That’s because every change made certainly has a risk that must always be accepted and faced. If someone who is visionary does not dare to take risks, then the ideas or ideas that have been created will be in vain. It will not be carried out properly and may even fail to be carried out.

3. Optimistic

Optimism is a trait that is always inherent in someone who is visionary. Sometimes, someone who is visionary will assume that all the ideas and ideas that have been created will run smoothly. All problems will be passed well.

That’s what makes him automatically optimistic. However, this feeling of optimism is not something bad. The feeling of optimism that we have can be transmitted to the surrounding environment so that we can both be optimistic.

4. Be consistent

If you consistently carry out what has been planned, then the goals to be achieved will go well. Consistency is an attitude that doesn’t change and stays on what is being done. Through strong consistency, all the ideas that have been created will feel much lighter. This consistent attitude is one of the attitudes possessed by visionary people.

5. Honest and what it is

A visionary person must have integrity. Integrity is a trait, quality or condition that shows a complete unity so that it has the potential and ability to radiate authority, one of which is honesty. Someone who is visionary will put forward an honesty. They will do what they say. And stick to what has been said.

Telling the truth and acting as it is is a form of explanation, that we are people who are always open. Other people will see that we are not covering up the real condition because we act as it is. Such things are the attitude of a visionary.

Characteristics of a Visionary Person

1. Smart to have a good relationship

Having good relationships is one of the characteristics of a visionary person. Establishing a good relationship must start from now. Establishing good relations with various parties will also be beneficial. These benefits can be felt for yourself and for the company.

Building a trust between various parties will help make it easier to realize the vision that has been determined. When we have gained trust, it will be easier for us to explore what people really need most. Needs that make life easier.

2. Can build a value

Building and forming a value is also a characteristic of someone who is visionary. A visionary person must be able to give confidence to the people who will work with him or his company. Must be able to convince that working with us is not wrong.

In addition, there must also be beliefs and evidence that make others feel that they benefit from working with us. Instilling values ​​that benefit both parties is one of the things that is needed between the company and its members.

3. Able to overcome obstacles

Obstacles are something that will definitely always be in business. Various obstacles will be passed on the way to a good goal. Someone who is visionary can certainly overcome the obstacles that might be passed. Obstacles can be likened to a friend for them. If you think obstacles are friends, then obstacles will be easy to overcome.

A visionary leader will work closely with his team in solving obstacles. They will devise ways so that obstacles can be resolved properly. In fact, they will come up with ideas or other ways so that these obstacles don’t happen again in the future.

4. Can think critically

Critical thinking is also one of the characteristics of a visionary person. Critical thinking is an ability to think clearly and rationally. Thinking about what to do, or what to believe. Critical thinking is a process, in which a person must be able to make logical or reasonable judgments. In addition, someone who thinks critically must think carefully.

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Critical thinking will help someone become more visionary. Someone who thinks critically will be more open-minded . Will see everything from various directions and the various possibilities that exist. This will cause a wider viewing angle.

5. Can think dynamically

Visionary people also tend to think dynamically. Dynamic thinking is thinking confidently. Someone who thinks dynamically will pursue various goals that have been set with enthusiasm. They will really love a variety of challenges.

Dynamic thinking makes them always accept arguments objectively. Other than that, discussions are a huge favorite. Dynamic thinking is thinking that has been embedded in the minds of visionary people.

6. Able to perform risk management

Someone who is visionary will be able to carry out risk management. That’s because they have thought of everything with mature thoughts. Risk management is a process that requires us to identify and analyze an event. After that, an evaluation and control of something is carried out.

The next step is to prevent something bad from happening again. As well as minimizing the possibility of bad happening. In fact, if necessary, it will take steps to eliminate risks that are difficult to accept. This risk management will help the team and the company if they experience a problem that causes a loss.

7. Have a systematic plan

A visionary person must have prepared a plan and goals for the future. Before that, of course, it must be accompanied by a clear understanding of the reasons for making these goals. Making something within his means was also a more convenient thing.

When carrying out planning , do not demand to be successful at certain times. Doing it little by little will be more effective. In addition, it will make the goal easier to achieve.

8. Have investment savings

Having savings is one of the things that visionary people often do, this is because they understand the possibilities of a financial crisis that could happen to anyone at any time.

According to him, saving in large or small amounts but regularly is a good thing. This will help to avoid bad luck that could happen. Visionary people don’t just prepare something or an idea about their life path. But also financial problems that do not forget to be prepared.

9. Help others develop

Success is a result of efforts that are always done. However, behind that success there must be people who are also involved in it. The people who help are also definitely doing something well.

Someone who is visionary will certainly help the people beside him to develop. This is also done to help expedite ideas or ideas. Ensuring everyone is working on their respective duties is also something that needs to be done.

10. Focus on results

Focus on results is a hallmark of a visionary person. How do you make what you do work well? There are many possible answers to this question. Visionary people always focus on the results they want to get. Visionary people will show that focusing on results is the most important thing.

11. To inspire or motivate

Motivation and inspiration is one of the keys to one’s success. Directing someone to be better is also one of the steps needed to achieve the goals that have been set. Some people usually spend time directly involved in what their team is doing.

They share their tips and visions for creating an enthusiastic situation. So that commitment within the team will be maintained. This small step can be an inspiration and motivation for the team. In addition, positive things like this will encourage the team to be even better.

12. Likes to experiment

Experimenting is something that visionary people often do. For them, experimentation is the thing that needs to be done. Experimenting will make them know how strong the idea or ideas that will be formulated.

In addition, experimenting will also make them know how far ideas or ideas can be implemented. Also through experimentation, visionary people can recreate new ideas or ideas. These new ideas or ideas can be used for the future.

Of course the experiments carried out must be in accordance with the objectives to be applied. Even though they like to experiment, what they do is still considered how the results will be. A visionary person will not immediately experiment without careful planning.

Those are some information about visionaries. Being a visionary person does require all preparations. However, people who have a vision will find it easier to achieve their goals.