What is Tipsy? and How to Get Rid of Tipsy

Tipsy Is –  The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages is a health problem in Indonesia. In fact, the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) published by the Ministry of Health stated that 3.3% of Indonesia’s population aged >10 years consumed alcohol.

Meanwhile, the proportion of excessive alcohol consumption occurs in the age range > 10 years, namely 0.8% of the entire population in Indonesia. In fact, when someone consumes alcoholic beverages, it will enter the bloodstream which can then have an impact on brain and body functions.

During the drunken phase of alcohol, there is a phase known as tipsy. On this occasion, we will discuss more about tipsy. To find out more about tipsy and how to get rid of them, then you can read this article to the end. However, before discussing this, we will first discuss the characteristics of drunkenness.

Characteristics of a Drunk Person

To find out if someone who drinks alcohol is drunk or not, then you need to know the following characteristics.

  1. Difficulty in making decisions or digesting information
  2. Decreased coordination
  3. Heart rate and breathing slow down
  4. Impaired vision
  5. Feeling very sleepy
  6. Lose balance
  7. But the speed of people who start getting drunk is certainly different.

In addition, there are several factors that can influence a person to get drunk easily when drinking alcohol, including:

  1. Age
  2. Body shape
  3. alcohol tolerance
  4. Gender

Things You Feel When Tipsy

Being drunk or tipsy then becomes the first sign that the alcohol you drink is having an effect on the body. In general, a person then begins to feel drunk after consuming 2 to 3 alcoholic drinks within an hour.

This hangover also begins when alcohol then enters the body’s bloodstream and begins to affect the functioning of the brain and body. Blood alcohol content (Blood Alcohol Content/BAC) is a unit used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream.

When someone is tipsy, they will usually feel a number of things, including:

  1. Look more talkative and become more confident.
  2. Tend to be more daring in taking risks
  3. His motor responses began to slow down
  4. Has a shorter attention span and poor short term memory
  5. Have a greater risk of injury due to being less focused.

Phases of Alcohol Intoxication Levels

If you consume excessive alcohol, your body’s functions will then run more slowly. Tipsy itself can be regarded as an early sign of alcohol starting to affect the body.

Generally, someone who will then start to feel tipsy after he consumes 2-3 types of liquor within an hour. However, everyone’s alcohol tolerance level is certainly different. The more alcohol you drink, the stronger the impact on the body will be.

A very severe level of alcohol intoxication is also very dangerous because it can cause seizures, vomiting, dehydration, acute kidney failure, injury, coma, which can result in death.

This level is then assessed from the blood alcohol content (BAC), which is the unit used to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream. For more details, here are the levels of alcohol intoxication.

1. Conscious (Sobriety)

A person who is in a state of sober or very lightly affected by alcohol consumes only one alcoholic drink in a period of one hour. The blood alcohol level is only around 0.01-0.05%. At this level, a person then still feels like himself.

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2. Euphoria/Tipsy

Tipsy is an early sign when alcohol is starting to have an effect on the body. Women and men have different tolerances for alcohol, including when they start to feel tipsy. For example, men start to feel tipsy after consuming 2-3 types of alcoholic drinks in one hour, women will feel tipsy after consuming only 1-2 types.

The BAC level in this phase is 0.03-0.12%. When someone is tipsy, they feel more confident and talk to them more. In addition, tipsy people also become more willing to take risks even though their motor responses are slower. Furthermore, tipsy people then have a shorter focus span and memory.

3. Excitement

The next level of alcohol intoxication is excitement when they have consumed 3-5 drinks (for men) and 2-4 drinks (for women) within one hour. Class B drinks with 5% -20% alcohol will then trigger someone to get drunk. The BAC level in this stage is around 0.09-0.25%. This is the phase when someone is said to be drunk. Characteristics of a drunk person include:

Usually, you will be fully sober more than 18 hours after people feel drunk. Drinking alcohol will also increase a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA. Then, GABA will then suppress the central nervous system, so you can get drunk. This is also explained in research published in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.

4. Confusion

Consuming more than 5 drinks (for men) and 4 drinks (for women) within one hour will then cause someone to enter the confusion stage or heavy drunkenness due to confusion. BAC levels in this stage itself is 0.18-0.30%. Characteristics at this level of intoxication include:

  1. Difficulty standing and walking
  2. Overflowing emotions
  3. Feeling very confused about what happened
  4. Vulnerable to loss of consciousness
  5. Cannot feel pain so the risk of injury is high

5. Stupor

The next phase is to make a person no longer able to respond to what is happening around him. It is impossible for a person in the stupor stage to stand or even walk. At this stage someone who is drunk can then pass out, have seizures, or even have pale and bluish skin.

Furthermore, in this phase with a BAC level of 0.25-0.40%, a person can no longer breathe normally. Not only that, the gag reflex or gag reflex also won’t work optimally, so it’s very dangerous if you suddenly choke on your own vomit. At this stage you can say it is the level of intoxication where a person needs emergency medical treatment.

6. Coma

A more severe degree of alcohol intoxication is coma, which occurs when the body’s functions are too slow. A person is then at risk of death at this stage. It is very important to provide emergency medical attention when the blood alcohol level reaches 0.35-0.45%.

7. Death

When blood alcohol levels are higher than 0.45%, a person can die. If you have penetrated this stage, then the consumption of alcohol will then be too much, so that the body can no longer be able to tolerate it. The side effects of excessive drunkenness can also have a negative impact on the body. In people who are drunk and under the influence of alcohol, their bodies experience the following conditions:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Becoming too frequent urination
  3. Diarrhea, and sweating
  4. Indigestion
  5. Blood sugar drops
  6. Disturbed sleep time

Groups of People Prohibited from Drinking Alcohol

In order not to be tipsy or cause dangerous health conditions, there are some people who cannot drink alcohol, including:

  1. Younger than 21 years old.
  2. Pregnant or may be pregnant.
  3. Driving, or planning to drive, or participating in other activities that then require skill, coordination, and alertness.
  4. Taking certain prescription or over-the-counter medications which can then interact with alcohol.
  5. Suffer from certain medical conditions.
  6. Recovering from alcohol addiction or unable to control the amount they drink.
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How to get rid of Tipsy

There are several ways to get rid of tipsy, including:

1. Drink Coconut Water

By drinking coconut water, the tipsy that is being felt can be reduced. This can happen because coconut water contains electrolytes and potassium.

2. Chew Ginger

By chewing ginger, you can reduce nausea caused by alcoholic beverages.

3. Taking Aspirin Drugs

The second way that can be done to get rid of tipsy is to take aspirin. However, you also need to remember that this drug should not be consumed in excess.

3. Drink Mineral Water

The third way that can be done to get rid of tipsy is to drink mineral water. By drinking mineral water, body fluids can be replaced, so that the feeling of dizziness is reduced.

4. Don’t forget to eat

The next step that can be taken to get rid of tipsy is to always try to eat snacks or small snacks to help improve blood flow.

Health Risks Due to Tipsy

There are several health risks caused by tipsy, including:

1. Heart Damage

Excessive alcohol consumption weakens the heart muscle. As a result, blood flow throughout the body also becomes disrupted. Alcohol will also cause cardiomyopathy which is characterized by shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), fatigue, and persistent coughing. Not only that, alcohol will also increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension.

2. Inflammation of the Pancreas (Pancreatitis)

Too much alcohol in the body will then make the pancreas experience a buildup of enzymes. This excessive buildup of enzymes in the pancreas will eventually cause inflammation or what is called pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis is generally characterized by various symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, diarrhea, and fever. If left unchecked and the habit of drinking alcohol is not stopped, it is not impossible that someone’s life will be threatened.

3. Liver Damage

The liver functions to filter out toxins and unused waste so they don’t accumulate in the body. However, excessive consumption of liquor will slow down the work of the liver, causing liver disorders.

About one in three cases of liver transplantation in the United States originates from liver disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, cirrhosis of the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption is also the 12th leading cause of death in America in 2009.

4. Kidney Damage

The diuretic effect of alcohol can also increase the amount of urine produced by the body. As a result, it becomes difficult for the kidneys to regulate the flow of urine and body fluids, including the distribution of sodium, potassium and chloride ions throughout the body. This condition will then disrupt the electrolyte balance in the body which will cause the body to become dehydrated.

5. Anxiety Disorders

Drinking alcoholic beverages can also be an escape to help a person feel more comfortable. Unfortunately this effect then only lasts a moment. As already mentioned, the relaxing effect that comes after drinking alcohol wears off quickly.

Because of this, he will continue to rely on alcohol to help cover up his anxiety and then make his alcohol tolerance increase and he will need to drink even more to feel the same effects. However, without realizing it, the effect of a hangover will actually make these anxiety symptoms worse.


From all the explanations above, it can be said that tipsy is one of the levels of the drunken phase. Therefore, when you are experiencing tipsy, you should stop drinking alcohol. Thus the discussion about tipsy, hopefully all the discussion above adds to Sinaumed’s’ insight.