Research Object: Definition, Types, Principles, and How to Determine It

The object of research is often referred to as something that will be analyzed, researched, and researched. The term can arise because something to be studied has the same meaning as the object of research. The object of research itself can be a work or an event that happened, it can even be the result of an interview or survey.

Determining the right object in a research will also help expedite the research activity. In addition, the right research object can also produce research or research results that are very good and useful for readers.

However, in determining the object of research still have to adjust to the needs of researchers. In Indonesia, most are dominated by research or research conducted by lecturers, but a small number have also conducted research or research. Therefore, it can be said that research is often carried out at the higher education level.

In determining the object, a researcher must also know about the meaning of the object. Then, have you understood how to determine an object in research activities? See a more complete explanation of the object of research as follows.

Definition of Research Object According to Experts

The first thing that needs to be understood about the object of research is its meaning. By understanding the meaning of the object of research, it will be easier to determine the object of research. The understanding of an object of research is then conveyed by a number of experts and the following are some of them.

1. Sugiyono (2014: 20)

The first opinion regarding the meaning of the research object used in a research was conveyed by Sugiyono. Sugiyono explained that an object of research in research is an attribute or nature and value of people, objects or activities with a certain variation and determined by the researcher to be studied and conclusions drawn.

The object of research in a research itself can be the nature of a person or group of people. Then found problems or views from groups of people that need to be investigated more deeply. From the problems that have been found, then look for the causes or to find suggestions for the problems they face.

Variations regarding an object in research are compiled and determined personally by researchers. The purpose of preparing research objects is so that research can be carried out by focusing more on one problem. That way, research can be carried out in more detail and more complex because it only focuses on one research object.

2. Supriati (2012: 38)

While the second opinion regarding the meaning of the object of this research was conveyed by Supriati. Supriati herself thinks that the object of research is a variable that will be researched or researched by researchers who are carried out at the research site. Therefore, researchers need to determine one variable and then do research on the object that has been determined previously.

This variable itself can be interpreted as a problem that needs to find a solution as the goal of the research to be carried out. Therefore, it can be said that this variable will then be closely related to the object itself. Research results in the form of a solution or a new technology will be of direct benefit to the object under study.

3. Iwan Satibi (2017: 74)

This third opinion was also conveyed by Iwan Satibi. Iwan Satibi explained that the object of research is an activity that aims to map or describe research or research objectives or research in a comprehensive manner. In this case, matters relating to the comprehensive, such as the origin of a region, the duties and functions of each, and related to the characteristics of the region.

In addition, in practice in the field, the object used in a research itself includes not only people in an environment, but also all the factors that influence the object in the research. For example, the condition of the surrounding environment, the economic aspects of the community, and so on, all research objects should be adapted to various research needs.

4. Suharsimi Arikunto (2010: 29)

The last is the opinion expressed by Suharsimi Arikunto. According to him, the object of research is something that is part of the core problems in a study. Suharsimi also mentioned that objects in research can also be referred to as research variables.

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The purpose of this problematic core is basically an object to be used in research or it can also be the center of the problem found by the researcher which will then be analyzed and researched. Without an object of research, the topic of research problems or research will not just appear.

Based on the understanding of the research object that has been conveyed by the experts above, it can be said that the research object is a scientific goal aimed at obtaining valid data and finding solutions to a topic problem. In addition, choosing the right research object will make it easier for the writer to determine what will be discussed in a study.

Kinds of Research Objects

After understanding the meaning of the research object, the next discussion is to find out the various types of research objects. In general, in research activities, research objects are divided into two, namely primary research objects and secondary research objects. Here’s the full explanation.

1. Primary Research Object

The first type of research object is the primary research object. Primary research object is an object that will be used in research that comes from the first source. In this case, the first source can be interpreted as taking data directly from the source.

For example, when conducting research in village A, the researcher can then conduct various interviews with the village head in village A, and this village head can then be obtained directly. That way, it does not go through various third-party intermediaries, and is processed by the researchers themselves.

This data is then filtered and data is taken if it is really needed to support the research. Even so, basically, not all interview results will produce the data needed in the research, so researchers must choose the right sources.

2. Secondary Research Objects

The next type of research object is secondary research object. Secondary research objects are data obtained from objects which are secondary sources. The difference between the primary and secondary research objects lies in the method of obtaining the data.

For example, if researchers are going to take data from monthly reports, annual reports, and news published in newspapers related to village A, then the data obtained is an object of secondary research.

Research Object Principles

In discussing an aspect of the object of research in research activities, it is also necessary to know the principle of the object of research. You also need to understand the principles in the object of research, including:

1. Digital Identity

The first principle is digital identity, which can be interpreted as the process of building a digital identity. For example, on a profile in a media or on a platform that is commonly used in a research activity.

This principle itself aims to perform unique identification. Identification here itself is useful for facilitating various data processing processes and knowing where it has gone and by which party. For example, there is a DOI statement which is then intended for the publication process of research data. Then there is also the Orchid ID which is intended for the researcher himself.

2. Data Aggregation

The second principle in determining and processing data from research objects is data aggregation. This data aggregation itself is needed for a broader study, where researchers then need more data and studied in more depth.

This data aggregation process will also assist researchers in obtaining all the data needed. In fact, this process can simultaneously ensure credible and appropriate data to be used as research data, so that invalid data is not obtained. Because, invalid data will affect the validity of the research results themselves.

3. Annotations

The principle of the last research object is the annotation. This annotation has the function of providing additional metadata. In this case, all the metadata that has been obtained relates to the research to be carried out. That way, metadata can support the success of a research that has been done, and research results can provide a solution to a problem and be of benefit to the wider community.

How to Determine the Research Object

In conducting research, determining the object of research can be regarded as an important thing to do. This is because the object of research can facilitate research in completing research. In addition, the research results become more accurate.

There are many methods that can be used to determine the object of research, one of which is the SMART method. SMART stands for Specific or Specific, Measurable or Measurable, Achievable or possible to achieve, Realistic or Realistic, and Time or within a certain period of time. Here’s a detailed explanation:

1. Specific

The first is specific, in this step the researcher must look for a specific problem topic. That way, the object of research will become clearer, so that the direction of the research becomes clear too.

For example, researchers want to discuss community education, to be more specific, people who drop out of school are chosen. That way, researchers do not need to look for research data from all regions in Indonesia.

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2. Scalable

Furthermore, measurable, which means that all data from a research object will then be measured to make it easier for researchers to achieve research goals. For example, data in the form of numbers, obtained from the results of values ​​and reports in a numerical form. This data is then easily processed and calculated by the researcher, so that the research data becomes more valid.

3. What Can Be Achieved

The third method of determining the object of research is knowing the objectives to be achieved in a study. By knowing this, the object of research can be found easily and full of confidence. In fact, by knowing this, it will be easy for researchers to determine what efforts need to be made to complete their research.

4. Realistic

How to determine the fourth object of research is realistic. In this case realistic can be interpreted as a researcher who must be able to determine research objectives that are in accordance with the existing reality.

5. Timeframe

The last step in determining the object of research is the time period. In other words, researchers must be able to determine when research can be completed. With that timeframe, research can be completed on time and get maximum results.
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